
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Ottendorfer, Oswald

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Edition of 1920. See also Oswald Ottendorfer on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

752994The Encyclopedia Americana — Ottendorfer, Oswald

OTTENDORFER, ŏt'ĕn-dôr-fėr, Oswald, German-American journalist: b. Zwittau, Moravia, 26 Feb. 1826; d. 16 Dec. 1900. After studying law at Prague and Vienna he came to this country after the revolutionary disturbances of 1848, and, settling in New York in 1850, soon became editor of the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung and later (having married the lady who owned the property) its proprietor. Under his management it became the most influential German daily in America and after 1861 was independent in politics. He built and endowed an educational institution in his native town, founded a home for aged and poor men on Long Island and established the Ottendorfer Free Library in New York.