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The European Concert in the Eastern Question/Chapter 4

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Mehemet Ali at war with the Port.In November 1831 the armies of Mehemet Ali, the Pasha of Egypt, invaded Syria; the Turks were defeated at the decisive battle of Konieh on 21st December, 1832, and Constantinople would have been attacked but for the assistance rendered to the Porte by Russia. By the Convention of Kutayeh, signed on 14th May, 1833, it was agreed that Mehemet Ali should receive the Governorship of Egypt, Candia, and Syria, and his son Ibrahim the collectorship of Adana. On 8th July following, the Porte concluded, at Unkiar-Skelessi, the alliance with Bussia which gave so much offence to some of the other Powers.

In 1839 the Sultan and the Pasha were again at war. The Turks were beaten at the battle of Nezib, and the Ottoman fleet deserted to the enemy. Instead of allowing the authority of the Porte to be re-established by Russia alone, under the Treaty of Unkiar-Skelessi, the Great Powers determined to bring about this result by their collective action. A Conference of representatives of Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, and Austria met at London,[1] and the Sultan, when on the point of yielding, was encouraged by the receipt of a The Concert of the Powers. collective Note from the Ministers of these Powers at Constantinople, dated 27th July, 1839, to the following effect : —

The undersigned have this morning received instructions from their respective Governments, in virtue of which they have the honour to inform the Sublime Porte that agreement between the five Powers is insured, and to invite the Porte to suspend any final determination without their concurrence[2].

It is well known that the policy of France subsequently diverged from that of the other Powers ; which, without her, The Treaty of 15th July, 1840.signed the Treaty of London of 15th July, 1840, to the following effect[3]: —

In the name of the Most Merciful God.

His Highness the Sultan having addressed himself to their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of all the Russias, to ask their support and assistance in the diflSculties in which he finds himself placed by reason of the hostile proceedings of Mehemet Ali, Pasha of Egypt, — difficulties which threaten with danger the integrity of the Ottoman Empire, and the independence of the Sultan's throne, — their said Majesties, moved by the sincere friendship which subsists between them and the Sultan ; animated by the desire of maintaining the integrity and independence of the Ottoman Empire as a security for the peace of Europe ; faithful to the engagement which they contracted by the Collective Note presented to the Porte by their Representatives at Constantinople, on the 27th of July, 1839 ; and desirous, moreover, to prevent the effusion of blood which would be occasioned by a continuance of the hostilities which have recently broken out in Syria between the authorities of the Pasha of Egypt and the subjects of the Sultan; their said Majesties and His Highness the Sultan have resolved, for the aforesaid purposes, to conclude together a Convention, and they have therefore named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say : —

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Henry John, Viscount Palmerston, Baron Temple, &c., Her Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ;

His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, the Sieur Philip, Baron de Neumann, &c., his Plenipotentiary to Her Britannic Majesty;

His Majesty the King of Prussia, the Sieur Henry William, Baron de Bülow, &c., Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Her Britannic Majesty;

His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, the Sieur Philip, Baron de Brunnow, &c., Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Her Britannic Majesty ;

And His Majesty the Most Noble, Most Powerful, and Most Magnificent Sultan Abdul-Medjid, Emperor of the Ottomans, Chekib Effendi, &c., his Ambassador Extraordinary to Her Britannic Majesty;

Who, having reciprocally communicated to each other their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and signed the following articles ; —

The terms to be granted to Mehemet All.Art. I. His Highness the Sultan having come to an agreement with their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of all the Russias, as to the conditions of the arrangement which it is the intention of His Highness to grant to Mehemet Ali, conditions which are specified in the Separate Act hereunto annexed ; their Majesties engage to act in perfect accord, and to unite their efforts in order to determine Mehemet Ali to conform to that arrangement ; each of the High Contracting Parties reserving to itself to co-operate for that purpose, according to the means of action which each may have at his disposal.

Steps to be taken in case of his refusal.Art. 2. If the Pasha of Egypt should refuse to accept the above-mentioned arrangement, which will be communicated to him by the Sultan, with the concurrence of their aforesaid Majesties ; their Majesties engage to take, at the refusal, request of the Sultan, measures concerted and settled between them, in order to carry that arrangement into effect. In the meanwhile, the Sultan having requested his said Allies to unite with him in order to assist him to cut off the communication by sea between Egypt and Syria, and to prevent the transport of troops, horses, arms, and warlike stores of all kinds, from the one Province to the other ; their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, engage to give immediately, to that effect, the necessary orders to their naval Commanders in the Mediterranean. Their said Majesties further engage that the naval Commanders of their squadrons shall, according to the means at their command, afford, in the name of the Alliance, all the support and assistance in their power to those subjects of the Sultan who may manifest their fidelity and allegiance to their Sovereign.

Art. 3. If Mehemet Ali, after having refused to submit to the conditions of the arrangement above mentioned, should direct his land or sea forces against Constantinople, the High Contracting Parties, upon the express demand of the Sultan, addressed to their Representatives at Constantinople, agree, in such case, to comply with the request of that Sovereign, and to provide for the defence of his throne by means of a co-operation agreed upon by mutual consent, for the purpose of placing the two Straits of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, as well as the capital of the Ottoman Empire, in security against all aggression.

It is further agreed that the forces which, in virtue of such concert may be sent as aforesaid, shall there remain so employed as long as their presence shall be required by the Sultan ; and when His Highness shall deem their presence no longer necessary, the said forces shall simultaneously withdraw, and shall return to the Black Sea and to the Mediterranean, respectively.

The ancient rule as to the Straits.Art. 4. It is, however, expressly understood that the co-operation mentioned in the preceding Article, and destined to place the Straits of the Dardanelles and of the Bosphorus, and the Ottoman capital, under the temporary safeguard of the High Contracting Parties against all aggression of Mehemet Ali, shall be considered only as a measure of exception adopted at the express demand of the Sultan, and solely for his defence in the single case above-mentioned ; but it is agreed, that such measure shall not derogate in any degree from the ancient rule of the Ottoman Empire, in virtue of which it has in all times been prohibited for ships of war of foreign Powers to enter the Straits of the Dardanelles and of the Bosphorus. And the Sultan, on the one hand, hereby declares that excepting the contingency above-mentioned, it is his firm resolution to maintain in future this principle invariably established as the ancient rule of his Empire, and as long as the Porte is at peace, to admit no foreign ship of war into the Straits of the Bosphorus and of the Dardanelles; on the other hand, their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of all the Russias, engage to respect this determination of the Sultan, and to conform to the above-mentioned principle.

The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at London at the expiration of two months, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at London, the 15th day of July, in the year of Our Lord 1840.






Separate Act annexed to the Convention signed at

London on the 15th of July, 1840.

His Highness the Sultan intends to grant, and to cause to be notified to Mehemet Ali, the conditions of the arrangement hereinafter detailed : —

Mehemet Ali to be hereditary Pasha of of Egypt, with Syria for his life1. His Highness promises to grant to Mehemet Ali, for himself and for his descendants in the direct line, the administration of the Pashalic of Egypt ; and His Highness promises, moreover, to grant to Mehemet Ali, for his life, Egypt, with the title of Pasha of Acre, and with the command of the Fortress of St. John of Acre, the administration of the southern part of Syria, the limits of which shall be determined by the following line of demarcation : —

This line, beginning at Cape Ras-el-Nakhora, on the coast of the Mediterranean, shall extend direct from thence as far as the mouth of the River Seizaban, at the northern extremity of the Lake of Tiberias ; it shall pass along the western shore of that Lake ; it shall follow the right bank of the River Jordan, and the western shore of the Dead Sea ; from thence it shall extend straight to the Red Sea, which it shall strike at the northern point of the Gulf of Akaba; and from thence it shall follow the western shore of the Gulf of Akaba, and the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez, as far as Suez.

The Sultan, however, in making these offers, attaches thereto the condition, that Mehemet Ali shall accept them within On condition of acceptance within ten days, and of evacuating all other Ottoman territories. the space of ten days after communication thereof shall have been made to him at Alexandria, by an Agent of His Highness ; and that Mehemet Ali shall, at the same time, place in the hands of that Agent the necessary instructions to the Commanders of his sea and land forces, to withdraw immediately from Arabia, and from all the Holy Cities which are therein situated; from the Island of Candia; from the district of Adaua ; and from all other parts of the Ottoman Empire which are not comprised within the limits of Egypt, and within those of the Pashalic of Acre, as above defined.

The offer of Egypt to remain open for ten days longer.2. If within the space of ten days, fixed as above, Mehemet Ali should not accept the above-mentioned arrangement, the Sultan will then withdraw the offer of the life administration of the Pashalic of Acre ; but His Highness will still consent to grant to Mehemet Ali, for himself and for his descendants in the direct line, the administration of the Pashalic of Egypt, provided such oflPer be accepted within the space of the ten days next following, that is to say, within a period of twenty days, to be reckoned from the day on which the communication shall have been made to him ; and provided that in this case also, he places in the hands of the Agent of the Sultan, the necessary instructions to his military and naval commanders to withdraw immediately within the limits, and into the ports of the Pashalic of Egypt.

Tribute.3. The annual tribute to be paid to the Sultan by Mehemet Ali, shall be proportioned to the greater or less amount of territory of which the latter may obtain the administration, according as he accepts the first or the second alternative.

The Turkish fleet to be surrendered.4. It is, moreover, expressly understood that, in the first as in the second alternative, Mehemet Ali (before the expiration of the specified period of ten or of twenty days), shall be bound to deliver up the Turkish fleet, with the whole of its crews and equipments, into the hands of the Turkish agent who shall be charged to receive the same. The commanders of the allied squadrons shall be present at such delivery.

It is understood, that in no case can Mehemet Ali carry to account, or deduct from the tribute to be paid to the Sultan, the expenses which he has incurred in the maintenance of the Ottoman fleet, during any part of the time it shall have remained in the ports of Egypt.

5. All the Treaties, and all the laws of the Ottoman Empire, shall be applicable to Egypt, and to the Pashalic of Acre, such as it has been above defined, in the same manner as to every, other part of the Ottoman Empire. But the Sultan consents, that on condition of the regular payment of the tribute above-mentioned, Mehemet Ali and his descendants shall collect, in the name of the Sultan, and as the delegate of His Highness, within the Provinces the administration of which shall be confided to them, the taxes and imposts legally established. It is moreover understood that, in consideration of the receipt of the aforesaid taxes and imposts, Mehemet Ali and his descendants shall defray all the expenses of the civil and military administration of the said Provinces.

6. The military and naval forces which may be maintained by the Pasha of Egypt and Acre, forming part of the forces of the Ottoman Empire, shall always be considered as maintained for the service of the State.

days Sultan
his offer
7. If, at the expiration of the period of twenty days after the communication shall have been made to him (according to the stipulation of § 2), Mehemet Ali shall not accede to the proposed arrangement, and shall not accept the hereditary Pashalic of Egypt, the Sultan will consider himself at liberty to withdraw that offer, and to follow, in consequence, such ulterior course as his own interests and the counsels of his allies may suggest to him.

8.The present separate Act shall have the same force and validity as if it were inserted, word for word, in the Convention of this date. It shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at London at the same time as those of the said Convention.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at London, the T5th day of July, in the year of Our Lord 1840.


Protocol (i) signed at London, the 15th of July, 1840.

rule as to
the Straits.
In affixing his signature to the Convention of this date. the Plenipotentiary of the Sublime Ottoman Porte declared:

That in recording by Article IV of the said Convention the ancient rule of the Ottoman Empire, by virtue of which it has been at all times forbidden to foreign vessels of war to enter within the Straits of the Dardanelles and of the Bosphorus, the Sublime Porte reserves to itself, as heretofore, to deliver passes to light vessels under flag of war, which may be employed according to custom for the service of the correspondence of the Legations of friendly Powers. The Plenipotentiaries of the Courts of Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, took note of the above Declaration, for the purpose of communicating it to their respective Courts.






Reserved Protocol (2) signed at London by the same on

the 15th of July, 1840.

Art. 2 of the Convention to be acted upon before ratafication.The Plenipotentiaries of the Courts of Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey, having, in virtue of their full powers, concluded and signed this day a Convention between their respective Sovereigns, for the pacification of the Levant ;

Considering that, in consequence of the distances which separate the capitals of their respective Courts, a certain space of time must necessarily elapse before the ratifications of the said Convention can be exchanged, and before orders founded thereupon can be carried into execution ; And the said Plenipotentiaries being deeply impressed with the conviction, that by reason of the present state of things in Syria, the interests of humanity, as well as the grave considerations of European policy which constitute the object of the common solicitude of the Contracting Parties to the Convention of this day, imperiously require that, as far as possible, all delay should be avoided in the accomplishment of the pacification which the said Convention is intended to effect ;

The said Plenipotentiaries, in virtue of their full powers, have agreed that the preliminary measures mentioned in Article II of the said Convention, shall be carried into execution at once, without waiting for the exchange of the ratifications; the respective Plenipotentiaries recording formally, by the present Instrument, the consent of their Courts to the immediate execution of these measures.

It is moreover agreed between the said Plenipotentiaries, that His Highness the Sultan will proceed immediately to address to Mehemet Ali the communication and offers specified in the Separate Act annexed to the Convention of this day. It is further agreed that the Consular Agents oF Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, at Alexandria, shall place themselves in communication with the Agent whom His Highness may send thither to communicate to Mehemet Ali the above-mentioned offers ; that the said Consuls shall afford to that Agent all the assistance and support in their power; and shall use all their means of influence with Mehemet Ali, in order to persuade him to accept the arrangement which will be proposed to him by order of His Highness the Sultan. The Admirals of the respective squadrons in the Mediterranean shall be instructed to place themselves in communication with the said Consuls on this subject.






Protocol of a Conference, signed at London by the

same the 17th of September, 1840[4]

Self-denying ProtocolThe Plenipotentiaries of the Courts of Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, after having exchanged the ratifications of the Convention concluded on the 15th of July last, have resolved, in order to place in its true light the disinterestedness which has guided their Courts in the conclusion of that Act, to declare formally :

That in the execution of the engagements resulting to the Contracting Powers from the above-mentioned Convention, those Powers will seek no augmentation of territory, no exclusive influence, no commercial advantage for their subjects, which those of every other nation may not equally obtain.

The Plenipotentiaries of the Courts above-mentioned have resolved to record this Declaration in the present Protocol.

The Plenipotentiary of the Ottoman Porte, in paying a just tribute to the good faith and disinterested policy of the allied Courts, has taken cognizance of the Declaration contained in the present Protocol, and has undertaken to transmit it to his Court.






Mehemet Ali refuses the terms.Mehemet Ali refused to accept the arrangement proposed, and the Porte, against the judgment of the Powers, immediately declared him to be deprived of his pashalics. The Powers acted as had been agreed. Beyrout was bombarded in September, and Acre fell in November, on the 27th of which month Commodore Napier agreed with Mehemet Ali that the latter should become hereditary governor of Egypt,Mehemet Ali submits on certain conditions[5]. The Commodore’s convention was however disavowed, as in excess of his powers; but on 6th December Admiral Stopford transmitted to Mehemet Ali an offer, duly made on behalf of the Allies, that he should be maintained in the hereditary pashalic of Egypt, if within three days he would engage to evacuate the other possessions of which he was still in occupation and to restore the Turkish fleet. These terms were accepted on 11th December. Syria, Candia, and Arabia were evacuated, and on 14th January, 1841, the Turkish fleet was given up.

The Firman of 13th February 1841.Some difficulty remained in determining the conditions of Mehemet Ali’s tenure of Egypt. He strongly objected to a Firman of 13th February, 1841, granting to him the pashalic hereditarily, but reserving to the Sultan on each vacancy the right of selecting the heir who should receive investiture[6]. Through the influence of the Powers these terms were modified[7], and a new Firman was issued on 1st June, after being pronounced free from objection by the representatives at Constantinople of Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

The representatives of the same Powers at London signed, on 13th a Protocol dated 10th July, 1841, to the following effect[8]:

The Protocol of 10th July, 1841.The difficulties in which His Highness the Sultan found himself placed, and which decided him to call for the support and aid of the Courts of Austria, Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia, having now been smoothed, and Mehemet Ali having made to His Highness the Sultan the act of submission which the convention of 15th July was intended to bring about, the Representatives of the Powers which signed the said convention have recognised that, independently of the execution of the temporary measures resulting from that convention, it is especially desirable to consecrate, in the most formal manner, the respect due to the ancient rule of the Ottoman Empire, in virtue of which it has been at all times prohibited to the vessels of war of foreign Powers to enter the Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus.

This principle being by its nature of a general and permanent application, the respective Plenipotentiaries, provided with the orders of their respective Courts to that effect, have come to the conclusion that, to manifest the agreement and union which preside over the intentions of all the Courts in the interest of the consolidation of the peace of Europe, it would be proper to mark the respect due to the principle above-mentioned by means of an Act in which France should be invited to join, on the invitation and in accordance with the wish of His Highness the Sultan.

That Act being of a nature to offer to Europe a pledge of the union of the four Powers, the principal Secretary of State of Her Britannic Majesty having the Department of Foreign Affairs, in agreement with the Plenipotentiaries of the four Powers, has undertaken to bring that object to the knowledge of the French Government, by inviting it to share in the Act by which, the Sultan, of the one part, would declare his firm resolution to maintain in the future the above-mentioned principle, and the five Powers, of the other part, would announce their unanimous determination to respect this principle and to conform themselves to it.







A Convention was accordingly signed on the same day by the Plenipotentiaries of the same Powers and of France as follows[9]:

The Treaty of 13th July, 1841Their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great of 13th Britain and Ireland, the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, the King of the French, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of all the Russias, being persuaded that their union and their agreement offer to Europe the most certain pledge for the preservation of the general peace, the constant object of their solicitude ; and their said Majesties being desirous of testifying this agreement, by giving to the Sultan a manifest proof of the respect which they entertain for the inviolability of his Sovereign rights, as well as of their sincere desire to see consolidated the repose of his Empire ; their said Majesties have resolved to comply with the invitation of His highness the Sultan, in order to record in common, by a formal Act, their unanimous determination to confirm to the ancient rule of the Ottoman Empire, according to which the passage of the Straits of the Dardanelles and of the Bosphorus is always to be closed to foreign ships of war, so long as the Porte is at peace.

Their said Majesties, on the one part, and His Highness the Sultan, on the other part, having resolved to conclude between them a Convention on this subject, have named for that purpose as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say, &c., &c. : —

Who, having reciprocally communicated to each other their Full Powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and signed the following Articles : —

Art. I. His Highness the Sultan, on the one part, declares that he is firmly resolved to maintain for the future the principle invariably established as the ancient rule of his Empire, and in virtue of which it has at all times been prohibited for the ships-of-war of foreign Powers to enter the Straits of the Dardanelles and of the Bosphorus ; and that, so long as the Porte is at peace. His Highness will admit no foreign ship-of-war into the said Straits.

And their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, the King of the French, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of all the Russias, on the other part, engage to respect this determination of the Sultan, and to conform themselves to the principle above declared. Art. 2. It is understood that in recording- the inviolability of the ancient rule of the Ottoman Empire mentioned in the preceding" Article, the Sultan reserves to himself, as in past times, to deliver firmans of passage for light vessels under flag of war, which shall be employed as is usual in the service of the Missions of foreign Powers.

Art. 3. His Highness the Sultan reserves to himself to communicate the present Convention to all the Powers with whom the Sublime Porte is in relations of friendship, inviting them to accede thereto.

Art. 4. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at London at the expiration of two months, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at London, the thirteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one.








The Firman of 1st June, 1841.By the Firman of 1st June, 1841, the Pashalic of Egypt is granted to Mehemet Ali and his heirs male, with the right of coining money in the name of the Sultan, of maintaining an army of 18,000 men in time of peace, and of granting commissions up to the rank of Colonel. The tribute to be 80,000 purses (about ₤363,635)[10].

of 27th May, 1866.By a Firman of 27th May, 1866, the Pashalic is to descend of 27th, to the eldest son of the Pasha ; whom failing, to the eldest brother; whom failing, to the eldest son of the eldest brother deceased. The army is raised to 30,000 men, and the Tribute to 150,000 purses (about ₤675,000)[11].

of 8th June, 1867.By a Firman of 8th June, 1867, the Pasha, now addressed as of 8th 'Khedive,' is authorized to frame regulations in the nature of laws[12], and to enter into arrangements in the nature of conventions for non-political objects, such as customs-duties, police and posts[13].

of 29th November, 1869,By a Firman of 29th November, 1869, the Khedive is forbidden to raise loans without the sanction of the Sultan[14].

of 10th September, 1872,A Firman of l0th September, 1872, practically revokes the preceding Firman[15].

of 25th September, 1872,A Firman of 25th September, 1872, expressly gives the Khedive authority to contract loans without permission[16].

of 8th June, 1873,An important Firman was issued on 8th June, 1873, to replace all preceding Firmans. It confirms the rules of succession already established ; provides for a Regency during minority ; authorizes the Khedive to make laws, to make non-political conventions with foreign powers, to contract loans without permission, to keep an unlimited number of troops, and to build ships of war, iron-clads excepted. The tribute is maintained at 150,000 purses[17]. This Firman is still in force, in so far as it is not controlled by the Firman of 2nd August, 1879. which was issued on 2nd August, 1879[18], under the circumstances presently to be mentioned.

Egyptian indebtedness.But between the dates 1873 and 1879 there occurred a series of events which gave to the European Powers a position in Egypt paramount in some respects to that of either Sultan or Khedive. This position was the result of the enormous loans contracted by the Khedive with subjects of the Powers, and of the rights which the Powers acquired for their subjects of enforcing their claims by means of the machinery of the The International Courts, 1876. so-called 'International Courts.' The institution of these courts is indeed the turning-point of recent Egyptian history. The inefficiency of the then existing machinery for the administration of justice to foreigners was explained in a report drawn up by Nubar Pasha in 1867, and communicated to the Powers. Negotiations followed, and commissions of delegates of the Powers sat at Cairo in 1869 and at Constantinople in 1873. The result of their labours was a draft Règlement cV Organisation Judiciaire pour les Procès Mixtes en Égypte, by Art. X of which foreigners are empowered to bring actions against the Egyptian Government and the estates of the Khedive[19]. The French Government gave its adhesion to the Règlement, with certain modifications, in a Protocol signed on behalf of that government and of the Khedive on l0th November, 1874[20]. The Powers which sooner or later became parties to the arrangement were fourteen in number, viz. Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Sweden and Norway, and the United States.

The New CodesNew Codes, to be administered by the Courts, came into The New operation on i8th October, 1875, and the Courts themselves were opened for business on 1st January, 1876.

The powers of the Courts, originally granted for five years, have been prolonged, by a series of Decrees, to 1st February 1882[21], to 1st February 1883[22], to 1st February 1884[23], and lastly to 1st February 1889[24].

The pressure of debt had already become serious. In November, 1875, the year preceding the opening of the Courts, canal the Khedive sold his Canal shares to the British government, and Mr. Cave was sent out, at the request of Nubar Pasha, to Mr. Cave's report.report upon the condition of the finances. His report was published in April, 1876[25]. On the 8th of the same month a Decree was issued, postponing for three months the payment of the coupon about to become due, and on the 2nd May a The Caisse, 2nd May, 1876.Decree established the ' Caisse de la dette publique, ' which still subsists[26]. It was provided that the revenue devoted to the debt should be paid into the Caisse instead of the Exchequer ; that the Caisse might sue the government before the international tribunals ; and that the government should not diminish the revenue arising from the taxes hypothecated to the debt, nor contract fresh loans, without the sanction of the Caisse.

The Commissioners of the Caisse were to be Egyptian functionaries, but to be foreigners nominated by the governments of the countries which they were called upon to represent. Messrs. Kremer, Baravelli, and de Blignieres were appointed accordingly, on the nomination of Austria, Italy, and France respectively. It was not till i8th November that Major Baring was appointed for England, but not on the nomination of the English government[27]. The functions of the Caisse were to commence from l0th June.

The Decree of the 2nd was followed by another of the 7th May[28], 'unifying' the various loans, both funded and unfunded, contracted by the Government and the Daïra[29], into a general debt, bearing interest at 7 per cent., to be managed by the Caisse, and assigning certain revenues as its security. The Decree also arrested the operation of the Moukabalah[30]. The Goschen-Joubert Decree. In the Autumn of the same year Mr. Goschen and M. Joubert went out to Egypt as representatives of the bond-holders, whose interests were thought to be unduly trenched upon by the Decrees of May. Their proposals were embodied in a Decree, issued on 18th November, 1876[31], which again separated the debts of the Daïra from those of the Government, revived the Moukabalah, provided for the issue of Preference bonds, and, in particular, instituted the 'Dual Control.'

Under this Decree Mr. Romaine was appointed Controller-general of Revenue, and the Baron de Malaret Controller-general of Public Debt and Audit[32]. The English government disclaimed responsibility for these appointments[33].

The Dual Control, 1876. Early in 1878 the state of Egyptian finance was again critical, and the government evaded the execution of Decrees granted against it by the International Courts. The Comission of Enquiry of 1878.On 30th March appeared a Decree appointing a Commission of Enquiry, consisting of the four commissioners of the Caisse, with M. de Lesseps as President, and Major Baring and Riaz Pasha as Vice-Presidents. Their report, dated 19th August, was accepted on the 28th by the Khedive[34], who accordingly, with the approval of the British government, appointed Nubar Pasha prime minister, The foreign ministers.with Mr. Wilson as Minister of Finance, and M. de Blignières as Minister of Public Works. The suspension of the Control.A decree of 15th December, suspended the Dual Control, and one of 17th December defined the powers of the ministers[35]. On 7th April, 1879, the Khedive, who had long been chafing against the foreign ministers, accepted a 'nationalist' cabinet under Cherif PashaThe Nationalist Cabinet., and a report having been made by the Commission of Enquiry on the following day showing the country to be bankrupt[36], prepared a counter-plan which was published in a Decree of 22nd April[37].

The Caisse and the Consuls alike protested against this Decree, as being in violation of international obligations Deposition of Ismail.imposed by the judicial reforms, and the Sultan was induced to telegraph, on 26th June, an Iradé deposing Ismail, and appointing his son Tewfik to be Khedive in his place[38].

