The Flags of the World/Index
- A.
- Aargau, flag of 116
- "Acta Sanctorum," the 38
- Admiral's flag, R.N. 56
- Admiralty, flag of the 71, 72
- Agincourt, battle of 106
- Agincourt, flags at 5
- Agnus Dei, as device on flag 22
- Ailsa, flag of the yacht 73
- Allan Line, flag of the 75
- Allotment of code signals 138
- Ambulance flag 117
- Ancient Irish harp 33
- Anchor as badge 63, 71, 87, 100, 114
- Andrew, cross of St. 4, 35, 42, 43, 45, 53, 116
- Andrew, St., of Scotland 37, 42, 44
- Andrew, St., of Russia 103, 104
- Andrew, St., order of 102
- Anne, Standard of Queen 35
- Annunciation on flag 4
- Answering pennant 134
- Antelope as a device 16
- Antiquity, standards of 2
- Antwerp, device of city of 111
- Anvil as device on flag 7
- Argentine Republic, flag of 124
- Armada, defeat of the 3
- Arms of Canada 81, 82
- Arms of Washington 91
- Army, flags of the 61
- Army signalling 127, 128, 129
- Arragon, arms of 111
- Articles of War 56
- Assaye, special flag for 65
- Assyrian standards 2
- Athene, owl of 2
- Australian Steam Navigation Company's house flag 74
- Austro-Hungarian flags 101, 102
- Avondale flag 43
- Awdeley, standard of Sir John 17
- B.
- Bacon on sea-power 84, 85
- Baden, flag of 101
- Badge 9, 13, 15, 21, 62, 66, 67, 83, 84, 117
- Bahamas, Badge of the 84
- Balmoral tartan 1
- Banner, its nature 10
- Banneroll, kind of flag 18
- Bannockburn, battle of 44
- Barbadoes, badge of 83
- Barcelona, arms of 111
- Bar, banner of Sir John de 11
- Bardolph, banner of Sir Hugh 11
- Basel, flag of city of 116
- Bavaria, flag of 101, 119
- Bayeux tapestry, flags represented in 19, 22
- Bear as a device 1, 2
- Beau-seant of Knights Templars 24
- Beaver as a device 1, 30
- Bede on flags 4
- "Beehive of the Romish Church" 3
- Bees of the Napoleons 106, 109
- Belgium, flags of 23, 118
- Bermuda, badge of 84
- Berne, flag of 116
- Beverley, flag of 5
- Birkenhead, burning of the 64
- Black and white flag of Prussia 98
- Black as a flag colour 7, 24, 25
- Black Swan, device of the 84
- Blackwall line of shipping 74
- Black Watch, the 62
- Blenheim, battle of 64, 66
- Blue blanket of Edinburgh 42
- Blue ensign 40, 56, 73, 78, 83
- Board of Trade, flag of the 71
- Bohemia, flag of 102
- Bolivia, flag of 23, 123
- Bombardment of Scio 118
- Boots and shoes on a flag 7
- Bordered Jack 48, 58
- Botetourte, banner of Sir John 11
- Bourbon kings, the 107
- Brabant, lion of 112
- Brass of Sir John Daubernoun 18
- Brazil, flag of 23, 24, 123
- Brazil, pendant of 20
- Bremen, flag of port of 99
- Britannia, flag of the yacht 73
- British East Africa, device of, 84
- British Guiana, badge of 84
- British North Borneo, badge of 84
- Broad pendant 56
- Brunswick, arms of 35
- Brunswick, flag of 101
- Buckles as device on flag 7
- Bugle-horn as a device 15
- Builder's square on flag 6
- Bulgaria, flag of 121
- Bunker's Hill, battle of 87
- Bunting as material for flags 22
- Burgee, variety of flag 19, 73
- Burgundy, flag of 111, 112
- Burning of rebel colours 70
- Butler's "Lives of the Fathers" 39
- Butterflies as a flag device 17
- C.
