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The Grand Junction Railway Companion to Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham/Index

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Abernethy (educated at) 117
Acton Station and Township 47
Altringham 35
Anson (Viscount) 35
Apsley Hall 105
Aqualate Hall 113
Assay Office (Birmingham) 121
Ashley (Hamlet of) 187
Aston Hall (Cheshire) 45
Aston— — — Hall (Warwickshire) 84
Aston— — — Viaduct—Village of 45
Assembly Rooms (Manchester) 139
Bankers (Liverpool) 138
Bankers— — — (Manchester) 174
Bankers— — — (Birmingham) 189
Basford Hall 65
Baths (Liverpool) 156
Baths— — — (Manchester) 174
Baths— — — (Birmingham) 190
Bazaar (Manchester) 174
Bear and Bible 61
Bentley Hall 124
Bescoft Hall, and Bridge Station 126
Betlcy Parish-Hall.Court and Mere 67, 71
Bilston 123
(Bilston— — — Fire in Coal Pit at) 124
Bird's Wood 45
Birmingham Guide 176
Birmingham— — — Battle of 178
Birmingham— — — Riots 179
Blue Coat School (Birmingham) 188
Bog Hall 78
Bolton and Watt 137
Bostock Hall 54
Botanic Garden (Liverpool) 157
Botanic Garden— — — (Manchester) 175
Brewood 112
Bridgenorth. 119
Burslem 75
Bushbury (Village of) 114
Cannock and Chace 108, 109
Car Fares (Liverpool) 153
Car Fares— — — (Manchester) 170
Car Fares— — — (Birmingham) 187
Cavalry Barracks (Birmingham) 172
Cemetery (Manchester) 172
Cemeteries (Liverpool) 157
Chantrey (Monument by) 84
Chapels (Liverpool) 162
Chapels— — — (Manchester) 171
Chapels— — — (Birmingham) 185
Chapel (Chorlton) 83
Charitable Institutions (Manchester) 173
Charitable Institutions— — — (Liverpool) 163
Charities (Birmingham). 187
Cheadle 88
Cheshire (Entrance of) 37
Chester (City of) 39
Chetham Library (Manchester) 172
Chillington Hall (T. W. Giffard, Esq.) 113
Chorley Mount 133
Churches (Manchester) 171
Churches and Chapels (Birmingham) 185
Churches (Liverpool). 162
Civil War (Incident in) 60, 66, 81, 87
Cliefden 52
Club-house (Manchester) 174
Coach Offices (Birmingham) 188
Coach Offices— — — (Manchester) 169
Coach Offices— — — (Liverpool) 153
Cobridge 77
Collis and Co.'s Establishment (Birmingham) 180
Concert Hall (Manchester) 174
Congleton 61
Congreve, Sir William (Educated at) 117
Coppenhall Station and Township 57
Crewe Hall (Account of) 63
Crewe— — — Station and Township 58
Custom House (Liverpool) 157
Curious Echo 107
Darlaston 125
Daresbury Hall 43
David Llewelyn (Death of) 38
Delamere (Lord) 63
Docks—Dock Office 157, 158
Doddington Hall and Park (Account of) 66
Dunston 106
Dudley, and Castle 128
Drayton, or Market Drayton 81
Eardwick (Sampson) 91, 98
Eaton Hall 54
Eccleshall, and Castle 86, 87
Elms (The) 23
Embankments 102, 103, 107, 111, 138
Etruria. 75
Excavations 68, 82, 121, 122, 133, 135
Exchange (Manchester) 171
Exchange— — — (Liverpool) 161
Excise Office 157
Fenton (Elijah) 75
Fishing 47, 137
Ford Houses (Village of) 114
Foreign Packets 152
Four Ashes Station 112
General Hospital (Birmingham) 186
General— — — Dispensary (Birmingham) 186
Grafton Wood 67, 68
Grammar School (Birmingham) 186
Grand Junction Railway Office (Birmingham) 189
Grange Hall 48
Gun Barrel Proof House (Birmingham) 187
Hackney Coach Fares (Liverpool) 158
Hackney Coach Fares— — — (Manchester) 170
Hackney Coach Fares— — — (Birmingham) 189
Hales Owen 129
Halton Castle 36
Hamstead Hall 135
Handsworth 186
Hanley 73
Hartford Excavation, Station, and Township 48
Hatton Mill 84
Hill Cliff Quarry 86
Hotels, Liverpool 354
Hotels, Manchester 169
Hotels 188
Haugh House 103
Hounds 68, 82, 121
House of Industry, Liverpool 162
James Bridge Station 125
Jennens and Beltridge's Establishment, Birmingham 181
Infirmary, Liverpool 162
Ingestrie Hall 103
Journey to Newton 18
Journey to— — — Newton to Manchester 22
Journey to— — — Newton Junction Station 22
Journey to— — — Birmingham 28
Knutsford 50
