The Green Eye of the Yellow God (musical score)
N.B. In reading this Recitation it may be well to remind the performers that the music is not intended as an accompaniment in the ordinary acceptance of that term. The pianist should follow the words exactly as they are printed over the music. At the same time it will be found absolutely necessary for the reciter frequently to wait for and follow the music thereby accentuating and strengthening respective points in the poem.
The Green Eye of the Yellow God. | |||||
Performed by BRANSBY WILLIAMS. Also Performed by J. MILTON HAYES. | |||||
| |||||
![\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\set PianoStaff.instrumentName =\markup {\italic "PIANO" }
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
c1 c c c c c4 c c
c8 c c c c4 c c8 c c4 c c c8 c
c4 c c c8 c c2 c4 c c2 c4 c8 c
c c c4 c c8 c c4 c8 c c4 c c2 r4 c8 c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\new Voice
\slurUp <a c e^.^->8\mp \mark "Lento assai. "
<a^.^- c e,> < d^> a f >2\sf <d, a'^. f>8\pp( <d'^. a f>)
<a c e^.^->8 <a^.^- c e,> < d a^> f >2\sf <d, a'^. f>8( <d'^. a f>) \break
<a c e^.^->8[\mf\< <a^.^- c e,>] <a^.^- f d'>8 <a^.^- f d> <a^.^- c e,>8 <a^.^- c, e> <e'^> c gis d >4
<a,^^ f d b>1\fz \p \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = #'((2.0 . 1) (-3.0 . 1) (-7.5 . -1)) <c, e c'>~\pp \partial 4*3 <c e c'>4 r4 r4 \bar "||" \break \partial 4*1 r R1 R \break R R R \break R R R
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a "one " -- " eyed" yellow idol to the north of
Khatmandu, \markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a little marble cross below
the town, \markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a broken-hearted woman tends the
grave of Mad Carew, And the yellow god for ever gazes
down. He was
\new Staff
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\voiceOne \relative c''
\slurUp <e,,, a,>4 a8(d a2) <e a,>4 a8(d a2) \break
e8[ a] a d a[ e'] <e, e,> e' a, \stemDown \dynamicUp a'4^>\> d,16 e g(\p f)
\stemUp\slurDown\acciaccatura g8 \stemDown
f16^. e^. d8 f \slurUp
\stemNeutral <e a,>1 ~ \partial 4*3 <e a,>4 d\rest
d\rest \bar "||" \break \partial 4*1 d\rest \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #+2 R1
R \break R R R \break
\new Voice
\voiceTwo \relative c
\slurDown s4 d,4(d2) s4 d4(d2) \break
a4 d e s s1 s1 \partial 4*3 a,4 b\rest b\rest
\bar "||" \break \partial 4*1 s s1 s \break s s s
\break s s s
indent = 1.5\cm short-indent = 0\cm line-width = 17\cm
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
"\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
c8 c c4 c c8 c c c c c c4 c8 c \break
c4 c8 c c c c c c4 r2 c8 c \break
c8 c c4 c c8 c c4 c8 c c4 c8 c \break
c4 c8 c r c c8 c c4 s2 c8 c \break
c8 c c c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 s8 c \break
c c c c c c c c c2. c8 c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\new Voice
\slurUp\stemUp <gis b,>8\ppp(
<a c,~> \tieUp <e~ c>2.) e r4 \break
s1 s \break R1 R \break
a2( b4 g e) b\rest <e d!>2^> \break
gis8( a e2.) b'8( c a2.) \break
\stemNeutral <g f! c>4 b\rest
<g b dis g> b\rest <g c g'>2. b4\rest
\new Voice
\slurDown\stemDown s1 s\break
s s \break s s \break
f2( d4 dis) c s s2 \break
<e c>1 <a e>2 ees \break
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " "
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " "
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " "
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " "
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0
known as \markup{\concat{\char ##x2018 "Mad"}}
\markup{\concat{"Carew" \char ##x2019 }} by the subs at
"Khat " -- " man " -- " du," He was hotter than they felt "in " -- " clined" to tell, But for all his foolish pranks
He was worshipped in the ranks,
And the \markup{\concat{"Colonel" \char ##x2019 "s"}} daughter smiled on him as well.
