The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma/Birds/Volume 1
Published under the Authority of the Secretary of
State for India in Council.
HON. D.Sc. Princeton, HON. LL.D. Michigan, F.R.S.
(Second Edition.)
E. C. STUART BAKER, O.B.E., F.Z.S., Etc.
July, 1922.
The first volume by Mr. Oates on the Birds of British India was published in 1889 under the editorship of Dr. W. T. Blanford and it was then estimated that in this and the three succeeding volumes the number of species dealt with would exceed those enumerated in Jerdon's classical "Birds of India" by more than one half. Mr. Oates had been able to come to England on furlough and was thus able to utilize the collection of Indian birds in the British Museum, which included amongst other large collections Mr. Hume's collection of 60,000 skins. The second of the volumes written by Mr. Oates appeared the following year but as he was unable to obtain an extension of his two years' furlough he had to be content with issuing a somewhat smaller volume than usual. Still, he succeeded in covering the whole of the Passerine birds, the largest and most difficult of all the great orders.
The two remaining volumes on Birds were written by Dr. W. T. Blanford and published respectively in 1895 and 1898.
These volumes on Birds have been for many years out of print, and there has been a constant demand for a re-issue of them. It is therefore with great pleasure that with the sanction of the authorities of the India Office I have been able to secure the services of Mr. E. C. Stuart Baker in preparing this much needed new edition.
Dr. Blanford died in 1905. For twenty-seven years he had been a member of the Indian Geological Society and had acquired a wide and deep knowledge of the geology of that great Empire. But he was a man of the utmost width of scientific interest. During his many journeys he kept a keen eye on the fauna of British India and it was this firsthand knowledge that enabled him so successfully to complete the great work begun by Mr. Gates. Dr. Blanford was an indefatigable worker and everything that he wrote was of the highest order of merit, marked by thoroughness and accuracy.
Mr. Gates survived his editor by six years. He had spent thirty-two years in the Public Works Department of India and had devoted all his spare time to the ornithology of British India. He was chiefly stationed in Burma and was undoubtedly the world's authority on the birds of that country. His "Birds of British Burma" in two volumes is still a standard work, though it has perhaps been to some extent replaced by his later work in "The Fauna of British India."
He is described by those who knew him as being a lovable but at times hot-tempered man; but officials who have spent a large part of their lives in the tropics are apt to be a little hot-tempered. The fact that Mr. A. O. Hume made over to Oates the whole of his notes and correspondence when the latter was preparing his work on "The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds" testifies to the high regard he inspired in his contemporaries. On his retirement he was requested by the Trustees of the British Museum to catalogue their large collection of British eggs, and he prepared a manuscript of four volumes, covering about 50,000 specimens. The first two volumes of this catalogue were issued during his lifetime.
Both he and Dr. Blanford are splendid examples of men carrying on thorough scientific work in the rare and sporadic intervals of exacting, official duties.
Those who are responsible for issuing these volumes may well congratulate themselves on having secured the services of Mr. E. C. Stuart Baker. Mr. Baker is well known to all those in India who take an interest in ornithology and big game shooting. He is equally known to Ornithologists all over the world as a regular contributor for more than thirty years to the "Ibis" and "Bombay Natural History Society's Journal." His volumes on Indian Game Birds are standard works and all who read these pages will recognise in his vivid descriptions of the habits and song of birds the work of a first-hand authority.
The author has produced a work which combines the highest scientific standard with a system which readily enables the sportsman or amateur to identify the various birds of British India. He has himself drawn attention to the imperative need of the trinominal system of nomenclature and he has modernised the generic and specific names in accordance with the rules of the International Congress.
In some cases it will be noticed that there is no name following the words "vernacular names." In these cases none have been recorded, but it is hoped that sportsmen and naturalists in India may in time be able to fill up these blanks. The extremely accurate and living drawings for the plates are the work of the author. They have been admirably reproduced by Messrs. Bale & Danielsson.
Page 10 18 - 1. Genus Corvus Linn.
20 - 1. corax Linn.
21 - 1. corax laurencei (Hume)
21 - 2. corax tibetanus (Hodgs.)
23 - 3. corax ruficollis (Lesson)
23 - 2. corone Linn.
24 - 4. corone orientalis (Eversm.)
24 - 3. coronoides Gould
25 - 5. coronoides levaillanti (Less.)
27 - 6. coronoides culminatus (Sykes)
28 - 7. coronoides intermedius (Adams)
28 - 8. coronoides andamanensis (Tytler)
29 - 4. frugilegus Linn.
30 - 9. frugilegus tschusii Hartert
30 - 5. cornix Linn.
32 - 10. cornix sharpii (Oates)
32 - 6. splendens Vieill.
32 - 11. splendens splendens (Vieill.)
33 - 12. splendens zugmayeri (Laubm.)
34 - 13. splendens isolens (Hume)
34 - 14. splendens protegatus Madar.
35 - 7. monedula Linn.
36 - 15. monedula sœmmeringii (Fischer)
36 - 2. Genus Pica Brisson
37 - 8. pica (Linn.)
38 - 16. pica bactriana Bonap.
38 - 17. pica serica (Gould)
39 - 18. pica bottanensis (Delessert)
39 - 3. Genus Urocissa Cabanis
40 - 9. melanocephala (Lath.)