Appointment of Tewfik.The Firman granted to Tewfik allowed to him so much less liberty of action than was enjoyed by his father that, on the remonstrance of the representatives of the Powers at Constantinople, it was superseded by another, dated 2nd August, which was read at the citadel of Cairo on the 14th of that month[39]. Even under the revised Firman the Khedive is prohibited from contracting loans without the consent of existing creditors, and from maintaining more than 18,000 troops.

Revival of the Dual Control. The foreign ministers were not reinstated under the new Khedive, but the Dual Control was revived; Major Baring and M. de Blignières succeeding by a Decree of 4th September to the positions formerly occupied by Mr. Romaine and M. de Malaret; and the powers of the Controllers were newly defined by a Decree of 15th November[40]. The English and French Controllers were to have equal authority, to have the right of being present at Councils of Ministers, and, though nominally Egyptian officials, were not to be removed without the consent of their respective Governments. The Controllers were instructed by Lord Salisbury and M. Waddington to make the Khedive understand that the establishment in Egypt of political influence on the part of any other Power, in competition with that of England and France, would not be tolerated[41].

The Rothschild decree.On 19th December a Decree was issued, with the assent of all the Powers, as to the advances of the Rothschilds[42].

The Comission of Liquidation. On 31st March, 1880, a Declaration was signed by the Consuls-General of the five powers, promising to accept the decision (and get it accepted by the other powers) of a proposed 'Commission of Liquidation,' and also to consent that the decision of the Commission should be binding upon the mixed Courts[43]. The Commission, consisting of two Englishmen, two Frenchmen, one German, one Austrian, and one Italian, was appointed by a Decree of the same date, and presented its report on 17th April[44].

The Law of Liquidation, 1880.A 'Law of Liquidation' in accordance with this report was sanctioned by a Decree of 17th July, 1880[45], and all the powers interested in the mixed Courts had assented to it before the end of August[46]. By this law, which reduces the interest on the unified debt to 4 per cent., and abolishes the Moukabalah, an International authority is for the first time given to the Caisse.

The Chamber.During the year 1881 the so-called Nationalist party made considerable progress, and the 'Chamber of Delegates,' which had nominally existed since 1866, was opened on 25th December.

Arabi, 1882.In January, 1882, the Chamber claimed, as against the Dual Control, to regulate the Budget. A new ministry came in under Mahmoud Samy, with Arabi as Minister for War. On 8th February the Controllers-general presented a joint note to the Government, and on 12th March M. de Blignières resigned his Controllership.

Then came the military plots and counterplots, the massacres of Alexandria, and the suppression of Arabi and his party by Great Britain single-handed; France, under the Freycinet ministry, declining to take part in the work, and Turkey hesitating to accept the British invitation to do so till it was too late. The Conference at Constanti-nople. The Conference of Ambassadors, held at Constantinople from June to August, with reference principally to the intervention of Turkey in the campaign, and to the temporary measures which might become necessary for the protection of the Suez Canal, threw but little light upon the international aspects of the questions at issue[47]

Tel-el-Kebir. The battle of Tel-el- Kebir was fought on 13th September. In the following month Lord Dufferin was sent to Cairo to report upon the situation. In December England agreed, though France demurred, to the abolition of the Dual Control The Dual which was effected by a Decree of 18th January, 1883[48].The Dual Control abolished. During this year Egypt continued under the de facto control of England, and little occurred to define her international position, beyond the repeated assurances of the English Government that its forces would be withdrawn at an early date. But in 1884 it became evident that the revenues of the country were insufficient to meet its expenditure without some relaxation of the Law of Liquidation. Preliminary negotiations took place with France, of which Parliament was informed in June,The Conference at London, 1884. and on the 28th of that month a Conference of the Great Powers met at London for the discussion of the Egyptian question, primarily in its financial aspects. The Conference, at which the Ottoman representative took occasion to call attention to the Sovereign rights of the Sultan, broke up, without arriving at any conclusions, on 2nd August[49].

The next step taken by the British government was to send Lord Northbrook to Egypt to examine into the state of its finances on the spot. The suspension of the sinking fund. On his recommendation the operation of the sinking fund provided by the Law of Liquidation was suspended by a ministerial letter, dated 18th September, till 25th October [50]. The illegality was hardly to be avoided, but an action was thereupon commenced by the Caisse against the government, in which judgment was given for the plaintiffs by the Mixed Court of First Instance on 9th December. The British proposals. In the meantime Lord Northbrook had made his report, and the ministry, towards the end of November, submitted to the Powers a scheme under which England would guarantee a new loan of £5,000,000, at 3½ per cent., while a further loan of £4,ooo,ooo was to be added to the Preference Debt, and the interest on the Unified Debt was to be reduced to 3½ per cent.[51]

This scheme was not accepted, and steps were taken by several of the Powers indicating a wish to substitute something like a 'multiple control' for the existing British supervision of Egyptian reforms. Claim for Russian and German commissioners of the Caisse. On 11th December Russia and Germany claimed to be allowed each to nominate a Commissioner of the Caisse[52]; and, on 17th January, 1885, the French government forwarded to the Foreign Office a counter-project, which received the general support of Germany, Austria, and Russia, and became the basis of fresh negotiations. The French counter-project At length, on 17th March, a Declaration was signed at London on behalf project, of the six Powers, and subsequently on behalf of the Porte, embodying a draft Convention (signed on 18th March) and a draft Decree to be issued by the Khedive.

The arrangements set forth in these documents[53], and sanctioned by the House of Commons on 27th March, is to the effect that a loan of £9,000,000 is to be authorized by the Porte and guaranteed by the great Powers jointly and severally; that the Unified and Preference coupons are to be taxed for two years, but not longer without the sanction of an International Commission; and that an Act is to be drawn up providing for the freedom of the Suez Canal [54]. The principles on which Texts selected.The collection of Texts illustrative of the international position of Egypt has been made upon a principle somewhat different from that followed in previous chapters. The relations of the Khedivial government to the Sultan on the one hand, and to the Powers on the other, are so ambiguous that it has been thought better to err on the side of inserting too many documents rather than too few. Thus, in order better to explain the Khedive's quasi-independence of the Porte, the whole series of Firmans, from 1841 to 1879, has been set out, though some of them were not submitted to the Powers, and only those of 1873 and 1879 are now in force. In like manner several of the financial Decrees have been superseded to an extent greater than could well be expressed by italicizing portions of them; but without setting out in extenso these earlier Decrees the later ones could hardly have been made intelligible.


No. I[55].

1841. 1st June.
Firman addressed by the Sultan to Mehemet Ali, Pasha of Egypt, relative to hereditary succession, the levying of taxes in the name of the Porte, the coinage of money, and the number of troops to be raised for service in Egypt, 1st June, 1841.

The act of submission which thou hast just made, the assurances of fidelity and devotion which thou hast given, and the upright and sincere intentions which thou hast manifested, as well with regard to myself as in the interests of my Sublime Porte, have come to my sovereign knowledge, and have been very agreeable to me. In consequence, and as the zeal and sagacity hy which thou art characterized, as likewise the experience and knowledge which thou hast acquired in the affairs of Egypt during the long space of time that thou hast held the post of Governor of Egypt, give reason to believe that thou hast acquired a title to the favour and to the confidence which I may grant to thee^ that is to say, that thou wilt he sensible of their full extent, and all the gratitude which thou shouldst have for them, that thou wilt apply thyself to cause these feelings to descend to thy sons and thy nephews, Grant of the Government hereditarilyI grant unto thee the Government of Egypt within its ancient Grant of boundaries, such as they are to be found in the map which is sent unto thee by my Grand Vizier now in office, with a seal affixed to it, together with the additional privilege of hereditary succession, and with the following conditions : —

The order of SuccessionHenceforth, when the post shall be vacant, the Government of The order Egypt shall descend in a direct line, from the elder to the elder, in the male race among the sons and grandsons. As regards their nomination, that shall be made by my Sublime Forte.

No succession through femalesIf at any time fate should decide that the male line should become extinct, as in that case it will devolve upon my Sublime Porte to confer the Government of Egypt on another person, the females male children, issue of the daughters of the Governors of Egypt, shall possess no right to, no legal capacity for, the succession of the Government.

Precedency of PashasAlthough the Pashas of Egypt have obtained the privilege of hereditary succession, they still must be considered as far as precedency is concerned, to be on a footing of equality with the other Viziers, they shall be treated like the other Viziers of my Sublime Forte, and they shall receive the same titles as are given to the other Viziers when they are written to.

Ottoman law to prevail in EgyptThe principles founded on the laws of security of life, of the Ottoman security of property, and the preservation of honour, principles recorded in the salutary ordinances of my Hatti Sheriff of Gulhaué[56]; and all the regulations made and to be made by my Sublime Porte shall also he put in practice in Egypt, reconciting them in the best way possible with the local circumstances Treaties. and with the principles of justice and of equity. All the Treaties concluded and to be concluded between my Sublime Porte and the friendly Powers, shall be completely executed in the Province of Egypt likewise.

Taxes. In Egypt, all the taxes, all the revenues, shall he levied and collected in my sovereign name; nevertheless, as the Egyptians are likewise the subjects of my Sublime Porte, and in order that they may not one day be oppressed, the tithe, the duties, and the other taxes which are levied there, shall be so, in conformity with the equitable system adopted by my Sublime Porte; and care shall be taken to pay, when the period for payment shall arrive, out of the customs duties, the capitation tax, the tithe, the revenues, and other produce of the Province of Egypt, the annual tribute of which the amount is inserted and defined in another Imperial Firman[57].

The Holy Cities. It being customary to send every year from Egypt provisions in kind to the two Holy Cities, the provisions and other articles, whatever they may be, which have up to this time been sent thither, shall continue to be sent to each place separately.

Coinage. As my Sublime Porte has taken the resolution of improving the coin, which is the soul of the operations of society, and of effecting this in such a manner that henceforth there can be no variation either in the alloy, or in the value, I grant permission for money to be coined in Egypt; but the gold and silver monies which I permit thee to coin shall bear my name, and shall resemble in all respects, as regards their determination, value, and form, the monies which are coined here.

Army. In time of peace, 18,000 men will suffice for the internal service of the province of Egypt; it shall not be allowed to increase their numbers. But as the land and sea forces of Egypt are raised for the service of my Sublime Porte, it shall be allowable, in time of war, to increase them to the number which shall be deemed suitable by my Sublime Porte.

The principle has been adopted that the soldiers employed in the other parts of my dominions shall serve for five years, at the end of which term they shall he exchanged for recruits. That being the case, it would be requisite that the same system should also be observed in Egypt in that respect. But with regard to the duration of the service, the dispositions of the people shall be attended to, observing what is required by equity with regard to them.

Four hundred men shall be sent every year to Constantinople to replace others.

Uniforms and Flags. There shall be no difference between the distinguishing marks and the flags of the other troops which shall be employed there, and the distinguishing marks and the flags of the other troops of my Sublime Porte. The officers of the Egyptian navy shall have the same distinguishing marks of ranks, and the Egyptian vessels shall have the same flags as the officers and vessels of this place.

Commissions. The Governor of Egypt shall appoint the officers of the land and sea forces tip to the rank of Colonel. With regard to the appointments to ranks higher than that of Colonel, that is to say, of Pashas Miri livi (Brigadier-Generals), and of Pashas Ferik (Generals of Division), it will be absolutely necessary to apply for permission for them, and to take my orders thereupon.

Ships of war. Henceforth the Pashas of Egypt shall not be at liberty to build vessels of war without having first applied for the permission of my Sublime Porte, and having obtained from it a clear and positive authority.

Conditions essential. As each of the conditions settled as above is annexed to the privilege of hereditary succession, if a single one of them is not executed, that privilege of hereditary succession shall forthwith be abolished and annulled.

Such being my supreme pleasure on all the points above specified, thou, thy children, and thy descendants, grateful for this exalted sovereign favour, ye shall always be diligent in scrupulously executing the conditions laid down, ye shall take heed not to infringe them, ye shall be careful to ensure the repose and the tranquillity of the Egyptians by protecting them from all injury and from all oppressions, ye shall report to this place, and ye shall apply for orders on all matters of importance which concern those countries, it being for these purposes that the present Imperial Firman, which is decorated with my sovereign signature, has been written, and is sent to you.

1841. May. Firman addressed by the Sultan to Mehemet Ali, Pasha of Egypt, specifying the amount of tribute to be paid to the Sultan and the mode of payment, May, 1841.

Thou, my Vizier above mentioned!

Amount of the Tribute. Since thou hast been confirmed in the Government of Egypt with hereditary succession, on the determinate conditions which are inserted in another Firman, my sovereign will is, that thou shalt have to pay annually for my Sublime Porte, out of the customs duties, the tithes and the capitation tax, and out of the other revenues and products of that province, a tribute of 80,000 purses[58]; that, in order that the amount of the tribute may not vary, since the value of currency changes, the sum of 80,000 purses shall be calculated according to the price of the Spanish 'Colonnates' which are in circulation in Egypt; and the actual amount of the Colonnates shall be paid each year in kind, or else that its equivalent shall be paid in other good money. Such are my orders, in consequence of which the present Imperial Firman has been written and dispatched.

Therefore when thou shalt have acquainted thyself with this matter, thou shalt act in the manner above described, and thou shalt be careful to pay to the Imperial Treasury, as soon as the time for the payment arrives, the tribute set forth above.

No. II[59].

1866, 27th May. Firman addressed by the Sultan to the Viceroy of Egypt, modifying the order of succession, and granting certain privileges, 27th May, 1866.

(After the customary titles.)

Having taken cognizance of the request which thou hast submitted to me, and in which thou informest me that the modification of the order of succession established by the Firman, addressed under date of the month of Rebiul-Akhir 1257, to thy grandfather, Mehmed Ali Pasha, conferring on him the hereditary Government of the Province of Egypt, and confirmed by my Imperial Hatt, and the transmission of the succession from father to son in a direct line, and in order of primogeniture, would contribute to the good administration of Egypt and to the development of the welfare of the inhabitants of that province.

Appreciating, likewise, to their full extent, the efforts thou hast made with this object since thy nomination to the Governor-Generalship of Egypt, which is one of the most important provinces of my Empire, as well as the fidelity and devotion of which thou hast always given proof towards me, and wishing to confer on thee a striking proof of the full and entire confidence I repose in thee, I have determined that, henceforth, Change in the order of succession.the Government of Egypt, with the territories which are annexed to it, and its dependencies, and with the Kaïmakamates of Suakin and Massowah, shall be transmitted to the eldest of thy male children, and, in the same manner, to the eldest sons of thy successors.

That if, in case of vacancy, the Governor-General shall leave no male issue, the succession shall be transmitted to the eldest of his brothers, and in default of brothers, to the eldest of the male children of the eldest of his defunct brothers.

Such shall henceforth be the law of succession in Egypt.

Moreover, the conditions contained in the above-mentioned Firman are and remain for ever in force as in the past; each of those conditions shall be constantly observed; and the maintenance of the privilege which is derived from those conditions shall depend on the observance in their entirety of each of the obligations which they involve.

Increase of troops. Those immunities granted more recently by my Imperial Government respecting the power of the Governor-General of Egypt to raise the effective force of his troops to 30,000 men, Differentiation of coinage.to maintain the difference between the standard of the coins struck in Egypt in my Imperial Government, and that of the other metal currency of my Empire, Higher Civil grades.and to confer the civil grades of my Government as high as that of Sanié (second rank of the first class), are likewise confirmed.

The rule which prohibits the succession of the male descendants of the daughters of the Governors is maintained as in the past.

The tribute of 80,000 purses paid by Egypt to the Imperial Increase of Tribute. Treasury is raised to 150,000 purses, commencing from the month of March in the year 1866, at the rate of 100 piastres to a pound Turkish, that is to say, to 750,000 pounds Turkish annually[60].

My Imperial Iradé having issued in order to put into execution the preceding conditions, the present Firman, bearing at its head my Imperial writing, has been drawn up by my Imperial Chancery, and delivered to thee.

Thou, on thy part, with the loyalty and zeal which characterize thee, and profiting by the knowledge thou hast acquired of the state of Egypt, shouldst devote thy care to the good administration of that country, shouldst labour to ensure to its population complete tranquillity and security, and, in recognition of the value of the proof I have just given thee of my Imperial favour, shouldst carefully observe the conditions above laid down.

Written the 12th day of the month of Moharem, in the year of the Hegira 1283 (27th May, 1866).

No. III[61].

1866, 15th June. Firman addressed by the Sultan to the Viceroy of Egypt, settling the mode of appointing a Regency, in the case of His Highness dying before his son should attain the age of 18 years, 15th June, 1866.Regency.

(The text of this Firman is omitted, as relating to a question of no general interest, now regulated by the Firman of 1873.)

No. IV[62].

1867, 8th June. Firman addressed by the Sultan to the Khedive of Egypt, confirming the privilege of hereditary succession, and the right to conclude commercial and other treaties, having no political significance, 8th June 1867.

The Pasha is addressed as Khedive. To my illustrious Vizier Ismaïl Pasha, who now holds the rank of Grand Vizier, with the title of 'Khidev' of Egypt, and who is decorated with the Orders of the Medjidié and Osmanié of the First Class in Diamonds. May God perpetuate his glory and increase his power and prosperity.

(After epithets applied to all Pashas holding the rank of Vizier:)

Be it known on the arrival of this my Imperial Firman, that, as is also mentioned in my Firman granting the privilege of hereditary succession to the Viceroyalty (Kidiviet) of Egypt, those fundamental laws which are in force in other parts of my dominions shall be maintained and respected in Egypt. Now by fundamental laws are meant all those principles laid down in the Imperial Rescript of Gulhaneh[63]. The Khedive may make laws for the interior But, inasmuch as the internal administration of the province, and consequently its financial, material, and other ititerests are confided to the Government of Egypt, in order to preserve and extend those interests, it is permitted to that Government to frame such regulations as may seem necessary in the form of 'special Tanzimat for the Interior.' In like manner, and non-political conventions.whilst all the Treaties of the Sublime Porte must be respected in Egypt, an exception is made only as regards the customs duties, and as regards foreigners in matters relating to the police, postal, and transit services, for which full powers are given to thee to enter into special arrangements with foreign agents. But such arrangements must not take the form of Treaties or Conventions having any political signification or purport. And in the event of their being inconsistent with the principles laid down above, or opposed to my original sovereign rights, it will be necessary to hold them as null and void.

Wherefore the question of conformity or non-conformity to these principles in matters where a doubt exists as regards Egypt must be referred to my Sublime Porte previously to such arrangements being concluded.

Customs conventions to be transmitted to the Porte. And when in the manner explained above any special arrangements are entered into concerning the customs duties in Egypt, information thereof must be transmitted to my Sublime Porte.

Egypt will be consulted on Commercial Treaties. Also, when any Conference respecting Commercial Treaties takes place between my Government and other Powers, in order that the commercial interests of Egypt may be attended to, the opinions of the Egyptian Administration shall be consulted thereon.

In proclamation of which this my Imperial Firman, dated 5 Sefer, 1284 (8th June, 1867), is now addressed to thee.

No. V[64].

1869, 29th Nov. Firman addressed by the Sultan to the Khedive of Egypt, relative to the levying of taxes in the name of the Sultan, and to contracts for foreign loans being submitted to the Sultan for approval, 29th November, 1869.

(After the usual titles.)

It is superfluous for me to say how much I have at heart the prosperity of the important Province of Egypt, and the increase of the well-being and security of its inhabitants. While giving serious attention to the maintenance intact of the internal privileges granted to the Egyptian administration, it is, at the same time, my duty to look to the strict accomplishment of the obligations of that Administration, whether towards my Crown or towards the inhabitants of the province.

For this reason, I have accepted the explanations which thou hast given, and the engagements which thou hast taken relative to armaments and ships of war, as also resptecting the external relations of the province, in the letter of the 10th Djemazi-ul-Ewel, 1286, which thou hast written in answer to that which my Grand Vizier had addressed to thee on the 18th Rebi-ul-Akhir, 1286, by my sovereign order.

Still, as the financial question is a vital one for every country, if the rate of the taxes is beyond the means of the tax-payers, or if the yield of these taxes is absorbed in fruitless expenditure, instead of being employed for the real requirements of the country, there is undoubtedly a risk of losses and incalculable dangers.

For this reason the Sovereign of the country has the sacred and unimpeachable right anxiously to watch over this important object; and in order that there should be no doubt or misunderstanding in this respect, I have decided to give thee the following explanations, which shall also be made generally known. According to the fundamental conditions, then, which form the basis of the Egyptian Administration, all taxes and dues should be assessed and levied in my name. Taxes not to be unnecessarily increased.I could not, therefore, in any way consent to the sums yielded by these taxes being employed otherwise than for the real requirements of the country, or to the inhabitants being burdened with new taxes without legitimate and recognized necessity. It is therefore my absolute decision that thy care and thy zeal should unceasingly be directed to these two important objects, as also to the necessity that my Egyptian subjects should be always treated with justice and equity.

Loans not to be contracted without leave of the Porte. Moreover, as foreign loans pledge for many years the revenues of the country, I cannot permit that sums raised from the revenues of Egypt should be applied to the service of a loan, unless all the details of the reasons for having recourse thereto have been submitted to my Imperial Government, and unless my permission has been previously obtained.

It is therefore my desire that no loan should ever be made unless the necessity for having recourse to it be clearly established, and my permission previously obtained.

Thou wilt henceforth conform thy acts and thy conduct to the formal terms of my present Imperial Firman, which is in every particular in accordance with our respective rights and duties, as also to precedents.

The 22nd Chaban, 1286 (November 29, 1869).

No. VI[65].

1872, 10th Sept. Firman addressed by the Sultan to the Khedive of Egypt, cancelling the restrictions imposed hy the Firman of 29th November, 1869, and confirming the privileges accorded by the Firman of 8th June, 1867. 10th September, 1872.

The privileges granted to the Egyptian Government on the part of our Imperial Government, with, the object of developing the prosperity of Egypt, are connected with the entire accomplishment by the said Government of certain duties and conditions that have been laid down towards our Imperial Government, duties and conditions of which the value has been assured and fixed by our Imperial orders, previously issued.

By our Imperial Firman dated the 5th Safer, 1284[66], the internal administration of Egypt, and consequently its financial, material, and other interests, have devolved on the Egyptian Government.

Our Imperial favour has granted it all that is connected with the development of internal organization and general progress.

In this state of things, thou hast submitted to me that some restrictions and exceptions contained in my Firman of the 22nd Chaban, 1286 [67], were creating serious obstacles to the complete development of the prosperity of Egypt.

It is evident that the prosperity of the country and the welfare of my subjects are both, in my eyes, of the highest importance, and the object of my dearest wishes.

The realization of these wishes naturally depends on the means and facilities granted to satisfy requirements which result from them.

As such has been my Imperial will, it is contrary to my desire that the progress and prosperity of Egypt should be obstructed by restrictions placed on the privileges which my sovereign munificence had granted to the Egyptian Government in its material and financial interests.

The Firman of 1867 maintained. I have therefore ordered the maintenance in full of the privileges granted by my Firman dated the 5th Safer, 1284, and I have issued this supreme order from my Sublime Porte, and given it to thee.

The 7th day of Redjeb, 1289 (September 10, 1872).

No. VII[68].

1872. 25th Sept. Imperial Khatt addressed by the Sultan to the Khedive of Egypt, renewing the authority to contract foreign loans. 25th September, 1872.

The material and finanicial administration of Egypt having been conferred on thee, in every respect and entirely, by my various Imperial Firmans, the power of making foreign loans, and of devoting them to the welfare of Egypt, is included in the privileges specially granted to the Egyptian Government.

Loans may be contracted without permission. Henceforth, also, whenever, for the prosperity of the country, the necessity shall arise of contracting foreign loans, I renew and confirm to thee the authorization to borrow the necessary sums in the name of the Egyptian Government, and without requesting authority to do so.

The 22nd Redjeb, 1289 (September 25, 1872).

No. VIII[69].

1873, 8th June. Firman addressed by the Sultan to the Khedive of Egypt, relative to the Order of Succession; Regency; Internal and Financial Administration; the conclusion of Non-Political Treaties; the contracting of Loans; the Levy of Troops; Coinage; the right to build vessels of war, excerpt Iron-clads; naval and military Flags; and the Payment of Tribute. 8th June, 1873.

The Firman, after the usual formula, continues as follows :—

Consolidation of Firmans. Be it known that we have taken thy request into consideration, and that we have decided to unite in one single Firman all the Firmans and Khats Houmayoun which, since the Firman which granted the Egyptian succession to thy grandfather, Mehemet Ali, have been granted to the Khedives of Egypt, either in order to modify the manner of succession, or to accord to Egypt fresh immunities and privileges in harmony with the customs of the inhabitants, and with the character and nature of the country. It is our will that the present Firman, with all the modifications and necessary explanations included in it, and with the principles and regulations which it establishes, shall henceforth be executed and respected, and shall also in future replace the other Imperial Firmans, and that in the following manner:—

Order of succession. The order of succession to the Government of Egypt granted by our Imperial Firman dated the 2nd Rehib-ul-ewel, 1257[70], has been so modified that the Khedivate of Egypt passes to thy eldest son, and after him to his eldest son, and in like manner as regards others, that is to say, that the succession is to proceed by primogeniture in the interests of the good administration of Egypt and of the welfare of its inhabitants. Again, as I have noted the care which thou bestowest on Egypt and the efforts thou art making for its prosperity, the greatness and importance of which are obvious to me, as well as the fidelity and devotion which thou hast always evinced to me, I have given thee my entire good grace and confidence, and, in order to give thee a striking proof of this, I have resolved to establish as law that the succession to the Khedivate of Egypt and its dependencies, with the Kaïmakamats of Souakin and Massowa, and their dependencies, shall pass, as aforesaid, to thy son, and after him, in conformity with the law of primogeniture, to the eldest sons of future Khedives. In the event of a Khedive leaving no male children, the Khedivate shall pass to his younger brother, and, in case he should not be surviving, to the eldest son of such younger brother. This rule is established definitely, and does not apply to the male children of the female line.