- Campbell on the national flag 54
- Canada, Dominion of 10
- Canada, flags of Dominion of 80
- Canadian Pacific steamship line 75
- Candlemakers' flag, the 7
- Canterbury Cathedral, flags in 66
- Cantonal colours 116
- Cape of St. Martin 105
- Cape St. Vincent, action off 41
- Castle Line, house flag of the 75
- Castle on flag as a device 111, 112
- Cavalry standards 65
- Cavers standard, the 43
- Ceylon, device of the Colony of 84
- Chapel of Royal College, Chelsea, flags in 3, 66
- Chaucer, quotation from 12, 18
- Cheering to order 102
- Cherbourg, flag of port of 75
- Chili, flag of 121
- Chili, pendant of 20
- Chinese flags 125
- Chrysanthemum flag of Japan 124
- Coastguard flag 134
- Codes for flag-signalling 136
- Coffee plant on flag 123
- Coins, devices on 2, 88, 90, 120
- Colombia, flag of United States of 122
- Colonial Defence Act 78, 79, 80
- Colonial flags 20, 40, 78
- Colonies, value of 76, 77
- Colour party 64
- Colours, Queen's 61, 65, 67
- Colours, regimental 61, 65, 67
- Colours used in flags 23
- Columbus, flag flown by 86, 111
- Commodore's broad pendant 56
- Commonwealth flags 48
- Company or house flags 74, 75
- Compasses as a device 6
- Compass signals 136
- Confederate States of America 27, 94, 95
- Congo Free State, flag of 126
- Conquest of Ireland 33
- Consecrated banner 3, 103
- Constantine, Labarum of 2, 3, 51
- Consular flag 71
- Consul-General, Russian, flag of 104
- Cornet, variety of flag 19, 130
- Costa Rica, flag of 122
- Courtenay, banner of Sir Hugh de 11
- Covenanter flags 24, 43, 91
- Crescent as device 11, 15, 88, 95, 119, 120
- Croatia, flag of 102
- Cromwell, arms of 35
- Cromwell, funeral of 19
- Cross of St. Andrew 4, 35, 42, 43, 45, 53, 116
- Cross of St. George 4, 10, 14, 16, 35, 39, 41, 45, 48, 53, 84, 87, 116
- Cross of St. Patrick 4, 51, 53, 116
- Crown of Charlemagne 35
- Crowns of Ireland 33
- Cuba, flag of 124
- Culloden, battle of 70
- Cunard Line, house flag of 74
- Customs Department, flag of 71
- Czarina, standard of the 102
- Czar, standard of the 102, 103
- D.
- Dalmatia, flag of 102
- Dannebrog, the 115
- Demerara and Berbice Steamship Company 74
- Denis, St., flag of 5
- Denmark, flags of 115
- Derivation of word flag 8
- Desjardins on French flag 107
- Devitt and Moore house flag 74
- Diana, crescent of 119
- Diplomatic Service, flag of 71
- Dipping the flag 25
- Dragon as a device 17, 125
- Drayton, quotation from 15
- Durham, St. Cuthbert of 5
- E.
- Eagle as a device 41, 91, 93, 94, 98, 101, 102, 105, 109, 110
- Early Spanish flags 27
- East Africa Company, German 100
- East India Company, flag of 47, 89
- East Kent Regiment, flags of 66
- East Prussia, flag of 98
- Ecclesiastical flags often pictorial 4
- Ecuador, flag of 124
- Eddystone Light flag signal 137
- Edinburgh Cathedral, flags in 68
- Edinburgh Trained Bands 42
- Edmonson on flag usage 9
- Edward the Confessor, arms of 34
- Edward III., "King of the Seas" 25
- Edward VI., funeral of 17
- Egypt, ancient, standards of 2
- Egyptian flags, modern 120, 121
- Electoral bonnet 52
- Elephant as a device 65, 84, 125
- Elephant, order of the 115
- Elizabeth, funeral of Queen 17
- Elizabeth, thanksgiving service 3
- Elsass, flag of 101
- Emperor of Germany 98
- Ensign 8
- Ermine as a flag device 24
- Errors in flag-making 58, 59, 60
- Excise, flag of the 71
- Eye as a device on flag 7
- F.
- Facings of the regiment 62
- Falcon as a device 17
- Favyn "Le Théâtre d'honneur" 4, 107
- Fiji, badge of colony 84
- Files represented on trade flag 7
- Flag-book of the Admiralty 120
- Flag-lore valuable 58
- Flagons on trade flag 7
- Flag-signalling 127, et seq.