He had loved her all "a " -- " long"
With the "pas " -- " sion" of the strong,
The fact that she loved him was plain to all,
She was
\new Staff
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\voiceOne \relative c
\slurUp <e a,>1 c'4.^> b8 b4 r \break
<a f> r <g! d> r <a e>2. r4 \break
\override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #+2 R1 R1 \break
\stemDown <c d,>2 g( \stemUp g4)
d\rest \stemDown <gis b,>2^> \break
\stemUp <a a,>( <aes aes,> <g g,> <fis fis,>)
\stemDown \break
<g g,>4 d\rest <g f'> d\rest <e' c>1
\new Voice
\voiceTwo \relative c
\slurDown s1 d2. e,4^. \break
<c' f,>4 r <b g!> r <g c,>2. r4 \break
s1 s \break
s c4 s s2 \break
s1 s \break\slurUp s
\shiftOn \once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.2
c'2( b)
\new Voice
\voiceThree \relative c
\slurDown s1 gis'2. s4 \break
line-width = 17\cm
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
![\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
c4 c c c8 c c4 c8 c c4 s8 c \break
c c c c c c c c c2. c4 \break
c8 c c c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 s8 c \break
c c c c c c c c c4 s s s8 c \break
c c c c c c c c c4 c8 c c4 c8 c \break
c c c c c4 c c s s c8 c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\new Voice
<c' g e c>4\arpeggio b,\rest <f c' f> b\rest
<a' e cis a>\arpeggio b,\rest <d a d,> b\rest
\stemUp\slurUp f'( e d a) e'2( d4 g,)
<c c,>4 b\rest e,2 \tieUp <a~ a,>2
<a, a'>4) b'\rest \break
<f c! a_.>8 b\rest <f c a_.> b\rest
<d, c a_. > b'\rest <c, a_.>
b'\rest <g d>2~
HorizontalBracket.direction = #UP
HorizontalBracket.Y-offset = #4.5
HorizontalBracket.bracket-flare = #'(0.0 . 0.0)
\tuplet 3/2 {<g d>8[\startGroup d g]\stopGroup}
\times 2/3 {g[\startGroup d g\stopGroup]} \break
<c c,>4 b\rest <e, cis>2
\override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = #'((2.0 . 1) (-3.0 . 1) (-7.5 . -1))
<a, cis a'>~\(
<a d a'>4\) d8 e \break
<f c! a>8 b\rest <f c a> b\rest
<d, c aes > b'\rest <e, b f> b'\rest
c,2. b'4\rest
\new Voice
s1 s \break
\stemDown f2 d f2. r4 \break
s2 c4( b8 bes) cis2( d4) s \break
s1 \slurDown b4( a b) r
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
nearly "twenty " -- " one,"
\override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0
And "ar " -- " rangements" had
"be " -- " gun" To "cel " -- " e " --
" brate "her "birth " -- " day"
with a ball. He wrote to ask what
present she would like from Mad
"Ca " -- " rew,"
They met next day as he "dis " --
" missed"
a squad, And "jest " -- " ing " -- " ly"
she told him
then that nothing else would do But
the green eye of the little Yellow God.
On the
\new Staff
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\voiceOne \relative c
\stemDown <bes' c e>4\arpeggio d,\rest
<c' a> d,\rest <g a cis>\arpeggio d\rest
<f a> d\rest \break
\stemUp\slurUp a'2. r4 c^>( a b) r
\stemDown d,2\rest c4( d8 e~
\stemUp e2)( f4) r \break
\stemDown d8 d\rest e d\rest
f d\rest fis d\rest g2. d4\rest
\break d2\rest bes'4( a8 g f2.) d4\rest
\break d8 d\rest e d\rest f d\rest
\stemUp g, \stemDown
d'\rest c g\rest g g\rest c,
g'\rest d'4\rest
\new Voice
\voiceTwo \relative c
\slurDown s1 s \break
\stemDown d4( e f fis g2. r4 \break
s1 f,2. r4 \break
s1 s \break s s
\new Voice
\voiceThree \relative c
\override Stem #'cross-staff = ##t
% extend the stems to reach other other staff
\override Stem #'length = #12
% do not print extra flags
\override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag
s1 s \break s s \break s s
\break s s \break s s \break
s <g' e>2. s4
line-width = 17\cm
\context {
\consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
"\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
c8 c c c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 c8 c
c c c c c c c c c2. c8 c \break
c c c c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 c8 c\break
c c c c c c c c c2. c8 c \break
c c c c c4 c8 c c c c4 c c8 c \break
c c c c c4 c c2. c8 c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\new Voice
\slurUp\stemUp g2( a) bes( d)\break
<g, cis, a>2( a4 bes) <d, bes>2.
