
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Hartford Theological Seminary

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The Encyclopedia Americana
Hartford Theological Seminary

Edition of 1920. See also Hartford Seminary on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1237828The Encyclopedia Americana — Hartford Theological Seminary

HARTFORD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, an institution founded in 1834 for the education of Congregational preachers, at East Windsor Hill, Conn. It was formerly called the Theological Institute of Connecticut, and took its present name on its removal to Hartford in 1865. Its control is vested in a board of trustees elected by the Pastoral Union, an association of 200 ministers who have subscribed to the creed of the Union. The aim of the institution is to train ministers for pastoral work on the broadest lines of intellectual and spiritual life. The Hartford School of Religious Pedagogy was affiliated with the seminary in 1902. The Kennedy School of Missions is another affiliated work. The Case Memorial Library has also been added to the institution. A bi-monthly Bulletin is issued by the seminary.