40 - 19. melanocephala melanocephala (Lath.)
41 - 20. melanocephala occipitalis (Blyth)
41 - 21. melanocephala magnirostris (Blyth)
42 - 10. flavirostris (Blyth)
43 - 22. flavirostris flavirostris (Blyth)
43 - 23. flavirostris cucullata (Gould)
44 - 4. Genus Cissa Boie
45 - 11. chinensis (Bodd.)
45 - 24. chinensis chinensis (Bodd.)
45 - 12. ornata (Wagler)
46 - 5. Genus Dendrocitta Gould
47 - 13. rufa (Latham)
48 - 25. rufa rufa (Latham)
48 - 26. rufa vagabunda (Latham)
50 - 27. rufa sclateri, subsp. nov.
50 - 28. rufa kinneari, subsp. nov.
51 - 29. rufa saturatior (Ticehurst)
51 - 14. leucogastra Gould
51 - 15. sinensis (Lath.)
52 - 30. sinensis himalayensis (Blyth)
52 - 31. sinensis assimilis (Hume)
53 - 16. frontalis McClell.
54 - 17. bayleyi Tytler
55 - 6. Genus Crypsirhina Vieill.
56 - 18. varians (Latham)
56 - 19. cucullata Jerdon
57 - 7. Genus Platysmurus Reich.
58 - 20. leucopterus (Temm.)
58 - 8. Genus Garrulus Briss.
59 - 21. lanceolatus Vigors
60 - 22. leucotis Hume
61 - 32. leucotis leucotis (Hume)
61 - 30. leucotis oatesi (Sharpe)
62 - 23. bispecularis Vigors
62 - 34. bispecularis bispecularis (Vigors)
63 - 35. bispecularis interstinctus Hartert
64 - 36. bispecularis persaturatus Hartert
65 - 37. bispecularis haringtoni (Rippon)
65 - 9. Genus Nucifraga Briss.
66 - 24. caryocatactes Linn
66 - 38. caryocatactes hemispila (Vigors)
66 - 25. multipunctata Gould
67 - 10. Genus Pyrrhocorax Vieill
68 - 26. pyrrhocorax (Linn.)
68 - 27. graculus (Linn.)
70 - 11. Genus Podoces Fischer
71 - 28. humilis Hume
71 - II. Family Paridæ
72 - 12. Genus Parus Linn.
73 - 29. major Linn.
73 - 39. major cinereus (Vieill.)
74 - 40. major intermedius (Sarudny)
76 - 41. major kaschmiriensis Hartert
76 - 42. major planorum Hartert
77 - 43. major mahrattarum Hartert
77 - 44. major tibetanus Hartert
78 - 45. major commixtus (Swinhoe)
78 - 30. nuchalis Jerdon
79 - 31. monticolus Vigors
80 - 46. monticolus monticolus (Vigors)
80 - 32. cyanus Pallas
81 - 47. cyanus tianschanicus Menzbier
81 - 33. palustris Linn.
82 - 48. palustris korejewi (Zarud. & Härms)
82 - 49. palustris pœcilopsis (Sharpe)
82 - 13. Genus Lophophanes Kaup
83 - 34. melanolophus (Vigors)
83 - 35. ater (Linn.)
84 - 50. ater æmodius (Hodgs.)
84 - 36. rubidiventris (Blyth)
84 - 37. rufonuchalis (Blyth)
85 - 51. rufonuchalis rufonuchalis (Blyth)
85 - 52. rufonuchalis beavani (Blyth)
86 - 38. dichrous (Hodgs.)
86 - 53. dichrous dichrous (Hodgs.)
87 - 54. dichrous wellsi Stuart Baker
87 - 14. Genus Sylviparus Burton
88 - 39. modestus Burton
88 - 55. modestus modestus (Burton)
88 - 56. modestus simlaensis Stuart Baker
88 - 57. modestus saturatior (Rippon)
89 - 15. Genus Machlolophus Cabanis
89 - 40. spilonotus (Blyth)
89 - 58. spilonotus spilonotus (Blyth)
89 - 59. spilonotus subviridis (Tickell)
91 - 41. xanthogenys (Vigors)
91 - 60. xanthogenys xanthogenys (Vigors)
91 - 61. xanthogenys aplonotus (Blyth)
92 - 16. Genus Ægithaliscus Cabanis
93 - 42. concinnus Gould
93 - 62. concinnus iredalei Stuart Baker
93 - 63. concinnus manipurensis (Hume)
94 - 64. concinnus pulchellus (Rippon)
95 - 65. concinnus talifuensis (Rippon)
95 - 43. bonvaloti Oustalet
96 - 66. bonvaloti bonvaloti (Oustalet)
96 - 67. bonvaloti sharpei (Rippon)
97 - 44. leucogenys (Moore)
97 - 45. niveogularis (Moore)
98 - 46. ioschistos (Hodgs.)
99 - 17. Genus Remiz Stein.
100 - 47. coronatus (Severtz.)
100 - 18. Genus Melanochlora Lesson
101 - 48. sultanea (Hodgs.)
101 - 68. sultanea sultanea (Hodgs.)
101 - 69. sultanea flavocristata (Lafres.)
102 103 - 19. Genus Costoma Hodgs.