Regency. In order completely to insure the security of this order of succession, the Regency which shall govern Egypt in the event of a minority is regulated as follows: If, at the death of the Khedive, his eldest son is a minor, that is to say, if he is under 18 years of age, as by right of succession he will be actually Khedive in spite of his minority, his Firman will be immediately sent to him. If the deceased Khedive has, in his lifetime, appointed a Regency in a document which must be countersigned by two high functionaries, whose names shall appear as witnesses in the document, the Regent and the members of the Regency who have been thus named shall immediately take in hand the administration of affairs, and shall inform my Sublime Porte thereof, and my Imperial Government will confirm the Regent and the members of the Regency in their office. If the Khedive has not provided for a Regency during his life, one will be formed of the persons who may at the time be at the head of the departments of the Interior, of War, of Finance, of Foreign Affairs, of the Council of Justice, of the Army, and of the General Inspection. They shall proceed to the nomination of a Regent in the following manner. These different Chiefs of the Administration shall elect the Regent from among themselves; this election will be made either unanimously, or by the vote of the majority. In the case of two persons obtaining an equal number of votes, the one occupying the most important office, beginning with the Department of the Interior, shall be elected Regent, and the other members shall form the Council of Regency. They shall take in hand the administration of affairs, and inform my Sublime Porte, who will confirm them in their office. Whether the Regent and the Council of Regency have been instituted by the Khedive during his lifetime, or whether the Regency shall have been constituted by election, in neither case can any of the members be changed. If one of the members should happen to die, the surviving members shall choose and name another Egyptian functionary to replace him. If it is the Regent who happens to die, the Members of the Council shall choose his successor from among themselves, and shall appoint another Egyptian functionary to the place which the new Regent occupied in the Council. When the Khedive who is a minor has attained the age of 18, he shall be considered of age, and shall administer the affairs of the Government.

I attach the greatest importance to the prosperity of Egypt, to the well-being, tranquillity, and security of its population, and since these are matters which depend on the civil and financial administration of the country, as well as upon the development of the material and other interests of the country, which are under the control of the Egyptian Government, we mention as follows, with modifications and explanations, all the privileges which my Imperial Firman has accorded, whether formerly or for the first time, to the Egyptian Government, in order that they may be for ever possessed by succeeding Khedives:—

Administration and internal legislation committed to Khedive. The civil and financial administration of the country, and all interests, material or otherwise, are in every respect under the control of the Egyptian Government, and are confided to it, and as the administration, the maintenance of order in any country, and the development of the riches and prosperity of the population spring from the harmony to be established between the facts, the general relations, the condition and the nature of the country, as well as the disposition and the customs of the inhabitants, the Khedive of Egypt is authorized to make internal regulations and laws as often as it may be necessary.

He may make non-political Treaties. He is also authorized to renew and to contract (without interfering with the political Treaties of my Sublime Porte) Conventions with the Agents of foreign powers for customs and trade, and for all relations which concern foreigners, and all the affairs of the country, internal or otherwise, with the object of developing commerce and industry, and to arrange the police for foreigners as well as their position, and all their relations with the Government and the population.

Khedive may contract loans wihtout permission, The Khedive has complete and entire control over the financial affairs of the country. He has full power to contract, without leave, in the name of the Egyptian Government, any foreign loan, whenever he may think it necessary.

The first and most essential duty of the Khedive being to guard and defend the country, he has full and entire authority to provide for all the means and establishments for defence and protection according to the exigencies of time and place, and maintain troops without restriction.and to increase or diminish the number of my Imperial Egyptian troops as may be required, without any restriction being imposed upon him.

Commissions. The Khedive will retain, as before, the privilege of conferring ranks in the military Order up to the rank of Colonel, and in the civil Order up to the rank of Raubci Sanick. Coinage.The money coined in Egypt should be struck in my Imperial name; Flags.the flags of the land and sea forces will be the same as the flags of my other troops; and, Ships of war.as regards ships of war, iron-clads alone shall not be constructed without my permission.

By my Imperial order reproducing the above provisions, I cause this illustrious Firman, headed by my Imperial signature, to be transmitted to thee by my Imperial Divan. This Firman comprises and completes (with explanations and modifications) all the Firmans and Imperial Khats which have hitherto been granted to the Egyptian Government, whether instituting the order of succession and the form of the Regency in case of necessity, or for the civil, military, and financial administration, as well as for the interests of the country, whether material or otherwise.

It is in accordance with my Imperial wish that the rules and principles contained in this Firman should be for ever observed and executed, instead of and in place of all others contained in my previous Firmans.

As for thyself, thou wilt faithfully execute the conditions stipulated in this Firman in accordance with thy character full of uprightness and zeal, and with the knowledge which thou hast acquired of the condition of Egypt, and thou wilt endeavour to administer the country well, and to assure by all possible means the tranquillity of the inhabitants, and thereby show thy gratitude for my favours and my Imperial kindnesses towards thee.

Thou wilt also pay great attention to remitting to my Imperial Treasury, every year, without delay, and in its entirety, the fixed tribute of 150,000 purses.

13 Rebiul Akhir, 1290 (8th June, 1873).

No. IX[71].

1879, 2nd Aug. Firman granting to Tewfik Pasha the Khediviate of Egypt. 2nd August 1879.

À mon Vizir éclairé Tewfik Pacha, appelé au Khédiviat d'Égypte avec le haut rang de Tédaret effectif, décoré de mes Ordres Impériaux de l'Osmanié et du Medjidié en brillants, que le Tout-Puissant perpétue sa splendeur, &c., &c.

Ismaïl Pacha, Khédive d'Égypte, ayant été relevé de ses fonctions ce 6 Rebjeb 1296, eu égard à tes services, à ta droiture, et à ta loyauté tant à ma personne qu'aux intérêts de mon Empire, à ton expérience des affaires d'Égypte, à ta capacité pour réformer la mauvaise situation dont ce pays souffre depuis quelque temps, et conformément à la règle établie par le Firman du 12 Mouharrem, 1283[72], pour la Tewfik to be Khedivetransmission du Khédiviat par ordre de primogéniture, de fils aîné en fils aîné, nous avons conféré à toi, en ta qualité de fils aîné d'Ismail Pacha, le Khédiviat d'Égypte, tel qu'il se trouve formé par ses anciennes limites et en y comprenant les territoires qui y ont été annexés.

L'accroissement de la prospérité de l'Égypte et la consolidation de la sécurité et de la tranquillité de ses habitants, constituant I'objet de notre plus haute sollicitude, nous avions rendu, il y a quelque temps, dans ce but, un Firman Impérial[73] qui confirmait aussi les priviléges anciens de cette contree. Cependant quelques-unes des dispositions du susdit Firman ay ant donné lieu aux difficultés actuelles, en vue de confirmer ceux de ces privilegés qui doivent être maintenus intacts, et de corriger et améliorer ceux de ces privileges qui ont paru necessiter quelques modifications, nous avons fait insérer, ci-après, les dispositions suivantes :

Taxation.Tous les impôts de cette province seront per9us en mon nom. Les habitants d'Égypte étant de mes sujets, et ne devant comme tels subir la moindre oppression ni acte arbitraire, à Administration.cette Condition le Khediviat d'Égypte, auquel est confiée l'administration civile, financiere, et judiciaire du pays, aura la Interior legislation.faculté d'elaborer et d'etablir, d'une maniire conforme à la justice, tous reglements et lois interieurs necessaires à cet égard.

Commercial Conventions.Le Khedive sera autorise à contracter et a renouveler, sans porter atteinte aux Traites politiques de mon Gouvernement Imperial, ni à ses droits souverains sur ce pays, les Conventions avec les Agents des Puissances Étrangeres pour les douanes et le commerce et pour toutes les transactions avec les etrangers concernant les affaires interieures, et cela dans le but de developper le commerce, l'industrie, et 1'agriculture, et de regler la police des etrangers et tous leurs rapports avec to be communicated to the Porte.le Gouvernement et la population. Ces Conventions seront communiquées a ma Sublime Porte avant leur promulgation par le Khedive[74]. Restrictions on contracting loans ; Le Khedive aura la disposition complete et entière des affaires finaneières du pays. Mais il n'aura pas le droit de contracter des emprunts, sauf pour ce qui concerne exclusivement le règlement de la situation financière présente, et en parfait accord avec ses presents creanciers ou les délégués charges officiellement de leurs intérêts.

or assignment of priveleges or teritory.Le Khédiviat ne saura, sous aucun prétexte ni motif, abandonner à d'autres, en tout ou en partie, les privileges accordes privileges à l'Égypte et qui lui sont confies, et qui sont une emanation des prerogatives inherentes au pouvoir souverain, ni aucune partie du territoire [75].

Tribute.L'Administration Égyptienne aura soin de payer régulièrement le tribut annuel fixé à ₤ T. 750,000.

Coinage.La monnaie sera frappee en frappée en mon nom.

Troops.En temps de paix 18,000 hommes de troupes suffisent pour la garde interieure de l'Égypte. Ce chiffre ne doit pas être

'Ces Conventions seront communiquées à ma Sublime Porte avant leur promulgation par le Khedive.'

En réponse, je m'empresse de déclarer à votre Excellence, au nom de la Sublime Porte, que cette clause exclut toute obligation de la part du Khedive d'obtenir la sanction ou I'autorisation du Sultan pour promulguer ou mettre en pratique le3 dites Conventions ; toutefois, la Sublime Porte se réservant le droit de refuser de reconnaitre ou de sanctionner les dites Conventions, et devant toujours être à temps pour le faire si elles portaient atteinte aux Traitds politiques de la Sublime Porte, ou à ses droits, souverains sur ces pays, comme il est dit dans le texte même du Firman. Veuillez, &c.

(Signé) SAWAS.

The Collective note to the Porte, of 28 July, was officially communicated on 27 August by the Consuls-General of Great Britain and France to the Khedive.

dépassé. Cependant, comme les forces Égyptiennes de terre

et de mer sont destinées aussi au service de mon Gouvernement, dans le cas ou la Sublime Porte se trouverait engagée dans une guerre, leur chiffre pourra etre augmente dans la proportion jugée convenable.

Flags and uniform. Les drapeaux des forces de terre et de mer et les insignes des différents grades des officiers seront les mêmes que ceux de mes armees.

Commissions. Le Khédiviat aura le droit de conférer aux officiers de terre et de mer jusqu'au grade de Colonel inclusivement et aux employés civils jusqu'au grade de Sanie inclusivement.

Ironclads. Le Khédive ne pourra, comme par le passé, construire expresse de mon des bâtiments blindés sans l'autorisation Gouvernement.

Je veillerai au strict maintien des conditions qui précèdent, et qui ayant été sanctionnées par mon Iradé Impérial, ont été consignées dans mon présent, orné de mon autographe Impérial, et qui te sera remis par Ali Fuad Bey.

No. X[76].

Règlement d'organisation judiciare pour les procèmixtes en Égyte.


Civil jurisdiction.

Juridiction en matière civile et commerciale.

Chapitre Premier. — Tribunaux de premidre instance et cour d'appel.

§ I. Institution et composition.

Art. I. II sera institue trois tribunaux de priemière instance à Alexandrie, au Caire et à Zagazig.

Art. II. Chacun de ces tribunaux sera composé de sept juges : quatre étrangers et trois indigènes.

Les sentences seront rendues par cinq juges, dont trois étrangers et deux indigènes.

L'un des juges étrangers présidera avec le titre de vicepresident, et sera désigné par la majorité absolue des membres étrangers et indigènes du tribunal.

Dans les aflfaires commercialese le tribunal s'adjoindra deux négociants, un indigene et un stranger, ayant voix deliberative et choisis par voie d'élection.

Art. III. II y aura à Alexandrie une cour d'appel composée de onze magistrats, quatre indigenes et sept etrangers.

L'un des magistrats etrangers pr6sidera sous le titre de vice-president et sera designe de la meme maniere que les vice-presidents des tribunaux.

Les arrets de la cour d'appel seront rendus par huit magistrats, dont cinq etrangers et trois indigenes.

Art. IV. Le nombre des magistrats de la cour d'appel et des tribunaux pourra etre augmente si la cour en signale la necessity pour le besoin du service, sans altérer la proportion fixee entre les juges indigenes et etrangers.

En attendant, dans le cas d'absence ou d'empechement de plusieurs juges a la fois de la cour d'appel, ou du meme tribunal, le president de la cour pourra les faire suppleer, s'il s'agit de juges etrangers, par leurs coUegues des autres tribunaux ou par les magistrats strangers de la cour d'appel ; lorsque l'un des magistrats de la cour sera ainsi delegué à intervenir aux audiences d'un des tribunaux, il en aura la présidence.

Art. V. La nomination et le cboix des juges appartiendront au gouvernement egyptien ; mais, pour etre rassure lui-meme sur les garanties que présenteront les personnes dont il fera choix, il s'adressera officieusement aux ministres de la justice a l'etranger, et n'engagera que les personnes munies de l'acquiescement et de l'autorisation de leur gouvernement.

Art. VI. Il y aura dans la cour d'appel et dans chaque tribunal un greffier et plusieurs commis-greffiers assermentes, par lesquels il pourra se faire remplacer.

Art. VII. II y aura aussi pres la cour d'appel et de chaque tribunal des interpr^tes assermentes en nombres suffisant, et le personnel d'huissiers necessaires qui seront charges du service de I'audience, de la signification des actes et de ^execution des sentences.

Art. VIII. Les greflBers, huissiers et interpret es seront d'abord nommés par le gouvernement, et, quant aux greffiers, ils seront choisis pour la première fois à l'tranger parmi les officiers ministériels qui exercent ou qui ont déjà exercé, ou parmi les personnes aptes à remplir les mêmes fonctions à l'étranger,, et pourront être révoqués par le tribunal auquel ils seront attachés.

§ II. Compétence.

Art. IX. Ces tribunaux connaîtront seuls de toutes les contestations en matière civile et commerciale, entre indigènes et etrangers et entre étrangers de nationalités differentes en dehors du statut personnel.

Iis connaîtront aussi de toutes les actions réelles immobilières entre toutes personnes, même appartenant à la même nationalité.

Suits against the government.Art. X. Le gouvernement_, les administrations, les daïras de S. A. le Khédive et des membres de sa famille seront justicables de ces tribunaux dans les procés avec les étrangers[77].

Art. XI. Ces tribunaux, sans pouvoir statuer sur la propriété du domaine public ni interpréter ou arrêter l'exécution d'une mesure administrative, pourront juger, dans les cas prévus par le Code civil, les atteintes portées à un droit acquis d'un étranger, par un acte d'administration.

Art. XII. Ne sont pas soumises à ces tribunaux les demandes des étrangers centre un établissement pieux en revendication de la propriété d'immeubles possédés par cet établissement, mais ils seront compétents pour statuer sur la demande intentée sur la question de possession légale, quel que soit le demandeur ou le défendeur.

Art. XIII. Le seul fait de la constitution d'une hypothèque en faveur d'un étranger sur les biens immeubles, quels que soient le possesseur et le propriétaire, rendra ces tribunaux compétents pour statuer sur la validité de I'hypothèque et sur toutes ses conséquences jusques et y compris la vente forcée de I'immeuble, ainsi que la distribution du prix.

Art. XIV. Les tribunaux délégueront un des magistrats, qui, agissant un qualité de juge de paix, sera chargé de concilier les parties et de juger les affaires dont l'importance sera fixée par le Code de procédure.

§ III. Audiences.

Art. XV. Les audiences seront publiques, sauf les cas ou le tribunal, par une decision motivee, ordonnera l'huis-clos dans rintdret des bonnes moeurs ou de I'ordre public ; la defense sera libre.

Art. XVI. Les langues judiciaires employees devant le tribunal pour les plaidoiries et la redaction des actes et sentences seront les langues du pays, I'italien et le français.

Art. XVII. Les personnes ayant le diplome d'avocat seront seules admises à representer et defendre les parties devant la cour d'appel.

§ IV. Execution des sentences.

Art. XVIII. L'execution des jugements aura lieu en dehors de toute action administrative consulaire ou autre, sur l'ordre du tribunal. Elle sera effectu6e par les huissiers du tribunal avec I'assistance des autorites locales, si cette assistance devient n^cessaire, mais toujours en dehors de toute ingerence administrative.

Seulement, I'ofRcier de justice chargé de l'execution par le tribunal est oblige d'avertir les consulats dii jour et de l'heure de l'execution, et ce, à peine de nullite et de dommages- interets centre lui. Le consul, ainsi averti, a la feculte de se trouver present à l'execution ; mais, en cas d'absence, il sera passe outre à l'execution.

§ V. Inamovibilité des magistrats, — Avancement, — Incompatibilité. — Discipline.

Art. XIX. Les magistrats qui composent la cour d'appel et les tribunaux seront inamovibles.

L'inamovibilite ne subsistera que pendant la période quinquennale. Elle ne sera définitivement admise qu'apres ce delai d'épreuve.

Art. XX. L'avancement des magistrats et leur passage d'un tribunal à un autre n'auront lieu que de leur consentement et sur le vote de la cour d'appel, qui prendra l'avis des tribunaux intéressés.

Art. XXI. Les fonctions de magistrats, de greffiers, commis-greffiers, interprètes et huissiers seront incompatibles avec toutes autres fonctions salariees et avec la profession de négociant.

Art. XXII. Les magistrats ne seront point l'objet, de la part de Tadministration egyptienne, de distinctions honorifiques ou materielles.

Art. XXIII. Tons les juges de la meme cat%orie recevront les memes appointements. L'acceptation d'une remuneration en dehors de ces appointements, d'une augmentation des appointements, de cadeaux de valeur ou d'autres avantages materiels, entraine, pour le juge, la deeheance de l'emploi et du traitement, sans aucun droit à une indemnité.

Art. XXIV. La discipline des magistrats, des officiers de justice et des avocats est reserv^e a la cour d'appel. La peine disciplinaire applicable aux magistrats, pour les faits qui compromettent leur honorabilite comme magistrat ou l'independance de leur vote, sera la revocation et la perte du traitement, sans aucun droit a une indemnite. La peine applicable aux avocats pour les faits qui compromettent leur honorabilite sera la radiation de la liste des avocats admis à plaider devant la cour, et le jugement devra etre rendu par la cour en reunion genérale à la majorite des trois quarts des conseillers presents.

Art. XXV. Toute plainte presentee au gouvernement par un membre du corps consulaire contre les juges pour cause disciplinaire devra etre deferee à la cour, qui sera tenue d'instruire l'affaire.

Chapitre II. — Parquet.

Art. XXVI. Il sera institué un parquet a la tete duquel sera un procureur general.

Art. XXVII. Le procureur general aura sous sa direction aupres de la cour d'appel et des tribunaux des substituts en nombre suffisant pour le service des audiences et la police judiciaire.

Art. XXVIII. Le procureur general pourra sieger à toutes les chambres de la cour et des tribunaux, à toutes les cours criminelles et à toutes les assemblees generales de la cour et des tribunaux. Art. XXIX. Le procureur general et ses substituts seront amovibles, et ils seront nommes par S. A. le Khédive.

§ VI. Dispositions speciales et transitoires.

Art. XXX. Le droit de récusation péremptoire des magistrats, des interpretes et des traductions ecrites sera réservé pour toutes les parties.

Art. XXXI. Il y aura, dans chaque greffe des tribunaux de premiere instance, un employe du Mehkémé qui assistera le greffier dans les actes translatifs de propriété immobilière et de constitution de droit de privilege immobilier, et en dressera acte qu'il transmettra au Mehkémé.

Art. XXXII. II y aura egalement auprès du Mehkeme des commis delegues par le greffier du tribunal de premiere instance qui devront lui transmettre, pour etre transcrits d'office au registre des hypotheques, les actes translatifs de propriete immobiliere et de constitution de gage immobilier.

Ces transmissions seront faites sous peine de dommages-intérêts et de poursuite disciplinaire, et sans que l'omission entraine nullité.

Art. XXXIII. Les conventions, donations et les actes de constitution d'hypothéque ou translatifs de propriete immobilière, re5us par le greffier du tribunal de premiere instance, auront la valeur d'actes authentiques, et leur original sera depose dans les archives du greffe.

Art. XXXIV. Les nouveaux tribunaux, dans l'exercice de leur juridiction en matiere civile et commerciale, et dans la limite de celle qui leur est consentie en matiere penale, appliqueront les Codes presentes par l'Égypte aux puissances, et, en cas de silence, d'insuffisance et d'obscurite de la loi, le juge se conformera aux principes du droit naturel et aux regies de l'équité.

Art. XXXV. Le gouvernement fera puhlier, tm mois avant le fonctionnement des nouveax tribunaux, les codes^ dont un exemplaire en chacune des langues jiidiciaires sera depose jusqiu'a ce fonctionnement dans cJiaque Mudiereh, auprès de chaque consulate et aux greffes de la com d'appel et des tribunaux, qui en conserveront tonjours un exemplaire.

Art. XXXVI. Il publiera egalement les lois relatives au statut personnel des indigènes, un tarif des frais de justice, les ordonnances sur le regime des terres, des digues et canaux.

Art. XXXVII. La com joreparera le reglement general judiciaire en ce qui concerne la police de Vaudmice, la discipline des tribunaux, des officiers de justice, des avocats, et les devoirs des mandataires representant les parties à l'audience, l'admission des personnes indigentes au hureau d'assistane judiciaire, l'exercice du droit de recusation peremptoire, et la maniere de procéder en cas de partage des cotes, pour les jugements de la cour d'appel.

Le projet de reglément ainsi prepare sera transmisaux tribunaux de premiere instance pour leurs observations, et, apres une nouvelle deliberation de la cour qui sera definitive, rendu executoire par decret du ministre de la justice.

Art. XXXVIII. Les tribunaux en matiere civile et commerciale ne commenceront a connaitre des causes mixtes qu'un mois apres leur installation.

Art. XXXIX. Les causes déjà commences devant les consulats Strangers au moment de l'installation des tribunaux, seront jugees devant leur ancien forum jusqu'a leur solution definitive. Elles pourront, cependant, a la demande des parties et avec le consentement de tous les interesses, etre referees aux nouveaux tribunaux.

Art. XL. Les nouvelles lois et la nouvelle organisation judiciaire n'auront pas d'effet rétroactif.


Criminal Jurisdiction.

Juridiction en Matière Pénale et en ce qui concerne les Inculpés Étrangers.

Chapitre Premier. — Tribunaux des contraventions, de police correctionnelle et cour d'assises.

§ I. Composition.

Art. I. Le juge des contraventions à la charge des etrangers sera un des membres etrangers du tribunal.

Art. II. La chambre du conseil, aussi bien en matiere de del its qu'en matiere de crimes, sera composee de trois juges, dent un indigene et deux etrangers, et de quatre assesseurs etrangers. Art. III. Le tribunal correctionnel aura la meme composition.

Art. IV. La cour d'assises sera composee de trois conseillers, dont un indigene et deux etrangers.

Les douze jures seront etrangers.

Dans ces divers cas, la moitié des assesseurs et des jurés sera de la nationalité de l'inculpé, s'il le demande. Dans le cas où la liste des jurés ou des assesseurs de la nationalité de l'accusé serait insuffisante, il désignera la nationalité à laquelle ils devront appartenir pour completer le nombre voulu.

Art. V. Lorsqu'il y aura plusieurs inculpés, chacun d'eux aura droit de demander un nombre égal d'assesseurs ou de jures, sans que le nombre des assesseurs ou jurés puisse etre augmenté, et sauf a déterminer par la voie du sort ceux des inculpés qui, a raison de ce nombre, ne pourront exercer leur droit.

§ II. Compétence.

Art. VI. Seront soumises à la juridiction des tribunaux égyptiens, les poursuites pour contraventions de simple police, et, en outre, les accusations portees centre les auteurs et complices des crimes et delits suivants :

Art. VII. Crimes et delits commis directement centre les magistrats, les jures et les officiers de justice dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions, savoir :

(1) Outrages par gestes, paroles ou menaces ;

(2) Calomnies, injures, pourvu qu'elles aient été proférées, soit en presence du magistrat, du jure ou de I'officier de justice, soit dans l'enceinte du tribunal, ou publiees par voie d'affiche, d'ecrits, d'imprimes, de gravures ou d'emblemes ;

(3) Voies de fait centre leur personne, comprenant les coups blessures et homicide velontaire avec ou sans pre-meditation ;

(4) Voies de fait exercees centre eux ou menaces à eux faites pour obtenir un acte injuste ou illegal ou l'abstention d'un acte juste ou legal;

(5) Abus par un fonctionnaire public de son autorite centre eux dans le meme but;

(6) Tentative de corruption exercee directement centre eux; (7) Recommandation donnée a un juge par un fonctionnaire public en faveur d'une des parties.

Art. VIII. Crimes et délits commis directement contra l'exécution des sentences et des mandats de justice, savoir :

(1) Attaque ou resistance avec violence ou voies de fait contre les magistrats en fonctions, ou des officiers de justice instrumentant ou agissant légalement pour l'exécution des sentences ou mandats de justice, ou contre les depositaires ou agents de la force publique, chargés de preter main-forte a cette execution ;

(2) Abus d'autorite de la part d'un fonctionnaire public pour empecher Fexecution ;

(3) Vol de pieces judiciaires dans le me me but ;

(4) Bris de scellés apposes par l'autorité judiciaire, détournement d'objets saisis en vertu d'une ordonnance ou d'un jugement;

(5) Évasion de prisonniers detenus en vertu d'un mandat ou d'une sentence et actes qui ont directement procuré cette évasion ;

(6) Recel des prisonniers evades dans le même cas.

Art. IX. Les crimes et delits imputés aux juges, jures et officiers de justice, quand ils seront accuses de les avoir commis dans I'exercice de leurs fonctions ou par suite d'un abus de ces fonctions, savoir ;

Outre les crimes et délits communs qui pourront leur être imputes dans ces circonstances, les crimes et delits speciaux sont :

(i) Sentence injuste rendue par faveur ou inimitié;

(2) Corruption;

(3) Non-révélation de la tentative de corruption ;

(4) Déni de justice ;

(5) Violences exercees contre les particuliers ;

(6) Violation du domicile sans les formalites legales ;

(7) Exactions ;

(8) Détournement de deniers publics ;

(9) Arrestation illégale ;

(10) Faux dans les sentences et actes.

