The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma/Mammalia
Published under the Authority of the Secretary of
State for India in Council.

The first part of this volume, containing the Introduction, Primates, Carnivora, and Insectivora, was published at the end of June 1888. The delay of more than three years in completing the work has been caused by the necessity of devoting a large portion of my time to the editing of the five volumes belonging to the same series that have appeared since the first part of the present work was issued.
The Mammalia of British India, inclusive of Ceylon and Burma, here enumerated and described, just exceed 400 in number. Jerdon's 'Mammals of India,' published in 1867, contained descriptions of 242 species; but the area as now defined considerably exceeds the limits adopted by Jerdon, who excluded from his work all forms peculiar to Ceylon or Burma, and to all countries north of the main Himalayan range, west of the Indus, or east of the Bay of Bengal and of a line drawn northwards from the head of it. The greatest advance since Jerdon wrote, in our knowledge of Indian Mammals, has been in the orders of Chiroptera, Insectivora, and Rodentia, whilst the order with which, at the present time, our acquaintance is most imperfect is that of Cetacea.
In Sterndale's 'Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon,' published in 1884, the number of species is 482; but some of these are not found in British Territory, and several of the forms enumerated, now that better series of specimens have been collected, are no longer regarded as distinct.
Some acknowledgment of the assistance afforded to me in the preparation of the present work will be found in the Introduction. To the list of those who have aided in the publication should be added the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, to whom I am indebted for the use of the cuts prepared for Dobson's 'Monograph of Asiatic Chiroptera' and for the opportunity of comparing in London some specimens belonging to the Indian Museum, I must also express my particular obligation to Prof. W. H. Flower, Director of the Natural History Collection in the British Museum, for advice and information with regard to the Cetacea; to Mr. R. Lydekker for aid in preparing the account of the Ungulata; to Mr. W. L. Sclater for advance sheets of his Catalogue of Mammalia in the Indian Museum, and for notes on specimens in the Calcutta Collections; and to Mr. Oldfield Thomas, of the British Museum, for assistance and information of every kind, most freely afforded throughout the progress of the work, in connection with the Mammalian Collections under his supervision.
There is another acknowledgment that should perhaps have been made before, but for which the present affords a good occasion. If, as I hope, the present series of works is found useful by Indian naturalists, they will I am sure wish that the names of those who took the first steps in bringing the want of new Handbooks of Indian Zoology to the notice of the Government of India should not remain unrecorded.
The need for new and revised descriptive works had, for some years before 1881, been felt and discussed amongst naturalists in India, but the attention of the Government was, I believe, first called to the matter hy a memorial dated Sept. 15th of that year, prepared by Mr. P. L. Sclater, the well-known Secretary of the Zoological Society, signed by Mr. Charles Darwin, Sir J. Hooker, Professor Huxley, Sir J. Lubbock, Prof. W. H. Flower, and by Mr. Sclater himself, and presented to the Secretary of State for India. This memorial recommended the preparation of a series of Handbooks of Indian Zoology and my appointment as Editor. It is scarcely necessary to add that to the recommendation of men so highly respected and so well known in the world of Science the publication of the present 'Fauna of British India' is greatly due, and that Mr. Sclater is entitled to the thanks of all interested in the Zoology of India for the important part he took in the transaction. I can only express a hope that the present series as a whole may be worthy of the distinguisbed support to which, in so great a degree, it owes its origin.
With the publication of this part six out of the seven volumes in which it was originally proposed to describe the Vertebrata of British India have been completed. The remaining volume of Birds will be undertaken at once. I am glad to be able to announce that the 'Fauna of British India' will not be confined to Vertebrata, the preparation of three volumes on Moths by Mr. G. F. Hampson having been commenced.
November 30th, 1891.
Page - Class MAMMALIA
1 - Subclass EUTHERIA
2 - Order I. PRIMATES
3 - Suborder Anthropoidea
3 - Fam. Simiidæ
4 - 1. Hylobates, Ill.
5 - 1. hoolock (Harl.)
5 - 2. lar (Linn.)
7 - Fam. Cercopithecidæ
10 - Subfam. Cercopithecinæ
10 - 1. Macacus, Lacép.
11 - 1. rhesus (Andeb.)
13 - 2. assamensis, McClell.
15 - 3. silenus (Schreb.)