- Flanders, badge of 111
- Flashing messages at night 134
- Fleur-de-lys 21, 34, 36, 106, 108, 109, 112
- Flodden, battle of 6
- Florida, settlement of 86
- Florin, arms on the 32
- Fly of a flag, the 10
- Fork and spoon on a flag 7
- Four-flag signals 137
- France, flags of 1, 21, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110
- Franco-German War of 1870 97
- Fribourg, flag of 116
- Frogmorton, standard of 17
- Funeral obsequies, flags at 6, 17, 18, 19, 22
- G.
- Garter, order of the 38
- Gautier on the Swiss flag 116
- Geneva Convention 117
- Geneva, flag of 116
- Geographical signals 137
- George, St., cross of 4, 10, 14, 16, 35, 39, 41, 45, 48, 53, 84, 87, 116
- George, St., of England 36, 37, 116
- George, St., of Russia 102, 103
- German Unity 97, 98
- Germany, flags of 99, 100
- Globe on flag 63, 87
- Gnu as a flag device 84
- Golden Legend, the 37
- Gonfalon, kind of flag 8
- Government, departments, flags of 71
- Governor-General of Canada, flag of 81
- Governors of Colonies, flags of 81, 84
- Grandison, banner of Sir William de 11
- Gray, quotation from 9
- Greater Britain 77
- Great Seal of Canada 83
- Great Seal of Richard I. 30
- Greece, flag of 119
- Green and white of the Tudors 21
- Green as a flag colour 23, 43, 113, 123
- Greyhound as a device 17
- Growth of the Italian State 113
- Guards, flags of the 65
- Guatemala, flag of 23, 122
- Guidon, form of flag 21
- Guild flags 6, 7
- Guinea Company's flag 27
- H.
- Half-mast high, flags at 25
- Hamburg, flag of city of 99
- Hammer represented on flag 6, 7
- Hand as a device 2
- Hanover, arms of 29, 35, 52
- Hanover, flag of 101
- Hanseatic League, flag of 99
- Harfleur, siege of 12
- Harleian MS. on flags 16, 21
- Harp of Ireland 4, 29, 32, 33, 34, 49, 54
- Hayti, flag of 23, 124
- Heavenly succour 37, 42, 44, 106, 115
- Henry V., standard of 16
- Henry VII., flags in chapel of 12
- Heraldic Exhibition, Edinburgh 43
- Heraldic requirements in flag devising 23, 54
- Hesse, flag of 101
- Highland tartans 1
- "History and principles of Heraldry" 10
- Hohenzollerns, arms of the 99
- Hoisting one flag over another 25
- Hoist of the flag, the 10
- Holderton, banner of Sir John de 11
- Holland, flags of 117, 118
- Hong Kong, badge of colony of 84
- Horse as a device 2
- Horsham, political colours at 8
- House flags 24, 74, 75
- House of Orange, flag of 117
- Hungary, flag of 23, 102
- I.
- Idolatrous emblem 87
- Illiterate voters, mistakes of 7, 8
- Imperial Eagle 66, 101, 102
- Inscriptions on flags 3, 4, 13, 15, 16, 24, 35, 41, 43, 49, 66, 88, 90, 93, 122, 123
- International signal code 133, 136, 137, 138
- Investiture of knight-banneret 14
- Invocation of saints 3
- Ireland joined to Great Britain 32
- Iron cross of Germany 100
- Isandlwana, battle of 63, 69
- Istria, flag of 102
- Italy, flags of 23, 113, 114
- J.
- James II., statue of 35
- Japan, flags of 124
- Jerusalem, arms of city of 114, 115
- Jewish standards 3
- Joan of Arc, standard of 4
- Jove, Eagle of 2
- K.
- Karlaverok, siege of 11, 18
- Kasan, arms of province of 102
- Katharine of Arragon flag-making 13
- Kempenfeldt's signal code 130
- Key as a device on flag 15
- Khorsabad, slabs from 2
- Kingdom of Hungary 101
- King's Own Borderers 63
- Kiow, arms of province of 102
- Knights-banneret 14
- Knights of the Bath, banners of 12
- Knights of the Garter, banners of 12
- Knights Templars, banner of the 24
- Köbel, book on costume and flags 101
- Korea, flag of kingdom of 125
- L.