103 - 49. æmodium Hodgs.
103 - 20. Genus Paradoxornis Gould
105 - 50. flavirostris Gould
105 - 51. guttaticollis David
106 - 21. Genus Suthora Hodgs.
107 - 52. unicolor (Hodgs.)
108 - 53. nepalensis Hodgs.
109 - 54. poliotis Blyth
109 - 70. poliotis poliotis (Blyth)
109 - 71. poliotis humii (Sharpe)
110 - 72. poliotis feæ (Salvadoci)
111 - 73. poliotis ripponi (Sharpe)
111 - 55. gularis (Horsf.)
111 - 74. gularis craddocki (Bingham)
111 - 56. webbiana Slater
112 - 75. webbiana brunnea (Anderson)
112 - 57. fulvifrous Hodgs.
113 - 76. fulivfrous fulvifrous (Hodgs.)
113 - 58. ruficeps (Blyth)
114 - 77. ruficeps ruficeps (Blyth)
114 - 78. ruficeps atrosuperciliaris Godw.-Aust.
114 - 22. Genus Neosuthora Hellmayr
115 - 59. davidiana (Gray)
115 - 79. davidiana thompsoni (Bingham)
115 - 23. Genus Psittiparus Hellmayr
116 - 60. ruficeps (Blyth)
116 - 80. ruficeps ruficeps (Blyth)
116 - 81. ruficeps bakeri (Hartert)
116 - 61. gularis (Gray)
118 - 82. gularis gularis (Gray)
118 - 83. gularis transfluvialis (Hartert)
118 - IV. Family Sittidæ
120 - 24. Genus Sitta Linn.
121 - 62. himalayensis Jard. & Selby
122 - 63. victoriæ Rippon
123 - 64. castaneiventris Frank.
123 - 84. castaneiventris castaneiventris (Frank.)
123 - 85. castaneiventris cinnamoventris (Blyth)
125 - 86. castaneiventris neglecta (Wald.)
126 - 65. europæa Linn.
127 - 87. europæa nagaensis (Godw.-Aust.)
127 - 66. kashmiriensis Brooks
128 - 67. magna Wardl.- Ramsay
128 - 68. neumayer Michahelles
129 - 88. neumayer tephronota (Sharpe)
129 - 69. leucopsis Gould
130 - 89. leucopsis leucopsis (Gould)
130 - 70. formosa Blyth
131 - 71. frontalis Horsf.
132 - 90. frontalis frontalis (Horsf.)
132 134 - Subfamily Timaliinæ
136 - 25. Genus Dryonastes Sharpe
138 - 72. ruficollis (Jard. & Selby)
139 - 73. nuchalis (Godw.-Aust.)
140 - 74. chinensis (Scop.)
141 - 91. chinensis leucogenys (Blyth)
141 - 75. cærulatus (Hodgs.)
141 - 92. cærulatus cærulatus (Hodgs.)
141 - 93. cærulatus subcærulatus (Hume)
142 - 94. cærulatus kaurensis (Rippon)
143 - 76. sannio (Swinh.)
144 - 77. galbanus (Godw.-Aust.)
145 - 26. Genus Garrulax Lesson
145 - 78. leucolophus (Hardw.)
146 - 95. leucolophus leucolophus (Hardw.)
146 - 96. leucolophus belangeri (Less.)
148 - 97. leucolophus diardi (Less.)
148 - 79. delesserti (Jerd.)
149 - 80. pectoralis (Gould)
150 - 98. pectoralis pectoralis (Gould)
150 - 99. pectoralis semitorquata (Ogilvie-Grant)
151 - 81. moniliger (Hodgs.)
151 - 100. moniliger moniliger (Hodgs.)
151 - 101. moniliger fuscata Stuart Baker
152 - 82. gularis (McClell.)
152 - 83. albogularis (Gould)
153 - 102. albogularis albogularis (Gould)
153 - 103. albogularis whistleri Stuart Baker
154 - 84. strepitans Blyth
154 - 27. Genus Ianthocincla Gould
155 - 85. ocellata (Vigors)
155 - 104. ocellata ocellata (Vigors)
155 - 86. cineracea (Godw.-Aust.)
156 - 105. cineracea cineracea (Godw.-Aust.)
156 - 106. cineracea styani (Oustalet)
157 - 87. rufogularis Gould
158 - 107. rufogularis rufogularis (Gould)
158 - 108. rufogularis assamensis Hartert
159 - 109. rufogularis occidentalis Hartert
159 - 88. austeni (Godw.-Aust.)
160 - 110. austeni austeni (Godw.-Aust.)
160 - 111. austeni victoriæ (Rippon)
161 - 28. Genus Trochalopterum Hodgs.
161 - 89. erythrocephalum (Vigors)
162 - 112. erythrocephalum erythrocephalum (Vigors)
163 - 113. erythrocephalum erythrolæma (Hume)
164 - 114. erythrocephalum nigrimentum (Oates)
164 - 115. erythrocephalum godwini Harington
165 - 116. erythrocephalum woodi Stuart Baker
166 - 117. erythrocephalum chrysopterum (Gould)
166 - 118. erythrocephalum melanostigma (Blyth)
167 - 119. erythrocephalum ramsayi (Ogilvie Grant)
168 - 90. phœniceum (Gould)
168 - 120. phœniceum phœniceum (Gould)
168 - 121. phœniceum bakeri Hartert
169 - 122. phœniceum ripponi (Oates)
170 - 91. milnei David
170 - 123. milnei sharpei (Rippon)
170 - 92. subunicolor (Hodgs.)