16 - 4. arctoides, Is. Geoffr
17 - 5. leoninus (Blyth)
18 - 6. nemestrinus (Linn.)
20 - 7. cynomolgus (Schreb.)
21 - 8. sinicus (Linn.)
23 - 9. pileatus (Shaw)
24 25 - 1. Semnopithecus, F. Cuv.
25 - 1. entellus (Dufr.)
27 - 2. schistaceus, Hodgs.
30 - 3. priamus, Elliot
31 - 4. hypoleucus, Blyth
33 - 5. johni (Fisch.)
33 - 6. cephalopterus (Zimm.)
34 - 7. senex (Erxl.)
35 - 8. ursinus (Blyth)
36 - 9. pileatus, Blyth
37 - 10. chrysogaster, Licht.
38 - 11. barbei (Blyth)
39 - 12. phayrei (Blyth)
39 - 13. obscurus, Reid
41 - 14. femoralis, Horsf.
42 - Suborder Lemuroidea
43 - Fam. Lemuridæ
43 - 1. Nycticebus, Geoffr.
44 - 1. tardigradus (Linn.)
44 - 2. Loris, Geoffr.
47 - 1. gracilis, Geoffr.
47 - Order II. CARNIVORA
49 - Suborder Fissipedia
50 - Æluroidea
53 - Fam. Felidæ
53 - 1. Felis, Linn.
55 - 1. leo, Linn.
56 - 2. tigris, Linn.
58 - 3. pardus, Linn.
67 - 4. uncia, Schreb.
71 - 5. nebulosa, Griffith
72 - 6. marmorata, Martin
74 - 7. temmincki, Vig. & Horsf.
75 - 8. viverrina, Benn.
76 - 9. bengalensis, Kerr
78 Page - 10. rubiginosa, Is. Geoffr.
81 - 11. manul, Pall.
83 - 12. ornata, Gray
84 - 13. torquata, F. Cuv.
85 - 14. chaus, Güld.
86 - 15. caracal, Güld.
88 - 16. lynx, Linn.
89 - 2. Cynælurus, Wagl.
90 - 1. jubatus (Schreb.)
91 - Fam. Viverridæ
94 - Subfam. Viverrinæ
95 - 1. Viverra, Linn
95 - 1. zibetha, Linn.
96 - 2. civettina, Blyth
98 - 3. megaspila, Blyth
99 - 2. Viverricula, Hodgs.
100 - 1. malaccensis (Gmel.)
100 - 3. Prionodon, Horsf.
102 - 1. pardicolor, Hodgs.
103 - 2. maculosus, Blanf.
104 - 4. Paradoxurus, F. Cuv.
105 - 1. niger (Desm.)
106 - 2. hermaphroditus (Pall.)
108 - 3. aureus, F. Cuv.
110 - 4. jerdoni, Blanf.
111 - 5. grayi, Benn.
112 - 5. Arctogale, Pet.
114 - 1. leucotis (Blyth)
115 - 6. Arctictis, Temm.
117 - 1. binturong (Raffl.)
118 - Subfam. Herpestinæ
119 - 1. Herpestes, Ill.
119 - 1. auropunctatus (Hodgs.)
121 - 2. birmanicus, Blanf.
122 - 3. mungo (Gmel.)
123 - 4. smithi, Gray
126 - 5. fuscus, Waterh.
127 - 6. fulvescens, Kelaart
127 - 7. vitticollis, Benn.
128 - 8. urva (Hodgs.)
129 - Fam. Hyænidæ
131 - 1. Hyaæa, Briss.
131 - 1. striata, Zimm.
132 - Cynoidea
134 - Fam. Canidæ
134 - 1. Canis, Linn.
135 - 1. lupus, Linn.
135 - 2. pallipes, Sykes
137 - 3. aureus, Linn.
140 - 2. Cyon, Hodgs.
142 - 1. dukhunensis (Sykes)
143 - 2. rutilans (S. Müll.)
147 - 3. Vulpes, Briss.
147 - 1. bengalensis (Shaw)
148 - 2. cana, Blanf.
150 - 3. leucopus, Blyth
151 - 4. alopex (Linn.)
153 - 5. ferrilatus, Hodgs.
155 - Arctoidea
156 - Fam. Mustelidæ
156 - Subfam. Mustelinæ
157 - 1. Mustela, Linn.
157 - 1. flavigula, Bodd.
