
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Koch, Christian Friedrich

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Edition of 1920. See also Christian Friedrich Koch on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

946737The Encyclopedia Americana — Koch, Christian Friedrich

KOCH, kōk, Christian Friedrich, German jurist: b. Mohrin, 9 Feb. 1798; d. Neisse, Silesia, 21 Jan. 1872. He studied under Savigny until 1825 and wrote ‘Versuch einer systematischen Darstellung der Lehre vom Besitz nach preussischem Recht’ (Berlin 1826). This brought him immediate recognition and led to his numerous appointments. He studied French law in Cologne and Aix-la-Chapelle and was appointed justice of the Supreme Court at Marienwerder (1829). He was appointed director of the law courts, successively, at Kulm (1832); Grossglogau (1834); Halle (1840). He received the appointment of director of the Court of Justice of the principality at Neisse, where he worked zealously till his death. He reconstructed the entire Prussian jurisprudence. He wrote ‘Das Recht der Forderungen nach gemeinem und preussischem Recht’ (Breslau 1836-43; Berlin 1858-59); ‘Lehrbuch des preussischen Privatrechts’ (Berlin 1845; 2d ed., 1857-58); ‘Das preussische Erbrecht aus dem gemeinen deutschen Recht entwickelt’ (Berlin 1866); ‘Das preussische Zivilprozessrecht’ (ib. 1847; 6th ed., 1871). Another important work of his was ‘Kommentar zum Allgemeinen Landrecht’ (Berlin 1852-55; 8th ed., 1883-87). He was founder of the Schlesisches Archiv für die praktische Rechtwissenschaft (Berlin 1837-46). Consult Behrend, J. F., ‘Christian Friedrich Koch’ (Berlin 1872).