
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Schlundt, Herman

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Edition of 1920. See also Herman Schlundt on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

927092The Encyclopedia Americana — Schlundt, Herman

SCHLUNDT, shlŭnt, Herman, American chemist: b. Two Rivers, Wis., 19 July 1869. He was graduated at the University of Wisconsin in 1894 and took his Ph.D. at the University of Leipzig in 1901. He was for a time connected with the faculty at the University of Wisconsin, and from 1902 was associated with that of the University of Missouri, where he was professor of physical chemistry in 1907-13, and chairman of the department of chemistry in 1910-15. He is author of numerous articles on physical chemistry and radio-activity and of ‘Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry’ (1912).