158 - 2. foina, Erxl.
159 - 2. Putorius, Cuv.
162 - 1. larvatus, Hodgs.
163 - 2. sarmaticus (Pall.)
164 - 3. erminea (Linn.)
165 - 4. subhemachalanus (Hodgs.)
166 - 5. canigula (Hodgs.)
167 - 6. alpinus (Gebl.)
168 - 7. cathia (Hodgs.)
169 - 8. strigidorsus (Hodgs.)
170 - Subfam. Melinæ
172 - 1. Helictis, Gray
172 - 1. orientalis (Horsf.)
173 - 2. personata (Geoff.)
174 - 2. Mellivora, Storr
175 - 1. indica (Kerr)
176 - 3. Arctonyx, F. Cuv.
178 - 1. collaris, F. Cuv.
178 - 2. taxoides, Blyth
180 - Subfam. Lutrinæ
181 - 1. Lutra, Erxl.
181 - 1. vulgaris, Erxl.
182 Page - 2. ellioti, Anders.
185 - 3. aureobrunnea, Hodgs.
186 - 4. leptonyx, Horsf.
187 - Fam. Procyonidæ
189 - 1. Ælurus, F. Cuv.
189 - 1. fulgens, F. Cuv.
190 - Fam. Ursidæ
192 - 1. Ursus, Linn.
193 - 1. arctus, Linn.
194 - 2. torquatus, Wagn.
197 - 3. malayanus, Raffl.
199 - 2. Melursus, Meyer
200 - 1. ursinus (Shaw)
206 - Suborder Insectivora vera
207 - Fam. Tupaiidæ
207 - 1. Tupaia, Raffl.
208 - 1. ellioti, Waterh.
209 - 2. ferruginea, Raffl .
210 - 3. nicobarica (Zel.)
212 - Fam. Erinaceidæ
212 - Subfam. Erinaceinæ
213 - 1. Erinaceus, Linn.
213 - 1. collaris, Gray & Hardw.
215 - 2. megalotis, Blyth
216 - 3. jerdoni, Anders.
216 - 4. pictus, Stol.
217 - 5. micropus, Blyth
218 - Subfam. Gymnurinæ
219 - 1. Gymnura, Horsf. & Vig.
219 - 1. rafflesi, Horsf. & Vig.
220 - 2. suilla (Müll. & Schley.)
221 - Fam. Talpidæ
222 - 1. Talpa, Linn.
223 - 1. europæa, Linn.
224 - 2. micrura, Hodgs.
225 - 3. leucura, Blyth
226 - Fam. Soricidæ
227 - 1. Soriculus, Blyth
228 - 1. nigrescens (Gray)
229 - 2. caudatus (Hodgs.)
230 - 3. macrurus (Hodgs.)
231 - 2. Crocidura Wagl.
231 - 1. murina (Linn.)
238 - 2. cærulea (Kerr)
236 - 3. macropus (Blyth)
237 - 4. bidiana, Anders.
238 - 5. rubicunda, Anders.
239 - 6. leucogenys, Dobs.
239 - 7. dayi, Dobs.
240 - 8. hodgsoni (Blyth)
240 - 9. perrotteti (Duvern.)
241 - 10. fuliginosa (Blyth)
242 - 11. horsfieldi (Tomes)
242 - 12. fumigata (De Fil.)
243 - 13. aranea (Linn.)
243 - 3. Anurosorex, A. M.-Edw.
244 - 1. assamensis, Anders.
244 - 4. Chimarrogale, Anders.
245 - 1. himalayica (Gray)
245 - 5. Nectogale, A. M.-Edw.
246 - 1. elegans, A. M.-Edw.
247 - Suborder Dermoptera
248 - Fam. Galeopithecidæ
248 - 1. Galeopithecus, Pall.
248 - 1. volans (Linn.)
249 - Order IV. CHIROPTERA
251 - Suborder Megachiroptera
255 - Fam. Pteropodidæ
255 - 1. Pteropus, Briss.
255 - 1. medius, Temm.
257 - 2. edulis, Geoff.
259 - 3. nicobaricus, Fitz.
260 - 2. Xantharpyia, Gray
261 - 1. amplexicaudata (Geoff.)
261 Page - 3. Cynopterus, Cuv.
262 - 1. marginatus (Geoff.)
263 - 2. brachyotus, Müll.