d'4\rest \break
g,2( a) bes( f'!) \break
<ees bes ees,>2
\once \set doubleSlurs = ##t
\once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((2 . -0.9) (5 . -2) (14 . -2) (17 . -0.9))
<ees,! g c >4(\( <d' a f! >\))
<f, g bes d>2\arpeggio b\rest\break
d\rest <f bes f'>\pppp d\rest
<e! bes' e!> \break\stemUp
<ees c ees,>4^.^- b\rest
<d! aes d,!>4^.^- b\rest
<des des,>2.^^ b4\rest
\new Voice
\relative c'''
\stemUp\slurDown g,2( \stemDown g)
\shiftOn \once\override NoteColumn
#'force-hshift = #0.25 <g d>1 \break
s2 <fis c!>2 s1 \break
ees1 f \break
s s \break s s \break\slurUp
s aes2\>(_^ g4\!) s \break
\new Voice
\relative c'
ees1 s
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " "\break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " " "\break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0
night "be " -- " fore" the dance Mad
"Ca " -- " rew" seemed
in a trance, And they chaffed him as
they puffed at their "ci " -- " gars," But for
once he failed to smile, And he sat
"a " -- " lone" "a " -- " while," Then went out "in " -- " to" the
night "be " -- " neath" the stars. He "re " -- turned
"be " -- " fore" the dawn With his shirt and
tunic torn. And a gash "a " -- " cross" his
temples dripping red. He was
\new Staff
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\voiceOne \relative c
c'1 g \break
\stemDown e4( ees d2)
\stemUp d8( g f! ees d4) d\rest
\stemDown c'2( f,!) \stemUp bes( a4)
aes \break
\stemDown <c, g'>2 f bes
\stemUp <f, bes,>^> \break
d'\rest \clef "treble" cis''4^>( d)
b2\rest des4^>( c!) \clef "bass"
aes, d,\rest f d\rest e!2.^^ d4\rest
\new Voice
\voiceTwo \relative c
\slurDown s1 s\break
s g2. d4\rest \break
s1 d' \break
s s \break
\new Voice
\voiceThree \relative c
s1 s
line-width = 17\cm
\context {
\consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
"\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
\partial 256 s256
c8 c c c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 c8 c
c4 c c8 c c c c2. c4\break
c8 c c c c c c c c c c4 c s8 c \break
c c c c c c c c c2. s8 c\break
c c c c c4 c c8 c c c c4 c8 c\break
c c c c c c c c c2. c8 c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\relative c'
\new Voice
\once \set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 1/256)
\partial 256 s256 \bar ""
\acciaccatura {c'8} f,4 b\rest c,2~ c bes \break
\phrasingSlurUp ees\( b! <c aes>2.\)
c'8 ( c') \break
\repeat tremolo 16 {
\once \override Beam #'positions = #'(-0.5 . -2.5) c32(\pppp c,) }
\repeat tremolo 16 {\once \override Beam #'positions = #'(-0.5 . -2.5) b'! ( b,) }\break
\repeat tremolo 16 {
\once \override Beam #'gap = 3
\once \override Beam #'positions = #'(-0.5 . -2.5) bes'32( bes,) }
\once \override Beam #'gap = 2
\repeat tremolo 16 {\once \override Beam #'positions = #'(-0.5 . -2.5) <a' f> ( a,) }\break\stemUp\slurUp\once\override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0 \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic { poco. cresc. } } \set crescendoSpanner = #'text
a?2(\< b!) <f' c g f>4
<e c g e> <b! f>\! <c g>\break
<d, c> b'\rest <e, b!>2^> <c g>4 \phrasingSlurDown
c_.\( c_. c_.\)
\new Voice
\relative c'
\partial 256 s256 \bar ""
s1 s \break
g s \break s s \break s s \break
f'1 s \break
s s
\new Voice
\relative c'
\partial 256 s256 \bar ""
s1 s
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " "\break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " "\break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0
patched up right "a " -- " way,"
And he slept all through the day,
And the
{"Colonel" \char ##x2019 "s"
} daughter watched
"be " -- " side" his bed. He woke at
last and
asked if they could send his tunic
through. She brought it and he thanked
her with a nod. He bade her search the
pocket saying \markup
{"“That" \char ##x2019 "s"
} from Mad Ca -- rew,”
And she found the "lit "--" tle" green eye of
the god. She "up _"
\new Staff
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\voiceOne \relative c
\partial 256 s256 \bar ""
\oneVoice R1 <f des> \break\stemUp
\slurUp des \tuplet 3/2 {f8( ees f} ees4)
s d\rest \break\stemDown
d8\rest aes'\( c ees f4 fis\)
g4.^>\( d!8 c b! a! g\)
\oneVoice r8 ges( bes des ees4 ees!)