Art. X. Dans les dispositions qui précèdent, sont compris sous la désignation d'officiers de justice, les greffiers, les commisgreffiers assermentés, les interprètes attachés au tribunal et les huissiers titulaires, mais non les personnes chargées accidentellement par délégation du tribunal d'une signification ou d'un acta d'huissier.

La dénomination de magistrats comprend les assesseurs.

Chapitre II. — Dérogation au code d*instruction criminelle dans le jugement des contraventions, des crimes et délits à la charge des étrangers.

§ I. Poursuite.

Art. XI. Lorsqu'un membre du corps consulaire dénoncera un fait délictueux à la charge d'un magistrat ou d'un officier de justice, le gouvernement devra donner les ordres necessaires au ministere public, qui sera tenu de suivre sur la denonciation.

Art. XII. Toutes les poursuites pour crimes et delits feront l'objet d'une instruction qui sera soumise à une chambre du conseil.

Art. XIII. Le consul de l'inculpe sera sans delai avise de toute poursuite pour crime ou delit intentee contre son administre.

§ II. Instruction.

Art. XIV. L'instruction ainsi que les débats auront lieu dans celle des langues judiciaires que connaitrait l'inculpé.

Art. XV. Toute instruction contre un étranger, ainsi que la direction des débats lors du jugement, appartiendront à un magistrat etranger, tant en matiere de simple police qu'en matiere criminelle ou correctionnelle.

Art. XVI. Si l'inculpé d'un crime ou d'un delit n'a pas de defenseur, il lui en sera désigné un d'office au moment de l'interrogatoire, h peine de nullite.

Art. XVII. Jusqu'a ce qu'il soit constaté qu'il existe en Egypte une installation suffisant des lieux de détention, les inculpes arretes preventivement seront livres au consul immediatement après l'interrogatoire, et dans les vingt-quatre heures de l'arrestation au plus tard, à moins que le consul n'ait autorisé la détention dans la prison du gouvernement. Art. XVIII. Le témoin qui refusera de répondre, soit au juge d'instruction, soit devant un tribunal du jugement, pourra etre condamne a la peine de remprisonnement, qui variera d'une semaine a un mois, en matière de delit, et qui pourra etre portee a trois mois en matiere de crime^ ou, en tout car, à une amende de l00 à 4,000 piastres égyptiennes.

Ces peines seront prononcées, suivant les ces, par le tribunal ou la cour.

Art. XIX. Les seuls témoins qui pourront etre récusés sont les ascendants, les descendants et les freres et soeurs de l'inculpe ou ses allies au même degré et son conjoint même divorce, sans que l'audition des personnes ci-dessus entraine nullité, lorsque ni le ministere public, ni la partie civile, ni l'inculpe ne les aura recusees.

Art. XX. Lorsque, dans le cours d'une instruction, il y aura lieu de procéder a une visite domiciliaire, le consul de l'inculpé sera avisé.

II sera dresse proces -verbal de I'avis donne au consul. Copie de ce proces-verbal sera laissee au consulat au moment de I'interpellation.

Art. XXI. Hors le cas de flagrant delit ou d'appel de secours de Tinterieur, I'entree du domicile pendant la nuit ne pourra avoir lieu qu'en presence du consul ou de son delegue, s'il ne l'a pas autorisee hors sa presence.

§ III. Règlement de la compétence dans les conflits de juridiction.

Art. XXII. Trois jours avant la reunion de la chambre du conseil, la communication des pieces de Tinstruction sera faite au greffe, au consul ou à son delegue.

Il devra, sous peine de nullite, être delivre au consul expedition des pieces dont il demandera copie.

Art. XXIII. Si, sur la communication des pièces, le consul de l'inculpé pretend que l'affaire appartient à sa juridiction et qu'elle doit être déférée à son tribunal, la question de competence, si elle est contestée par le tribunal égyptien, sera soumise a l'arbitrage d'un conseil composé de deux conseillers ou juges, désignés par le president de la cour, et de deux consuls choisis par le consul de l'inculpe. Art. XXIV. Lorsque le juge d'instruction et le consul instruiront en même temps sur le même fait, si l'un ou l'autre ne croit pas devoir se reconnâitre incompétent, le conseil des conflits devra être réuni pour régler le différend à la demande de l'un des deux.

Il est bien entendu que le conflit ne pourra jamais être soulevé par le juge d'instruction à l'occasion d'un crime ou d'un délit ordinaire; de plus, le crime ou le délit qu'il prétendra avoir été commis devra être qualifié par le réquisitoire dont il aura été saisi, conformément aux categories ci-dessus des faits attribués aux nouveaux tribunaux. Enfin, si le magistrat ou l'officier de justice offensé a porté sa plainte devant le tribunal consulaire, ce tribunal statuera sur la plainte sans qu'il y ait possibilité de conflit.

Art. XXV. Le tribunal qui, après que les formalités ci-dessus auront été remplies, restera saisi de l'affaire, statuera sur cette affaire sans qu'il puisse y avoir lieu ultérieurement à déclaration d'incompétence.

§ IV. Débats devant la cour d'assises.

Art. XXVI. Devant la cour d'assises, quand les débats seront clos, et les questions à poser aux juges arrêtées, le président résumera l'affaire et les principales preuves pour ou centre l'accusé.

§ V. De l'appel et du pourvoi contre les jugements de condamnation.

Art. XXVII. Les appels, quand ils sont permis en matière de contravention contre les jugements du tribunal de simple police, seront portés devant le tribunal correctionnel.

Art. XXVIII. Les pourvois, dans le cas où ils sont autorisés par le Code d'instruction criminelle contre les jugements de condamnation en matière pénale, seront portés devant la cour, composée comme en matière civile.

Les conseillers ayant siége dans la cour d'assises ne pourront connaître du pourvoi élevé contre l'arrêt de la cour.

§ VI. Établissement de la liste des jurés et choix des assesseurs.

Art. XXIX. La liste des jurés de nationalité étrangère sera dressée annuellement par le corps consulaire.

A cet effet, chaque consul adressera au doyen du corps consulaire la liste de ses nationaux qui remplissent, d'après lui, les conditions voulues pour être jurés. Les jurés devront avoir l'âge de trente ans et une résidence, en Égypte, d'un an au moins.

Art. XXX. La liste définitive sera dressée par le corps consulaire sur les listes partielles en procédant par voie d'élimination, jusqu'à ce que le total des jurés atteigne et n'excède pas le nombre de deux cent cinquante.

Art. XXXI. Chaque nationalité pourra avoir un maximum de trente jurés, pourvu que, dans ce dernier cas, la composition de la nationalité le permette.

Art. XXXII. Les assesseurs correctionnels seront choisis par le corps consulaire sur la liste des jurés.

Art. XXXIII. Le minimum des assesseurs sera de six, et le maximum de douze par nationalité.

Art. XXXIV. Lorsqu'un délit correctionnel devra être jugé dans une ville où il ne se trouvera pas un nombre suffisant d'assesseurs étrangers, la cour désignera les assesseurs du tribunal voisin qui devront venir siéger.

Art. XXXV. Les assesseurs et jurés qui ne comparaîtront pas pour remplis leurs fonctions seront condamnés par le tribunal ou la cour, suivant les cas, à une amende de 200 à 4,000 piastres égyptiennes, à moins d'excuse légitime.

§ VII. Exécution.

Art. XXXVI. Jusqu'à ce qu'il soit constaté qu'une installation suffisante des lieux de détention existe réellement en Égypte, les condamnés à l'emprisonnement seront, si le consul le demande, détenus dans les prisons consulaires.

Art. XXXVII. Le consul dont l'administré subira sa peine dans les établissements du gouvernement égyptien aura le droit de visiter les lieux de détention et d'en vérifier l'etat. Art. XXXVIII. En cas de condamnation à la peine capitale, Messieurs les Répresentants des Puissances auront la faculté de réclamer leur administré.

À cet effet, un délai suffisant interviendra entre le prononcé et l'exécution de la sentence pour donner aux représentants des puissances le temps de se prononcer.


§ I. Disposition spéciale.

Art. XXXIX. Il sera établi près des nouveaux tribunaux un nombre suffisant d'agents choisis par les tribunaux eux-mêmes, pour pouvoir, quand il n'y aura pas peril en le demeure, assister au besoin les magistrats et les officiers de justice dans leurs fonctions.

§ II. Disposition finale.

Art. XL. Pendant la période quinquennale, aucun changement ne devra avoir lieu dans le système adopté.

Après cette période, si l'expérience n'a pas confirmé l'utilité pratique de la réforme judiciaire, il sera loisible aux puissances, soit de revenir à l'ancien ordre de choses, soit d'aviser, d'accord avec le gouvernement égyptien, à d'autres combinaisons.

No. XI.

1874, 10th Nov. Protocoles constatant les conditions auxquelles les gouvernements français et allemand ont respectivement adhéré à la réforme judiciaire égyptienne[78].

10 novembre 1874. Protocole d'adhésion de la France.

5 mai 1875. Protocole d'adhésion de l'Allemagne.


Le 10 novembre 1874, S. Exec. Chérif-Pacha, ministre de la justice de S. A. le


S. Exec. Chérif-Pacha, ministre de la justice de S. A. le Khédive, et M. de Thielau,
Khédive, et M. le marquis de Cazeaux, agent et consul général de France, agissant par ordre et d'après les instructions de leurs gouvernements respectifs, ayant eu une dernière conférence pour arriver à une entente définitive sur les conditions auxquelles le gouvernement français adhèrerait à la reforme judiciaire en Égypte sont convenus de ce qui suit :
secretaire de legation, charge du consulat - general d'Allemagne, agissant par ordre et d'apres les instructions de leurs gouvernements respectifs, desirant constater leur entente definitive sur les modifications que le projet de la reforme judiciaire en Égypte a subies par le protocole franco-égyptien du lo novembre 1874, sont convenus de ce qui suit :

Art. I (texte identique dans les deux p.rotocoles). Les accusations de banqueroute frauduleuse dont il s'agit d, l'article 8, alinéa G, titre II du règlement organique, continueront, comme par le passe, à être de la compétence de la juridiction de l'inculpé.


Art. II. Pour le cboix de l'un des juges de première instance, le gouvernement égyptien s'addressera au ministre de la justice en France, dans la forme prevue pour la nomination des conseillers de la cour d'appel, et le magistrat ainsi désigné sera placé de préférence aupres du tribunal du Caire.


Art. II. Le gouvernement égyptien s'étant adressé dans la forme prévue pour la nomination des conseillers de la cour d'appel au chancelier de l'empire pour la nomination d'un juge de première instance, ce magistrat déjà designé sera place de preference aupres du tribunal du Caire.
Art. III (texte identique). Un des membres du ministère public sera cboisi dans la magistrature française (resp. : allemande), et il est expressement entendu que, si une seconde chambre était créée dans l'un des tribunaux du Caire ou de Zagazig, et si, par conséquent, le personnel du parquet venait à être augmente, un autre membre du ministère public serait également choisi parmi les magistrats français (resp. : allemands).

protocol français.

Art. IV. En ce qui touche la révision des codes égyptiens, l'agent et consul général de France adressera à S. Exc. Chérif-Pacha, dans le délai 15 jours, à partir du moment où le cabinet français aura notifié son approbation au gouvernement égyptien, une note qui signalera a les points de détail à éclaircir dans la rédaction et l'économie de la nouvelle législation et qui proposera les modifications utiles pour en faire disparaître les contradictions.

protocole allemand.

Art. IV. Les codes égyptiens révisés dernièrement seront présentés le plus tôt possible au gouvernement allemand.

Art. V (texte identique). La réserve relative au statut personnel, omise dans l'article 9 du règlement organique sera rétablie dans le texte de ce règlement.

Art. VI (texte identique). En ce qui touche la composition des chambres, le gouvernement français (le protocole allemand dit: quelques puissances) ayant demandé que l'un des magistrats chargés de juger une affaire européenne fût, autant que possible, de la nationalité de la partie en cause, le gouvernement égyptien s'est engagé à appeler sur ce point l'attention de la nouvelle magistrature chargée de régler seule l'organisation de son service.

Le protocole français (art. 6) dit en outre: La même réponse a été faite au gouvernement austro-hongrois, qui avait exprimé le même désir.

Art. VII (texte identique dans la première partie). Les immunités, les priviléges, les prérogatives et les exemptions, dont les consulats étrangers et les fonctionnaires qui dépendent d'eux jouissent actuellement en vertu des usages diplomatiques et des traités en vigueur, restent maintenus dans leur intégrité: en conséquence, les consuls généraux, les consuls, les vice-consuls, leurs familles et toutes les personnes attachées à leur service ne seront pas justiciables des nouveaux tribunaux, et la nouvelle législation ne sera applicable ni à leurs personnes ni à leurs maisons d'habitation.


Suite de l'art. 7. La même réserve est expressément stipulée en faveur des établissements catholiques, soit religieux, soit d'enseignement, placés sous le protectorat de la France.


Suite de l'art. 7. En outre les établissements allemands suivants: (1) l'église protestante allemande à Alexandrie, (2) l'église protestante allemande au Caire, (3) l'école allemande à Alexandrie, (4) l'école allemande au Caire, et (5) l'hôpital protestante allemand à Alexandrie, ne seront pas soumis à la compétence des nouveaux tribunaux et resteront justiciables, comme dans le passé, des tribunaux consulaires allemands. Il est bien entendu que lesdits établissements ne seront exemptés qu'en qualité de corporations et que, par conséquent, les pasteurs, les professeurs et toutes les personnes attachées à ces établissements relèveront de la juridiction établie en Égypte pour la nationalité à laquelle elles appartiennent.

En ce qui concerne la réserve stipulée à la fin de l'article 7 du protocole franco-égyptien du 10 novembre 1874, en faveur des établissements catholiques, soit religieux soit d'enseignement, placés sous le protectorat de la France, M. de Thielau déclare:

Le gouvernement allemand ne reconnaissant à aucune puissance un protectorat exclusif sur les établissements catholiques en Orient, se réserve tous ses droits sur les sujets ou administrés allemands appartenant à un de ces établissements, et il considière notamment comme entendu que ladite stipulation du protocole franco-égyptien ne saurait porter atteinte à la juridiction qui est ou qui sera établie pour les sujets et administrés allemands en Égypte, en vertu des lois de l'Empire et des arrangements faits entre l'Allemagne et le gouvernement du Khédive.

S. Exe. Chérif-Pacha, au nom du gouvernement égyptien, prend acte de cette déclaration.

Art. VIII (texte identique). Il est entendu que les nouvelles lois et la nouvelle organisation judiciaire n'auront pas d'effet retroactif, conformément au principe inscrit dans le code civil égyptien.

Art. IX (texte identique). Les réclamations déjà pendantes contre le gouvernement égyptien seront soumises à une commission composée de trois magistrats de la cour d'appel, choisis d'accord par les deux gouvernements. Cette commission décidera souverainement et sans appel; elle établira elle-méme les formes de la procédure à suivre.

Art. X (texte identlque). Ces mêmes réclamations pouront toutefois, si les intéressés le préfèrent, être portées devant une chambre spéciale en première instance, et une autre chambre spéciale en appel, composées de magistrats appartenant, les uns aux tribueaux, les autres à la cour, et constituées conformément aux dispositions déjà convenues entre le gouvernement égyptien et celui d'Autriche-Hongrie. Ces deux chambres, bien que jugeant d'après les règles de la procédure des nouveaux tribunaux, statueront au fond conformément aux lois et coutumes en vigueur au moment des faits qui auront motivé les réclamations.

Art. XI. (texte identique). Les affaires qui concernent à la fois des réclamants appartenant à plusieurs nationalités seront jugés d'après celui de ces deux modes qui sera convenu entre leurs consuls-généraux respectifs.

Art. XII. (texte identique). Le règlement de ces affaires commencera avec l'installation des nouveaux tribunaux et continuera pendant leur fonctionnement.

1875. 31st July. Convention entre la Grande-Bretagne et l'Égypte, relative à la réforme judiciaire[79].

Les soussignés M. Charles A. Cookson, gérant de l'agence et Consulat général de Sa Majesté Britannique et Son Excellence Chérif-Pacha, ministre de la justice de Son Altesse, le Khédive, agissant par ordre et d'après les instructions de leurs gouvernements respectifs, ayant tenu une conférence ce jour au sujet de la Réforme judiciaire en Égypte, sont convenus de ce qui suit:

Toutes et chacune des stipulations et réserves contenues dans la Convention Relative à la Réforme judiciaire qui a été conclue entre les Gouvernements français et égyptien, le 10 novembre 1874 (dont copie est ci-annexée), aussi bien que celles contenues dans la Convention conclue entre les Gouvernements allemand et éyptien le 5 mai 1875 (dont copie est pareillement ci-annexée) seront immédiatement et inconditionnellement étendues par le Gouvernement égyptien à la Grande-Bretagne et aux sujets britanniques, si à un moment quelconque le Gouvernement britannique exprimait un désir à cet effet.

En outre, le Gouvernement égyptien convient que tous les autres arrangements qu'il aurait déjà faits ou qu'il ferait à l'avenir avec toute autre puissance étrangère, soit concernant la Réforme judiciaire en Égypte, soit concernant les tribunaux consulaires ou autres existants dans ce pays, seront immédiatement et inconditionnellement étendus à la Grande-Bretagne et aux sujets britanniques, si le Gouvernement britannique à un moment quelconque exprimait un désir à cet effet.

En foi de quoi les soussignés ont signé la presente Convention, et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.

Fait à Alexandrie le trente-et-un juillet, mil huit cent soixante-et-quinze.



No. XII[80]

1876. 2nd May. Decree establishing the 'Caisse de la dette publique,' 2 May, 1879.

We, the Khedive of Egypt, desiring to take definitive and opportune measures for obtaining the unification of the different debts of the State and those of the Daïra Sanieh, and also desiring the reduction of the excessive charges resulting from these debts, and wishing to bear solemn testimony to our firm intention to secure every guarantee to all persons interested, have resolved to establish a special Treasury charged with the regular service of the public debt, and to appoint to its management foreign Commissioners, who at our request will be indicated by the respective Governments as fit officials to fill the post to which they will be appointed by us in the quality of Egyptian officials, and under the following conditions. Having consulted our Privy Council, we have decreed, and do hereby decree as follows:—

Establishment of the Caisse. Article I. A Treasury of the Public Debt is established, charged with receiving the funds necessary for the interest and the redemption of the debt, and with applying them to this object exclusively.

Art. II. The officials, the local Treasuries, or the special Administrations, after collecting, receiving, or accumulating Hypothecated revenues to be paid to Caisse the revenues specially devoted to the payment of the debt, are revenues to be in future charged to pay them into the Central Treasury or to keep them at the disposal of the Intendants of Public Expenditure[81] ('Ordonnateurs des Depenses de l'État'). The Intendants of Public Expenditure are, by virtue of the present Decree, bound to pay these revenues on account of the State Treasury into the Special Treasury of the Public Debt, which will be considered in this respect as a special Treasury. These officials, treasuries, and administrations can only procure a valid discharge by means of the vouchers which will be delivered to them by the said 'Caisse' of the Public Debt. Any other order or voucher will not be valid. The same officials, treasuries, or administrations will every month send to the Minister of Finance a statement of the receipts or collections made by themselves directly or paid in by the receivers of the revenues specially assigned to the debt and the payments made into the Special Treasury of the Public Debt. The Minister of Finance will communicate these statements to the Administration of the Caisse of the Public Debt.

The Caisse of the Public Debt shall receive from the Daïra Sanieh the entire sum necessary for the interest and redemption of the amount of its unified Debt. It shall likewise receive the funds for the yearly payment due to the English Government, and representing the interest on the Suez Canal shares.

Insufficient and surplus revenue. Art. III. If the payments of the revenue assigned to the debt be insufficient to meet the half-yearly charges, the special Public Debt Department will demand from the Treasury, through the intermediary of the Minister of Finance, the sum required to complete the half-yearly payments ; the Treasury will have to deliver this sum a fortnight before the payments are due. If the funds in hand constitute a surplus over the amount necessary for the payment of the interest and the sinking fund, the special Treasury of the Public Debt will pay this surplus at the end of each year to the general Treasury of the Exchequer. The Treasury of the Public Debt will submit its accounts, which will be examined and reported upon according to law. Actions of against government brought in the international Courts. Art. IV. The suits which the Treasury and its Directors, on its behalf, acting in the name and in the interests of the creditors, mostly of foreign nationality, may consider they have to bring against the financial administration represented by the Minister of Finance in so far as regards the guardianship of the guarantees of the debt which we have confided to the said Treasury, will be brought in the terms of their jurisdiction before the new tribunals which, in conformity with the agreement entered into with the Powers, have been instituted in Egypt[82].

The Commissioners. Art. V. The Commissioners selected as stated above will have the direction of the special Treasury of the Public Debt. They will be appointed by us for five years, and will sit in Cairo. Their functions may be continued after the five years have expired, and in case of the death or resignation of one of them the vacancy will be filled by us in the manner of the original appointment. They may intrust one of themselves with the functions of President, and the latter will notify his nomination to the Minister of Finance.

Art. VI. The cost of exchange, insurance, and conveyance of specie abroad, as well as the commission for the payment of the coupons will be borne by the Government. The Directors of the Treasury will come to a previous arrangement with the Ministers of Finance with regard to all these operations, but the Minister will decide whether the despatch of these sums is to be effected in specie or by letters of exchange.

Art. VII. The Treasury will not be allowed to employ any funds, disposable or not, in operations of credit, commerce, industry, &c.

Govenment not to diminish yield of hypothecated taxes. Art. VIII. The Government will not be able, without an agreement with the majority of the Commissioners directing the Treasury of the Public Debt, to effect in any of the taxes specially devoted to the Debt any changes which might result in a diminution of the revenue from these taxes. At the same time, the Government may farm out one or several of these taxes, provided that the contract entered into insure a revenue at least equal to that already existing, and may also conclude Treaties of commerce introduciDg modifications in the Customs duties,

nor to contract new loans, without consent of Caisse.Art. IX. The Government undertakes not to issue any loans, Treasury Bonds or any other new bonds, and not to contract other loan of any nature whatsoever. This same engagement is entered into in the name of the Daira Sanieh. Nevertheless, in case the Government, from urgent national reasons, should find itself placed under the necessity of having recourse to credit, it may do so within the limits of strict necessity, and without doing anything to affect the employment of the revenues set apart for the Treasury of the Public Debt, or to cause their diversion from their destination. These totally exceptional loans can only be contracted after an agreement on the subject with the Commissioners directing the Treasury[83].

Art. X. In order that the arrangements stated in the preceding article shall not place obstacles in the way of the Administration, the Government may open a running account with a bank to facilitate its payments by means of anticipations, to be regulated in accordance with the year's receipts. The debit or credit balance will be settled at the end of each year. This current account must never be overdrawn during the year by more than 50,000,000 fr.

Done at Cairo, the 2nd of May, 1876.


No. XIII[84]

1876. 7th May.

Decree for the Unification of the Egyjptian debt, &c., 7th May, 1876.

Whereas the loans contracted in 1862, 1864, 1868, 1873, 1865, 18673, and 1870, by the Government and the Daïra[85] Sanieh[86], originally amounted to the sum of 65,497,660l. sterling, and are now reduced to 54,793,150/. sterling by the redemption of bonds effected up to this day;

Whereas to these debts, contracted by means of loans with sinking funds, there is to be added the floating debt contracted both by the Government and the Daïra in order to cover the deficit resulting from the partial non-execution of the contract relative to the Loan of 1833, not including the provision contained in clause 19 of the said contract for the completion of the public works already in course of construction ; and also to meet the expenditure occasioned by circumstances beyond human control, and by public calamities ;

Whereas this debt has to a great extent been contracted by means of credit operations which, having been forced upon the Government in critical periods or under other exceptional and urgent circumstances, have been concluded on conditions onerous for the State Treasury;

Whereas, in order to make it possible for the Treasury and the Daïra Sanieh to satisfy these different debts, and to better secure for the future the interests of the creditors by a measure in conformity with the public exigencies, it has been found opportune and useful to unify all these debts by establishing one general debt, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent., and redeemable within sixty-five years ;

Whereas, in view of the conditions of issue of the different loans with sinking funds attached, the bonds belonging to these loans, if unified at par of their nominal value, receive a benefit which it is only just to extend to the holders of bonds of the floating State debt and of the Daïra Sanieh in a proportion which shall establish as far as possible an equality between all creditors, and it is also equitable to accord to the holders of the 1864, 1865, and 1867 loans, the last payments of which are shortly falling due, a compensation for the relatively greater prolongation of the sinking fund operations ;

Whereas the yearly sum necessary for the service of the general unified debt, amounting to 91,000,000l. sterling, will be 6,443,600l. sterling, but, in order to determine the real charge which will actually be chargeable in the ordinary State Budget, it is necessary to deduct from that sum 684,411l. sterling, being the contribution of the Daïra Sanieh in proportion to the amount of its debt unified with the State Debt, and thus the annual charge on the State remains at 5,759,189l. sterling ;

Whereas the unification and the consolidation of the State debts into one general debt make it inopportune to continue the payment of the Moukabalah, by which the Government had intended to arrive at the extinction of the floating debt by anticipating the land tax in six yearly amounts ;

Whereas, in consequence of this anticipation, one of the most important revenues of the State would after some years be considerably reduced, while in the interest both of the Government and of the State creditors it is necessary that the revenue of the Treasury be secured, so as to satisfy the interest and the redemption of the Public Debt, and also the Budget expenditure;

Operation of Moukabalah arrested.Whereas for these reasons our Privy Council has proposed to us, and we have approved, to arrest the operation of the Moukabalah[87] by granting to those who have made anticipatory payments all rights and privileges over the property which they would only have definitively acquired after the full payment of the Moukabalah, and to take equitable measures either for the restitution of these anticipatory payments or for a proportionate reduction of taxes, the result of which will be to obviate a considerable reduction in one of the principal sources of the State revenue ;

Whereas, further for the security of the creditors, it has become necessary to establish a special Treasury charged with receiving the amount of revenue devoted to the service of the Debt;

We, the Khedive of Egypt, after consulting our Privy Council, have decreed, and do hereby decree as follows : —

Unification of debt at 7 per cent.Art. I. All the debts of the State and those of the Daïra Sanieh, resulting from loans contracted in the years 1862, 1864, 1868, 1873, 1865, 1867, and 1870, the floating debt of the State, and the floating debt of the Daïra Sanieh, including the Treasury bonds and all other bonds or obligations, are unified into a general debt, the bonds of which shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent.[88] on the nominal capital, and shall be redeemable in sixty-five years by half-yearly drawings. The unification is effected at par of the nominal amount of the bonds of the old 1862, 1868, 1870, and 1873 Loans. The bonds of the general debt shall be delivered at the rate of 95 per cent. of their nominal capital to the holders of Seven per Cent. bonds of the 1864 and 1865 Loans, and of the Nine per Cent. Loan of 1867. For this latter loan the difference of the per-centage of interest shall be capitalized at the rate of Floating debt. 70 per cent. of the nominal capital, and at the rate of 80 per cent. to the holders of the bonds of the floating debts of the State and the Daïra Sanieh, in the form of Treasury bonds or other bonds and obligations which constitute them. By virtue of this operation the general unified debt will amount to 91,000,000l. sterling nominal, to bear interest from the 1st of July, 1876.

