The Fables of Æsop (Jacobs)/Index

Androcles, xxiii., 60
Ant and Grasshopper, xxxvi., 86
Ass and Lapdog, x., 24
Ass in Lion's skin, xlix., 116
Ass's Brains, lxxiv., 177
Avaricious and Envious, liv., 127
Bald Man and Fly, xviii., 47
Bat, Birds, and Beasts, xxiv., 62
Belling the Cat, lxvii., 159
Belly and Members, xxix., 72
Blow hot and cold, see Man and Satyr
Borrowed plumes, see Jay and Peacock
Brass Pot and Earthenware Pot, see Two Pots
Buffoon and Countryman, lxxx., 189
Bull and Frog, see Frog and Ox
Bundle of Sticks, lxxii., 173
Cat-Maiden, lxxvi., 180
Cock and Pearl, i., 2
Countryman and Serpent, see Woodman and Serpent
Crabs, see Two Crabs
Crow and Pitcher, lv., 129
Daw and Peacocks, see Jay and Peacocks
Death and Old Man, see Old Man and Death
Dog and Shadow, iii., 7
Dog and Wolf, xxviii., 70
Dog in Manger, xl., 97
Eagle and Arrow, lxxv., 179
Eagle and Tortoise, see Tortoise and Birds
Fisher, xlii., 100
Fisher and Little Fish, liii., 124
Four Oxen and Lion, lii., 122
Fox and Cat, xxxviii., 91
Fox and Crow, viii., 19
Fox and Goat, lxxxii., 193
Fox and Grapes, xxxi., 76
Fox and Lion, xxxiv., 83
Fox and Mask, xx., 52
Fox and Mosquitoes, lxiv., 152
Fox and Stork, xix., 50
Fox, Cock, and Dog, lix., 140
Fox without a Tail, lxv., 154
Frog and Ox, xxii., 57
Frogs and Hares, see Hares and Frogs
Frogs desiring a King, xiii., 31
Goose with the Golden Eggs, lvii. 134
Grapes are sour, see Fox and Grapes
Hare and Tortoise, lxviii., 162
Hare with many Friends, lxx., 168
Hares and Frogs, xv., 38
Hart and Hunter, xxv., 65
Hart in Ox-stall, xxx., 74
Hercules and Waggoner, lxi., 145
Horse and Ass, lxxviii., 185
Horse, Hunter, and Stag, xxxiii., 80
Jay and Peacock, xxi., 55
Juno and Peacock, see Peacock and Juno
Kid and Wolf, see Wolf and Kid
King Log and King Stork, see Frogs desiring a King
Labourer and Nightingale, lviii., 138
Lapdog and Ass, see Ass and Lapdog
Lion and Mouse, xi., 26
Lion and Statue, xxxv., 85
Lion, Fox, and Beasts, lxxiii., 174
Lion in Love, lxxi., 170
Lion Sick, see Sick Lion
Lion's Share, iv., 8
Man and Serpent, vi., 12
Man and Satyr, lvi., 131
Man and Two Wives, xlv., 106
Man and Wood, xxvii., 68
Man and Wooden God (statue), xli., 98
Man, Axe, and Wood, see Man and Wood
Man, Boy, and Donkey, lxiii., 149
Man, Lion, and Statue, see Lion and Statue
Master's Eye, see Hart in Ox-stall
Mice in Council, see Belling the Cat
Milkmaid and Pail, lxxvii., 183
Miser and Gold, lxii., 146
Mountains in Labour, xiv., 36
Mouse and Lion, see Lion and Mouse
Nulla Vestigia retrorsum, see Lion, Fox, and Beasts
Nurse and Wolf, xlvi., 109
Oak and Reed, see Tree and Reed
Old Man and Death, lxix., 164
Old Woman and Wine-jar, lxxxi., 190
One-eyed Doe, lxvi., 156
Oxen and Lion, see Four Oxen and Lion
Peacock and Juno, xxxii., 79
Pitcher and Crow, see Crow and Pitcher
Put your shoulder to the wheel, see Hercules and Waggoner
Satyr and Man, see Man and Saytr
Serpent and File, xxvi., 67
Shepherd Boy, xliii., 102
Sick Lion, ix., 23
Sun and Wind, see Wind and Sun
Swallow and other Birds, xii., 28
Thief and Mother, see Young Thief and Mother
To blow hot and cold, see Man and Satyr
To cry "Wolf," see Shepherd Boy
To warm a serpent in your bosom, see Man and Serpent
Tortoise and Birds, xlvii., 111
Town Mouse and Country Mouse, vii., 15
Travellers and Bear, see Two Fellows and Bear
Tree and Reed, xxxvii., 88
Trumpeter taken Prisoner, lxxix., 187
Two Crabs, xlviii., 114
Two Fellows and Bear, l., 118
Two Pots, li., 120
Waggoner and Hercules, see {{sc|Hercules and Waggoner]}
Wind and Sun, lx., 142
"Wolf!" see Shepherd Boy
Wolf and Crane, v., 10
Wolf and Dog, see Dog and Wolf
Wolf and Kid, xvi., 40
Wolf and Lamb, ii., 4
Wolf and Nurse, see Nurse and Wolf
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, xxxix., 93
Woodman and Serpent, xvii., 43