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The French Convert

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The French Convert (1808)
3419439The French Convert1808


French Convert;

Being a true Relation of the



Noble French Lady,

From the Errors and Superſtions of Popery, to the reformed Religion, by means of a Proteſtant Gardener, her Servant.


Her great and unparalleled Sufferings, on the Account of her ſaid Converſion: As alſo, Her wonderful Deliverance from two Aſſaſſins hired by a Popiſh Prieſt to murder her: And, of her miraculous Preſervation in a Wood for two Years; and how ſhe was at laſt providentially found by her Husband; who, together with her Parents and many Others, were brought over to the embracing of the true Religion.


A brief Account of the preſent ſevere Perſecutions
of the French Proteſtants.

Printed by J. & M. Robertſon, (No. 20.)
Saltmarket, 1808.

The Copy of a Letter ſent from a French Proteſtant Miniſter in France, to his Friend in London, with the following Relation.

My very good Friend,

HAVING received yours the 13th of April, N. S. I was not a little overjoyed, even in my ſufferings, to hear you are well ſettled in a country, where you have the freedom of enjoying the exerciſe of the true religion, a thing to be valued above all other earthly bleſſings; and not only that, but I am much more glad to find you inform me, that the climate ſo well agrees with you and your family, that you have been healthful ever ſince you departed from me and the reſt of your dear friends here; though many of us, and particularly myſelf, labour under many ſufferings and afflictions; I having (with many others) languiſhed a long time in priſon, for the fake of a good conſcience, afflicted with much ſickneſs, by reaſon of my cloſe confinement, which (bleſſed be the name of God for enabling me) I have borne with patience; tho’ many have died unpitied of their cruel perſecutors, yet the cry of innocent blood may in time make them cry, 'How hard is it to kick againſt the pricks:' yet my prayers are, that inſtead of defending any fearful judgement on theſe Popiſh adverſaries, God would turn their hearts, enlighten their underſtandings, make them ſee the errors of their ways, and repent of the many evils they have done to the poor Proteſtants, without any manner of cauſe or provocation, to whom their rage and malice extend even beyond death; for they ſtill continue their old way of denying them a Chriſtian burial. But this is all our comfort, it matters not where our bodies lie, if ſo be our ſouls are enfolded in Chriſt's arms. Yet among the miſeries and threats of death, which I have undergone in taking care of the ſpiritual welfare of thoſe whom God has committed to my charge, I cannot but be greatly comforted when you tell me the French Proteſtant church in England flourishes; and that the members of it 'walk worthy of their calling,' gaining by their inoffenſive way of living, a good repute among ſtrangers; when in their native country ſo much inhumanity appears towards thoſe of the reformed profeſſion; for the perſecution in many places rages ſtill by their impoveriſhing of thouſands of families, But not to be tedious to you, having nothing left to ſend you but my good wishes and prayers, except the encloſed account of a very ſtrange, but bleſſed alteration in the family of the Count Alanſon, a worthy nobleman very well known to you. I have drawn it up upon the ſtricteſt enquiry into the truth of all the material circumſtances, as well as my ſufferings, and ſpare time, that the care of thoſe under my charge would permit; and ſend it to you as a token of my love, for the many kindneſſes I have received at your hands: that ſo you might communicate it to others, and make it public if you ſee occaſion: that all may be made ſenſible of the wonderful goodneſs of Almighty God, and praiſe him for the works he doth unto the children of men. For the certainty of what I have written, though I have been obliged for method's-ſake to uſe a few expreſſions of my own, you may firmly rely on my integrity, who am always a well-wiſher to the health of your ſoul and body.


This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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