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The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Haileybury College

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823779The Encyclopedia Americana — Haileybury College

HAILEYBURY COLLEGE, England, an institution at Hailey, near Hertford 20 miles north of London, founded by the East India Company in 1806, as a training school for admittance to the service of the company. It attained a high reputation, and numbered among its former pupils the most distinguished names connected with the Indian administration of the 19th century and among its teachers such names as Malthus, Sir James Stephen and Sir James Mackintosh. After the Indian Mutiny of 1857-58, and the government reorganization of the Indian Civil Service, the college was closed for four years. It was reopened under a royal charter in 1862 as a public school, and while maintaining many of the traditions of its famous predecessor is no longer an Indian Service training ground. Handsome modern buildings have been added to the old college quadrangle, built in 1809; the surrounding grounds cover over 100 acres. Consult Lowell, ‘Colonial Civil Service’ (1900); Monier-Williams, ‘Memorials of Old Haileybury College’ (1894); and for the new school, Milford, ‘Haileybury College, Past and Present’ (1909).