171 - 124. subunicolor subunicolor (Hodqs.)
171 - 93. affine (Hodgs.)
172 - 125. affine affine (Hodgs.)
172 - 94. varigatum (Vigors)
173 - 126. variegatum variegatum (Vigors)
173 - 127- variegatum simile (Hume)
174 - 95. squamatum (Gould)
174 - 96. cachinnans Jerd.
176 - 128. cachinnans cinnamomeum Davison
177 - 97. jerdoni (Blyth)
177 - 129. jerdoni jerdoni (Blyth)
177 - 130. jerdoni fairbanki (Blanf.)
178 - 131. jerdoni meridionale (Blanf.)
178 - 98. virgatum Godw.-Aust.
179 - 99. lineatum (Vigors)
180 - 132. lineatum lineatum (Vigors)
180 - 133. lineatum griseicentior (Hartert)
181 - 134. lineatum gilgit (Hartert)
182 - 135. lineatum ziaratensis (Ticehurst)
182 - 136. lineatum imbricatum (Blyth)
183 - 100. henrici Oustalet
183 - 29. Genus Grammatoptila Reichenb.
184 - 101. striata (Vigors)
184 - 137. striata striata (Vigors)
184 - 138. striata austeni (Oates)
185 - 30. Genus Stactocicha Sharpe
186 - 102. merulina (Blyth)
186 - 139. merulina merulina (Blyth)
186 - 31. Genus Babax David
187 - 103. lanceolatus (Verr.)
187 - 140. lanceolatus lanceolatus (Verr.)
187 - 141. lanceolatus victoriæ (Rippon)
188 - 104. waddelli Dresser
189 - 32. Genus Turdoides Cretzschmar
190 - 105. terricolor (Hodgs.)
191 - 142. terricolor terricolor (Hodgs.)
191 - 143. terricolor malabaricus (Jerd.)
192 - 144. terricolor sindianus Ticehurst
193 - 106. griseus (Gmel.)
193 - 145. griseus griseus (Gmel.)
193 - 146. griseus striatus (Swains.)
194 - 107. somervillei (Sykes)
194 - 108. rufescens (Blyth)
195 - 109. cinereifrons (Blyth)
196 - 33. Genus Argya Lesson
196 - 110. earlii (Blyth)
197 - 111. caudata (Dumont)
198 - 147. caudata caudata (Dumont)
198 - 148. caudata huttoni (Blyth)
199 - 112. gularis (Blyth)
199 - 113. malcolmi (Sykes)
200 - 114. subrufa (Jerdon)
201 - 115. longirostris (Hodgs.)
202 - 34. Genus Acanthoptila Blyth
203 - 116. nipalensis (Hodgs.)
204 - 35. Genus Pomatorhinus Horsf.
205 - 117. schisticeps Hodgs.
205 - 149. schisticeps schisticeps (Hodgs.)
206 - 150. schisticeps cryptanthus Hartert
207 - 151. schisticeps mearsi (Ogilvie-Grant)
207 - 152. schisticeps pinwiili (Sharpe)
208 - 118. nuchalis Tweeddale
208 - 119. olivaceus Blyth
209 - 153. olivaceus olivaceus (Blyth)
209 - 154. olivaceus ripponi (Harington)
210 - 120. horsfieldi Sykes
210 - 155. horsfieldi horsfieldi (Sykes)
210 - 156. horsfieldi obscurus (Hume)
211 - 157. horsfieldi travancoriensis Harington
211 - 158. horsfieldi melanurus (Blyth)
212 - 121. ferruginosus Blyth
213 - 159. ferruginosus ferruginosus (Blyth)
213 - 160. ferruginosus phayrei (Blyth)
214 - 161. ferruginosus albigularis (Blyth)
215 - 162. ferruginosus mariæ (Walden)
215 - 122. ruficollis Hodgs.
216 - 163. ruficollis ruficollis (Hodgs.)
216 - 164. ruficollis bakeri Harington
217 - 123. ochraceiceps Walden
217 - 165. ochraceiceps ochraceiceps (Walden)
217 - 166. ochraceiceps austeni (Hume)
218 - 167. ochraceiceps stenorhynchus (Blyth)
219 - 124. erythrogenys Vigors
219 - 168. erythrogenys erythrogenys (Vigors)
220 - 169. erythrogenys haringtoni (Stuart Baker)
220 - 170. erythrogenys macclellandi (Jerdon)
221 - 171. erythrogenys gravivox (David)
221 - 172. erythrogenys imberbis (Salvad.)
222 - 125. hypoleucus Blyth
222 - 173. hypoleucus hypoleucus (Blyth)
222 - 174. hypoleucus tickelli (Blyth)
223 - 36. Genus Xiphiramphus Blyth
224 - 126. superciliaris Blyth
224 - 37. Genus Timalia Horsf.
225 - 127. pileata Horsf.
225 - 175. pileata bengalensis (Godw.-Aust.)