Proportion to be borne by Daïra Art. II The loan debt and floating debt of the Daïra Sanieh being unified with that of the State under the same restrictions and guarantees, the Daïra Sanieh is bound to pay annually into the Treasury of the Public Debt the sum of 684,411l. sterling, representing its proportion of the total yearly amount necessary for the interest and sinking fund of the debt.

List of hypothecated revenues. Art. III. The revenues specially devoted to the service of the General Debt are : —Moudirieh de Garbieh, 1,201,523l. sterling; Moudirieh de Menouieh, 714,107l.; Moudirieh de Behera, 424,312l.; Moudirieh de Siout, 732,179l.; octroi dues of Cairo, 345,389l. ; octroi dues of Alexandria, 173,837l.; import duties of Alexandria, Suez, Damietta, Rosetta, Port Saïd, and El Arich, 639,677l.; railways, 990,806l.[89]; tobacco dues, 264,015l., salt revenues, 200,000l.; the rent of Materieh, 60,000l.; sluice revenues and navigation dues on the Nile up to Wadyhalfa, 30,000l; bridge of Kasr-el-Nil, 15,000l.—total, 5,790,845l. sterling[90], Contributions of the Daira, which is to be paid immediately upon the money coming in, 684,411l. ; general total of revenne devoted to the service of the Unified General Belt, 6,475,256l[91].

Art. IV. The bonds of the General Unified Debt shall be issued in sums of 20l., 100l., 500l., and 1000l. sterling, with coupons payable half-yearly. The drawing of bonds for the half-yearly redemption will be effected by the Managing Commissioners of the Treasury of the Public Debt[92]. These bonds shall be delivered in exchange for the bonds of the old loans and the bonds of the floating debt on the conditions prescribed in Art, I. of the present Decree.

Caisse. Art. V. A group composed of banking houses and financial establishments has undertaken by contract the operation of the unification of the debt. Special Government Commissioners shall be appointed by us to watch over the regular execution of these operations.

Art. VI. For the service of the Unified Debt a special Treasury is created, the statutes of which are laid down in our preceding Decree, which is to be considered as complementary of the present Decree.

Art. VII. Our Minister of Finance is charged with the execution of the present Decree.

Done at Cairo, the 7th day of May, 1876.


No. XIV[93].

Decree issued on 15th November, 1876, with reference to the Finances of Egypt, the Amortization of Debt, and the Financial Administration, (The Goschen-Joubert Decree.)

We, the Khedive of Egypt,

Considering that the Decree of the 7th May, 1876, relating to the unification of the debts of the State and of the Daïra requires certain modifications in its application. Considering the Decree of the 2nd May, 1876, establishing the Treasury of the Public Debt, and desiring to strengthen still further the functions of the Commissioners who administer the said Treasury.

Considering that the suppression of the law of the Moukabalah raises unanimous objections on the part of those whom it affects, and that the Chamber of Delegates has given expression to the desire that the law should be maintained. In our firm desire to assure the regular course of the public services, while at the same time protecting the interests of the creditors by more efficacious guarantees. And having heard our Privy Council, we have decreed and decree —

First Division.Finances.

Daïra debt deducted from unified. Art. I. The debts of the Daïra as set forth in the Tables A and B inserted in the present Decree are separated from the debts of the State, and not included in the unification of the general public debt. These debts will form the subject of a special arrangement[94].

Moukabalah revived. Art. II. The law of the Moukahalah is re-established, and is considered as never having ceased to be in force. Nevertheless, the annual reductions produced hy the effect of the law of the Moukahalah will not come into force until the commencement of the year 1866, and an annual interest of 5 per cent, will he credited to the contributaries up to the end of the year 1885 on the sums which should he deducted[95].

The whole sum produced hy the Moukahalah will he applied to the redemption of the Loans of 1864, 1865, and 1867, and of the unified debt.

In the employment of the available ('disponibles') funds yielded by the Moukahalah, certain reservations are made which are dealt with in Article 6, relating to 'amortization.'

Art. III. A special administration of the railways and Preference Bonds.of the port of Alexandria is estabished, which will be placed under the direction of a Commission, as will be set forth hereafter.

The revenues of the railways and of the port of Alexandria will be directly applied to the payment of the interest and the sinking fund of a series of preference bonds having a special mortgage on the railways and the port of Alexandria, amounting to seventeen millions sterling, and bearing interest at 5 per cent., redeemable in sixty-five years. Interest to run from the 15th October, 1876.

These bonds will be offered by preference to the holders of the Loans of 1862, 1868, and 1873, in exchange for bonds of these loans bearing 7 per cent., which bonds will be cancelled.

The annuity necessary for the service (interest and sinking fund) of the preference 5 per cent, bonds, amounting to 885,744l., and payable in two half-yearly payments of 442,872l. each, will form the first charge on the revenues of the railways and of the port of Alexandria, and will remain, in every eventuality, the first liability of the Commission of the Public Debt[96].

Deduction of certain Loans from Unified debt. Art. IV. The Loans of 1864, 1865, and 1867 are deducted from the Unified debt.

They will continue to bear the interest appertaining to them until their complete redemption.

They will be redeemed within the terms of their respective contracts. They will be redeemed, however, at the rate of 80 instead of at 100 per cent., and the first half-yearly payment on account of this redemption will be postponed by six months ; that is to say, it will take place for the Loan of 1864 on the 1st April, 1877, for the Loan of 1865 on the 7th July, 1877, and for the Loan of 1867 on the 22nd May, 18772[97].

Floating debt.Art. V. The bonus of 25 per cent., granted by the Decree of the 7th May last to the holders of the Floating Debt, is reduced to 10 per cent. The Financial position.By the effect of these measures, the financial position will be as follows:—

(A.) The bonus included in the Table of Unification annexed to the Decree of 7th May, amounting to

£ £
Is reduced —

(1) By the entire bonus on 2,906,151l., the amount of the Floating Debt of the Daïra


(2) By the bonus on the Loans of 1864, 1865, and 1867


(3) By the reduction of the bonus granted to the Floating Debts of the Malieh and of the Daïra on the Malieh, viz. 5,170,993l., three-fifths of which representing the 15 per cent, to be deducted is

(B.) The Unified Debt of 91,000,000

Will be reduced as follows by these several deductions:—

(1) The Consolidated Debt of the Daïra ...


(2) The Floating Debt of the Daïra ...


(3) The Loans of 1864, 1865, and 1867 ...


(4) The railways and the port of Alexandria


(5) Sundry bonuses as above ... ...

There accrues to the Government on account of the port of Alexandria, which is given as a guarantee, 2,000,000l. in bonds of the General Debt
... ... 2,000,000
Balance at the disposal of the Government ... ... ... 343,977
Total of the Unified Debt 59,000,000

To this debt of 59 millions an annuity of 4,177,720l. sterling is assigned, representing its redemption in sixty-five years, and interest at the rate of 7 per cent, upon the capital. Interest to run from 15th July, 1876.

This annuity is payable in two half-yearly payments of 2,088,860l. each.

The revenues which are at present assigned to the Treasury of the Public Debt by our Decree of the 7th May, 1876, remain pledged as before, subject to the modifications which will result from the resent Decree, which will he arranged by the Controllers-General to he mentioned hereafter, and by the Commissioners of the Public Debt.

The 2,000,000l. in bonds of general debt accruing to the Government for the port of Alexandria are not to he disposed of until after the entire payment of the amount of 704,000l. due on 1st January, 1877 to the contractors of the port.

Second Division.Amortization[98].

RedemptionArt. VI. The operation of redeeming the bonds will be carried out by the Commissioners of the Treasury of the Public Debt. In order to increase the amount available for redemption, a deduction will be made of one-seventh of the interest of 7 per cent, which is assigned to the service of this debt, viz. : — 1 per cent, on the capital remaining to be redeemed at the beginning of each year.

The fund yielded by this deduction will be added to the sums available from the Moukabalah, and will be also employed in redeeming bonds by means of public purchases, subject to the reservation mentioned hereafter, in case of public purchases not being made.

This deduction, however, will only be made to the end of the year 1885 at the latest, and if before that date the unified debt is reduced to 40,000,000l. sterling, payment of interest at 7 per cent, will be resumed from that moment.

The funds yielded by the Moukabalah will be paid in their entirety to the Commissioners of the Public Debt, to whom the service of redemption is confided ('service d'amoitissement'). The Commissioners of the Treasury of the Public Debt will take out of the funds paid to them the sum necessary for the redemption of the 1864, 1865, and 1867 Loans, and they will devote the available balance to the redemption of the general unified debt.

In the event that after the service of the Public Debt shall have been provided for the revenues should be insufficient to meet the estimated budget expenses of the Government, such as they are fixed in the table annexed to the present Decree, the Finance Committee, composed of the Minister of Finance and the two Controllers-General, will give notice thereof to the Commissioners of the Public Debt. The latter will then keep back out of the available funds yielded by the Moukabalah, and intended for the redemption of the Unified Debt, the sum necessary to make up the difference.

In order to be in a position to meet this liability, the Commissioners of the Public Debt will keep in hand (‘conservera dans ses caisses’) out of the available sums yielded by the Moukabalah, and assigned for the Redemption of the Public Debt, a sum of 600,000l. per annum. This sum can only be sent to Europe after a notification of the Finance Committee mentioned above.

If, on the other hand, there is an excess of revenue after the charge for the Public Debt and the budget expenses above-mentioned have been met, this excess is to be added to the Redemption Fund.

The amortization, both by the deduction of 1 per cent., and by the sums remaining available from the Moukabalah and the budget surpluses, is to be conducted by means of public purchases so long as it will be possible to effect these purchases below the price of 75.

In the event that during the period of the Moukabalah purchases cannot be made at a rate below 75, the amortization is to take place by drawings at the rate of 75. As soon as the increments of revenue shall produce a budget surplus of 150,000l. per annum, the amortization will take place at the rate of 80.

Third Division.—Administration: Controllers-General[99].

The Dual ControlArt. VII. Two Controllers-General will be appointed, the on a Controller-General of Receipts, the other a Controller-General of Audit (‘comptabilité’) and of the Public Debt.

Art. VIII. The functions of the Controller-General of Receipts are the following:

(1) The Collection of all the revenues of the State, and their payment into the receiving offices to which they belong (‘dans les caisses respectives’).

(2) He will have under his direction all the collectors, except the officials charged with the collection of judicial fees and others attached to the Tribunals of the Judicial Reform (‘Tribunaux de la Réforme’).

(3) He will propose their nomination to us through the channel of the Minister of Finance.

He will have the right to suspend them from their functions and he can also dismiss them after a regular enquiry with the concurrence of the Finance Committee composed of the Minister of Finance and the two Controllers-General.

The collectors of the taxes in the provinces (Moudiriehs) will be chosen from amongst Egyptian subjects, who are not disqualified by any such legal incapacity as may be provided against by law.

(4) It will he his duty to see that the Agents of Collection do not collect more than the authorized taxes. Collection cannot be enforced on the tax-papers of the direct taxes until after they have been countersigned by him.

(5) It will be his duty to see that the produce in kind belonging to the revenues is realized to the best advantage of the Treasury. The Finance Committee will look to the best means of realizing its value.

Art. IX. The Controller-General of Audit and the Public Debt will have to fulfil at the same time the functions of ‘Councillor to the Ministry of Finance.’

These functions will be the following:

(1) It will be his duty to see to the execution of all the regulations affecting the debts of the State, without trenching on the functions which belong to the Commissioners of the Public Debt.

(2) He will control the general account-keeping of the Treasury, and of all the Government Receiving Offices (‘Caisses de l’État’).

(3) The Ministers or heads of Administration will have the regulation of all the expenses.

The cheques or orders for payment (‘des mandats ou assignations’) which they may issue must be countersigned by the Controller-General, in order to be honoured.

(4) The Controller-General will not have to judge of the expediency of the expenditure of the Government. He can only refuse his counter-signature to orders to pay (‘mandats’) which would exceed the amounts of the credits still open, or which would prevent sufficient funds remaining in hand to meet the balance of expenditure still to he incurred under the estimated Budget of the current year.

The Budget.Art. X. The Controllers-General will take part in the preparation of the the Budget. They are not to encroach upon the functions of the Ministers, who will remain sole judges of the necessity of assigning credits to services of such and such a nature. Accordingly, the Budget will be prepared by the Minister of Finance, who will centralize all the demands for credits made by the Heads of Departments.

The Budget having been thus prepared, will be submitted to the Council of Ministers, to which the two Controllers-General will he summoned.

When the Budget has been examined and revised, if necessary, it will be submitted by the Council to our approbation.

The Minister of Finance and the Controllers-General will see to the strict execution of the Budget.

Art. XI. The Finance Committee will have to give their approval, in the first instance ('préalablement') to all contracts entailing pecuniary engagements, which would exceed fth of the credits open for the year, or which would be applicable to several years.

Art. XII. It will be the duty of the Finance Committee to draw up the general regulations in the matter of public accounts ('en matière de comptabilite publique') under our sanction.

The Controllers.Art. XIII. Of the two Controllers-General, one will he an Englishman and the other a Frenchman.

Art. XIV. The nomination and the choice of the Controllers-General will belong to us ; hut in order to satisfy ourselves with regard to the guarantees offered by the persons whom we may choose, we shall address ourselves unofficially ('officieusement') to the English and French Governments, and we shall only engage persons who are furnished with the authority, or with the acquiescence of their Governments.

If one or the other of these Governments, at the time when the nominations have to he made, should not give its authority or its acquiescence, our choice will he made amongst the higher officials of the two countries, either in active service or retired. for five yearsArt. XV. The two Controllers-General will he named for five years. In case of their resignation or their deaths the proceedings taken to replace them will he the safne as those taken for their nomination.

Art. XVI. The two Controllers-General will have the same rank and will receive the same remuneration.

Art. XVII. They will he accountable only to us.

Commission of the Public Debt.[100]

The CaisseArt. XVIII. The Commission of the Public Debt is permanent until the entire debt is redeemed.

Art. XIX. The Commissioners will have the right to send the funds which they will have encashed direct to the Bank of England and to the Bank of France. They will have the necessary powers to make this transmission of funds ; but it will be their duty to come to an understanding beforehand with the Minister of Finance and the Controllers-General.

An English Commissioner to be added.Art. XX. An English Commissioner will be added to the Commission of the Public Debt. The nomination and the choice of this Commissioner will belong to us ; but in order to satisfy ourselves with regard to the guarantees offered by the person whom we shall choose, we shall address ourselves unofficially to the English Government, and we shall only engage a person furnished with the authority and acquiescence of his Government. If the English Government, at the time when this nomination is to be made, should not give its authority or its acquiescence, we should make choice of a higher official in the English service, either on the active or on the retired list[101].

Art. XXI. The merchandize or produce given for payment of taxes in the provinces specially set apart for the service of the debt will be placed at the exclusive disposal of the Commissioners of the Debt, who will have the power to sell it, coming, however, to an understanding ('en se concertant toutefois') with the Minister of Finance and the Controllers-General as to the best means of realizing it. Art. XXII. The members of the Commission of the Public Debt will not be able to accept any other functions in Egypt.

Railways and Port of Alexandria.

The Administration of the railways and port of AlexandriaArt. XXIII. The railways which are now actually being worked, and the port of Alexandria, will be placed under a Special Administration, which will be accountable only to us. railways This Administration will be composed of five Administrators, of whom two will be English, one French, and two natives.

One of the two English Administrators will have the functions of President.

Art. XXIV. The annexation of the Administration of the Port of Alexandria to the Special Administration of the Railways, and the application of their revenues to the service of the Preference Debt, are not in any case to prejudice the contracts already existing with the contractors, nor to modify the relations of the Government to the latter with regard to the work which is still to be executed.

Art. XXV. The nomination and the choice of the Administrators will belong to us, but in order to satisfy ourselves with regard to the guarantees offered by the foreign Administrators whom we may choose, we shall address ourselves unofficially to the Governments of England and France, and we shall only engage persons furnished with the authority or the acquiescence of their Governments. In the event that one or the other of these Governments should not give its authority or acquiescence, our choice will be made amongst the higher officials, either civil or military, of the two countries, or of their great railway companies, either in active service or on the retired list.

Art. XXVI. The foreign Administrators will be named for five years. In case of their resignation or their death the same proceedings will take place for replacing them as have been fixed for their nomination.

Art. XXVII. The Administration, formed as described above, will continue to act until all the privileged bonds specially created have either been redeemed or paid off. The port of Alexandria being comprised in this guarantee for the sum of 2,000,000l., can be freed from this guarantee and detached from the Joint Administration as soon as 3,000,000l. of these preference bonds shall have been redeemed or repaid.

The railways being comprised in this guarantee for 15,000,000l. sterling in preference stock, can be freed by the redemption or the repayment of 15,000,000l. of this stock.

Art. XXVIII. The Administrators will propose for our choice and nomination the superior employes of the railways and the port.

They will name the other employés direct.

They will have the right to suspend all the employes from their functions; they may also dismiss them after a regular inquiry.

They alone will have the right to make any modifications in the tariffs and in the regulations in force, under our sanction.

They will be exclusively charged with the duty of making contracts for the purchase of rolling-stock or of fixtures, and for the materiel necessary for the working of the railways and the service of the port. They will decide on the necessity of repairs in the materiel or the permanent way, as well as for the maintenance of the port, all under our approval.

Art. XXIX. Provision will be made from the general resources of the Budget for extraordinary expenses, which will have been decided on by the Administrators and approved by us.

Art. XXX. All the receipts of the railways and of the port of Alexandria according as they come in, with the exception of what is necessary for the ordinary outlay for maintenance and for working expenses, and with the exception of the rights of the contractors of the port provided for in the contracts, will be paid into the Treasury of the Public Debt, to which they are assigned.

The Preference Bonds.Art. XXXI. The Commission of the Public Debt will open a special account for the service of the preference 5 per cent, bonds. The Commission will be bound to send any funds which are paid into it by the Administration of the Railways and the Port, to the Banks of England and France, and likewise to a special account opened for the service of the preference stock issued on the railways and on the port.

Art. XXXII. In the event that the payments made by the Administration of the Railways and of the Port should be insufficient for the service of this debt, the Commission of the Public Debt will have to provide for the service by taking as a first charge the necessary amount from the general resources which are assigned to it.

Art. XXXIII. All the provisions of our Decrees of the 2nd and 7th May, 1876, which are not contrary to these presents, remain in force.

Given at Cairo the 18th November, 1876.


No. XV.[102]

1879. 15th Nov.

Decree, issued with the assent of the Powers, as to the Rothschild loan, 15th November, 1879.

Nous, Khédive d’Égypte,

Considérant qu’à la date du 31 octobre, 1878, un emprunt de 8,500,000l. a été contracté au nom de l’État, par les soins de MM. de Rothschild and Sons, à Londres, et MM. de Rothschild Frères, à Paris ;

Considérant que, pour donner suite au Décret du 26 octobre, 1878, et répondre à la commune intention des parties, il y a lieu de prendre les dispositions nécessaires, en vue de réserver les biens cédés par notre famille, à la garantie spéciale et exclusive de cet emprunt ;

Notre Conseil des Ministres entendu ;

Decretons :

Art. I. Jusqu’au complet amortissement de l’Emprunt Domanial, les biens cédés par notre famille à l’État[103] seront insaisissables et ne pourront être aliénés que par les Commissaires des Domaines, dans les conditions prévues ou à intervenir, entre le Gouvernement et MM. de Rothschild.

Art. II. Après la radiation des inscriptions hypothécaires, antérieures a celles prises par MM. de Rothschild, à la date des 2 et 3 février dernier, ces biens seront et demeureront affranchis de toute action resolutoire ou en revendication, et de tout droit réel, de quelque nature que ce soit, à l'exception de ceux conférés aux souscripteurs de l'emprunt, pour rester specialement et exclusivement affectés à la garantie des intérêts et de l'amortissement du dit emprunt.

Art. III. Pour donner une garantie que le solde disponible de I'Emprunt Domanial sera entièrement et exclusivement employé au règlement de la Dette Non-Consolidée Égyptienne, le Gouvernement Egyptien délègue, dès à présent, à la Caisse Spéciale de la Dette Publique, tous ses droits sur les sommes dont il peut encore disposer sur le produit de I'Emprunt Domanial, en exécution des Conventions intervenues entre lui et les Maisons de Rothschild.

En consequence, MM. de Rothschild devront accepter comcomme bonnes et valables décharges, les quittances qui leur seront donnees par la Caisse Spéciale de la Dette Publique, en échange des versements qu'ils seront dans le cas de lui faire, en exécution de leur contrat.

La Caisse Spéciale de la Dette Publique conservera les sonames ainsi versees par MM. de Rothschild, en qualite de sequestre, pour n'en disposer que suivant les instructions qui lui seront données par la Commission de Liquidation, qui sera constituée en vertu d'un accord international; et, à defaut de cette Commission, suivant les instructions qui lui seront données par nous, avec le concours des Puissances.

Art. IV. Le plein exercice des droits appartenant aux créanciers hypothécaires, inscrits antérieurement aux a et 3 février, 1879, dates des inscriptions prises par MM. de Rothschild, est et demeure expressément réservé.

Art. V. Notre Ministre des Finances est chargé de l'exécution du present Décret.

Fait au Palais d'Abdin, le 15 novembre, 1879.


No. XVI[104].

1880. 31st March.

Decree for the appointment of a Commission of Liquidation. 31st March, 1880.

With reference to the Report of the Superior Commission of Inquiry, dated the 8th April, 1879;

Whereas the Decree of the 6th April, 1876, has postponed the payment of the debts of the Egyptian Government, at the same time diminishing the rate of interest, and has announced the necessity of arriving at a financial combination with a view to the settlement of the Egyptian debt;

Whereas the Commission of Inquiry in its Report dated the 8th April, 1879, has recognized the impossibility of meeting at the present moment all the liabilities as they fall due of the various consolidated debts, and of liquidating entirely and immediately the non-consolidated debt;

Whereas the Commission of Inquiry has further recognized the fact that, in order to proceed to an equitable division among the creditors of the Government of the resources available, the Law of Liquidation which is to be drawn up must be made obligatory for all the creditors, and recognized as such by the Tribunals of the Reform;

Whereas Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, and Italy have announced their acceptance beforehand of the law which will be prepared by the Commission constituted in virtue of the present Decree[105], and whereas they have undertaken to bring it collectively to the knowledge of the other Powers who took part in the establishment of the Mixed Tribunals in Egypt, and to invite them to adhere to it[106];

We Decree:

Art. I. A Liquidation Commission is instituted. After having examined the financial position in its entirety, and after having listened to the observations of the parties interested, this shall prepare, taking the conclusions of the Superior Commission of Inquiry as their point of departure, and without modifying the conditions of the Domains Loan, a draft of a law regulating the relations of the Government and of the Daïras Sanieh and Kassa with their creditors, and determining the conditions and formalities with which the liquidation of the non-consolidated debt shall he carried out.

Art. II. The Commission shall determine as to the resources which can be placed at the disposal of the creditors of the consolidated or non-consolidated debts, but they must in the first place, with the assent of the Council of Ministers and of the Controllers, keep in view the necessity of reserving to the Government the free disposal of the amount indispensable for securing the regular working of the public services. With this object the Budget of the year during which they will exercise their functions will he communicated to them, as well as those of the previous years which may he necessary to their forming a correct estimate of the needs of the Egyptian Treasury.

Art. III. The Controllers-General shall furnish the Commission at its request with additional documents and explanations of a nature to assist them in the fulfilment of their task. They shall transmit through them, either to ourselves or to our Ministers, the observations which they may wish to communicate to the Government.

Art. IV. The Commission will have the right of superintending conjointly with the Controllers-General the carrying out of the provisions laid down by them, and the duration of their powers, after the publication of the Decree of Liquidation, can be prolonged for this purpose, during a period not exceeding three months. At the expiration of that period the Commission shall, in any case, be legally dissolved.

Art. V. The law drawn up by the Commission shall receive our sanction and be published by us. From the time of its publication this law shall be obligatory and without appeal, the Eegulations of Judicial Organization and Codes of the Reform notwithstanding.

Art. VI. This Commission shall be nominated by Decree. It shall he composed of two Commissioners appointed by each of the Governments of France and Great Britain, and of one Commissioner appointed by each of the Governments of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The Egyptian Government shall be represented by a Delegate on this Commission.

Art. VII. The necessary account for the labours of the Commission shall be opened by us, in conformity with the Report which may he presented on this subject by the President of the Commission.

Our ministers are charged, each in his own department, with the execution of the present Decree.

No. XVII.[107]

1880. 17th July

The Law of Liquidation, 17th July, 1880.

Nous, Khédive d'Égypte,

Vu nos Décrets en date des 31 mars et 5 avril, 1880,

Sur la proposition des Commissaires désignés par les Gouvernements d'Allemagne, d'Autriche-Hongrie, de France, de Grande Bretagne et d'Italie, et nommés par nous,

Notre Conseil des Ministres entendu,

Avons décreté et décrétons:—


Dette Consolidée.

