The Grand Junction Railway Companion to Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham/Index
Page | |
Abernethy (educated at) | 117 |
Acton Station and Township | 47 |
Altringham | 35 |
Anson (Viscount) | 35 |
Apsley Hall | 105 |
Aqualate Hall | 113 |
Assay Office (Birmingham) | 121 |
Ashley (Hamlet of) | 187 |
Aston Hall (Cheshire) | 45 |
Aston |
84 |
Aston |
45 |
Assembly Rooms (Manchester) | 139 |
Bankers (Liverpool) | 138 |
Bankers |
174 |
Bankers |
189 |
Basford Hall | 65 |
Baths (Liverpool) | 156 |
Baths |
174 |
Baths |
190 |
Bazaar (Manchester) | 174 |
Bear and Bible | 61 |
Bentley Hall | 124 |
Bescoft Hall, and Bridge Station | 126 |
Betlcy Parish-Hall.Court and Mere | 67, 71 |
Bilston | 123 |
(Bilston |
124 |
Bird's Wood | 45 |
Birmingham Guide | 176 |
Birmingham |
178 |
Birmingham |
179 |
Blue Coat School (Birmingham) | 188 |
Bog Hall | 78 |
Bolton and Watt | 137 |
Bostock Hall | 54 |
Botanic Garden (Liverpool) | 157 |
Botanic Garden |
175 |
Brewood | 112 |
Bridgenorth. | 119 |
Burslem | 75 |
Bushbury (Village of) | 114 |
Cannock and Chace | 108, 109 |
Car Fares (Liverpool) | 153 |
Car Fares |
170 |
Car Fares |
187 |
Cavalry Barracks (Birmingham) | 172 |
Cemetery (Manchester) | 172 |
Cemeteries (Liverpool) | 157 |
Chantrey (Monument by) | 84 |
Chapels (Liverpool) | 162 |
Chapels |
171 |
Chapels |
185 |
Chapel (Chorlton) | 83 |
Charitable Institutions (Manchester) | 173 |
Charitable Institutions |
163 |
Charities (Birmingham). | 187 |
Cheadle | 88 |
Cheshire (Entrance of) | 37 |
Chester (City of) | 39 |
Chetham Library (Manchester) | 172 |
Chillington Hall (T. W. Giffard, Esq.) | 113 |
Chorley Mount | 133 |
Churches (Manchester) | 171 |
Churches and Chapels (Birmingham) | 185 |
Churches (Liverpool). | 162 |
Civil War (Incident in) | 60, 66, 81, 87 |
Cliefden | 52 |
Club-house (Manchester) | 174 |
Coach Offices (Birmingham) | 188 |
Coach Offices |
169 |
Coach Offices |
153 |
Cobridge | 77 |
Collis and Co.'s Establishment (Birmingham) | 180 |
Concert Hall (Manchester) | 174 |
Congleton | 61 |
Congreve, Sir William (Educated at) | 117 |
Coppenhall Station and Township | 57 |
Crewe Hall (Account of) | 63 |
Crewe |
58 |
Custom House (Liverpool) | 157 |
Curious Echo | 107 |
Darlaston | 125 |
Daresbury Hall | 43 |
David Llewelyn (Death of) | 38 |
Delamere (Lord) | 63 |
Docks—Dock Office | 157, 158 |
Doddington Hall and Park (Account of) | 66 |
Dunston | 106 |
Dudley, and Castle | 128 |
Drayton, or Market Drayton | 81 |
Eardwick (Sampson) | 91, 98 |
Eaton Hall | 54 |
Eccleshall, and Castle | 86, 87 |
Elms (The) | 23 |
Embankments | 102, 103, 107, 111, 138 |
Etruria. | 75 |
Excavations | 68, 82, 121, 122, 133, 135 |
Exchange (Manchester) | 171 |
Exchange |
161 |
Excise Office | 157 |
Fenton (Elijah) | 75 |
Fishing | 47, 137 |
Ford Houses (Village of) | 114 |
Foreign Packets | 152 |
Four Ashes Station | 112 |
Frodsham | |
General Hospital (Birmingham) | 186 |
General |
186 |
Grafton Wood | 67, 68 |
Grammar School (Birmingham) | 186 |
Grand Junction Railway Office (Birmingham) | 189 |
Grange Hall | 48 |
Gun Barrel Proof House (Birmingham) | 187 |
Hackney Coach Fares (Liverpool) | 158 |
Hackney Coach Fares |
170 |
Hackney Coach Fares |
189 |
Hales Owen | 129 |
Halton Castle | 36 |
Hamstead Hall | 135 |
Handsworth | 186 |
Hanley | 73 |
Hartford Excavation, Station, and Township | 48 |
Hatton Mill | 84 |
Hill Cliff Quarry | 86 |
Hotels, Liverpool | 354 |
Hotels, Manchester | 169 |
Hotels | 188 |
Haugh House | 103 |
Hounds | 68, 82, 121 |
House of Industry, Liverpool | 162 |
James Bridge Station | 125 |
Jennens and Beltridge's Establishment, Birmingham | 181 |
Infirmary, Liverpool | 162 |
Ingestrie Hall | 103 |
Journey to Newton | 18 |
Journey to |
22 |
Journey to |
22 |
Journey to |
28 |
Knutsford | 50 |
Lane Delph | 7 |