226 - 176. pileata jerdoni (Walden)
227 - 38. Genus Dumetia Blyth
228 - 128. hyperythra (Frankl.)
228 - 129. albigularis (Blyth)
229 - 177. albigularis albigularis (Blyth)
229 - 178. albigularis abuensis Harington
230 - 39. Genus Gampsorhynchus Blyth
230 - 130. rufulus Blyth
231 - 179. rufulus rufulus (Blyth)
231 - 180. rufulus torquatus (Hume)
232 - 40. Genus Pyctorhis Hodgs.
233 - 131. sinensis (Gmel.)
233 - 181. sinensis sinensis (Gmel.)
233 - 182. sinensis saturatior Ticehurst
234 - 183. sinensis nasalis (Legge)
235 - 132. altirostris (Jerd.)
235 - 184. altirostris altirostris (Jerd.)
235 - 185. altirostris griseigularis (Hume)
236 - 186. altirostris scindicus Harington
237 - 41. Genus Pellorneum Swainson
237 - 133. ruficeps Swains.
238 - 187. ruficeps ruficeps (Swains.)
238 - 188. ruficeps subochraceum (Swinh.)
239 - 189. ruficeps granti Harington
240 - 190. ruficeps mandellii (Blanf.)
240 - 191. ruficeps jonesi Stuart Baker
241 - 192. ruficeps minus (Hume)
242 - 134. palustre Jerdon
242 - 135. ignotum Hume
243 - 193. ignotum ignotum (Hume)
243 - 194. ignotum cinnamomeum Rippon
244 - 136. fuscicapillum (Blyth)
245 - 195. fuscicapillum fuscicapillum (Blyth)
245 - 196. fuscicapillum babaulti (Wells)
245 - 137. nigricapitatum (Eyton)
246 - 138. tickelli (Blyth)
247 - 197. tickelli tickelli (Blyth)
247 - 198. tickelli assamensis (Sharpe)
248 - 42. Genus Cursonia Skinner
248 - 139. crispifrons (Blyth)
249 - 43. Genus Turdinulus Hume
250 - 140. brevicaudatus (Blyth)
251 - 199. brevicaudatus brevicaudatus (Blyth)
251 - 200. brevicaudatus striatus ('Blyth)
251 - 201. brevicaudatus venningi Harington
252 - 141. roberti (Godw.-Aust.)
253 - 202. roberti roberti (Godw.-Aust.)
253 - 203. roberti guttaticollis (Ogilvie-Grant)
254 - 142. epilepidotus (Ogilvie-Grant)
254 - 204. epilepidotus davisoni (Ogilvie-Grant)
254 - 205. epilepidotus bakeri Harington
255 - 44. Genus Rimator Blyth
255 - 143. malacoptilus Blyth
255 - 45. Genus Horizillas Oberholser
257 - 144. magna (Eyton)
257 - 206. magna magna (Eyton)
257 - 145. magnirostre (Moore)
258 - 46. Genus Erythrocichla Sharpe
258 - 146. bicolor (Less.)
258 - 47. Genus Æthostoma Sharpe
259 - 147. rostrata (Blyth)
259 - 48. Genus Malacocincla Büttik.
260 - 148. sepiaria (Blyth)
260 - 207. sepiaria abboti (Blyth)
260 - 49. Genus Thringorhina Oates
261 - 149. oglei (Godw.-Aust.)
262 - 150. guttata (Blyth)
262 - 50. Genus Stachyris Hodgs.
263 - 151. nigriceps Hodgs.
264 - 208. nigriceps nigriceps (Hodgs.)
264 - 209. nigriceps coltarti Harington
265 - 210. nigriceps davisoni (Sharpe)
265 - 152. chrysæa Blyth
265 - 211. chrysæa chrysæa (Blyth)
265 - 212. chrysæa binghami (Rippon)
266 - 213. chrysæa assimilis (Walden)
267 - 214. chrysæa chrysops Richmond
267 - 51. Genus Stachyridopsis Sharpe
267 - 153. ruficeps Blyth
268 - 215. ruficeps ruficeps (Blyth)
268 - 216. ruficeps bhamoensis Harington
269 - 154. rufifrons (Hume)
269 - 217. rufifrons rufifrons (Hume)
269 - 218. rufifrons ambigua Harington
270 - 155. pyrrhops (Blyth)
271 - 52. Genus Cyanoderma Salvadori
271 - 156. erythroptera (Blyth)
271 - 219. erythroptera erythroptera (Blyth)
271 - 53. Genus Mixornis Hodgs.
272 - 157. rubricapilla Tickell
272 - 220. rubricapilla rubricapilla (Tickell)
273 - 221. rubricapilla minor (Gyldenstolpe)
274 - 222. rubricapilla pileata (Blyth)
274 - 54. Genus Aleippe Blyth
275 - 158. nepalensis (Hodgs.)
275 - 223. nepalensis nepalensis (Hodgs.)
275 - 224. nepalensis fratercula (Rippon)
277 - 159. poioicephala (Jerd.)
277 - 225. poioicephala poioicephala (Jerd.)