Consolidated Debt Art. I. Le service de la Dette Consolidée s'effectuera à l'avenir dans les conditions déterminées ci-après.

Dette Privilégiée.

The Privileged Debt. Art. II. Les revenus nets des chemins de fer de l'État, des télégraphes, et du port d'Alexandrie, sont spécialement affectés au service des intérêts et de l'amortissement de la Dette Privilégiée.

Le complément des ressources nécessaires pour ce service sera prélevé, comme première charge, sur les affectations de la Dette Unifiée.

Si, au contraire, les affectations spéciales de la Dette Privilégiée arrivent à présenter des excédants, ces excédants seront employés à l'amortissement de la Dette Unifiée. Art. III. Les dépenses ordinaires d'entretien et d'exploitation, prévues au Budget ou régulièrement autorisées par decisions speciales, seront seules prélevées sur les recettes de ces Administrations.

Les frais de transport, dus par les services de l'État, qui ne seraient pas payes au comptant, devront être rembourses mensuellement à l'Administration des chemins de fer.

Art. IV. Il sera pourvu sur les ressources générales du Trésor aux dépenses extraordinaires, telles que l'acquisition de terrains ou d'immeubles, la construction de lignes nouvelles et l'acquisition du matériel nécessaire à leur exploitation, le racbat de lignes concédées, la pose d'une seconde voie, la construction de bâtiments nouveaux, digues, quai, &c.

Les dites dépenses extraordinaires seront proposées par les Administrateurs et votées par le Conseil des Ministres.

S'il y a contestation entre le Gouvernement et l'Administration des chemins de fer, des télégraphes, et du port d'Alexandrie sur la question de savoir si une dépense doit ou non être considérée comme extraordinaire, le Gouvernement pourra, sur l'avis conforme de la Caisse de la Dette, autoriser la dite Administration a prélever cette depense sur ses recettes.

Interest unalteredArt. V. L'intérêt annuel des obligations de la Dette Privilégiée est maintenu à 5 pour cent du capital nominal.

Il continuera a etre payé semestriellement aux échéances du 15 avril et du 15 octobre.

RedemptionL'amortissement sera fait au pair en soixante-cinq ans, compter du 15 octobre, 1876, par tirages semestriels.

Les tirages s'effectueront en seance publique, par les soins des Commissaires-Directeurs, dans les mois de Janvier et de juillet.

Le remboursement des titres aura lieu à partir de l'échéance du coupon suivant.

Further issueArt. VI. Notre Ministre des Finances est autorisé à émettre pour £ E. nominales 5,600,205 5,743,800l.) d'obligations de la Dette Privilégiée, dont l'emploi sera fait conformément aux Articles 68 et suivants.

Ces titres seront emis, au fur et à mesure des besoins, jouissance du 15 avril, 1880, et aux mêmes conditions d'intérêt issue. et d'amortissement que les obligations primitives auxquelles ils sont completement assimilés.

Les nouveaux titres seront compris dans le premier tirage d'amortissement qui suivra leur émission.

Art. VII. Au fur et à mesure de la liquidation des créances payables en obligations et pendant un délai de six mois à compter de la publication de la presente loi, il sera délivré aux interéssés des titres provisoires au porteur.

Les règlements ultérieurs seront faits directement en obligations définitives.

Les titres provisoires devront être échangés dans l'année qui suivra la publication de la présente loi.

Passé ce dernier terme, notre Ministre des Finances procédera d'office à remission des obligations dont les titres provisoires n'auront pas ete representes, et les déposera à la Caisse de la Dette Publique pour le compte de qui de droit.

Amount of annual payments.Art. VIII. L'annuité necessaire au service des obligations privilégiées, en intérêts et amortissement, est fixé à ₤ E. 1,157,768 (1,187,404l.).

Dette Unifiée.

Unified Debt.Art. IX. Les revenus suivants demeureront affectés au service de la Dette Unifiée : —

(i) Les revenus des Douanes et le produit des droits pergus pour notre Gouvernement à I'importation des tabacs, sous la déduction des dépenses d'administration.

(2) Les revenus des provinces de Garbieh, Menoufieh, Béhéra, et Siout, sous la déduction de 7 pour cent du montant brut des recouvrements à titre de frais de perception et d'administration.

Dans ces derniers revenus seront compris tons les impôts et droits divers actuellement en vigueur, ou créés dans I'avenir, à l'exception de la taxe des sels et de celle des tabacs indigènes.

Alteration in security.Les autres affectations de revenus établies au profit de la Dette Unifiee par le Décret du 7 mai, 1876, sont supprimées.

Art. X. L'intérêt annuel des obligations de la Dette Unifiée Diminution of interestest fixé a 4 pour cent du capital nominal, à compter du 1er mai, 1880.

II sera paye semestriellement aux echeances du 1me mai et du 1er novembre.

Art. XI. Le service des interets à 4 pour cent sera assure par les affectations de revenus determinees dans I'Article 9 et en cas d'insuffisance, par les ressources generales du Tresor.

Akt. XII. Les versements des revenus affectes a la Dette Unifiee, regus du 26 avril au 25 octobre inclusivement, seront imputes a l'ecbeance du 1er novembre, et ceux reçus du 26 octobre au 25 avril seront imputés à l'échéance du 1er mai.

Si la date du 25 avril ou à celle du 25 octobre, les versements accomplis sont insuffisants pour effectuer le paiement du coupon à 4 pour cent par an, notre Ministre des Finances en fournira immediatement le complement sur la demande des Commissaires de la Dette.

Art. XIII. Toutefois, si les recouvrements de 1er semestre ont laisse un excedant disponible, cet excédant sera appliqué au complement du coupon de novembre avant de recourir à la garantie de notre Gouvernement, et d'autre port, les sommes versées par votre Ministre des Finances pour parfaire le coupon du 1<super>er</super> mai lui seront remboursées, le cas échéant, sur les excédants du 2e semestre.

A cet effet, le compte de garantie du Gouvernement sera arrêté annuellement le 25 octobre, en cumulant les operations des deux semestres.

RedemptionArt. XIV. L'amortissement de la Dette Unifiée se fera par rachat au cours du marché. Seront consacres à cet amortissement (i) les excédants que les revenus affectés au service de la Dette Publique presenteront apres le paiement des deux coupons annuels et le règlement du compte de garantie du Gouvernement dont il est parlé à l'Article précédent ; (2) les autres ressources indiquees aux Articles 2, 15, 22, 29, et 95.

Art. XV. La portion des excedants budgetaires qui pourra etre versee annuellement à la Caisse de la Dette Publique conformément aux dispositions de I'Article suivant, sera également employee au rachat des obligations de la Dette Unifiee, sous reserve de l'emploi éventuel prevu à l'Article 70.

Ces fonds resteront en dépôt à la Caisse de la Dette Publique jusqu'à ce que les justifications que devra founir le Ministre des Finances aient permis aux Commissaires de la Dette de constater qu'ils ne sont pas necessaires pour le réglement de la Dette Non-Consolidee.

Drawings abolishedL'amortissement par tirage de la Dette Unifiee est supprimé.

Surplus revenueArt. XVI. Seront considérés comme excedants de revenus des provinces et Administrations non-affectees au service de la Dette Publique les produits budgetaires de toute nature realises dans ces provinces et Administrations au delà de la somme de ₤ E. 4,897,888, à laquelle ont été arrétées les depenses budgétaires, y compris le Tribut de Constantinople Charges on general revenue.et le service des diverses dettes que le Gouvernement est tenu d'assurer aux termes de la présente loi sur les ressources generales du Trésor, savoir : —

Les intérêts des actions du Canal de Suez dus au Gouvernement anglais.

L'annuite de la Daira Khassa et celle de la Moukabalah.

Ces excédants de revenus resteront à la disposition du Gouvernement jusqu'à concurrence d'une somme égale à l'excedant de revenus des Administrations et provinces affectees.

Si l'excédant des revenus affectes n'atteint pas un demi pour cent du montant total de la Dette Unifiée (soir ₤ E. 283,000) le complément de ce demi pour cent sera versé à la Caisse de la Dette Publique sur le surplus des excédants budgéetaires.

Lorsqu'il n'y aura pas lieu à ce prélèvement, la totalite des excedants budgetaires sera conservée pour les dépenses administratives.

Art. XVII. II ne sera pas pourvu à l'amortissement par rachat des échéances du 1er novembre, 1878, des 1er mai et 1er novembre, 1879, et 1er mai, 1880, non plus qu'au paiement des portions d'intérêts impayees, des trois dernières échéances.

Art. XVIII. Tons les bons ou titres qui devaient, aux termes des Décrets du 7 mai et du 18 novembre, 1876, être convertis en obligations de la Dette Unifiée, devront être présentées à la conversion avant le 1er avril, 1881, sous peine de déchéance.

Further issueArt. XIX. Notre Ministre des Finances est autorisé à emettre de nouveaux titres de la Dette Unifiee jusqu'à concurrence de £ E. 1,909,280 norninales (1,958,240l.) pour en faire l'emploi fixe par 1'Article XXVI.

Ces nouveaux titres seront émis jouissance du 1er mai, 1880, et aux conditions d'intérêt et d'amortissement ci-dessus déterminées pour les anciennes obligations auxquelles ils seront complètement assimilés.

Dispositions communes à la Dette Privilegiée et à la Dette Unifiée.

Payment of interest.Art. XX. Les coupons et les titres seront payés en or, sans aucune retenue, en Égypte, à Paris, et à Londres.

À Paris les paiements seront faits au change fixe de 25 fr. la livre sterling.

not to be taxed.Art. XXI. Les obligations de la Dette Privilégiée et de la Dette Unifiée ne pourront être frappées d'aucun impôt au profit de notre Gouvernement.

Prescription.Art. XXII. La prescription quinquennale et la prescription de quinze ans établies par les Articles 275 et 272 du Code Civil seront applicables, la première aux intérêts des obligations de la Dette Unifiée et de la Dette Privilégiée ; la seconde, aux capitaux des mêmes obligations designées par le tirage pour l'amortissement.

Les délais de prescription seront calculés d'après le calendrier Grégorien.

Le montant des intérêts et capitaux atteints par la prescription profitera à l'amortissenient de la Dette Unifiée.

Art. XXIII. Les affectations de revenus établies par la presente loi recevront leur application à compter du 1er Janvier, 1880.

La Caisse de la Dette Publique reversera au compte de la Liquidation une somme de ₤ E. 5,000.

Moyennant ce paiement la Caisse et la Liquidation seront quittes I'une envers I'autre de tons comptes à faire entre elles par suite du nouveau reglèment des affiectations.

Confirmation of Decrees of 1876, as modified.Art. XXIV. Sont maintenues toutes les dispositions des Décrets des 2 mai et 18 novembre, 1876, concernant le service des obligations de la Dette Privilégiée et de la Dette Unifiée. non contraires aux dispositions de la présente loi.

Conversion des Emprunts à Court Terme.

Conversion to Unified of loans of 1864, 65, 67.Art. XXV. Le service des Emprunts 1864, 1865, et 1867, est supprime.

Il ne sera pas pourvu à l'amortissement des obligations de i'Emprunt 1864, qui aurait dCl avoir lieu le 1er avril, 1880, non plus qu'au paiement des semestrialités des deux autres émprunts echues les 22 mai et 7 juillet, 1880.

Art. XXVI. Les obligations de ees emprunts seront converties, au taux de 80 pour cent de leur valeur nominale, en obligations de la Dette Unifiée au taux de 60 pour cent jouissance du 1er mai, 1880.

Art. XXVII. Les ayants droit recevront en numéraire au moment de la conversion : —

(i) Les intérêts des anciennes obligations, encourus depuis le 1er avril, 1880 (Emprunt 1864), le 7 Janvier, 1880 (Emprunt 1865), le 22 novembre, 1879 (Emprunt 1867), jusqu'au 30 avril, 1880, aux taux respectifs de chacun des emprunts.

(2) Le solde du capital converti qui sera inférieur d, 12l

Art. XXVIII. La conversion sera faite sans frais pour les porteurs.

Le delai pour le depôt des anciens titres à echanger est limite au 31 decembre, 1880.

Passé cette date les obligations non representees seront converties d'office et les nouveaux titres deposes a la Caisse de la Dette Publique pour le compte de qui de droit. Les anciens titres seront annulés et remis à notre Ministre des Finances.

Notre Ministre des Finances prendra toute les mesures d'exécution que comportera la conversion, ainsi que la paiement des arriérés de coupons et d'amortissement des trois emprunts convertis.

Art. XXIX. Les prescriptions de cinq ans et de quinze ans dont il est parle aux deux premiers paragraphes de 1'Article 22 seront appliquées aux coupons et aux obligations des Emprunts 1864, 1865, et 1867.

La valeur des coupons venus à échéance et des obligations sorties au tirage depuis I'origine de ces emprunts, qui se trouveront atteints par ces prescriptions, sera appliquee à ramortissement de la Dette Unifiee.

Attributions de la Caisse de la Dette Pullique.

The Caisse.Art. XXX. La Caisse de la Dette Publique, institueé par Decret du Q, mai, 1876, recevra les fonds destinés au service des intérêts et de l'amortissement de la Dette Privilegiee et de la Dette Unifiee, et fera I'emploi de ces fonds conformement aux dispositions de la presente loi.

All hypotables thecated revenue to be paid to it directly.Art. XXXI. Les comp superieurs des provinces et Administrations dont les revenus sont affectes au service de la revenue to be paid to Dette Privilégiée et de la Dette Unifiée verseront ces revenus directement à la Caisse de la Dette et ne seront libérés que par les quittances de la Commission de la Dette.

Accounts to be rendered to it.Art. XXXII. Les comptables superieurs des quatre provinces affectées fourniront à la Commission de la Dette Publique par l'entremise du Ministere des Finances des relevés mensuels, par nature de droits, faisant connaitre :

Les droits constates de l'année courante et les arrierés dus sur les annees anterieures ;

Les recouvrements et les dégrèvements ;

Les sommes retenues pour frais de perception et d'administration ;

Les versements effectues à la Caisse de la Dette ;

Les restes en Caisse au dernier jour du mois ;

Des releves semblables seront en outre fournis aux dates du 25 avril et du 25 octobre.

Art. XXXIII. L' Ad ministration des Douanes et celle des chemins de fer, des télegraphes, et du port d'Alexandrie fournira également a la Commission de la Dette des releves mensuels indiquant :

Les droits constates de I'annee, y compris les arrieres dus au 1er Janvier sur les annees anterieures ;

Les sommes recouvr^es et degrevees ;

Les sommes dues par les Administrations du Gouvernement;

Les depenses d' Administration payees ; Les versements effectués à la Caisse de la Dette;

Les restes en Caisse au dernier jour du mois;

Des relevés semblables seront, en outre, fournis par l'Administration des Douanes aux dates du 25 Avril et du 25 Octobre et par celle des chemins de fer aux dates du 14 Avril et du 14 Octobre.

Its employés Art. XXXIV. Les Commissaires de la Dette nommeront et révoqueront les employés de la Caisse et régleront les rapports entre la Caisse et ses correspondants.

and expenses. Art. XXXV. Les dépenses de personnel et de matériel de la Caisse de la Dette, les commissions et allocations diverses de ses correspondants, les frais de change, assurances, transports d'espèces, et généralement toutes dépenses nécessaires pour l'exécution du service des Dettes Privilégiée et Unifiée, seront supportés par le Gouvernement et feront annuellement l'objet d'un Budget arrêté par la Commission de la Dette et approuvé par le Conseil des Ministres.

Notre Ministre des Finances entretiendra à la Caisse de la Dette une avance permanente en rapport avec la partie des dépenses ci-dessus qu'elle devra acquitter directement.

Its annual report. Art. XXXVI. Annuellement la Commission de la Dette publiera un Rapport sur ses opérations, et soumettra son compte de gestion à l'autorité qui sera constituée pour juger les comptes des Administrations publiques.

No new loan can be contracted without its assent. Art. XXXVII. Aucun nouvel emprunt, de quelque nature que ce soit, ne pourra être émis par notre Gouvernement, que sur l'avis conforme de la Commission de la Dette. Il sera loisible toutefois à notre Ministre des Finances de se procurer des avances en compte courant, dans la limite maxima de ₤ E. 2,000,000.

The Caisse may sue the Government.

Art. XXXVIII. Les Commissaires de la Dette, représentants légaux des porteurs de titres, auront qualité pour poursuivre devant les Tribunaux de la Réforme contre l'Administration Financière représentée par notre Ministre des Finances, l'exécution des dispositions concernant les affectations de revenus, les taux d'intérêt des dettes, la garantie du Trésor, et généralement toutes les obligations qui incombent à notre Gouvernement en vertu de la présente loi, à l'égard du service des Dettes Privilégiée et Unifiée.

Confirmation of the Decrees of 1876, as modified. Art. XXXIX. Sont maintenues avec force exécutoire toutes les dispositions des Décrets des 2 Mai, et 18 Novembre, 1876, concernant les attributions de la Commission de la Dette Publique qui ne sont pas contraires à la présente loi.


Daïra Sanieh.

The Daïra is State property. Art. XL. Sont déclarées propriétés de l'État les propriétés des Daïras Sanieh et Khassa, mentionnées dans les états annexés au Contrat du 22 Juillet, 1877, ou dans les inscriptions hypothécaires prises en vertu de ce contrat.

Security for Daïra debt. Art. XLI. Ces propriétés sont affectées exclusivement à la garantie de la Dette Générale de la Daïra Sanieh, sans préjudice des effets de l'hypothèque consenti par Acte du 19 Août, 1878. Elles seront insaisissables jusqu'à l'entier amortissement de cette dette.

Leurs produits et revenus ne pourront être saisis qu'en raison de dettes particulières, contractées par l'Administration de la Daïra postérieurement au Contrat du 12 Juillet, 1877.

Art. XLII. Le produit des aliénations de ces propriétés sera exclusivement affecté à l'amortissement de la Dette Générale de la Daïra.

Art. XLIII. II sera payé à la Daïra Sanieh sur les fonds de la liquidation une somme de ₤E.450,000, tant pour lui rembourser les sommes qu'elle a payées en l'acquit du Gouvernement que pour l'indemniser du préjudice résultant pour elle de la nonexécution des engagements pris à son égard par la Liste Civile.

Moyennant quoi, l'État et la Daïra seront complètement libérés l'un envers l'autre pour toutes causes antérieures au 1er Janvier, 1880, sauf compensation jusqu'à due concurrence de la somme de ₤E. 450,000, avec les impôts dus par la Daïra pour l'année 1879.

Debt to bear 5 per cent. Art. XLIV. Les titres de la Dette Générale de la Daïra Sanieh seront productifs d'un intérêt de 5 pour cent du capital nominal, dont 4 pour cent d'intérêt fixe garanti par le Gouvernement sur les ressources générales du Trésor, et 1 pour cent d'intérêt complémentaire.

Il y aura lieu à la distribution de cet intérêt complémentaire lorsque le produit net des propriétés de la Daïra, constaté dans le compte mentionné à l'Article XLVII, excédera la somme nécessaire au service de l'intérêt à 4 pour cent du capital nominal des titres en circulation et seulement jusqu'à concurrence de cet excédant.

L'intérêt fixe sera payé par moitié de 15 Avril et le 15 Octobre de chaque année sur remise des coupons.

L'intérêt complémentaire sera payé sur quittance spéciale le 15 Avril de chaque année pour l'année precédénte.

Il ne devra pas être distribué de fractions d'intérêt inférieures à ¼ pour cent.

Art. XLV. II sera créé un fonds de réserve composé—

(1) D'une somme de £E. 180,000 prélevée sur celle de £E. 450,000, mentionnée à l'Article XLIII.

(2) Des excédants de revenus nets au-dessus de 5 pour cent dans les limites indiquées à l'Article XL VIII.

Ce fonds de réserve sera placé en titres de la Daïra Sanieh, de l'Emprunt Domanial, de la Dette Privilégiée, ou de la Dette Unifiée, et servira, en cas d'insuffisance de revenus, à parfaire l'intérêt de 4 pour cent.

À chaque échéance le Conseil de Direction décidera dans quelle mesure il y aura lieu d'engager ou de vendre ces titres pour assurer le paiement du coupon, tout en réservant les fonds nécessaires à la marche des Services Administratifs.

Art. XLVI. Si les revenus de l'exercice, augmentés du fonds de réserve, sont insuffisants pour parfaire l'intérêt de 4 pour cent, la Daïra y pourvoira à chaque échéance de coupons par des moyens de trésorerie.

Annual account. Art. XLVII. En fin d'année la Daïra arrêtera le compte de ses recettes et de ses dépenses. Si les recettes nettes, augmentées des ressources du fonds de réserve déjà employées dans le cours de l'année ou restant libres au 31 Décembre sont inférieures à 4 pour cent du capital nominal des titres en circulation, le Gouvernement versera à la Daïra la différence dans un délai de quinze jours.

Tant que ce versement ne sera pas effectué, aucun impôt ne sera exigé de la Daïra dans les provinces non affectées.

Art. XLVIII. La portion des revenus nets qui restera disponible en fin d'année après le paiement des intérêts à 5 pour cent et la constitution du fonds de réserve au chiffre de £E. 350,000, sera employée à l'amortissement.

Redemption. Art. XLIX. L'amortissement sera fait par rachats jusqu'au cours de 80 pour cent.

Au-dessus de ce cours l'amortissement s'effectuera par tirage à 80 pour cent.

The Administration of the Daïra. Art. L. L'Administration de la Daïra sera composée d'un Directeur-Général, d'un Conseil de Direction, et d'un Conseil Supérieur.

Art. LI. Le Directeur-Général sera nommé par nous. Il aura tous les pouvoirs d'Administration sous les réserves mentionnées ci-après.

Art. LII. Le Conseil de Direction sera constitué comme l'était le Conseil Supérieur établi par le Contrat du 12 Juillet, 1877, et en aura toutes les attributions.

Art. LIII. La nomination et la révocation de tous les employés supérieurs, ainsi que les baux de terres d'une étendue moindre de 3,000 feddans, passés pour une période n'excédant pas six années, seront soumis à son approbation.

Il lui appartiendra, en outre, d'autoriser le Directeur-Général à ester en justice, soit en demandant, soit en défendant, et de statuer sur les questions administratives dans lesquelles il jugerait à propos d'intervenir.

French and English Controllers. Art. LIV. Les Contrôleurs de la Daïra seront nommés par nous sur la désignation officieuse des Gouvernements Anglais et Français. À défaut de cette désignation, notre choix se portera sur des fonctionnaires supérieurs des deux pays, en activité de service ou en retraite.

Art. LV. Le Conseil Supérieur se composera de notre Ministre des Finances, des deux Contrôleurs-Généraux, et des membres du Conseil de Direction. Les Contrôleurs-Généraux seront remplacés, en cas d'absence ou d'empêchement, par les Commissaires de la Dette, de leur nationalité respective.

Le Conseil Supérieur aura pour attributions de voter le Budget, de vérifier et d'approuver les comptes annuels de l'Administration, d'autoriser les emprunts, les aliénations et les baux, autres que ceux mentionnés à l'Article LIII, de fixer le chiffre maximum du compte-courant et de déterminer le mode de placement des sommes composant le fonds de réserve.

Toutefois les projets d'aliénation et les baux réservés à son approbation ne lui seront soumis qu'autant que les deux Contrôleurs auront émis un vote favorable dans le Conseil de Direction, et les décisions qu'il prendra à ce sujet ne seront exécutoires qu'après approbation de notre Conseil des Ministres.

Art. LVI. Le Conseil Supérieur aura, en outre, à statuer sur les décisions du Conseil de Direction qui lui seraient deférées par un des membres de ce Conseil.

May sue the Government. Art. LVII. Indépendamment des attributions qui leur sont conférées par les dispositions qui précèdent, les Contrôleurs de la Daïra seront considérés comme les représentants légaux des porteurs d'obligations de la Dette Générale de la Daïra.

Ils pourront, à ce titre, poursuivre par toutes les voies de droit, l'exécution des engagements pris par le Gouvernement en vers ces derniers.

Art. LVIII. Les titres de l'Emprunt 1870 et les bons Daïra non-convertis devront être présentés à la conversion avant le 1er Avril, 1881, sous peine de déchéance.

Passé cette date, ces titres ne pourront plus donner lieu à aucune action contre la Daïra, ni contre le Gouvernement.

Art. LIX. L'Administration de la Daïra devra réclamer la remise des titres convertis ou amortis, à toutes personnes qui en sont actuellement dépositaires, et leur en donnera valablement décharge.

Prescription. Art. LX. Seront prescrits au profit de la Daïra, les coupons de la Dette Générale impayés dans le délai de cinq ans à compter de leurs échéances respectives, et les obligations désignées pour l'amortissement par voie de tirage qui n'auront pas été remboursées dans le délai de quinze ans.

Ces délais seront calculés d'après le calendrier Grégorien.

Art. LXI. Les titres de la Dette Daïra Khassa seront, par les soins de notre Ministre des Finances, convertis au pair en titres de la Dette Générale de la Daïra Sanieh, jouissance de 15 Avril, 1880.

Ces titres devront être présentés à la conversion avant le 1er Avril, 1881, sous peine de déchéance.

L'annuité actuellement affectée au service de la Dette Daïra Khassa, soit £E. 34,000, sera versée par notre Ministre des Finances à la Daïra Sanieh, moitié le 1er Avril, moitie le 1er Octobre de chaque année.

Le coupon de la Daïra Khassa échu le 1er Janvier, 1880, sera payé aux porteurs de titres, lors de la conversion, sur les fonds de la liquidation.

L'intérêt acquis du 1er Janvier au 15 Avril, 1880, leur sera payé, au taux de 5 pour cent sur les ressources générales du Trésor.

Art. LXII. Toutes les clauses du Contrat du 12 Juillet, 1877, sont maintenus en tant qu'elles ne sont pas contraires aux dispositions de la présente loi.


Dette Non-Consolidée.

Floating debt. Art. LXIII. L'actif de la liquidation de la Dette Non-Consolidée comprend:—

Assets. (1) Le solde de l'Emprunt Domanial.