- Labarum of Constantine 2, 3, 51
- Labuan, badge of colony of 84
- La Haye's book on flags 87
- Lamartine on the red flag 109
- Lancer pennon 14, 19
- Landing of Charles II. 47
- Land of the rising sun 124
- Laurel wreath on flag 49, 81
- Lawyers, flag of the 7
- Leeward Isles, badge of the 84
- Leon and Castile, arms of 86, 110, 111
- Liberia, flag of 125
- Liberty, figure of 94, 118
- Lion of Scotland 4, 29, 31, 34
- Lions of England 4, 29, 30, 34
- Livery colours 7, 14, 17, 21
- Livy on Vexillum 2
- Lloyd's signal stations 139
- Locksmiths, flag of the 7
- London, port of, flag signal 137
- London Trained Bands 41, 67
- Lone Star State, flag of the 95
- Lord Cardross, flag of 16
- Lord High Admiral of England 72, 80
- Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, flag of 71
- Lord Mayor's Show, flags at 19, 20
- Loss of colours at Edgehill 65
- Lothringen, flag of 101
- Louisiana, flag of State of 94
- Louisiana, settlement of 86
- Lozenges as a device on flag 41
- Lubeck, flag of city of 99
- Lucerne, flag of 116
- Lunenburg, arms of 35
- Lydgate, the duty of chivalry 12
- M.
- Maccabees, standard of the 3
- Machyn, diary of 6, 17, 21, 39, 111
- Mackay, extract from 57, 58
- Mail service flag 72
- Mainsail emblazoned as banner 12
- Malplaquet, battle of 64
- Man-of-war pendant 20, 78, 93, 110, 111, 121, 129, 135
- Maple-leaf of Canada 30, 81
- Marmion, quotation from 8, 18
- Martin, description of Western Islands 1
- Marseillaise, the 98
- Marseilles, flag of port of 75
- Martlets on flag 34
- Massachusetts, flag of 3, 87
- Mayflower, sailing of the 87
- Mecklenburg-Strelitz, flag of 101
- Mediæval spelling 6, 22
- Mediterranean and New York Company 75
- Merchant flag, red ensign 40, 47, 58, 73, 80
- Merchant Shipping (Colours) Act 58
- Metal-workers, flag of the 7
- Meteorological signals 135
- Mexico, flag of 23, 123
- Milton, quotation from 8
- Minotaur as a device 2
- Minden, battle of 64
- "Mirror for Magistrates," quotation from 15
- Mohammedan flags often green 24
- Monasteries, flags of 5
- Monk, funeral of General 18, 22
- Monogram, sacred, on flag 3, 42, 51
- Monthermer, banner of Sir Ralph 11
- Morse alphabet for signalling 127, 128, 129
- Mottoes on flags 3, 4, 13, 15, 16, 24, 35, 41, 43, 49, 66, 88, 90, 93, 122, 123
- Mutiny in the Royal Navy 25
- N.
- Napoleon, flags at tomb of 4
- Nassau, arms of 29, 35
- Natal, device of colony of 84
- Naval Discipline Act 56
- Naval Exhibition at Chelsea 41
- Navy signalling 129, et seq.
- Nelson, funeral of 18, 22
- Neville's Cross, battle of 5
- New Brunswick, arms of province of 82
- Newfoundland, badge of colony of 83
- New Granada, flag of 122
- New Guinea, badge of colony of 84
- New South Wales, badge of colony of 84
- New Zealand, badge of 84
- New Zealand Shipping Company 24, 75
- Night signalling at sea 134
- Nisbet on the tressure 32
- Norie's "Flags of All Nations" 26
- Northallerton, sacred flags at 5
- North German Confederacy 99
- Norway, flag of 115
- Nova Scotia, arms of province of 82
- Nova Scotia, settlement of 87
- Novgorod, arms of province of 102
- O.
- Obsolete flags 8, 22, 26
- Ontario, arms of province of 82
- Orange flag 8
- Orange Free State, flag of 23, 125
- Order of Black Eagle 100
- Ordnance Department flag 71
- Orient Steam Navigation Company 24, 134
- Oriflamme 105
- Oudenarde, battle of 64
- Owl of Athene 2
- P.
