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The Fall of the Alamo/Hymns

From Wikisource
1546605The Fall of the Alamo — HymnsFrancis Nona

H Y M N S.


Finale of the First Act.

{ \key des \major \time 2/2 \partial 4 \tempo \markup { \italic Spiritedly. } << \relative d' { \autoBeamOff \times 2/3 { des8^\f f aes } | des4. <des aes>8 <des aes>4 <ees c> | <f des>2. q8[ <ees c>] | <d bes>4. q8 <bes aes'>4 <bes f'> |
<bes ges'>2. \times 2/3 { ees,8 ges bes } | ees4. <ees bes>8 q4 <f d> | <ges ees>2. q4 | <f des> des <c aes'>4. <c aes>8 | <des aes>2. r8.^\pp f16 |
f4. ges8 f ees des c | <des bes>2. <f bes,>4 | <e c>4. q8 q q <aes c,> <g bes,>^\< | <f aes,>4( <ges! c,>2\!\fermata) \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Rise, va -- liant yeo -- men, one and all! And take your sword in hand; For hear you not the thrill -- ing call Of free -- dom thro' the land? So let her not ap -- peal in vain, But raise e'en here her ho -- ly fane. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key des \major \relative d { \autoBeamOff \times 2/3 { des8\f f aes } | des4. <f, des>8 q4 <aes aes,> | <aes des,>2. q8[ <a f>] | <bes bes,>4. <f bes,>8 q4 <d bes> | 
ees2. \times 2/3 { ees8 ges bes } | ees4. <ges, ees>8 q4 bes | <bes ees,>2. q4 | <aes f> q <ges aes>4. q8 | <f des>2. r8.\pp f16 |
f4. ges8 f ees des c | <bes f'>2. des4 | <c g'>4. q8 q q <c e> q\< | f4( <ees aes,>2\!\fermata) } }
>> }