264 - 3. scherzeri (Fitz.)
264 - 4. brachysoma, Dobs.
264 - 5. blanfordi, Thom.
265 - 4. Carponycteris, Lydek.
265 - 1. minima (Geoff.)
265 - 5. Eonycteris, Dobs.
266 - 1. spelæa (Dobs.)
266 - Suborder Microchiroptera
267 - Fam. Rhinolophidæ
267 - Subfam. Rhinolophinæ
268 - 1. Rhinolophus, Desm.
268 - 1. luctus, Temm.
270 - 2. cœlophyllus, Pet.
272 - 3. trifoliatus, Temm.
272 - 4. mitratus, Blyth
273 - 5. pearsoni, Horsf.
273 - 6. affinis, Horsf.
274 - 7. andamanensis, Dobs.
275 - 8. petersi, Dobs.
275 - 9. macrotis, Hodgs.
276 - 10. minor, Horsf.
276 - 11. hipposiderus (Bechst.)
277 - 12. ferrum-equinum (Schreb.)
278 - 13. tragatus, Hodgs.
279 - Subfam. Hipposiderinæ
280 - 1. Hipposiderus, Gray
281 - 1. tridens (Geoff.)
282 - 2. armiger (Hodgs.)
283 - 3. leptophyllum (Dobs.)
284 - 4. diadema (Geoff.)
284 - 5. nicobarensis (Dobs.)
286 - 6. galeritus, Cantor
287 - 7. speoris (Schn.)
287 - 8. larvatus (Horsf.)
288 - 9. bicolor (Temm.)
289 - 10. amboinensis (Pet.)
290 - 2. Cœlops, Blyth
290 - 1. frithi, Blyth
291 - Fam. Nycteridæ
292 - 1. Megaderma, Geoff.
292 - 1. lyra, Geoff.
293 - 2. spasma (Linn.)
294 - Fam. Vespertilionidæ
295 - 1. Plecotus, Geoff.
297 - 1. auritus (Linn.)
297 - 2. Synotus, Keys. & Blas.
298 - 1. darjelingensis (Hodgs.)
298 - 3. Otonycteris, Pet.
299 - 1. hemprichi, Pet.
300 - 4. Vesperugo, Keys. & Blas.
300 - 1. serotinus (Schreb.)
303 - 2. nasutus, Dobs.
304 - 3. borealis (Nilss.)
305 - 4. discolor (Natt.)
305 - 5. atratus (Blyth)
306 - 6. pachyotis, Dobs.
307 - 7. pachypus (Temm.)
307 - 8. noctula (Schreb.)
308 - 9. leisleri (Kuhl)
309 - 10. mordax, Pet.
310 - 11. affinis (Dobs.)
311 - 12. circumdatus (Temm.)
312 - 13. ceylonicus (Kelaart)
312 - 14. abramus (Temm.)
313 - 15. pipistrellus (Schreb.)
314 - 16. kuhli (Natt.)
315 - 17. annectens (Dobs.)
316 - 17 a. tylopus, Dobs.
602 - 18. tickelii (Blyth)
317 - 19. blanfordi, Dobs.
317 - 5. Nycticejus, Rafin.
318 - 1. dormeri (Dobs.)
319 - 2. kuhli (Leach)
320 - 3. emarginatus, Dobs.
321 - 4. pallidus (Dobs.)
322 - 5. ornatus, Blyth
322 - 6. Harpyiocephalus, Gray
323 - 1. tubinaris, Scully
324 - 1 a. auratus, A. M.-Edw.
602 - 1 b. feæ, Thom.
602 - 2. griseus (Hutton)
325 - 3. harpyia (Temm.)
325 - 4. cyclotis (Dobs.)
326 - 5. leucogaster (A. M.-Edw.)
327 - 7. Vespertilio, Linn.
328 - 1. hasselti, Temm.
330 - 2. longipes, Dobs.
331 - 3. daubentoni, Leisl.
331 - 4. megalopus, Dobs.
332 - 5. nipalensis, Dobs.
333 - 6. murinus, Linn.
334 - 7. dobsoni, Trouessart
335 - 8. formosus, Hodgs.
335 - 9. mystacinus, Leisl.
336 - 10. muricola, Hodgs.
337 Page - 8. Cerivoula, Gray
338 - 1. picta (Pall.)
339 - 2. hardwickii (Horsf.)
