The Forth Bridge/The Visitors
The Visitors.
Their name is simply legion, for from beginning to end there has been an extraordinary amount of interest shown in this work by all classes of society. From the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, August 23, 1884, down to the present day, hardly a week has passed without bringing some person of rank or distinction. Dom Pedro of Brazil, the Kings of Saxony and of Belgium, and the Shah of Shahs, head this list, which includes, without exaggeration at any rate one-tenth of all people distinguished by rank or by scientific or social attainments.
As in most other matters ladies were to the fore, pluckily climbing into every nook and corner where anything interesting might be seen or learned, up the hoists and down the stairs and ladders, and frequently leaving the members of the so-called stronger sex far behind. It is needless to say that under such circumstances the duties of those called upon to guide the fair visitors were of the most agreeable.