The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Köberle, Georg
KÖBERLE, kė'bėr-lĕ, Georg, German
author and dramatist; b. Nonnenhorn, on Lake
Constance, 21 March 1819; d. Dresden, 7 June
1898. He studied at the Augsburg Gymnasium
and then at the Collegium Germanicum, Rome,
from which he ran away. He next studied
philosophy and law at Munich. He went to
Leipzig (1846) where he published ‘Aufzeichnungen
eines Jesuitenzöglings im deutschen
Kolleg in Rom.’ His dramatic career
commenced with his five-act play ‘Die Mediceer’
(Mannheim 1849), followed by the tragedy,
‘Heinrich IV von Frankreich’ (Leipzig 1851).
Later came the festival play, ‘Des Künstlers
Weihe’; ‘Zweischen Himmel und Erde’;
‘George Washington’; ‘Die Heldin von Yorktown,’
etc. He was stage-manager at Heidelberg
(1853-56). He wrote ‘Die Theaterkrisis
im neuen deutschen Reich’ (Stuttgart 1872),
which led to his being appointed director of
the Court Theatre at Karlsruhe the same year.
He lived at Mannheim in 1873, then went to
Vienna and Dresden and wrote since then the
following works: ‘Meine Erlebnisse als
Hoftheaterdirektor’ (2d ed., Leipzig 1874);
‘Berliner Leimruten und deutsche Gimpel’ (ib.
1875); ‘Brennende Theaterfragen’ (Vienna
1877); ‘Das Drangsal der deutschen
Schaubühne’ (Dresden 1890). He also wrote the
novel ‘Alles um ein Nichts’ (3 vols., Leipzig
1871). The Archduke of Baden allowed him
a pension of 5,000 marks annually.