340 - 3. papillosa (Temm.)
341 - 9. Miniopterus, Bon.
341 - 1. schreibersi (Kuhl)
342 - Fam. Emballonuridæ
343 - Subfam. Emballonurinæ
344 - 1. Emballonura, Temm.
344 - 1. semicaudata (Peale)
345 - 2. Taphozous, Geoff.
345 - 1. melanopogon, Temm.
347 - 2. theobaldi, Dobs.
348 - 3. longimanus, Hardw.
348 - 4. cachhensis, Dobs.
349 - 5. saccolæmus, Temm.
350 - 3. Rhinopoma, Geoff.
350 - 1. microphyllum, Geoff.
351 - Subfam. Molossinæ
352 - 1. Nyctinomus, Geoff.
353 - 1. tragatus, Dobs.
353 - 2. plicatus (Buch.)
354 - Order V. RODENTIA
356 - Suborder Simplicidentata
357 - Fam. Sciuridæ
358 - Subfam. Sciurinæ
359 - 1. Eupetaurus, Thom.
359 - 1. cinereus, Thom.
359 - 2. Pteronys, Cuv.
360 - 1. oral, Tick.
361 - 2. inornatus, Geoff.
363 - 3. magniticus (Hodgs.)
364 - 4. yunnanensis, Anders.
364 - 5. caniceps (Gray)
365 - 6. punctatus, Gray.
365 - 3. Sciuropterus, F. Cuv.
366 - 1. fimbriatus, Gray
366 - 2. alboniger, Hodgs.
367 - 3. sagitta (Linn.)
367 - 4. spadiceus, Blyth
368 - 5. fuscicapillus, Jerdon
368 - 6. pearsoni, Gray
369 - 4. Sciurus, Linn.
369 - 1. indicus, Erxl.
371 - 2. bicolor, Sparrm.
373 - 3. macrurus, Penn.
374 - 4. ferrugineus, F. Cuv.
375 - 5. locria, Hodgs.
376 - 6. rufigenis, Blanf.
376 - 7. erythræeus, Pall.
377 - 8. quinquestriatus, Anders.
378 - 9. phayrei, Blyth
379 - 10. pygerythrus, Geoff.
379 - 11. caniceps, Gray
380 - 12. griseimanus, A. M.-Edw.
381 - 13. locroides, Hodgs.
381 - 14. atridorsalis, Gray
382 - 15. palmarum, Linn.
383 - 16. tristriatus, Waterh.
384 - 17. layardi, Blyth
385 - 18. sublineatus, Waterh.
385 - 19. macclellandi, Horsf.
386 - 20. berdmorei, Blyth
387 - Subfam. Arctomyinæ
388 - 1. Arctomys, Schreb.
388 - 1. himalayanus, Hodgs.
388 - 2. hodgsoni, Blanf.
389 - 3. caudatus, Jacquem.
390 - Fam. Dipodidæ
391 - 1. Alactaga, Cuv.
391 - 1. indica, Gray
392 - Fam. Muridæ
393 - Subfam. Platacanthomyinæ
394 - 1. Platacanthomys, Blyth
394 - 1. lasiurus, Blyth
394 - Subfam. Gerbillinæ
396 - 1. Gerbillus, Desm.
396 - 1. indicus (Hardw.)
396 - 2. hurrianæ, Jerd.
398 - 3. erythrura, Gray
399 - 4. nanus, Blanf.
399 - 5. gleadowi, Murr.
400 Page - Subfam. Murinæ
400 - 1. Hapalomys, Blyth
401 - 1. longicaudatus, Blyth
401 - 2. Vaudeleuria, Gray
402 - 1. oleracea (Benn.)
402 - 3. Chiropodomys, Pet.
403 - 1. gliroides (Blyth)
403 - 4. Mus, Linn.
404 - 1. rattus, Linn.
406 - var. alexandrinus, Geoff.
407 - var. nitidus, Hodgs.
407 - var. rufescens, Blyth
407 - 2. concolor, Blyth
408 - 3. decumanus, Pall.
408 - 4. fulvescens, Gray
409 - 5. bowersi, Anders.
410 - 6. berdmorei, Blyth
410 - 7. blanfordi, Thom.
411 - 8. jerdoni (Blyth)
411 - 9. niveiventer, Hodgs.
412 - 10. chiropus, Thom.
