The Grand Junction Railway Companion to Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham/Regulations
The Grand Junction,
And the
Liverpool and Manchester Railway.
We shall proceed to give the regulations which equally apply to the two Companies, and then the time of starting and regulations peculiar to the Grand Junction Railway Company.
General Regulations
At the Principal Station. Lime-street. Liverpool.
Coaches and cars with passengers and heavy luggage must drive in at the north gateway (nearest London-road), and, having set down their passengers, must depart immediately.
Passengers in coaches and cars, without luggage, or with light packages, which they can conveniently carry through the Booking-offices without the assistance of porters, are requested to set down at the office doors, in Lime-street.
Passengers on foot cannot be admitted through the carriage gateway, and no omnibus will he admitted through the gateway, without the special licence of the Directors, and subject to such regulations as they may impose.
Time of Departure.—The gateway and office doors for the admission of passengers will be closed precisely at the several specified times of departure, and no person can be admitted afterwards, for that train.
Carriages and Horses.—Gentlemen's carriages, intended to be conveyed by the trains, are required to be in the yard fifteen minutes before the time of departure. Carriage horses, accompanying carriages to be conveyed by the trains, will be received at the station in Lime-street. All other horses must be taken up and set down at the Edgehill station, at the top of the New Tunnel. Carriages to be conveyed with the trains, will also be received at the Edgehill Station; and both horses and carriages are required to be at the said station ten minutes before the hour of dcparture from Lime-street.
At the Station at Edge-hill.
The gates of the station at Edge-hill will be closed five minutes after the hours of departure from Lime-street, and 110 passengers can be admitted to book after time; passengers having previously taken their places, and producing their tickets, will be admitted till the train departs.
Regulations for Arrivals.—Persons arriving by any of the trains leave the Lime-street Station by the South gateway, nearest Ranelagh-place, or, till that gateway be completed, by a temporary gateway at the corner of Gloucester-street.
Coaches and cars specially licensed by the Company, and subject to their regulations, will be admitted into the yard to wait the arrival of the trains. But no carriage for hire can be admitted, unless so licensed; and the owners of coaches and cars, desirous to attend the arrivals, must make application at the Railway Office for a licence for that purpose.
Of the Grand Junction Railroad Company.
Booking.—There will be no booking places, except at the Company's Offices at the respective stations. Each Booking Ticket for the first class trains is numbered to correspond with the seat taken. The places by the mixed trains are not numbered.
Luggage.—Each passenger's luggage will be placed on the roof of the coach in which he has taken his place; carpet bags and small luggage may be placed underneath the seat opposite to that which the owner occupies. No charge for bona fide luggage belonging to the passenger under 100lbs, weight; above that weight, a charge will be made at the rate of 1d. per lb, for the whole distance. The attention of travellers is requested to the legal notice exhibited at the different stations, respecting the limitation of the Company's liabilities for the loss or damage of luggage.
Gentlemen's Carriages and Horses.—Gentlemen's carriages and horses must be at the stations at least a quarter of an hour before the time of departure. A supply of trucks will be kept at all the principal stations on the line; but to prevent disappointment, it is recommended that previous notice should be given, when practicable, at the station where they may be required. No charge for landing or embarking carriages or horses on any part of the line.
Road Stations.—Passengers intending to join the trains at any of the stopping-places, are desired to be in good time, as the train will leave each station as soon as ready, without reference to the time stated in the above table, the main object being to perform the whole journey as expeditiously as possible. Passengers will be booked only conditionally upon there being room on the arrival of the trains, and they will have a preference of seats in the order in which they are booked. All persons are requested to get into and alight from the coaches invariably on the left side, as the only certain means of preventing accidents, from trains passing in an opposite direction.
Conductors. Guards, and Porters.—Every train is provided with guards, and a conductor, who is responsible for the order and regularity of the journey. The Company's porters will load and unload the luggage, and put it into or upon any omnibus or other carriage at any of the stations. No fees or gratuities allowed to conductors, guards, porters, or other persons in the service of the Company.
Smoking, Selling of Liquors, &c.—No smoking will be allowed in any of the coaches, even with the consent of the passengers. No person will be allowed to sell liquors or eatables of any kind upon the line. The Company earnestly hope that the public will co-operate with them in enforcing this regulation, as it will be the means of removing a cause of delay, and will greatly diminish the chance of accident.
Parcels.—The charge for parcels, including booking and delivery, will be from 1s. 6d, upwards, according to size and weight.
Arrangements have been made with respectable coach proprietors, by which passengers may secure places in Liverpool and Manchester for London, and other parts south of Birmingham, by coaches, which will await the arrival of the trains at Birmingham; and the delay arising from a change of conveyance in the despatch of parcels is obviated by their being booked throughout, and sent in closed bags.