(2) Les soldes en numéraire existant au 31 Décembre, 1879, dans les Caisses des Ministères et dans celles des provinces et Administrations dont les revenus ne sont pas affectés par la présente loi, au service de la Dette Consolidée.

(3) L'excédant des versements de la Moukabalah disponible a la Caisse de la Dette Publique.

(4) Les sommes réalisées ou qui pourront être réalisées sur les droits et taxes de toute nature restant à recouvrer au 31 Décembre, 1879, dans les provinces et Administrations affectées ou non-affectées au service de la Dette Consolidée.

(5) Les biens immeubles du Domaine Privé non affectes à des services publics, à la garantie de l'Emprunt Domanial ou de la Dette Générale de la Daïra Sanieh, jusqu'à extinction de la Dette Non-Consolidée.

(6) Le produit de la conversion des bons ou titres rentrés au Trésor après remboursement de leur montant en exécution de décisions judiciaires.

(7) Les titres de la Dette Privilégiée créés en vertu de l'Article VI de la présente loi.

(8) Dans le cas prévu par l'Article LXX la partie des dants budge tai res destinée a ramortissement de la Dette Consolidee aux termes de l'Article XV.

Art. LXIV. Les biens mentionnés au section (5) de l'Article precedent seront insaisissables pour les creanciers de la liquidation de la Dette Non-Consolidée jusqu'au 31 Mars, 1881, et pour tons autres créanciers du Gouvernement jusqu'à la fin de la liquidation.

Art. LXV. Notre Ministre des Finances est autorise a se procurer, pour les besoins de la liquidation de la Dette Non-Consolidee, une avance de ₤ E. 650,000, en donnant en garantie hypothécaire tout ou partie des biens du domaine désigné au section (5) de l'Article LXIII.

Les biens ainsi donnés en hypothèque demeureront aliénables a charge d'en appliquer le prix, jusqu'a due concurrence, au remboursement intégral de l'emprunt dont il s'agit ; jusqu'à ce remboursement et, au plus tard, jusqu'au 31 Decembre, 1882, ils seront insaisissables.

Charges.Art. LXVI. Le passif de la liquidation de la Dette Non-Consolidée comprend : —

(1) Les dettes de l'État résultant de décisions judiciaires ou pouvant résulter d'instances pendantes ;

(2) Toutes les dettes, autres que les emprunts publics contractés à l'étranger ou à l'intérieur, qui au cours de la liquidation ont été ou seront reconnues par le Gouvernement et qui resultent de droits acquis anterieurement au 1er Janvier, 1880. Ces dettes seront régléés conformement aux dispositions qui suivent. Les règlements dèja effectués d'après ces dispositions sont approuves.

Modes of payment Art. LXVII. Seront payables intégralement en espèces : —

(i) Les arrieres du Tribut de Constantinople;

(2) Les creances garanties par des inscriptions hypothécaires prises antérieurement aux 2 et 3 Février, 1879, biens affectés à la garantie de l'Emprunt Domanial ;

(3) Les arrieres de traitements, pensions, et salaires ;

(4) Les sommes dues par le Beit-el-Mal et par la Caisse des Orphelins dans les conditions indiquees à l'Article LXXII de la presente Loi ;

(5) Les sommes versees à titre de depot dans les Caisses de l'État. Art. LXVIII. Toutes les autres créances contre l'État désignées à l'Article LXVI seront liquidées en capital, intérêts de droit au 15 Avril, 1880, et frais, sous les réserves formulées aux Articles LXXII et suivants. Le paiement en sera effectué dans les conditions suivantes :

30 pour cent en espèces ;

70 pour cent en titres de la Dette Privilégiée au pair, jouissance du 15 Avril, 1880.

Les créances et les reliquats de créances inférieurs à 1,950 piastres tarif (20l.) seront payés en espèces.

Les sommes à payer en espèces ne porteront pas intérêt.

Art. LXIX. Les creances pouvant résulter de décisions judiciaires à intervenir dans les instances actuellement pendantes et relatives à des droits acquis anterieurement au 1er Janvier, 1880, seront réglées en capital, frais et intérêts de droit calculés à la date de l'écheance du coupon de la Dette Privilégiée qui précédera le règlement. Elles seront payées de la fagon suivante :

30 pour cent en especes ;

70 pour cent en titres de la Dette Privilégiée au pair, avec jouissance du coupon en cours lors du règlement.

Les sommes à payer en espèces ne porteront pas intérêt. Les créances et les reliquats de créances inférieurs à 1,950 piastres tarif (20l.) seront payes en espèces.

Art. LXX. Une somme de ₤ E. 650,000 nominales en titres de la Dette Privilégiée ou le capital effectif correspondant, sera prelevee sur l'actif et reservée pour le reglement de ces creances.

En cas d'insuffisance de cette réserve il y sera suppléé au moyen des ressources suivantes sur lesquelles, à I'exclusion de toutes autres, ces creanciers pourront exercer leurs droits :

1. Les proprietes engagees à la garantie de l'Emprunt de ₤ E. 650,000 autorisé par l'Article LXV qui resteront invendues après le remboursement intégral du dit emprunt ;

2. Toutes les autres propriétés saisissables et aliénables de l'État ;

3. La partie des excédants de revenus non affectes au service de la Dette Consolidee qui est destinee à l'amortissement par l'Article XV de la présente loi. Ces ressources ne seront appliquees à ramortissement qu'après I'extinction complète des creances mentionnees dans l'Article precedent. Nonobstant cette disposition, les excédants budgetaires dont il s'agit conserveront leur caractère de deniers publics.

Ratification of Annexe A. Art. LXXI. Sont ratifiées les transactions particulières specifiees dans l'Annexe A, et ayant eu pour objet le règlement de créances garanties par des gages ou des privilèges, ou la résiliation de contrats de fournitures non encore complètement exécutés.

Art. LXXII. Seront payées integralement en titres de la Dette Privilegiee au pair, la creance de 1'Administration des Wakfs, arrêtée à la somme de ₤ E. 290,976, et celle de l'Administration des Écoles Nationales, arrêtée à la somme de ₤ E. 13,433.

Les sommes dues à des tiers par la Caisse des Orpbelins payables en numéraire seront soldees sur l'actif de la Caisse, soit sur les fonds de la liquidation, en ajoutant au capital un intérêt de 4 pour cent.

Art. LXXIII. Les creanciers dont les droits sont l'objet des Reglements ^peciaux ^dictes par les Articles LXVII et LXXII, et qui sont munis de decisions judiciaires auront l'option entre ces Règlements spéciaux et le Règlement général prévu aux Articles LXVIII et LXIX.

Art. LXXIV. Les creanciers de la Daïra Khassa, porteurs de délégations sur l'ancienne Liste Civile, enregistrées ou visees au Ministère des Finances, ou qui sont munis de decisions judiciaires établissant leurs droits, seront assimiles aux créanciers de l'État et desinteresses dans les conditions indiquées aux Articles LXVIII et LXIX.

Toutefois, ceux d'entre eux qui auraient pris inscription hypothecaire sur des immeubles de la Daïra Khassa auront l'option entre l'exercice de leurs droits hypothécaires et le paiement de leur créance dans les conditions sus-indiquées.

Ces créanciers devront signifier leur option dans le delai de trois mois à partir de la publication de la présente loi, à défaut de quoi ils cesseront d'être considérés comme créanciers de l'État. S'ils exercent leurs droits hypothécaires ils n'auront, pour le surplus de leur créance, aucun recours centre l'État. L'État sera de plein droit subroge aux droits hypothécaires des créanciers désintéressés sur les deniers de la liquidation.

Debts and claims of Khedival family. Art. LXXV. Seront déduits du montant des dettes de l'État les arriérés dus pour l'année 1878 tant sur la Liste Civile de son Altesse Ismaïl Pacha, que sur les allocations des membres de sa famille désignés ci-après:

Son Altesse la Princesse sa Mère, Leurs Altesses les Princesses ses épouses, Leurs Altesses les Princes et Princesses ses enfants, leurs époux, leurs épouses, et leurs enfants.

Les sommes dues par eux ou leurs Daïras à titre d'impôts ou de taxes arriérés jusqu'au 1er Janvier, 1879, ne leur seront pas réclamées.

En outre, une somme de ₤E. 225,000 prélevée sur les fonds de la liquidation sera affecté au règlement des dettes des membres de notre famille désignés ci-dessus ainsi que des dettes de la Daïra Khassa autres que celles dont il est parlé à l'Article LXXIV.

Ce règlement sera fait par les soins du Ministére des Finances en se conformant, par analogie, aux dispositions du droit privé applicables par les Tribunaux de la Réforme en matière de contribution.

Art. LXXVI. Une somme de ₤E. 127,816 est affecteé au paiement des arriérés dus sur leurs allocations de l'année 1879, aux membres de notre famille mentionnés à l'Article précédent.

Art. LXXVII. Les arriérés des allocations antérieures au 1er Janvier, 1879, dus aux Princes et Princesses de notre famille autres que ceux dont il est fait mention à l'Article LXXV, seront réglés et payés dans les conditions de l'Article LXVIII.

Les arriérés des allocations de l'annee 1879 seront payés intégralement.

Art. LXXVIII. L'annuité de 60,000l., précédemment constituée au profit de son Altesse le Prince Abdul Halim Pacha et représentée par des bons du Trésor au porteur, est réduite, à compter du 1er Janvier, 1880, à ₤E. 15,000, conformément à notre Décret en date du 21 Janvier, 1880.

Cette annuité sera incessible et insaisissable.

Les bons du Trésor, dits bons Halim, souscrits par le Ministre des Finances le 2 Octobre, 1870 (7 Ragheb, 1287), portant les No. 23 et suivants jusques et y compris le No. 80, chacun des dits bons d'une valeur de 2,925,000 piastres (30,000l.), venant à échéance le 11 Juillet, 1882, et les 11 Janvier et 11 Juillet des années suivantes, sont rayés des livres des dettes de l'État. Aucun des dits bons ne sera payé, en quelques mains qu'il se trouve.

Art. LXXIX. Indépendamment de l'annuité de ₤E. 15,000 inscrite au Budget de l'État à partir du 1er Janvier, 1880, le montant intégral des cinq bons venant à échéance dans le cours des années 1880 et 1881, et le 11 Janvier, 1882, qui, aux termes du Contrat passé le 11 Juillet, 1870, entre Son Altesse le Khédive, Ismaïl Pacha, et Son Altesse le Prince Halim, ont pu être escomptés soit 150,000l., sera exigible à partir de la publication de la présente loi, et compris dans la Dette Non-Consolidée pour être réglé et payé dans les conditions spécifiées à l'Article LXVIII.

Art. LXXX. Son Altesse le Prince Halim aura le droit de recueillir les successions qui ont pu ou qui pourront s'ouvrir à son profit à partir du 1er Janvier, 1880, nonobstant la renonciation insérée au Contrat du 11 Juillet, 1870.

Art. LXXXI. Sera considérée comme nulle et non avenue la clause du même contrat, par laquelle le Prince Halim renonce à toute allocation en sa faveur ou en faveur de ses enfants après l'échéance de la dernière des annuités de ₤E. 15,000 visées dans l'Article LXXVIII.

Debts in Annexe B. Art. LXXXII. La situation respective de l'État et de la succession d'Ismaïl Pacha Saddik, demeure fixée ainsi qu'il suit: l'État prend `a sa charge les dettes reconnues de la succession, et celles qui peuvent résulter des réclamations dirigées contre elle telles qu'elles sont indiquées au Tableau (B) annexé à la présente loi. Ces dettes seront intégralement payées en espéces.

Moyennant quoi, l'État et la succession ou ses ayants-droit seront entièrement libérés l'un en vers I'autre, sans qu'il puisse y avoir entre eux ni comptes à faire, ni réclamations à formuler, ni droit ou revendications à exercer, pour quelque cause que ce soit.

Art. LXXXIII. Par l'effet des règlements et paiements des créances aux clauses et conditions de la présente loi, l'État et Liberation of the
Egyptian Government by
means of the Liquidation.
les Administrations de l'État seront complètement et definitivement libérés envers les créanciers de la liquidation et leurs ayants-droit, quelles que soient leurs causes de préférence, sans qu'il puisse y avoir au sujet de droits acquis antérieurement à 1880, ni autres comptes à faire, ni réclamations à formuler, ni droits ou revendications à exercer de part ou d'autre.

Par suite, les créanciers désintéressés dans les conditions de la présente loi devront, en même temps qu'ils donneront quittance, consentir la radiation de toute transcription ou inscription d'hypothèque, ou de tons autres droits sur les biens de l'État. À défaut de ce consentement, la radiation ou l'annulation devra en être ordonnée par justice.

II en sera de même de toutes mesures conservatoires ou d'exécution pratiquees à l'encontre du Gouvernement et les Administrations de l'État, antérieurement ou postérieurement à la présente loi, par des créanciers de la liquidation.

Le présent Article ni préjudiciera en rien aux droits réels acquis en vertu d'inscriptions d'hypothèques conventionnelles.

Les frais d'inscription et de radiation des hypothèques seront à la charge de la liquidation.

State property. Art. LXXXIV. Les biens de l'État énumérés dans le Décret du 16 Juin, 1880, font partie du doraaine public insaisissable et imprescriptible, sous réserve, en ce qui concerne les Palais de Minieh et de Roda, de leur affectation à la garantie de la Dette Générale de la Daïra Sanieh, telle qu'elle résulte de l'Article XLI de la présente loi.

Toutefois les droits acquis en vertu d'inscriptions hypothécaires prises sur ces biens antérieurement à la publication du dit Décret sont maintenus.

Les biens immeubles énumérés dans le Décret précité ne pourront être aliénés qu'autant qu'un Décret les aura fait rentrer dans le domaine privé.

Set off. Art. LXXXV. Toutes sommes dues à l'État ou aux Administrations de l'État par les créanciers de la liquidation, à quelque titre, et pour quelque cause que ce soit, seront compensées avant tout règlement avec leurs créances, sans préjudice des compensations spéciales prévues dans la présente loi.

Actions against the Art. LXXXVI. À partir de la publication de la présente loi, nul ne sera recevable devant aucune juridiction, pour Government barred. quelque cause et sous quelque forme que ce soit, à intenter une action quelconque soit coutre le Gouvernement, soit contre les Administrations de l'État, à raison de droits acquis antérieurement au 1er Janvier, 1880, si ce n'est en matière de contestations relatives au montant des dettes mentionnées à l'Article LXVI, et sous les réserves contenues dans les Articles LXVII et suivants.



Moukabalah abolished. Art. LXXXVII. La Loi de la Moukabalah, rapportée par notre Decret du 6 Janvier, 1880, est et demeure définitivement abrogée sous les reserves contenues dans I'Article V du dit Decret.

Sont également abrogées les dispositions de ;'Article III du même Décret.

Compensation for payments. Les versements de la Moukabalah reconnus reguliers donneront droit à une indemnité au profit des personnes qui, lors du reglèment dont il va être parlé ci-dessous, seront propriétaires des terres auxquelles ont été appliques ces versements.

Seront considérés comme propriétaires, sous réserve des droits des tiers, les personnes inscrites sur les registres des impôts fonciers.

Les propriétaires sus-indiqués devront faire valoir leurs droits dans une demande écrite ou verbale, adressée avant le 1er Janvier, 1881, aux Moudirs ou aux agents désignés à cet effet par le Ministre des Finances, et il leur en sera délivré récépissé.

Art. LXXXVIII. Au vu de ces réclamations, le Ministre des Finances fera établir les décomptes individuels des réclamants en les considérant comme créanciers ;

(1) Des versements successifs faits à titre de Moukabalah par eux ou par les precedents propriétaires ;

(2) Des intérêts à 4 pour cent de ces versements ;

Et comme débiteurs :

1. Des dégrèvements annuels d'impôts fonciers alloués par suite des versements de la Moukabalah ; 2. Des arriérés d'impôts de toutes sortes et des autres dettes antérieures à 1880, dont les ayants-droit se trouveraient redevables vis-à-vis de notre Gouvernement, et ce nonobstant toutes dispositions contraires;

3. Des intérêts à 4 pour cent de ces dégrévements, arriérés, et dettes.

Seront éliminés des décomptes les versements opérés en bons du Trésor et en Ragas qui seraient reconnus fictifs et ceux qui auraient été inscrits en vertu d'Ordres Supérieurs non suivis de paiement.

Le reliquat des décomptes, représentant la créance nette de chaque ayant-droit, servira de base à la répartition de l'indemnité.

Annual expenditure. Art. LXXXIX. Une somme annuelle de ₤E. 150,000, sera prélevée à compter du 1er Juillet, 1880 pour le service de l'indemnité de la Moukabalah sur les revenus budgétaires destinés à la dette générale, conformément à l'Article XVI.

Elle sera répartie entre les propriétaires ci-dessus désignés sous forme d'annuités applicables, au paiement de la contribution foncière. La répartition sera faite au prorata des créances nettes établies par les décomptes individuels.

Dans le cas où la liquidation ne serait pas achevée à temps pour que la demi annuité de 1880 puisse être appliquée aux contributions de l'année courante, il en sera tenu compte aux contribuables sur les rôles de 1881.

Over 50 years. Art. XC. Les annuités seront servies pendant une période de cinquante ans.

La constatation en sera faite dans les villages sur un registre spécial présentant, dans des comptes ouverts à chaque ayant-droit, la série des annuités successives ainsi que la désignation détaillée, par lieux dits contenances et quotes-parts d'impôt, des terres auxquelles les annuités seront applicables.

À chaque mutation de propriété, la portion des annuités correspondant à la portion des terres aliénées sera distraite, sur le registre spécial, du compte de l'ancien propriétaire et reportée au compte du nouveau.

Art. XCI. Lors de l'exécution du cadastre l'evaluation des terres et la répartition de l'impôt seront faites sans tenir compte de ces annuités.

Art. XCII. Il sera délivré par le Moudir à chaque ayant-droit, lors de l'établissement des décomptes et à l'occasion des mutations, un certificat énonçant le montant des annuités pour lesquelles il se trouvera inscrit sur le registre spécial du village.

Chaque année les annuités seront inscrites sur les Wirds ou extraits de rôle des contribuables en diminution de leurs impôts fonciers.

Aux époques déterminées par notre Ministre des Finances, les Sarrafs feront annuellement l'imputation des annuités de l'année courante sur le registre de recette de l'impôt foncier comme d'un versement reçu des ayants-droit sur leurs contributions.

En compensation de ces imputations la dotation des annuitŕs restera à la disposition de notre Ministre des Finances.

Toutefois la portion de la dotation afférente aux provinces qui sont affectées à la Dette Publique devra être reversée à la Caisse de la Dette en deux termes égaux, avant le 26 Avril et le 26 Octobre.

Art. XCIII. Un règlement d'Administration, arrêté en Conseil des Ministres sur la proposition de notre Ministre des Finances, déterminera les mesures à prendre pour l'établissement des décomptes de la Moukabalab, la confection et la tenue des registres d'annuités, et le contrôle des opérations.


Dispositions Générales.

Costs of the Liquidation. Art. XCIV. Les frais de toute nature auxquels donneront lieu les opérations de la liquidation seront préléves sur l'actif général de la liquidation de la Dette Non-Consolidée.

Art. XCV. Les reliquats de l'actif de la liquidation de la Dette Non-Consolidée, après extinction de cette dette, seront versés à la Caisse de la Dette Publique et affectés à l'amortissement de la Dette Unifiée.

Accounts. Art. XCVI. Il sera tenu une comptabilité speciale des opérations de la liquidation, et pendant toute la durée de ces opérations le compte nous en sera présénte annuellement par notre Ministre des Finances, avant le 31 Mars pour la période écoulée jusqu'au 31 Decembre de l'année précédente. Ce compte sera publié au 'Moniteur Égyptien.'

Art. XCVII. La présente loi ne portera aucune atteinte aux clauses du contrat intervenu le 14 Avril, 1880, entre notre Gouvernement et les contractants de PEmprunt Domanial, en vertu desquelles les revenus de la Province de Kéneh sont eventuellement affectés à la garantie de cet emprunt.

Art. XCVIII. La presente loi sera publiee dans le 'Moniteur Égyptien.' Des sa publication elle sera executoire, nonobstant toutes dispositions contraires resultant des lois, Decrets, Decisions du Conseil Prive, Ordres Supérieurs, Réglements, contrats, ou usages en vigueur.

Art. XCIX. Nos Ministres sont chargés, chacun en ce qui le concerne, de l'exécution de la présente loi.

Fait au Palais de Ras-el-Tin, le 17 Juillet, 1880.



Transactions (voir I'Article LXXI).

P. T. p.
14 Juin, 1880 Greenfield et Cie. ... 40,950,000 00
5 Juillet, 1880 G. C. Zuro et Cie. ... 3,905,816 22
10 Juillet, 1880 Achille Parisot 721,626 25
23 Mai, 1880 Coppel, Wegersberg and Kirschbaum 1.378,650 00
23 Mai, 1880 Remington ... 6,337,500 00
23 Mai, 1880 Armstrong 2,340,000 00
23 Mai, 1880 Paponot 19.399,138 05
15 Juillet, 1880 Dusseaud, Frères 7,229,683 20
82,262,414 32


Succession d'Ismaïl Pacha Saddik (voir l'Article LXXXII).

1. Dettes constatees devant les Mehkdmes ne comportant ni inérêts ni frais — P. T. p.
Moustapha Pacha Saddik ... ... 468,347 33
Farida Hanem ... ... ... ... ... 77,630 15
Saint-Maurice ... ... ... ... 32,916 00
Rochmann ... ... ... ... 36,500 00
Coronco ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,725 00
Mohamed Effendi Barto 11,863 08
637,982 16
2. Dettes constatées par devant les Tribunaux Mixtes de la Réforme, portant intérêts jusqu'au jour du paiement intégral avec frais et dépens —
Banque Anglo-Égyptienne. Compte, valuer fin Février 1880 2,632,500 00
Baronne Issaverdens. Compte approximatif ... 234,532 14
Chailan, Frères „ „ ... 52,276 36
Edouard Caprara „ „ ... 63,352 16
Compagnie Fives-Lille „ „ ... 18,794 23
A. Auric „ „ ... 8,444 27
3,009,900 36
3. Reclamations contestées et pendantes devant les Tribunaux —
Aide et Cie. (Difference sur le prix de Bons qui auraient ete achetes pour compte de feu Ismail Pacha Saddik) ... ...
Aïdé et Cie. (Capital pretendu souscrit et non verse en commandite chez Aide et Cie.) ... ...
Hassan Moussa el Akkad. (Avance pretendue d'une somme d' argent) ... ... ...
Marinelli. (Travg-ux de fournitures) ... ...
Joseph Kahil. (Cession de creance)
4. Honoraires de I'avocat de la succession ...
• Note that the arrangement sanctioned by the Powers on 17th March, 1885 (Texts, No. XVIII), affects in several respects the Law of Liquidation : especially with reference to the security for the Unified and Preference loans, which is subjected to a first charge in favour of a new loan, and with reference to the sinking fund. Arts. 21 and 37 of the Law are also affected.


Declarations by the Governments of Germany, Austria, Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Turkey, and Egypt, with annexed Draft Convention and Draft Decree, signed at London, 17th March, 1885[109].

1885, 17th March. The following Declaration hdls been agreed to by common consent between the Governments of Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey:—


Sultan authorizes loan. I. The Government of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan authorizes the Government of His Highness the Khedive to issue, under the conditions set forth in the annexed draft, Convention, and Decree, a loan not exceeding 9,000,000l. net, and shall grant the Imperial Firman necessary thereto.

The signatories agree to sign annexed Convention II. The Governments of Germany, Austria- Hungary, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia having agreed to guarantee this loan, destined to provide for a settlement of the financial situation of the Egyptian Government;

Whereas it is important that certain modifications should be introduced into the Law of Liquidation;

Whereas they recognize the justice of making their subjects in Egypt liable to the same taxes as the natives;

They undertake, conjointly with the Government of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, to sign a Convention couched in the terms of the annexed draft.

and to accept annexed Decree. They declare their willingness to accept a Decree of His Highness the Khedive expressed in the terms of the annexed draft Decree. They agree that this Decree shall be recognized by the Tribunals of the reform as a binding law so soon as it shall have been officially published by the Government of His Highness the Khedive; and they undertake to bring it collectively to the cognizance of the Powers who took part in the establishment of these Tribunals, and to invite them to give their adhesion to it.

They declare that they accept the application to their subjects in the same manner as to natives the Decree of His Highness the Khedive, dated the 13th March, 1884, respecting the house tax, with this modification: the foreign members of the Commissions and Councils of Revision instituted by Articles 4 and 5 of the said Decree shall be selected by the Consul in the event of the elections having no result, or in the event of the Delegates elected not appearing. If the Delegates selected by the Consul should not appear, then the Commission or Council of Revision shall be empowered to proceed in their absence.

They equally declare that they accept the application to their subjects, in the same manner as to natives, of the stamp tax and licence tax, and they engage to undertake immediately, in concert with the Egyptian Government, the study of the draft Laws establishing these two taxes.

An Act to be drawn guaranteeing the freedom of the Suez Canal. III. Whereas the Powers have agreed to recognize the urgent necessity for negotiating with the object of sanctioning, by a Conventional Act, the establishment of a definitive regulation guaranteeing at all times, and for all Powers, the freedom of the Suez Canal:

It has been agreed between the seven Governments above named that a Commission composed of Delegates named by the said Governments shall meet at Paris on the 30th March, to prepare and draw up this Act, taking for its basis the Circular of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty of the 3rd January, 1883.

A Delegate of His Highness the Khedive shall sit on the Commission, with a consultative voice.

The draft drawn up by the Commission shall be submitted to the said Governments, who will then take measures to obtain the accession of the other Powers.

The Undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, furnished with the necessary powers, declare by these presents that their respective Governments mutually engage to observe the foregoing stipulations.

In witness whereof the Undersigned have signed the present Declaration, and affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at London, the 17th March, 1885.


Declaration hy the Egyptian Government.

The Government of His Highness the Khedive undertakes to promulgate the Decree of which the draft is annexed. It further declares that, in so far as the arrangements above mentioned refer to questions of the internal administration of Egypt, the settlement of which appertains to it in virtue of the Firmans of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, it adheres to these arrangements, and undertakes, as far as it is concerned, to carry them out.