Lane end and Long town | 76 |
Lea Hall | 136 |
Lear Hall | 56 |
Leek | 79 |
Libraries (Liverpool) | 164 |
Libraries |
172 |
Libraries |
188 |
Lichfield | 99 |
Lichfield |
101 |
Literary and Scientific Institutions, (Liverpool) | 164 |
Literary and Scientific Institutions, |
173 |
Literary and Scientific Institutions, |
187–8 |
Liverpool Guide | 145 |
Liverpool |
145 |
Liverpool |
148 |
Long Port, &c. &c. | 76 |
London and Birmingham Railway Office (Birmingham) | 189 |
Low Hill (Mr. Pountnoy) | 114 |
Lunatic Asylum (Liverpool) | 162 |
Macclesfield | 61 |
Maer Halt | 83 |
Madeley Station and Parish | 69 |
Manchester Guide | 166 |
Manchester |
168 |
Manor Hall | 56 |
Maplebeck and Lows' Establishment (Birmingham) | 181 |
Markets (Liverpool) | 160 |
Markets (Manchester) | 176 |
Market Hall (Birmingham) | 186 |
Marriage Custom | 51 |
Mechanics Institution (Liverpool) | 164 |
Mechanics Institution |
773 |
Mechanics Institution |
188 |
Middlewich | 55 |
Minshall Vernon Station and Township | 56 |
Mill Meese | 85 |
Moilton Village | 53 |
Moore Station, and Village | 37 |
Moore Hall | 42 |
Moseley Hall | 114 |
Moss (Whitmore) | 77 |
Mount (The) | 157 |
Nantwich | 58 |
Natural Phenomenon. | 80 |
New Bailey Prison (Manchester) | 175 |
Newcastle-uuder-Lyne | 69 |
Newport | 96 |
Newspapers. | 165 |
Newspapers |
175 |
Newspapers |
191 |
Northwich | 49 |
Norton | 86 |
Norton Priory, account of | 43 |
Nixon's Prophecies | 53 |
Oxley Hall (the late Mr. Huskisson) | 114 |
Penkridge | 108 |
Perry-bar Station. | 136 |
Perrott's Folly (Birmingham) | 191 |
Perry Hall | 135 |
Pic-nic Parties | 47 |
Portico (Manchester) | 172 |
Post-Office (Birmingham) | 182 |
Potteries; and original seat of | 75 |
Preston Brook Station and Township | 44 |
Prince's Parade (Liverpool) | 156 |
Public Offices (Birmingham) | 187 |
Pumps on the Road | 110 |
Queen Elizabeth, and Queen of Charles I. | 131 |
Races | 143 |
Railway, account of its Regulations | 11 |
Railway |
2 |
Railway |
14 |
Railway |
15, 16, 17. 151 |
Railway |
16, 17 |
Railway |
104 |
Railway-Particulars of Cost | 192* |
Rickersford. | 105 |
Roman Road (Birmingham) | 191 |
Rowley House | 103 |
Royal Institution (Manchester) | 173 |
Rugeley | 98 |
Runcorn | 34 |
Salt, first place in which made. | 59 |
Salt Mines-Works | 50, 54 |
Sandbach | 60 |
Sandon | 98 |
Sandwell Park | 135 |
Seighford Hall, and Meadows | 91 |
Sheltop | 74 |
Shenstone (The Poet) | 129 |
Shiffnal | 118 |
Shugborough Park (Account of) | 105 |
Slade Heath. | 114 |
Soho. | 136 |
Sessions House (Liverpool) | 161 |
Spread Eagle Station | 111 |
Somerford Hall | 113 |
Staffordshire (Entrance of) | 68 |
Stafford | 93 |
Stafford |
92 |
Standeford (Village of) | 113 |
Standon and Standon Cottage | 85 |
Statue of George III. (Liverpool). | 161 |
Steam Packets. | 152 |
Stoke-upon-Trent | 72 |
Stone | 87 |
Summary of Works On the Line | 141 |
Sutherland (Duke of) | 82 |
Swinnerton Park | 82 |
Swinnerton |
85 |
Taming a Shrew | 71 |
Tarporley | 51 |
Tiddesley Hall | 106 |
Telegraph Office (Liverpool) | 162 |
Theatres (Liverpool) | 155 |
Theatres |
174 |
Theatre (Birmingham) | 190 |
Town Hall (Liverpool) | 161 |
Town Hall |
171 |
Town Hall |
186 |
Trentham (Hamlet of). | 79 |
Trentham |
82 |
Tunnel (Grand Trunk Canal) | 76 |
Tunstan Court | 76 |
Utoxeter | 97 |
Vale Royal | 52 |
Vale Royal |
53 |
Vauxhall Gardens (Birmingham) | 190 |
Vauxhall |
140 |
Viaduct (Birmingham) | 140 |
Viaduct |
109 |
Viaduct |
45 |
Viaduct |
37 |
Viaduct |
52 |
Walsall | 131 |
Warrington Station and Town | 32 |
Wedgwood (Josiah) | 73 |
Wednesbury | 127 |
Whitmore | 78 |
Wellington Rooms (Liverpool) | 156 |
Willenhall Station and Parish | 122 |
Winsford Station | 55 |
Winsford |
56 |
Winwick | 30 |
Wolverhampton (Town of),—Station | 115 |
Woore | 77 |
Wrine Hall | 68 |
Zoological Gardens | 157 |