277 - 226. poioicephala brucei (Hume)
278 - 227. poioicephala phayrei (Blyth)
278 - 228. poioicephala davisoni (Harington)
279 - 229. poioicephala haringtoniæ (Hartert)
280 - 230. poioicephala magnirostris (Walden)
280 - 55. Genus Rhopocichla Oates
281 - 160. atriceps (Jerdon)
281 - 231. atriceps atriceps (Oates)
281 - 232. atriceps bourdilloni (Hume)
282 - 233. atriceps nigrifrons (Blyth)
282 - 56. Genus Schœniparus Hume
283 - 161. dubius (Hume)
283 - 234. dubius dubius (Hume)
283 - 235. dubius mandelli (Godw.-Aust.)
284 - 230. dubius genestieri (Oustalet)
285 - 162. rufigularis (Mandelli)
286 - 57. Genus Pseudominla Oates
286 - 163. cinerea (Blyth)
287 - 164. castaneiceps (Hodgs.)
288 - 237. castaneiceps castaneiceps (Hodgs.)
288 - 238. castaneiceps brunneicauda (Sharpe)
289 - 58. Genus Fulvetta David & Oust.
289 - 165. vinipecta (Hodgs.)
290 - 239. vinipecta vinipecta (Hodgs.)
290 - 240. vinipecta austeni (O.-Grant)
291 - 241. vinipecta ripponi (Harington)
291 - 166. manipurensis (O.-Grant)
292 - 167. ruficapilla (Verreaux)
292 - 242. ruficapilla sordidior (Rippon)
292 - 59. Genus Lioparus Oates
293 - 168. chrysotis (Hodgs.)
293 - Subfamily Sibiinæ
294 - 60. Genus Sibia Hodgson
295 - 169. picaoides Hodgs.
295 - 243. picaoides picaoides (Hodgs.)
295 - 61. Genus Leioptila Blyth
296 - 170. capistrata (Vigors)
296 - 244. capistrata capistrata (Vigors)
296 - 245. capistrata pallida Hartert
298 - 171. gracilis (McClell.)
298 - 172. melanoleuca (Tickell)
299 - 246. melanoleuca melanoleuca (Tickell)
299 - 247. melanoleuca radcliffei, ? subsp. nov.
300 - 173. castanoptera (Salvadori)
300 - 174. annectens (Blyth)
300 - 248. annectens annectens (Blyth)
300 - 249. annectens saturata (Walden)
301 - 250. annectens davisoni (Hume)
302 - 175. pulchella (Godw.-Aust.)
302 - 251. pulchella pulchella (Godw.-Aust.)
302 - 62. Genus Actinodura Gould
303 - 176. egertoni Gould
303 - 252. egertoni egertoni (Gould)
303 - 253. egertoni khasiana (Godw.-Aust.)
304 - 254. egertoni ripponi (O.-Grant)
305 - 177. ramsayi Walden
305 - 255. ramsayi ramsayi (Walden)
305 - 256. ramsayi radcliffei Harington
306 - 63. Genus Ixops Hodgs.
307 - 178. nipalensis (Hodgs.)
307 - 257. nipalensis nipalensis (Hodgs.)
307 - 258. nipalensis waldeni (Godw.-Aust.)
308 - 259. nipalensis poliotis (Rippon)
309 - 260. nipalensis daflaensis (Godw.-Aust.)
309 - 64. Genus Staphidia Swinhoe
309 - 179. castaneiceps (Moore)
310 - 180. striata (Blyth)
311 - 261. striata striata (Blyth)
311 - 262. striata rufigenis (Hume)
311 - 65. Genus Siva Hodgs.
312 - 181. strigula Hodgs.
313 - 263. strigula strigula (Hodgs.)
313 - 264. strigula castaneicauda (Hume)
314 - 182. cyanouroptera Hodgs.
314 - 265. cyanouroptera cyanouroptera (Hodgs.)
314 - 266. cyanouroptera wingatei (O.-Grant)
315 - 267. cyanouroptera sordida (Hume)
316 - 268. cyanouroptera oatesi Harington
316 - 66. Genus Yuhina Hodgs.
316 - 183. gularis Hodgs.
317 - 269. gularis gularis (Hodgs.)
317 - 270. gularis yangpiensis (Sharpe)
318 - 184. diademata (Verreaux)
318 - 271. diademata ampelina (Rippon)
318 - 185. occipitalis Hodgs.
319 - 272. occipitalis occipitalis (Hodgs.)
319 - 186. nigrimentum (Hodgs.)
320 - 273. nigrimentum nigrimentum (Hodgs.)
320 - 67 Genus Ixulus Hodgs.
321 - 187. occipitalis (Blyth)
321 - 188. flavicollis (Hodgs.)
322 - 274. flavicollis flavicollis (Hodgs.)
322 - 275. flavicollis baileyi Stuart Baker
323 - 276. flavicollis harterti Harington
323 - 189. humilis Hume
324 - 277. humilis humilis (Hume)
324 - 278. humilis clarkii (Oates)
324 - 68. Genus Erpornis (Hodgs.)
324 - 190. xantholeuca Hodgs.
325 - 279. xantholeuca xantholeuca (Hodgs.)
325 - Subfamily Liotrichinæ
326 - 69. Genus Liothrix Swains.
327 - 191. lutea (Scop.)
327 - 280. lutea callipyga (Hodgs.)
328 - 281. lutea yunnanensis Rothschild
329 - 70. Genus Cutia Hodgs.