Lane Delph 7
Lane end and Long town 76
Lea Hall 136
Lear Hall 56
Leek 79
Libraries (Liverpool) 164
Libraries— — — (Manchester) 172
Libraries— — — (Birmingham) 188
Lichfield 99
Lichfield— — — Cathedral 101
Literary and Scientific Institutions, (Liverpool) 164
Literary and Scientific Institutions,— — — (Manchester) 173
Literary and Scientific Institutions,— — — (Birmingham) 187–8
Liverpool Guide 145
Liverpool— — — Origin of name 145
Liverpool— — — Post-Office 148
Long Port, &c. &c. 76
London and Birmingham Railway Office (Birmingham) 189
Low Hill (Mr. Pountnoy) 114
Lunatic Asylum (Liverpool) 162
Macclesfield 61
Maer Halt 83
Madeley Station and Parish 69
Manchester Guide 166
Manchester— — — Post Office 168
Manor Hall 56
Maplebeck and Lows' Establishment (Birmingham) 181
Markets (Liverpool) 160
Markets (Manchester) 176
Market Hall (Birmingham) 186
Marriage Custom 51
Mechanics Institution (Liverpool) 164
Mechanics Institution— — — (Manchester) 773
Mechanics Institution— — — (Birmingham) 188
Middlewich 55
Minshall Vernon Station and Township 56
Mill Meese 85
Moilton Village 53
Moore Station, and Village 37
Moore Hall 42
Moseley Hall 114
Moss (Whitmore) 77
Mount (The) 157
Nantwich 58
Natural Phenomenon. 80
New Bailey Prison (Manchester) 175
Newcastle-uuder-Lyne 69
Newport 96
Newspapers. 165
Newspapers— — — (Manchester) 175
Newspapers— — — (Birmingham) 191
Northwich 49
Norton 86
Norton Priory, account of 43
Nixon's Prophecies 53
Oxley Hall (the late Mr. Huskisson) 114
Penkridge 108
Perry-bar Station. 136
Perrott's Folly (Birmingham) 191
Perry Hall 135
Pic-nic Parties 47
Portico (Manchester) 172
Post-Office (Birmingham) 182
Potteries; and original seat of 75
Preston Brook Station and Township 44
Prince's Parade (Liverpool) 156
Public Offices (Birmingham) 187
Pumps on the Road 110
Queen Elizabeth, and Queen of Charles I. 131
Races 143
Railway, account of its Regulations 11
Railway— — — First application to Parliament 2
Railway— — — Time of Starting 14
Railway— — — Fares, Charges 15, 16, 17. 151
Railway— — — Time on Road to each Station 16, 17
Railway— — — Highest and Lowest Point. 104
Railway-Particulars of Cost 192*
Rickersford. 105
Roman Road (Birmingham) 191
Rowley House 103
Royal Institution (Manchester) 173
Rugeley 98
Runcorn 34
Salt, first place in which made. 59
Salt Mines-Works 50, 54
Sandbach 60
Sandon 98
Sandwell Park 135
Seighford Hall, and Meadows 91
Sheltop 74
Shenstone (The Poet) 129
Shiffnal 118
Shugborough Park (Account of) 105
Slade Heath. 114
Soho. 136
Sessions House (Liverpool) 161
Spread Eagle Station 111
Somerford Hall 113
Staffordshire (Entrance of) 68
Stafford 93
Stafford— — — Castle. 92
Standeford (Village of) 113
Standon and Standon Cottage 85
Statue of George III. (Liverpool). 161
Steam Packets. 152
Stoke-upon-Trent 72
Stone 87
Summary of Works On the Line 141
Sutherland (Duke of) 82
Swinnerton Park 82
Swinnerton— — — Hall 85
Taming a Shrew 71
Tarporley 51
Tiddesley Hall 106
Telegraph Office (Liverpool) 162
Theatres (Liverpool) 155
Theatres— — — (Manchester) 174
Theatre (Birmingham) 190
Town Hall (Liverpool) 161
Town Hall— — — (Manchester) 171
Town Hall— — — (Birmingham) 186
Trentham (Hamlet of). 79
Trentham — — — (Seat of Duke of Sutherland) 82
Tunnel (Grand Trunk Canal) 76
Tunstan Court 76
Utoxeter 97
Vale Royal 52
Vale Royal— — — Abbey and Viaduct 53
Vauxhall Gardens (Birmingham) 190
Vauxhall— — — Station 140
Viaduct (Birmingham) 140
Viaduct— — — (over Penk) 109
Viaduct— — — (Dutton) 45
Viaduct— — — (Warrington) 37
Viaduct— — — (Vale Royal) 52
Walsall 131
Warrington Station and Town 32
Wedgwood (Josiah) 73
Wednesbury 127
Whitmore 78
Wellington Rooms (Liverpool) 156
Willenhall Station and Parish 122
Winsford Station 55
Winsford— — — Lodge 56
Winwick 30
Wolverhampton (Town of),—Station 115
Woore 77
Wrine Hall 68
Zoological Gardens 157