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The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of R. C./Epistle

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Wiſe and underſtanding


WIſdom (ſaith Solomon) is to a man an infinite Treaſure, for ſhe is the Breath of the Power of God, and a pure Influence that floweth from the Glory of the Almighty; ſhe is the Brightneſs of Eternal Light, and an undefiled Mirror of the Majeſty of God, and an Image of his Goodneſs; ſhe teachech us Soberneſs and Prudence, Righteouſneſs and Strength; ſhe underſtands the Subtilty of words, and Solution of dark ſentences; ſhe foreknoweth Signs and Wonders, and what ſhall happen in time to come; with this Treaſure was our firſt Father Adam fully endued: Hence it doth appear, that after God had brought before him all the Creatures of the Field, and the Fowls under Heaven, he gave to every one of them their proper names, according to their nature.

Although now through the ſorrowful fall into ſin this excellent Jewel Wiſdom hath been loſt, and meer Darkneſs and Ignorance is come into the World, yet notwithſtanding hath the Lord God ſometimes hitherto beſtowed, and made manifeſt the ſame, to ſome of his Friends: For the wiſe King Solomon doth teſtifie of himſelf, that he upon earneſt prayer and deſire did get and obtain ſuch Wiſdom of God, that thereby he knew how the World was created, thereby he underſtood the Nature of the Elements, alſo the time, beginning middle, and end, the increaſe and decreaſe, the change of times through the whole Year, the Revolution of the Year, and Ordinance of the Stars; he underſtood alſo the properties of tame and wilde Beaſts, the cauſe of the raigning of the Winds, and minds and intents of men, all ſorts and natures of Plants, vertues of Roots, and others, was not unknown to him. Now I do not think that there can be found any one who would not wiſh and deſire with all his heart to be Partaker of this noble Treaſure; but ſeeing the ſame Felicity can happen to none, except God himſelf give Wiſdom, and ſend his holy Spirit from above, we have therefore ſet forth in print this little Treatiſe, to wit, Famam & Confeſsionem, of the Laudable Fraternity of the Roſie Croſs, to be read by every one, becauſe in them is clearly ſhewn and diſcovered, what concerning it the World hath to expect.

Although theſe things may ſeem ſomewhat ſtrange, and many may eſteem it to be but a Philſophical ſhew, and no true Hiſtory, which is publiſhed and ſpoken of the Fraternity of the Roſie Croſs; it ſhall here ſufficiently appear by our Confeſsion, that there is more in receſſu then maybe imagined; and it ſhall be eaſily underſtood, and obſerved by every one (if he be not altogether voyd of underſtanding) what now adays, and at theſe times, is meant thereby.

Thoſe who are true Diſciples of Wiſdom, and true Followers of the Spherical Art, will conſider better of theſe things, and have them in greater eſtimation, as alſo judg far otherwiſe of them, as hath been done by ſome principal Perſons, but eſpecially of Adam Haſelmeyer, Notarius Publicus to the Arch Duke Maximilian, who likewiſe hath made an Extract ex ſcriptis Theologicis Theophrasti, and written a Treatiſe under the Title of Jeſuiter, wherein he willeth, that every Chriſtian ſhould be a true Jeſuit, that is, to walk, live, be, and remain in Jeſus: He was but ill rewarded of the Jeſuits, becauſe in his Anſwer written upon the Famam, he did name thoſe of the Fraternity of the Roſie Croſs, The highly illuminated men, and undeceiving Jeſuits; for they not able to brook this, layd hands on him, and put him into the Calleis, for which they likewiſe have to expect their reward.

Bleſſed Aurora will now henceforth begin to appear, who (after the paſſing away of the dark Night of Saturn) with her Brightneſs altogether extinguiſheth the ſhining of the Moon, or the ſmall Sparks of Heavenly Wiſdom, which yet remaineth with men, and is a Forerunner of pleaſant Phebus, who with his clear and fiery gliſtering Beams brings forth that bleſſed Day, long wiſhed for, of many true-hearted; by which Day-light then ſhall truly be known, and ſhall be ſeen all heavenly Treaſures of godly Wiſdom, as alſo the Secrets of all hidden and unviſible things in the World, according to the Doctrine of our Forefathers, and ancient Wiſemen.

This will be the right kingly Ruby, and moſt excellent ſhining Carbuncle, of the which it is ſaid, That he doth ſhine and give light in darkneſs, and to be a perfect Medicine of all imperfect Bodies, and to change them into the beſt Gold, and to cure all Diſeaſes of Men, eaſing them of all pains and miſeries.

Be therefore, gentle Reader, admoniſhed, that with me you do earneſtly pray to God, that it pleaſe him to open the hearts and ears of all ill hearing people, and to grant unto them his bleſſing, that they may be able to know him in his Omnipotency, with admiring contemplation of Nature, to his honour and praiſe, and to the love, help, comfort and ſtrengthening of our Neighbors, and to the reſtoring of all the diſeaſed.