329 - 192. nipalensis Hodgs.
329 - 282. nipalensis nipalensis (Hodgs.)
329 - 71. Genus Pteruthius Swains.
330 - 193. erythropterus (Vigors)
331 - 194. æralatus Tickell
333 - 283. æralatus æralatus (Tickell)
333 - 195. melanotis Hodgs.
333 - 284. melanotis melanotis (Hodgs.)
333 - 285. melanotis intermedius (Hume)
335 - 196. xanthochloris Hodgs.
335 - 286. xanthochloris xanthochloris (Hodgs.)
335 - 287. xanthochloris occidentalis Harington
336 - 72. Genus Hilarocichla Oates
336 - 197. rufiventer (Blyth)
337 - 73. Genus Aethorhynchus Sundevall
337 - 198. lafresnayi Hartl.
338 - 74. Genus Aegithina Vieill.
339 - 199. tiphia Linn.
339 - 288. tiphia tiphia (Linn.)
340 - 289. tiphia zeylonica (Gmel.)
342 - 290. tiphia humei, subsp. nov.
342 - 200. viridissima (Bonap.)
343 - 201. nigrolutea (Marshall)
344 - 75. Genus Myzornis Hodgs.
344 - 202. pyrrhoura Hodgs.
345 - 76. Genus Chloropsis Jard. & Selby
346 - 203. aurifrons (Temm.)
346 - 291 aurifrons aurifrons (Temm.)
346 - 292. aurifrons davidsoni Stuart Baker
348 - 293 aurifrons inornata Kloss
349 - 204. hardwickii Jard. & Selby
349 - 294. hardwickii hardwickii (Jard. & Selby)
349 - 205. icterocephala
350 - 295. icterocephala chlorocephala (Wald.)
350 - 206. viridis (Horsfield)
351 - 296. viridis zosterops (Vigors)
351 - 207. jerdoni (Blyth)
352 - 208. cyanopogon (Temm.)
353 - 77. Genus Mesia Hodgs.
353 - 209. argentauris Hodgs.
354 - 297. argentauris argentauris (Hodgs.)
354 - 78. Genus Minla Hodgs.
355 - 210. ignotincta Hodgs.
355 - 79. Genus Hypocolius Bonap.
356 - 211. ampelinus Bonap.
357 - VI. Family Pycnonotidæ
359 - 80. Genus Criniger Temm.
361 - 212. tephrogenys (Jard. & Selby)
362 - 298. tephrogenys tephrogenys (Jard. & Selby)
362 - 299. tephrogenys flaveolus (Gould)
363 - 300. tephrogenys burmanicus (Oates)
364 - 301. tephrogenys griseiceps (Hume)
365 - 302. tephrogenys grandis (Stuart Baker)
365 - 81. Genus Tricholestes Salvadori
366 - 213. criniger (Blyth)
366 - 303. criniger criniger (Blyth)
366 - 82. Genus Alophoixus Oates
367 - 214. phæocephalus Hartl.
368 - 83. Genus Microscelis Gray
368 - 215. psaroides (Vigors)
369 - 304. psaroides psaroides (Vigors
369 - 305. psaroides nigrescens (Stuart Baker)
371 - 306. psaroides concolor (Blyth)
372 - 307. psaroides ganeesa (Sykes)
372 - 84. Genus Cerasophila Bingham
373 - 216. thompsoni Bingham
373 - 85. Genus Hemixus Hodgs.
374 - 217. flavala Hodgs.
374 - 308. flavala flavala (Hodgs.)
374 - 309. flavala davisoni (Hume)
376 - 310. flavala hildebrandi (Hume)
376 - 218. macclellandi (Horsf.)
377 - 311. macclellandi macclellandi (Horsf.)
377 - 312. macclellandi tickelli (Blyth)
378 - 313. macclellandi binghami (Hartert)
379 - 86. Genus Alcurus Hodgs.
379 - 219. striatus (Blyth)
379 - 87. Genus Molpastes Hume
381 - 220. hæmorrhous (Gmel.)
383 - 314. hæmorrhous hæmorrhous (Gmel.)
383 - 315. hæmorrhous pallidus Stuart Baker
385 - 316. hæmorrhous burmanicus (Sharpe)
385 - 317. hæmorrhous nigripileus (Blyth)
386 - 318. hæmorrhous chrysorrhoides (Lafr.)
387 - 319. hæmorrhous bengaleusis (Blyth)
387 - 320. hæmorrhous intermedius (Jerdon)
389 - 221. leucogenys (Gray)
389 - 321. leucogenys leucogenys (Gray)
389 - 322. leucogenys leucotis (Gould)
390 - 323. leucogenys humii (Oates)
391 - 88. Genus Xanthixus Oates
392 - 222. flavescens (Blyth)
392 - 324. flavescens flavescens (Blyth)
392 - 325. flavescens viridus Stuart Baker
393 - 89. Genus Otocompsa Cabanis
394 - 223. emeria (Linn.)
394 - 326. emeria emeria (Linn.)
394 - 327. emeria fuseicaudata (Gould)
396 - 328. emeria peguensis, subsp. nov
396 - 224. flaviventris (Tick.)
397 - 329. flaviventris flaviventris (Tick.)