In witness whereof the Undersigned, furnished with the necessary powers to this effect, has signed the present Declaration.

Done at London, the 17th March, 1885.


Annex 1. Draft Convention.

With a view to facilitate the conclusion by the Egyptian Government of a loan intended partly to provide for the Alexandria indemnities, the payment of which is especially urgent, and as regards the remainder, to settle the financial situation and secure the payment of certain extraordinary expenditure.

The Governments of Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey have, by common consent, agreed upon the following provisions:—

A loan to be issued. Art. I. The Egyptian Government, with the consent of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, and under the guarantee resulting from the present Convention, shall issue, at a rate not to exceed 3½ per cent., the securities required to produce a sum not exceeding 9,000,000l.

A Decree of His Highness the Khedive shall fix the rate, the conditions, and the dates of issue.

Art. II. The coupons shall be paid in gold in Egypt, in London, and in Paris, on the 1st March and the 1st September of each year.

In Paris the payments shall be made at the fixed rate of 25 fr. to the pound sterling.

Art. III. The bonds of this loan shall not be subject to any tax for the benefit of the Egyptian Government.

Annuity to be a first charge. Art. IV. A fixed annuity of 315,000l., to be applied to the service of the loan, shall be levied as a first charge upon the revenues assigned to the service of the Preference and Unified Debts.

Redemption Art. V. Such portion of this annuity as shall not be absorbed by the payment of interest shall be applied to the redemption of the loan. The redemption shall be effected by purchase at the market price. If the price is above par, it shall be effected by drawings at par, the Egyptian Government, however, reserving to itself the right to pay off the loan at par.

to be managed by the Caisse, Art. VI. The service of the new loan shall be conducted by the Egyptian Treasury of the Public Debt, under the same conditions as the service of the Preference and Unified Debts.

guaranteed by six Powers. Art. VII. The Governments of Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, and Russia undertake either to guarantee jointly and severally, or to ask authority from their Parliaments[110] to guarantee jointly and severally, the regular payment of the annuity of 315,000l. above stipulated.

Art. VIII. The Commissioners of the Treasury of the Debt shall, fifteen days before each payment is due, render an account to the Egyptian Government in a special Report to be published in the 'Journal Ofiiciel' of the state of the funds assigned to the service of the loan.

Art. IX. All instalments of the loan shall be carried to the account of the Treasury of the Debt.

Art. X. The expenses of remittance and other expenses of the operation shall be levied on the amount of the loan.

The Commissioners of the Treasury of the Debt shall charge on the produce of the loan the sum necessary to complete the payment of the Alexandria indemnities, and shall pay those indemnities to the claimants on behalf of the Egyptian Government, according to the awards made by the International Indemnity Commission.

The indemnities shall be paid in full, and without arrears of interest.

Art. XI. The surplus of the loan shall be paid over to the Egyptian Government, as that Government may require it.

Art. XII. Any unemployed balance remaining over from the loan shall be applied to the purchase of securities, which shall be cancelled, under the conditions stated in Article V.

Art. XIII. The Treasury of the Public Debt shall, at the end of every half-year, address a Report to the Egyptian Government, showing the manner in which the proceeds of the loan have been employed, according to vouchers produced by the Egyptian Government. This Report shall be published in the 'Journal Officiel.'

Art. XIV. The present Convention shall he ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in London as soon as possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have affixed to it the seal of their arms.

Signed at London, on the[111]

Annex 2. Draft Decree.

We, the Khedive of Egypt,

With reference to the Law of Liquidation of the 17th July, 1880[112].

With reference to the Convention dated [113] containing the assent of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan to the issue of a loan of 9,000,000l.,

Whereas Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia have declared that they accept the present Law, and that they have engaged to bring it collectively to the cognizance of the other Powers who took part in the establishment of the Mixed Tribunals in Egypt and to invite them to adhere to it,

At the instance of our Council of Ministers,

Have decreed and decree:

Art. I. Our Minister of Finance is authorized to issue at a rate not to exceed 3½ per cent., the quantity of securities required to produce a sum not exceeding £E. 8,775,000 (9,000,000l.).

A subsequent Decree shall fix the rate, conditions, and dates of issue.

Art. II. The coupons of this loan will be paid in gold in Egypt, in London, and in Paris, on the 1st March and 1st September of each year.

In Paris, the payments shall be made at a fixed rate of 25 fr. to the pound sterling.

Art. III. The bonds of this loan shall not be subject to any tax for the benefit of our Government.

Art. IV. A fixed annuity of £E. 307,125 (315,000l.) to be applied to the service of this loan, shall be levied as a first charge, and under the guarantee resulting from the International Convention of [114] upon the revenues assigned to the service of the Preference Debt and the Unified Debt[115].

Art. V. The portion of this annuity which is not absorbed by the payment of the interest shall be assigned to the redemption of the Guaranteed Loan. The redemption shall be effected by purchase at the market price. If the market price be above par, it shall be effected by drawings at par.

Art. VI. The service of the Guaranteed Loan shall be conducted by the Treasury of the Public Debt, under the same conditions as the Preference and Unified Debts.

Art. VII. The Commissioners of the Treasury of the Debt shall, fifteen days previous to each payment falling due, furnish us with an account, in a special Report to be published in the 'Journal Officiel,' of the state of the funds assigned to the service of the loan.

Art. VIII. All instalments of the loan shall be carried to the account of the Treasury of the Debt.

Art. IX. The expenses of remittance and other expenses of the operation shall be levied on the amount of the loan.

The Commissioners of the Treasury of the Debt shall deduct from the proceeds of the Guaranteed Loan the sum necessary to complete the payment of the Alexandria indemnities, and shall pay those indemnities to the claimants on behalf of our Government according to the awards made by the International Indemnity Commission.

The indemnities shall be paid in full and without arrears of interest. The surplus of the loan shall be paid over by the Commissioners of the Treasury to our Minister of Finance as required.

The portion of the loan remaining after deduction of the amount of the indemnities shall, together with the funds placed at the disposal of our Minister of Finance by Article 24 of the present Law, be assigned to the following charges:—

Making good the deficit of the year 1844 and of previous years 2,657,000
Deficit for 1885, estimated at ... ... ... ... 1,200,000
Irrigation works ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,000,000
Commutation of pensions ... ... ... ... ... 550,000
Funds reserved for the service of the Treasury ... ... 500,000
  Total ... ... ... ... 5,907,000

Art. X. Any unemployed balance after provision has been made for the charges indicated above shall be applied, according to the conditions enumerated in Article 5 of the present Law, to the purchase of securities which shall be cancelled.

Art. XI. The Commissioners of the Treasury of the Public Debt shall furnish us at the end of each half-year with a Report showing, according to the vouchers which will be given to them, the manner in which the proceeds of the Guaranteed Loan have been employed. This Report will be published in the 'Journal Officiel.'

Art. XII. A tax of 5 per cent. is established on the amount of the coupons of the Preference and Unified debts[116]. This tax, however, shall only be levied on the amount of the half-yearly payments falling due in 1885 and in 1886. Certificates establishing the eventual right of the bondholders to obtain repayment of this tax shall be delivered to them at the time of the repayment of the coupons. If, after the expiration of this period, our Government considers it necessary to maintain, either during a certain number of years, or permanently, the tax established by the present Article, it can only be done after the institution, in agreement with the Powers, of an International Commission, similar to that which drew up the Law of Liquidation, and whose duty it would be to institute a general inquiry into the financial situation of Egypt, and to propose to us such measures as would appear to it suitable, in order to insure a fresh distribution of the resources of the country.

The composition of this Commission shall be settled in agreement with the Powers.

Art. XIII. In the event of our Government having to furnish to the Daïra Sanieh in 1885 and 1886, in accordance with the provisions of Arts. XLIV and XLVII of the Law of Liquidation, a subsidy destined to complete the interest on its debt, it shall deduct from such subsidy, up to the amount thereof only, a sum equal to the proceeds of the tax of 5 per cent. on the whole of the interest at 4 per cent. of the Daïra Debt.

Art. XIV. The same procedure shall be adopted as regards the eventual subsidy paid to the Domains Administration to complete the interest of 5 per cent. which is guaranteed to it by our Government.

The certificates mentioned in Art. XII shall be delivered under the same conditions to the bondholders of the Daïra and Domains.

Art. XV. No tax shall be levied on the coupons of the Daïra and Domains Debts in the event of the revenues specially assigned to those two debts sufficing for their service.

Art. XVI. The redemption of the Privileged and Unified Debts is suspended from the date of the signature of the International Convention, except in the case provided for by Art. XXII which follows:—

The sinking fund of 42,500l. provided for by Art. IV of the Convention concluded on the 14th April, 1880, between our Government and Messrs. Rothschild, is in like manner suspended with the same reservation.

Art. XVII. Will be considered as excess of the revenues of the provinces and Administrations assigned to the service of the Public Debt, the Budget receipts of all kinds assigned to this service by Arts. II and IX of the Law of Liquidation beyond the sum necessary to secure:—

1. The service of the fixed annuity of ₤E. 307,125 (315,000l.) of the guaranteed loan;
2. The interest at 5 per cent. of the Privileged Debt;
3. The interest at 4 per cent. of the Unified Debt,

Subject to a deduction with reference to the two last-mentioned debts of the tax levied under the provisions of Art. XII of the present Law.

Art. XVIII. The excess of revenues of provinces and Administrations not assigned to the service of the Public Debt are settled as follows:—

The sums for the expenses of administration or of improvement ('exploitation') which our Government is authorized to charge upon the gross revenues of the provinces and Administrations concerned may be added to the Budget receipts of all kinds realized in the provinces and Administrations.

From this total will be deducted the sum of ₤E. 5,237,000, at which figure the expenses to be charged to the non-assigned revenues are fixed.

The Budget of the railway expenses, including the Railway of Hélouan, having been estimated in the preceding figures at ₤E. 555,000, it is understood that the sum of ₤E. 5,237,000 will in case of need be increased up to the sum necessary to bring the credits for the Railway service up to the proportion of the 45 per cent. of their gross receipts.

The sum of ₤E. 5,237,000 will be also increased by the amount of the subsidies paid by the Ministry of Finance to the Treasury of the Public Debt, to the Daïra, and to the Administration of the Domains, in conformity with Arts. XI, XLIV, and XLVII of the Law of Liquidation, and to the Convention of the 31st October, 1878, concluded between our Government and Messrs. de Rothschild.

Art. XIX. The accounts of the excess of the revenues assigned for the service of the Debt will be settled annually on the 25th October.

Art. XX. When the revenues of the unassigned provinces and Administrations have been less than the amount of expenses settled by Art. XVIII of this Law, the Treasury of the Debt must levy on its surplus, and pay to our Ministry of Finance, the sum necessary to complete this amount.

When the revenues of the unassigned provinces and Administrations have exceeded the amount of the expenses above-mentioned, the excess shall be paid to the Treasuiy of the Debt.

Art. XXI. The possible surplus in 1885 and 1886 on the total of the revenues assigned and unassigned, after the service of the different debts and of the public expenses, as laid down in the above Articles XVII and XVIII, are provided for, will be deposited in the Treasury of the Debt until the 15th April, 1887.

At that date a distribution of such surpluses will be made by the Commission of the Debt amongst the holders of the certificates mentioned in Articles XII and XIV.

If there is a surplus, it will be assigned to the repayment of the reduction of ½ per cent. effected on the interest of the Suez Canal shares.

If the surplus is insufficient to provide entirely for these different repayments, the surpluses of subsequent years shall be applied to the same object.

Every surplus which is not used for these repayments shall be divided equally between the Budget of the administrative expenses of the Government and the service of the sinking fund.

Art. XXII. The money destined for the sinking fund in virtue of the preceding Article will be to the amount of ₤E. 87,750 (90,000l.) employed exclusively to the redemption of Guaranteed Loan.

The surplus will be assigned to the redemption of the other debts in the manner which has been established by the Law of Liquidation, and by the contracts concluded between our Government and Messrs. de Rothschild.

Art. XXIII. All the debts mentioned in Art. LXVI of the Law of Liquidation must, under penalty of forfeiture, be claimed from our Government before the 1st January, 1886. Those which, by that date, have not been formally claimed, either by a suit brought before the Tribunals, or by a receipt issued by a competent authority, or by an order of the Court, will be definitely barred and cannot afterwards form the subject of any action against our Government.

Art. XXIV. The Treasury of the Public Debt will reserve, for the purpose of insuring the settlement of the debts of the Liquidation which are still undecided, the bonds of the Privileged Debt, and the bonds of the Unified Debt which form part of the Liquidation funds of which it has the actual custody. All the surplus of the funds of the Liquidation as it is constituted by Art. LXIII of the Law of Liquidation will be at the disposal of our Government for assignment to the charges specified in Articles IX and X of the present law.

The bonds which may remain in the Treasury of the Debt after payment of all the debts of the Liquidation will be cancelled.

Art. XXV. The power given to our Minister of Finance by Art. XXXVII of the Law of Liquidation to obtain advances on the current account is restricted to a maximum limit of ₤E. 1,000,000.

Art. XXVI. The Reform Tribunals shall not have cognisance of the suit instituted by the Commissioners of the Treasury of the Public Debt against the Government of Egypt, the President of the Council, the Minister of Finance, the Mudirs, the Directors of the assigned Administrations, either in their public or private capacity, for payment of sums assigned to the sinking fund, and which have been paid directly to the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance during the months of September and October 1884[117].

Art. XXVII. This Law shall be published in the 'Journal Officiel.' It will take effect from the date of its publication, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary resulting from the Laws or Decrees in force.

Art. XXVIII. Our Ministers are intrusted, each in so far as he is concerned, with the execution of this Law.


The undersigned Plenipotentiaries declare that the adhesion of the Powers to Art. XXVI of the Decree does not imply recognition of the legality of the use to which the sinking fund of the Egyptian Debt has been applied.

Done at London, the 17th March, 1885.


  1. See Parl. Papers, 1839 [205–207], containing communications with Mehemet Ali in 1833, 1838, and 1839.
  2. Parl. Papers, 1839 [205].
  3. Parl. Papers, 1854, Treaties between Russia and Turkey, p. 67 ; N. R. G. i, 156.
  4. N. R. G. xv, 488.
  5. N.R.G. xv, 489.
  6. Another Firman of the same date grants to Mehemet Ali, but not hereditarily, the government of Nubia, Darfour, Cordofan, and Senaar. Legislation Ottomane, ii. p. 136.
  7. The representatives of the Powers at London, on being consulted, referred the Porte to the Treaty of 1840 for the principles upon which the pashalic of Egypt should be granted, and to their notes of 20th January and 13th March for the mode in which these principles ought to be applied. Parl. Papers, 1841, Correspondence as to the Levant, iii. p. 412.
  8. Parl. Papers, ib., N.R.G. ii, 126.
  9. Parl. Papers, 1854; N.R.G. ii, 128.
  10. Parl. Papers, 1879, Egypt, No. 4. p. i ; N.R.G. xviii, 490 (Texts, No. I).
  11. Parl. Papers, u. s. ; N.R.G. ib. 240 (Texts, No. II).
  12. Egypt had previously been subject to the general law of the Empire, as declared by the Sultan.
  13. Parl. Papers, u. s. ; N. R. G. ib. 242 (Texts, No. III).
  14. Ib. u. s. (Texts, No. V).
  15. Ib. u. s. (Texts, No. VI).
  16. Ib. u. s. (Texts, No. VII).
  17. Ib. u. s. ; N. R. G. xviii, 629 (Texts, No. VIII).
  18. Parl. Papers, 1880, Egypt, No. i. p. 51 ; N.R.G. 2me Série, vi, 508 (Texts, No. IX).
  19. Annuaire de I'lnstitut de Droit International, 1877, p. 321 (Texts, No. X).
  20. Ibid. p. 337. The Accession of Great Britain to the Convention was on 31st July, 1875 ; ibid., 1878, p. 273 ; Parl. Papers, 1876, Egypt, No. 3 ; N. R.G. 2me Série, ii, 695 (Texts, No. XI).
  21. By a Decree of 6th January, 1881.
  22. By a Decree of 28th January, 1882.
  23. By a Decree of 28th January, 1883.
  24. By a Decree of 19th January, 1884. It was proposed at this time to reconstitute the International Commission, and to consider the expediency of a larger transfer of criminal jurisdiction to these courts. On these Decrees, see Parl. Papers, 1884, Egypt, No. 24.
  25. Q. v. Parl. Papers, 1876, Egypt, No, 7.
  26. Parl. Papers, 1876, Egypt, No. 8, pp. 54, 60 (Texts, No. XII)
  27. See Art. 10 of the Goschen-Joubert Decree (Texts, No. XIV). Cf. infra, p. 109.
  28. Parl. Papers, 1876, Egypt, No. 8, p. 63 (Texts, No. XITI). This Decree was followed by one of 11th May, constituting a Treasury department.
  29. There are various 'Dairas,' or Administrations, of estates which belonged to the Khedivial family. The principal of these, the Daira Sanieh, was the personal estate of the Khedive.
  30. A law passed in 1 871, which, in consideration of the payment of six years' land tax in advance, promised to landowners an exemption from half the tax after 1885, and an improved title. This law was revived by the Goschen-Joubert Decree, with modifications, but abolished by the Law of Liquidation.
  31. Parl. Papers, 1879, Egypt, No. 2, p. 28 (Texts, No. XIV).
  32. On 25th December, 1876, Parl. Papers. 1879, Egypt, No. 2, p. 22.
  33. Ib.
  34. Ib. p. 230.
  35. Ib. p. 326.
  36. Q. v. Parl. Papers, 1879, Egypt, No. 5., p. 97.
  37. Ib. p. 159.
  38. Parl. Papers, 1880, Egypt, No. 1.
  39. Ib. p. 43; q. v. infra, Texts, No. IX.
  40. Ib. p. 138.
  41. Ib. 1884, Egypt, No. 14.
  42. Ib. 1880, Egypt, No. 1, pp. 136, 160 (Texts, No. XV).
  43. Parl. Papers, 1880, Egypt, No. 2.
  44. Ib. 1884, Egypt, No. 10.
  45. Q. v. Parl. Papers, 1880, Egypt, No. 4; infra, Texts, No. XVII.
  46. Parl. Papers, 1884, Egypt, No. 10.
  47. Unless it be that Lord Granville consented that the final Protocol might declare: that an amicable understanding exists between the European Cabinets that no definitive settlement of the Egyptian question is to take place except with the 'communication' or 'consultation' [not 'cooperation'] of all the powers. Parl. Papers, 1882, Egypt, Nos. 17, 18.
  48. Parl. Papers, 1883, Egypt, No. 6, p. 32.
  49. Ib. 1884, Egypt, No. 29.
  50. Ib. 1884, Egypt, No. 35.
  51. Parl. Papers, 1885, Egypt, No. 4, p. 20.
  52. lb. p. 52. In February, 1885, this claim was allowed; ib. No. 5, pp. 11, 19. A similar claim was afterwards made on behalf of the Porte.
  53. Ib. No. 6 (Texts, No. XVIII).
  54. During the negotiations with France, in 1884, Lord Granville proposed that Egypt should be neutralised. In a circular dispatch of 3rd January, 1883, he had proposed that this process should be applied to the Suez Canal only. Pari. Papers, 1882, Egypt, No. 20, p. 48.
  55. Parl. Papers, 1879, Egypt, No. 4, p. 36.
  56. Appendix, No. I.
  57. Infra, p. 114.
  58. Cf. Texts, Nos. II, VIII.
  59. Parl. Papers, 1879, Egypt, No. 4, p. 41; N.R.G. xviii, 240.
  60. Cf. Texts, No. VIII.
  61. Parl. Papers, ibid., p. 43.
  62. Parl. Papers, ibid.; N.R.G. xviii, 242.
  63. Of 3rd November, 1839; q.v. Appendix I.
  64. Parl. Papers, ibid. p. 45.
  65. Parl. Papers, 1879, Egypt, No. 4, p. 46.
  66. I.e. 8th June, 1867.
  67. I.e. 29th November, 1869.
  68. Parl. Papers, ibid. p. 7.
  69. Parl. Papers, ibid. p. 49; N.R.G. xviii, 629.
  70. I.e. the Firman of 1841.
  71. Parl. Papers, 1880, Egypt, No. 1, p. 51; N.R.G., 2me Série, vi. 508.
  72. Supra, Texts, No. II.
  73. I. e. Texts, No. VIII.
  74. The meaning of these words is explained in the following note, addressed by Sawas Pasha to Sir A. H. Layard : —

    Sublime Porte, le 29 Juillet, 1879.

    M. l'Ambassadeur,

    J'ai eu I'honneur de recevoir la note collective en date du 28 Juillet, signde par votre Excellence et par son collègue de France, relative à la clause suivante contenue dans le Firman Imperial destiné à Son Altesse Tewfik Pacha :

  75. The meaning of this paragraph is explained in the following note addressed by Sawas Pasha to Sir A. H. Layard : —

    Sublime Porte, le 2 Août, 1879.

    M. l'Ambassadeur,

    Dans la conversation que votre Excellence et son collbgue de France ont eu Mercredi matin avec son Altesse le Premier Ministre, il a été convenu, sur votre proposition, que, pour dviter toute obscurity sur le sens du paragraphe : 'Le Khedive ne saura sous aucun motif ni pretexte abandonner k d'autres, en tout ou en partie, les privileges accordes k I'^gypte, et qui lui sont confies comme une Emanation des prerogatives inherentes au pouvoir souverain, ni aucune partie du territoire,' declaration serait faite 'que le present Firman ne restreint en rien, sauf ce qui y est expressement relate, les droits, privileges, et prerogatives precedemment et personnellement accordes aux Khedives d'Égypte.'

    D'ordre de son Altesse j'ai l'honneur de vous faire cette declaration, en vous priant d'en prendre acte. Veuillez, &c.

    (Signe) SAWAS.

  76. Annuaire de I'lnstitut de Droit International, 1877, p. 321.
  77. Cf. Decree of 2nd May, 1879 (Texts, No. XII), Art. 4, and Law of Liquidation (Texts, No. XYII), Arts. 38, 57.
  78. Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International, 1877, p. 337; Parl. Papers, 1876, Egypt, No. 3.
  79. Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International, 1878, p. 273; Parl. Papers, u. s.
  80. Parl. Papers, 1876, Egypt, No, 8. Cf. Texts, No. XIV, Arts. 18–22, and No. XVII, Arts. 30–39. Note, that this Decree is modified by subsequent legislation to a greater extent than could be conveniently indicated by italics.
  81. But see now Art. 31 of the Law of Liquidation (Texts, No. XVII).
  82. Cf. the Law of Liquidation, Arts. 38, 57.
  83. Cf. Law of Liquidation, Art. 37.
  84. Parl. Papers, 1876, Egypt, No. 8, p. 63. Note, that this Decree is modified by subsequent legislation to a greater extent than could be conveniently indicated by italics.
  85. As to the loans of 1864, 1865, 1867, see Art. 4 of the Goschen-Joubert Decree (Texts, No. XIV), and Law of Liquidation, Arts. 25-29.
  86. The provisions of this Decree as to the Daira are abrogated by the Decree of 1 8th November, 1876, (Texts, No. XIV), and the Law of liquidation, Arts. 40-62.
  87. Revived by Art. 2 of the Goschen-Joubert Decree, but finally abrogated by the Law of Liquidation, Arts. 87-93.
  88. Reduced to 4 per cent., by Art. 10 of the Law of Liquidation (Texts, No. XVII).
  89. As to the port of Alexandria and the railways, see Arts. 3, 23-33 of the Goschen-Joubert Decree (Texts, No. XIV).
  90. As to all the italicised items, see the Law of Liquidation, Art. 9.
  91. For the altered total, see the Goschen-Joubert Decree, Art. 5.
  92. See Art. 15 of the Law of Liquidation.
  93. Parl. Papers, 1879, Egypt, No. 2, p. 28. Note, that this Decree has been modified by subsequent legislation to a greater extent than could be conveniently indicated by italics.
  94. As to the Daira, see Law of Liquidation (Texts, No. XVII), Arts. 40-62.
  95. The Moukahalah is abolished by the Law of Liquidation, Arts. 87-93.
  96. Cf. Law of Liquidation, Arts. 2-8, 20-24.
  97. By Arts. 26-29 of the Law of Liquidation (Texts, No. XVII), these loans are to be converted into Unified.
  98. Cf. Law of Liquidation, Arts. 14, 15, 49.
  99. The Dual Control was abolished by a Decree of 18th January, 1883.
  100. Cf. Law of Liquidation (Texts, No. XVII), Arts. 30-39.
  101. Major Baring was appointed accordingly, but not on the nomination of the English Government.
  102. Parl. Papers, 1880, Egypt, No. 1, p. 136. All the Powers interested in the International Courts had assented to the Decree before the end of the year.
  103. On 26th October, 1878.
  104. Parl. Papers, 1884, Egypt, No. 10, p. 3.
  105. By a joint Declaration signed by their respective Consuls-General, on 31st March, 1880.
  106. This was done and the adhesion of all the other nine Powers was obtained by 19th August 1880. See Correspondence, in Parl. Papers, 1884, Egypt, No. 10.
  107. Parl. Papers, 1880, Egypt, No. 4, p. i.
  108. Cf. supra, pp. 104, 105, 107, 152, 155.
  109. Parl. Papers, 1885, Egypt, No. 6. The signature of the Turkish Ambassador was added, after some hesitation, on 30th March.
  110. The necessary authority was given by a resolution of the House of Commons, on 27th March, 1885.
  111. The Convention was signed on 18th March, 1885, by the Plenipotentiaries of all the Powers except Turkey. The signature of the Turkish Plenipotentiary was added on 30th March.
  112. Supra, p, 169.
  113. Signed on behalf of Turkey on 30th, on behalf of the other Powers on 18th March, 1885; Russia restricting her liability to one-sixth.
  114. Signed 18th March, 1885.
  115. This provision is of course in contravention of the Law of Liquidation (Texts, No. XVII).
  116. In contravention of Art. 21 of the Law of Liquidation, supra, p. 174.
  117. Supra, p. 108.