- Palmetto palm on flag 94, 95
- Pamiot Azof, flag of the 104
- Papal States, flag of the 23, 114, 115
- Paraguay, flag of 122
- Paris, arms of city of 109
- Passion symbols on flag 6
- Patrick, St., life of 51, 52
- Pendant or pennant, 20, 40, 78, 93, 110, 111, 121, 129, 135
- Peninsular and Oriental Company, flag of 74
- Pennoncelle or pencel 19
- Pennon, nature of the 14, 18, 19
- Pepys, extract from diary of 55
- Percy, banner of Sir Henri de 11
- Percy lion 11, 15
- Percy motto 15, 16
- Percy standard 15
- Persepolis, sculptures of 2
- Peruvian flag 123
- Pictorial flags 4
- Pilgrim Fathers, the 87
- Pilot flag 48, 100, 104, 134
- Pine-apple as a device 84
- Pine-tree flag 87, 88, 89
- Plantagenet livery colours 21
- Pliny on Roman standards 2
- Poland, flag of 105
- Political colours 7
- Political devices on flags 4
- Pomerania, flag of 101
- Popham's signal code 131
- Portcullis as a device 21
- Portobello, capture of 41
- Ports, flags of 75
- Portugal, flags of 112, 113
- Pottery, representation of flags on 89
- Precedence a difficulty 28
- Presentation of colours 3, 66
- President, U.S.A., flag of 93, 94
- Printed flags 23
- Protectorate flag, the 50
- Prussian eagle 98
- Q.
- Quarantine flag, the 25, 59
- Quebec, arms of province of 82
- Queen's colour 61, 65
- Queensland, badge of colony of 83
- Queen's Regulations 54, 55, 64, 71, 78, 81
- R.
- Ramilies, battle of 64
- Rattlesnake flag 1, 13, 87, 88
- Raven of the Danes 13
- Rebel colors burnt 70
- Red ensign 40, 47, 58, 73, 80
- Red flag of revolution 25, 59, 109
- Relics of saints worked into flag 5
- Religious character of early flags 4, 5, 22
- Religious service 3, 103
- Revenue flag, U.S.A. 93
- Rey on the French flag 107
- Rhode Island, flag of 87
- Richard II., standard of 17
- Ridre, standard of Sir William de 11
- Riga, flag of port of 75
- Ripon, St. Wilfrid's banner at 5
- Rolls of arms 10
- Rome, standards of ancient 2, 42
- Roses as a flag device 16, 21
- Rotterdam, flag of port of 75
- Rouen, capture of 5, 38, 112
- Roumania, flag of 121
- Royal Colonial Institute 76
- Royal Horse Artillery of 1813 19
- Royal Marines 63
- Royal Naval Reserve 40, 56, 57, 73, 79, 139
- Royal Navy, flag code of the 133
- Royal Oak on coins 88
- Royal Standard 11, 29, 34, 48, 54, 59, 78
- Royal United Service Museum 24, 125, 130, 131
- Royal Yacht Squadron, flag of the 72
- Royston, political colours at 8
- Russia, flags of 24, 102, 103, 104, 105
- Russian American Company's flag 26
- S.
- Sacred monogram on flag 3
- Salique law, operation of 36
- Salmon as a flag device 82
- Saluting the flag 26, 55, 56
- San Salvador, flag of 124
- Sarawak, flag of 125
- Sardinia, flag of 26
- Savoy, flag of 27, 113, 123
- Saxe-Coburg Gotha, flag of 101
- Saxony, arms of 35
- Saxony, flag of 100
- Schomburg-Lippe, flag of 101
- School of Army Signalling 128
- "Scotland for ever" 70
- Scots Greys 66
- Scottish grievance as to arms 31, 45, 46, 53
- Scottish variation of Union flag 46
- Scott, quotation from 8, 29
- Servia, flag of 121
- Seven Champions of Christendom, 38
- Seventeenth Lancers 66
- Shakespeare, quotation from 15, 37
- Shannon and Chesapeake duel 90
- Shears as a device on trade flag 7
- Siam, flag of kingdom of 125
- Signal-book of Chesapeake 133
- Signalling by flags 20, 23, 127, et seq.