397 - 330. flaviventris minor Kloss
398 - 90. Genus Pinarocichla Sharpe
399 - 225. cutilota (Jard. & Selby)
399 - 91. Genus Spizixus Blyth
400 - 226. canifrons Blyth
400 - 331. canifrons canifrons (Blyth)
400 - 92. Genus Trachycomus Cabanis
402 - 227. ochrocephalus (Gmel.)
402 - 93. Genus Iole Blyth
403 - 228. malaecensis (Blyth)
404 - 332. malaecensis malaecensis (Blyth)
404 - 229. icterica (Strickl.)
405 - 230. olivacea (Blyth)
405 - 333. olivacea virescens (Blyth)
406 - 334. olivacea cinnamomeoventris Stuart Baker
407 - 335. olivacea lönbergi (Gyldenstolpe)
408 - 231. nicobariensis (Horsf. & Moore)
408 - 94. Genus Rubigula Blyth
409 - 232. squamata (Temminck)
409 - 336. squamata webberi (Hume)
409 - 95. Genus Pycnonotus Kuhl
410 - 233. goiavier (Scop.)
410 - 337. goiavier analis (Horsf.)
410 - 234. aurigaster (Vieill.)
411 - 338. aurigaster xanthorrhous (Anderson)
411 - 235. finlaysoni Strickl.
412 - 339. finlaysoni finlaysoni (Strickl.)
412 - 340. finlaysoni davisoni (Hume)
413 - 236. melanicterus (Gmel.)
414 - 237. xantholæmus (Gould)
415 - 238. gularis (Gould)
415 - 239. cyaniventris Blyth
416 - 341. cyaniventris cyaniventris (Blyth)
416 - 240. luteolus (Less.)
417 - 241. plumosus Blyth
418 - 342. plumosus plumosus (Blyth)
419 - 343. plumosus robinsoni (O.-Grant)
420 - 344. plumosus blandfordi (Jerdon)
420 - 242. simplex Less.
421 - 345. simplex simplex (Less.)
421 - 243. erythrophthalmus (Hume)
422 - 346. erythrophthalmus erythrophthalmus (Hume)
422 - 96. Genus Microtarsus Eyton
422 - 244. melanocephalus (Gmel.)
423 - 347. melanocephalus melanocephalus (Gmel.)
423 - 348. melanocephalus fusciflavescens (Hume)
425 - 245. poiocephalus (Jerdon)
425 - 246. cinereiventris (Blyth)
426 - 97. Genus Kelaartia (Blyth)
426 - 247. penicillata (Blyth)
427 - VII. Family Certhiidæ
428 - 98. Genus Certhia Linn.
428 - 248. himalayana Vigors
429 - 349. himalayana himalayana (Vigors)
430 - 350. himalayana tænura (Severtz.)
431 - 351. himalayana yunnanensis (Sharpe)
432 - 352. himalayana intermedia Kinnear
432 - 249. familiaris Linn.
432 - 353. familiaris nepalensis (Blyth)
433 - 354. familiaris khamensis (Bianchi)
434 - 355. familiaris hodgsoni (Brooks)
434 - 250. discolor (Blyth)
435 - 356. discolor discolor (Blyth
435 - 357. discolor manipurensis (Hume)
437 - 358. discolor victoriæ (Rippon)
437 - 359. discolor fuliginosa, subsp. nov.
438 - 251. stoliczkæ Brooks
438 - 99. Genus Salpornis Gray
439 - 252. spilonotus Frank.
439 - 100. Genus Tichodroma Illiger
441 - 253. muraria (Linn.)
441 - VIII. Family Troglodytidæ
444 - 101. Genus Troglodytes Vieill.
444 - 254. troglodytes (Linn.)
445 - 360. troglodytes nipalensis (Hodgs.)
445 - 361. troglodytes talifuensis (Sharpe)
446 - 362. troglodytes neglectus (Brooks)
446 - 363. troglodytes tibetanus (Walton)
448 - 102. Genus Elachura Oates
448 - 255. formosa (Walden)
449 - 256. haplonota Stuart Baker
450 - 103. Genus Spelæornis Sharpe
451 - 257. longicaudatus (Moore)
451 - 364. longicaudatus longicaudatus (Moore)
452 - 365, longicaudatus chocolatinus (Godw.-Aust.)
453 - 366. longicaudatus sinlumensis (Harington)
453 - 367. longicaudatus kauriensis (Harington)
454 - 368. longicaudatus reptatus (Bingham)
455 - 369. longicaudata oatesi (Rippon)
455 - 258. caudatus (Blyth)
456 - 104. Genus Pnoepyga Hodgs.
457 - 259. squamata (Gould)
458 - 370. squamata squamata (Gould)
458 - 260. pusilla Hodgs.
459 - 371. pusilla pusilla Hodgs.
459 - 105. Genus Sphenocichla Godwin-Austen & Walden
460 - 261. humei (Mandelli)
461 - 262. roberti Godw.-Austen & Walden
461 - 106. Genus Tesia Hodgs.
462 - 263. cyaniventer Hodgs.
463 - 372. cyaniventer cyaniventer (Hodgs.)
463 - 264. castaneocoronata (Burton)
465 - 373. castaneocoronata castaneocoronata (Burton)
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1930.
The longest-living author of this work died in 1944, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 80 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
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