413 - 11. musculus, Linn.
413 - 12. bactrianus, Blyth
414 - 13. sublimis, Blanf.
415 - 14. nitidulus, Blyth
415 - 15. arianus, Blanf.
416 - 16. buduga (Gray)
416 - 17. cervicolor, Hodgs.
417 - 18. platythrix, Benn.
418 - 19. mettada (Gray)
419 - 20. gleadowi, Murr.
420 - 21. erythrotis, Blyth
420 - 22. humei, Thom.
421 - 5. Nesocia, Gray
421 - 1. hardwickei (Gray)
422 - 2. bengalensis (Gray & Hardw.)
423 - 3. bandicota (Bechst.)
425 - 4. nemorivaga (Hodgs.)
426 - 6. Acomys, Is. Geoff.
426 - 1. dimidiatus (Rüpp.)
426 - 7. Golunda, Gray
427 - 1. ellioti, Gray
427 - Subfam. Cricetinæ
428 - 1. Microtus, Schrank
429 - 1. roylei (Gray)
430 - 2. stoliczkanus (Blanf.)
430 - 3. stracheyi (Thom.)
431 - 4. wynnei (Blanf.)
431 - 5. blanfordi (Scully)
432 - 6. blythi (Blanf.)
432 - 7. sikimensis (Hodgs.)
433 - 8. melanogaster (A. M.-Edw.)
434 - 2. Ellobius, Fisch.
434 - 1. fuscicapillus (Blyth)
435 - 3. Cricetus, Cuv.
436 - 1. phæus (Pall.)
436 - 2. fulvus, Blanf.
437 - 3. isabellinus, De Fil.
437 - Fam. Spalacidæ
437 - 1. Rhizomys, Gray
438 - 1. badius, Hodgs.
438 - 2. pruinosus, Blyth
439 - 3. sumatrensis (Raffl.)
439 - Fam. Hystricidæ
441 - 1. Hystrix, Linn.
441 - 1. leucura, Sykes
442 - 2. hodgsoni (Gray)
444 - 3. bengalensis, Blyth
444 - 2. Atherura, Cuv.
445 - 1. macrura (Linn.)
446 - Suborder Duplicidentata
447 - Fam. Leporidæ
447 - 1. Lepus, Linn.
448 - 1. nigricollis, F. Cuv.
449 - 2. ruficaudatus, Geoff.
450 - 3. dayanus, Blanf.
451 - 4. peguensis, Blyth
451 - 5. tibetanus, Waterh.
452 - 6. oiostolus, Hodgs.
452 - 7. hypsibius, Blanf.
453 - 8. hispidus, Pears.
454 - Fam. Lagomyidæ
455 - 1. Lagomys, Cuv.
455 - 1. roylei, Ogil.
456 - 2. curzoniæ, Hodgs.
457 - 3. macrotis, Günth.
457 - 4. rufescens, Gray
458 - 5. ladacensis, Günth.
458 Page - Order VI. UNGULATA
460 - Subungulata
462 - Suborder Proboscidea
462 - Fam. Elephantidæ
462 - 1. Elephas, Linn.
462 - 1. maximus, Linn.
463 - Ungulata vera
467 - Suborder Perissodactyla
467 - Fam. Equidæ
468 - 1. Equus, Linn.
468 - 1. hemionus, Pallas
470 - Fam. Rhinoceritidæ
471 - 1. Rhinoceros, Linn.
471 - 1. unicornis, Linn.
472 - 2. sondaicus, Cuv.
474 - 3. sumatrensis, Cuv.
476 - Fam. Tapiridæ
478 - 1. Tapirus, Briss.
478 - 1. indicus, Cuv.
478 - Suborder Artiodactyla
479 - Pecora
481 - Fam. Bovidæ
482 - 1. Bos, Linn.
483 - 1. gaurus, Ham. Smith
484 - 2. frontalis, Lambert
487 - 3. sondaicus, Müll. & Schl.
489 - 4. grunniens, Linn.
490 - 5. bubalus, Linn.
491 - 2. Ovis, Linn.
493 - 1. hodgsoni, Blyth
494 - 2. poli, Blyth
496 - 3. vignei, Blyth
497 - 4. nahura, Hodgs.
499 - 3. Capra, Linn.
501 - 1. ægagrus, Gmel.
502 - 2. sibirica, Mey.
