The Fraternity and the College (collection)/Introduction
I knew a man once who had never been off the prairies of Illinois who wrote a prize essay on mountain scenery. He got some of his facts from reading and supplied the rest from his imagination. The theories and principles contained in the papers which make up this little book, however, come from an intimate and an almost hourly experience with fraternities and fraternity men covering a period of more than twenty years. For a time my experience was only such as any onlooker with authority or official position might have, but in recent years I have come into relation with these men in a very close official way.
"College Spirit" was printed in the Illinois Magazine; "Fraternity Finances" and "The Brothers who Live in Town" appeared in the Alpha Tau Omega Palm; "The Fraternity and Its Alumni," "The Fraternity and Its Underclassmen," "Horse Play and Rough House at Initiations," and "Extra-fraternity Organizations," have been published in Banta's Greek Exchange. The other papers are new, and they are all presented in this form with the hope that they may help in some way to a better understanding of fraternities and fraternity problems.
Urbana, Illinois,
December, 1915