The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Lagarde, Paul Anton
LAGARDE, lạ'gärd', Paul Anton, German
Orientalist: b. Berlin, 2 Nov. 1827; d. Göttingen,
22 Dec. 1891. He studied theology and
Oriental languages at Berlin and became (1851)
adjunct instructor of the Halle University, but
continued (1852-53) his studies at London and
Paris, returning to Halle to lecture. He taught
at several schools of science, from 1866, at
Berlin and Schleusingen and was made (1869)
professor of Oriental languages at Göttingen
University. The most important of his
astonishingly numerous and many-sided philological
works are ‘Gesammelte Abhandlungen’ (Leipzig
1866) ‘Mitteilungen’ (Göttingen 1884-91);
‘Uebersicht über die im Aramäischen,
Arabischen und Hebräischen übliche Bildung der
Nomina’ (ib. 1889); ‘Semitica’ (Göttingen
1878-79); ‘Orientalia’ (ib. 1879-80);
‘Symmicta’ (ib. 1877-80); ‘Petri Hispani de lingua
Arabica libri’ (Göttingen 1883); ‘Ægyptiaca’
(ib. 1875); ‘Bibliothecæ Syriacæ’ (ib. 1892);
‘Armenische Studien’ (ib. 1877); ‘Persische
Studien’ (ib. 1884). He also wrote several
poems which were published by Anna de
Lagarde (Göttingen 1897). His great learning
and gifts were curiously mixed with dogmatism
and distrust in the activities of others.
His ‘Deutsche Schriften’ (4th ed., Göttingen
1903) deals with the position of the German
state to theology, the Church and religion. His
library now belongs to the New York University.
Consult Lagarde, Anna de, ‘Paul de
Lagarde, Errinnerungen aus seinem Leben’
(Göttingen 1894).