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The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College

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The Encyclopedia Americana
Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College

Edition of 1920. See also Mississippi State University on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1860378The Encyclopedia Americana — Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College

MISSISSIPPI AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, founded in 1880, at Agricultural College, Miss. The regular four years' courses offered are the agricultural, mechanical and textile, leading to the degree of B.S.; a short course (10 weeks for two years) is given in the winter; graduate courses are also provided; and there is a preparatory department. Women are admitted to all courses. The experiment station is connected with the college, and receives special Federal appropriation; and farmers' institutes are organized by the college and attended by members of the faculty; in 1910 such institutes had an attendance of 2,000. The college was endowed by the Federal land grants of 1862 and 1890, and receives also State and Federal appropriations; no tuition is charged to residents of the State. Military instruction is given. In 1918 the students numbered 1,207; the instructors, 72; and the library contained about 36,200 volumes.