503 - 3. falconeri (Hügel)
505 - 4. Hemitragus, Hodgs.
508 - 1. jemlaicus (Ham. Sm.)
509 - 2. hylocrius (Ogilb.)
511 - 5. Nemorhædus, Ham. Sm.
512 - 1. bubalinus (Hodgs.)
513 - 2. sumatrensis (Shaw)
514 - 6. Cemas, Ogilby
516 - 1. goral (Hardw.)
516 - 7. Boselaphus, Blainv.
517 - 1. tragocamelus (Pall.)
517 - 8. Tetracerus, Leach
519 - 1. quadricornis (Blainv.)
519 - 9. Antilope, Pall.
521 - 1. cervicapra (Linn.)
521 - 10. Pantholops, Hodgs.
524 - 1. hodgsoni (Abel)
524 - 11. Gazella, Blainv.
525 - 1. bennetti (Sykes)
526 - 2. subgutturosa (Güld.)
528 - 3. picticaudata (Hodgs.)
529 - Fam. Cervidæ
530 - Subfam. Cervinæ
531 - 1. Cervulus, Blainv.
531 - 1. muntjac (Zimm.)
532 - 2. feæ, Thom. & Dor.
534 - 2. Cervus, Linn.
534 - 1. cashmirianus, Falc.
535 - 2. duvauceli, Cuv.
538 - 3. eldi, Guthrie
541 - 4. unicolor, Bechst.
543 - 5. axis, Erxl.
546 - 6. porcinus, Zimm.
549 - Subfam. Moschinæ
551 - 1. Moschus, Linn.
561 - 1. moschiferus, Linn.
552 - Tragulina
564 - Fam. Tragulidæ
554 - 1. Tragulus, Briss.
554 - 1. meminna (Erxl.)
555 - 2. javanicus (Gmel.)
556 - 3. napu (F. Cuv.)
567 Page - Tylopoda
558 - Suina
559 - Fam. Suidæ
559 - 1. Sus, Linn.
559 - 1. cristatus, Wagn.
560 - 2. andamanensis, Blyth
562 - 3. salvanius (Hodgs.)
563 - Order VII. CETACEA
564 - Suborder Mystacocœti
565 - Fam. Balænidæ
565 - 1. Balænoptera, Lacép.
566 - 1. indica, Blyth
567 - 2. edeni, Anders.
568 - Suborder Odontocœti
569 - Fam. Physeteridæ
570 - 1. Physeter, Linn.
570 - 1. macrocephalus, Linn.
571 - 2. Cogia, Gray
572 - 1. breviceps (Blainv.)
572 - Fam. Delphinidæ
573 - 1. Phocæna, Cuv.
574 - 1. phocænoides (Cuv.)
574 - 2. Orca, Wagl.
576 - 1. ? gladiator (Linn.)
576 - 3. Globicephalus, Less.
577 - 1. indicus, Blyth
577 - 4. Orcella, Gray
578 - 1. brevirostris (Ow.)
578 - 2. fluminalis, Anders.
579 - 5. Lagenorhynchus, Gray
579 - 1. electra, Gray
580 - 2. obscurum (Gray)
580 - 6. Tursiops, Gerv.
581 - 1. tursio (Fabr.)
581 - 7. Steno, Gray
582 - 1. frontatus (Cuv.)
582 - 2. plumbeus (Duss.)
583 - 3. perniger (Elliot)
583 - 4. leutiginosus (Ow.)
584 - 5. maculiventer (Ow.)
585 - 8. Delpbinus, Linn.
586 - 1. delphis, Linn.
587 - 2. dussumieri, Blanf.
588 - 3. malayanus, Less.
588 - Fam. Platanistidæ
589 - 1. Platanista, Wagl.
589 - 1. gangetica (Lebeck)
590 - Order VIII. SIRENIA
592 - Fam. Manatidæ
592 - 1. Halicore, Ill.
593 - 1. dugong (Erxl.)
594 - Order IX. EDENTATA
595 - Suborder Squamata
595 - Fam. Manidæ
595 - 1. Manis, Linn.
595 - 1. pentadactyla, Linn.
597 - 2. aurita, Hodgs.
599 - 3. javanica, Desm.
Fig. 132, p. 418, has by mistake been printed upside down, and consequently a represents the teeth of the lower jaw, b of the upper, the anterior extremity below, instead of above as in other figures.