The Exciseman (Stirling)/Kate o' Gowrie
For other versions of this work, see Kate o' Gowrie.
When Katie was scarce out nineteen,O but she had twa coal-black con; A bonnier lass ye wadna seen, In a' the Carse o' Gowrie.Quite tir'd o' livin' a' his lane, Pate to her did his love explain,An' swore he'd be, were she his ain,The happiest lad in Gowrie.
Quo' she, I winna marry thee,For a' the gear that ye can gie;Nor will I gang ae step a-jee,For a' the gowd o' Gowrie. My father will gie me twa kye,My mither's gaun some yarn to dye;I'll get a gown just like the sky,Gif l'll no gang to Gowrie.
O my dear Katie, say na sae,Ye little ken a heart that's wae; Hae, there's my hand, hear me, I pray,Sin' thou'll no gang to Gowrie. Since first I met thee at the shiel, My saul to thee's been true and leal; The darkest night I fear nae deil, Warlock, or witch, in Gowrie.
I fear nae want o' claise, nor nought; Sic silly things my mind ne'er taught; I dream a' night, an' start about, An' wish for thee in Gowrie. I lo'e thee better, Kate, my dear, Than a' my rigs, and out-gaun gear; Sit down by me, till ance I swear, Thou'rt worth the Carse o' Gowrie.
Sine on her mouth sweet kisses laid, Till blushes a' her cheeks o'erspread; She sigh'd, and in saft whispers said, O Pate, tak me to Gowrie. Quo' he, let's to the auld fouk gang, Say what they like, I'll bide their bang, And bide a night, tho' beds be thrang, But I'll hae thee to Gowrie.
The auld fonk syne baith gied consent,The priest was ca'd, a' were content; Add Katie never did repent, That she gaed hame to Gowrie. For routh o' bonnie bairns had she, Mair strappin'lads fe wadna see; And her braw lasses bare the gree, Frae the rest o' Gowrie.