The Farmingdale Post/1929/Attend Reunion of Lattin Family At Niagara Falls

Attend Reunion of Lattin Family At Niagara Falls
The annual reunion of the Lattin family was held this year at Niagara Falls August 17th. Mr. and Mrs. A. Poole of Columbia street, this village, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Winblad of New York City attended. Both are daughters of Jarvis Lattin. The party went by bus from New York. There were eighty-one registered this year. Their meeting was held in Convention Hall in the Chamber of the Advisory Committee. Their meeting consists of the reports of happenings through the year, also a resume of all the births, marriages, and deaths, and other family news. Some came from as California and some from nearly all the states. Mr. Frank Lattin has been an Assemblyman in Albany for years and is in the association. He spends a great deal of time each year in sending out to each family the yearly reports, which are very interesting. The meeting next year will be again in Niagara Falls.