Every assistance will be given by the Company's officers, to protect the public from the imposition and annoyance in cars and omnibuses attending the trains, some of which have been already excluded for improper conduct.
from Liverpool & Manchester. |
arrival at Birmingham. | ||||||||
H. | M. | H. | M. | ||||||
1st Class | 6 | 30 | o'clock | A.M. | ... | 11 | 5 | o'clock | A.M. |
Mixed | 8 | 30 | o'clock„ | A.M. | ... | 2 | 0 | o'clock" | P.M. |
1st Class | 11 | 30 | o'clock„ | A.M. | ... | 2 | 0 | o'clock" | P.M. |
1st Class | 2 | 30 | o'clock„ | P.M. | ... | 7 | 5 | o'clock" | P.M. |
Mixed | 4 | 30 | o'clock„ | P.M. | ... | 10 | 0 | o'clock" | P.M. |
1st Class | 6 | 30 | o'clock„ | P.M. | ... | 11 | 5 | o'clock" | P.M. |
from Birmingham. |
arrival at Liverpool & Manchester. | ||||||||
H. | M. | H. | M. | ||||||
1st Class | 7 | 0 | o'clock | A.M. | ... | 11 | 30 | o'clock | A.M. |
Mixed | 8 | 30 | o'clock„ | A.M. | ... | 1 | 45 | o'clock" | P.M. |
1st Class | 11 | 30 | o'clock„ | A.M. | ... | 4 | 0 | o'clock" | P.M. |
1st Class | 2 | 30 | o'clock„ | P.M. | ... | 7 | 0 | o'clock" | P.M. |
Mixed | 4 | 30 | o'clock„ | P.M. | ... | 9 | 45 | o'clock" | P.M. |
1st Class | 7 | 0 | o'clock„ | P.M. | ... | 11 | 30 | o'clock" | P.M. |
N.B.-The First-class Trains only take up and set down passengers at the six principal Stations, which are distinguished in the Table by being printed in roman characters.
The Mixed Trains will also take up and set down passengers to or from any part of the Grand Junction Railway, at all the usual stopping places on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. An allowance is included in the above Table of five minutes for all the Trains at the principal Stations, and of three minutes for the Mixed Trains, at the intermediate stopping places.
The First Class Trains will consist of coaches carrying six inside, and of mails carrying four inside, one compartment of which is convertible into a bed-carriage, if required. The Mixed Trains will consist of both First and Second Class coaches, the latter affording complete protection from the weather, and differing only from the First Class in having no lining, cushions, or divisions of the compartments. Both kinds have seats on the roof, for the accommodation of those who prefer riding outside.
£. | s. | d. | |
First Class Coach, six inside, whether in First Class or in Mixed Trains | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Mail Coach, four inside | 1 | 5 | 0 |
Bed-carriage, in Mail Coach | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Second Class Coach | 0 | 14 | 0 |
Children under Ten Years of Age, half-price. | |||
Gentleman's Carriage, four wheels | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Gentleman's„ Carriage,„ two wheels | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Passengers, belonging to and riding in Gentleman's Carriages, each | 0 | 15 | 0 |
Servants, ditto ditto, each | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Grooms in charge of Horses, each | 0 | 10 | 0 |
One Horse | 1 | 10 | 0 |
Two Horses | 2 | 10 | 0 |
Three Horses | 3 | 10 | 0 |
Dogs | 0 | 3 | 0 |
A Wolverhampton Train
Will start daily at the following hours: from Wolverhampton Station to Birmingham at Eight o'clock in the Morning, and from Birmingham to Wolverhampton at Seven o'clock in the Evening.
Close Carriage. | Open | |||||||
To Willenhall | 1 | s. | 0 | d. | 0 | s. | 6 | d. |
To„ James's Bridge | 1 | 6 | 1 | 6 | ||||
To„ Bescot Bridge | 1 | 6 | 0 | 6 | ||||
To„ Newton Road | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||
To„ Perry Bar | 2 | 6 | 1 | 6 | ||||
To„ Birmingham | 2 | 6 | 1 | 6 |
Close Carriage. | Open | |||||||
To Perry Bar | 1 | s | 6 | d | 0 | s | 6 | d |
To„ Newton Road | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | ||||
To„ Bescott Bridge | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | ||||
To„ James's Bridge | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | ||||
To„ Willenhall | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | ||||
To„ Wolverhampton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
A Warrington Train
Will start daily from Warrington to Liverpool and Manchester at Eight o'clock in the Morning.
On Sundays,
The four First Class Trains only, with the addition of Second Class Coaches, will start at the same hours as on the week days, but will not take up and set down passengers at any but at the six principal stopping places.
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