- Simon de Montfort, banner of, 12
- Skull and cross-bones device 66
- Sledge flags of Arctic expedition 16
- South Australia, badge of 83
- South Carolina, flag of 87, 88, 94
- Southern Cross 30, 80, 96
- Sovereignty of the seas 25, 26
- Spain, flags of 1, 24, 110, 111, 112
- Spelling, mediæval liberty of 6, 22
- Spenser, quotation from 36
- Sphinx as a badge 62, 63
- Spoon and fork on trade flag 7
- Standard, nature of the 14
- St. Andrew, cross of 4, 35, 42, 43, 45, 53, 116
- Stars and bars, C.S.A. 95, 96
- Stars and stripes, U.S.A. 59
- St. Denis, flag of 105
- Stewart on tartans 1
- St. Gallen, flag of 116
- St. George, cross of 4, 10, 14, 16, 35, 39, 41, 45, 48, 53, 84, 87, 116
- St. Helena, badge of colony of 84
- Storm signals by flags 135
- "Story of Thebes," quotation from 12
- St. Patrick, cross of 4, 51, 53, 116
- Straits Settlement, device of 84
- Streamer, variety of flag 20, 21
- Strictly confidential signals 133
- Stuart, livery colours of house of 21
- Sun as a device 2, 17
- Swallow-tail flag 14, 18, 93, 110, 115, 116, 130
- Swan, black, of Western Australia 84
- Sweden, flag of 115
- Switzerland, flag of 116
- Swynnerton, standard of Sir Thomas de 16
- Sydney, Sir Philip, funeral of 18
- Sidney, Sir Philip, on war 19
- Symbols to express colours 74
- T.
- Tartans, Scottish 1
- Tasmania, device of colony of 84
- Telegraph Department, flag of 71
- Tessin, flag of Canton 117
- Teutonic, armament of the 57
- Teutonic order, cross of the 100
- Texas, flag of the State of 95
- Texel, flag of the port of 75
- "The late unpleasantness" 96
- "Theorike and Practike of Modern Warres" 61
- Third Dragoons 66
- Thistle as a flag device 42, 82
- Three-flag signals 137
- Tiger of Korea 125
- Titus, the arch of 2
- Tobacco plant on flag 123
- Torpedo practice flag 133
- Trafalgar, Nelson's famous signal 132, 133
- Trajan's column, standards on 2
- Transport service, flag of the 71, 104
- Transvaal, flag of the 126
- Trefoils as a device 41
- Tressure of Scotland, the 31, 32
- Tricolor of France 40, 108
- Trinidad, badge of colony of 84
- Trinity, banner of the 5, 6
- Trowel on guild flag 6
- Trumpet banners 12, 20
- Tudor flags 17
- Tughra device, the 120, 121
- Tunisian flags 120
- Turkey, flags of 24, 119, 120
- Twenty-fourth regiment 62
- Tyrol, flag of the 102
- U.
- Union between England and Scotland 45
- Union between Great Britain and Ireland 50, 52
- Union flag 1, 4, 45, 47, 50, 54, 61
- Union flag of Sweden and Norway, 116
- Union Jack 47, 48
- Union Steamship Company's flag 75
- United Italy 113
- United States of America, flag of 86, 89, 90, 91
- Universal code for signalling 28
- Urgency flag signals 136
- Uri, flag of Canton of 116
- Uruguay, flag of 122
- Utilisation of liners as cruisers 57
- V.
- Valence, banner of Sir Aymer de 11
- Valkyrie, flag of the yacht 73
- Variation in size a sign of rank 17
- Venezuela, flag of 23, 122, 123
- Venice, obsolete flags of 27
- Versailles, palace of 97
- Vessels spoken at sea 139, 140
- Viceroy of India, flag of 65, 81
- Victoria Cross 63
- Victoria, flag of colony of 80
- Victualling Department, flag of 71
- Virginia, settlement of 86
- Virgin Mary on flag 6
- Vocabulary signals 137
- Voldermirz, arms of 102
- Vowel flags objectionable 138, 139
- W.
- Waldeck, flag of 101
- War cries 37
- War songs 95, 98
- Warriors' Chapel at Canterbury 66, 67
- Washington, arms of 91, 93
- "Watch upon the Rhine" 98
- Waterloo, battle of 70
- Weather signals 135, 137
- Wellington, funeral of Duke of 18, 22
- West Africa, device of 84
- Western Australia, device of 84
- Western Australia, governor's flag 81
- West Prussia, flag of 98
- White cross of France 107
- White elephant of Siam 125
- White ensign 40, 55, 59, 72
- White horse of Hanover 63, 66
- White horse of Kent 36
- White Star Line, house flag of 57, 75
- Why called "Jack" 48
- William III., standard of 35
- Wreath on flag 63, 66, 81
- Wolf as a device 2
- Wurtemburg, flag of 101