f4.( c8 f,4 e!) \break\stemUp\slurUp
d'?2.( g,!4) \stemDown <c c,>2
\stemUp\tieUp g4~g \break\stemDown
<a f> d,\rest\stemUp <f g,>2
\stemDown <e c>4 d\rest d2\rest
\new Voice
\voiceTwo \relative c
\partial 256 s256 \bar ""
s1 s \break
ees, aes2. c,4\rest \break
s1 s \break s s \break
d'? s2 d4( e) \break
\new Voice
\voiceThree \relative c
\partial 256 s256 \bar ""
s1 s
line-width = 17\cm
\context {
\consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
![\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
c4 c8 c c4 c8 c c c c4 c c
c8 c c c c4 c8 c c2. c8 c
c4 c8 c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 c8 c
c c c c c c c c c2. c8 c
c c c c c4 c8 c c c c4 c s8 c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\relative c'
\new Voice
{ <c' e, bes>4\arpeggio }
{ s8 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( 3.0 . -1.0) s8\pp }
<e, c>4 \( <f d> <g e>\) <aes f> \oneVoice r \oneVoice r2 \break
\oneVoice r8 c,
des[ bes'] c,[ aes'] bes,[ g']
{<f aes,>4 <c' c,>2.}
{s8. s16\< s8 s4\!\> s8\!}
\phrasingSlurUp <des, g ees'>4\arpeggio <g ees>\ppp\( <f aes>
<g bes>\stemUp <aes c>\) r r2 \break
\phrasingSlurNeutral r8 f[ aes~ <aes e'>] ees'4 des
<c ges>~ <c ges>2. \break\stemDown
<aes des aes'>2\stemUp<bes g!>
<aes ees ees'>
<fes aes d!>
\new Voice
\relative c'
s1 s \break
s4 \stemDown \phrasingSlurDown
des4\( c bes\) s1 \break
s s \break
s2 g'8[ ees] f g s1 \break
s s
\new Voice
\relative c'
s1 s \break
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " "\break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0
braided poor Ca -- rew In the way that women
do, Though both her eyes were strangely
hot and wet; But she \markup
{"wouldn" \char ##x2019 "t"
} take the
stone, and Ca -- rew was left a -- lone
the je -- wel that \markup
{"he" \char ##x2019 "d"
} chanced his life
to get. When the ball was at its height
On that still and tropic night, She
\new Staff
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\voiceOne \relative c
<c c,>4 \stemDown bes'( aes g) f \stemUp c^^(\< \stemDown f\!\>\stemUp f,)\!\break
c4 f' e c
<c f,>2. \oneVoice r4 \break
<ees, ees'> des''\( c bes aes\)
ees\(\< aes\> a,\!\) \break
ees ees'\( b' ees,\) aes\break
ees'_\>\( c bes8 aes\)\! \break
f'4\( fes ees8 d!4 des8\) c2 ces
\new Voice
\voiceTwo \relative c
s1 s \break
s4 \stemDown c2. s1 \break
s s \break
s4 \stemUp ees2. aes s4
\new Voice
\voiceThree \relative c
s1 s
line-width = 17\cm
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
"\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
c8 c c c c4 c8 c c2. c8 c
c c c4 c c8 c c c c4 c c8 c
c4 c c c c c c1. s2. s4 s4 c
c8 c c c c4 c c c c s8 c
c c c c c4 c8 c c2. s8 c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\relative c'
\once\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\new Voice
\once \set doubleSlurs = ##t
<des aes f!>2
\once \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((2 . -1.7) (6 . -2.8) (10 . -2.8) (14.0 . -1.7))
<aes f des~>4(\(\> <bes g des>)\)\!
\tieUp <c~ aes~ c,>2 \stemUp<c aes>8 r8 r4 \break
<g' c>2_\markup{ \dynamic ppp \tiny \italic "(pianiss possibil)" } <d! g> <c e?> <c f> \break
\time 6/4 \phrasingSlurUp e4\( d c\)
\tieDown \once \set doubleSlurs = ##t <a! f~ c>2(^> <b f b,>4)
a\( <dis, c a> <e c g>\) g2. a4 <dis, b> <e bes>
g2. \break
\time 4/4
<c, g e>4^- <aes f des'>2^> <aes! des! f>4^-
\once\override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0 \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic { cresc. poco. } } \set crescendoSpanner = #'text <des e! g>2\< <e g des'>\! \break
<c' ges ees>2 \stemDown <ges! c ges'!> <f' b,! f>1
\new Voice
\relative c'
s1 s \break
e'!2 b! \stemDown a? \stemUp\tieUp
\slurUp\shiftOn \once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #0.7 a4( aes) \break\stemDown
<g e>2. s s2. s4\< s4^\markup{\small\italic crescendo.}_ \markup{ \small\italic accell. }
s4\! s2. r4^\> <f b,!> r\! \break
s32_\markup{ \dynamic ppp \small \italic{
\concat{ "tempo I" \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.9)\super{\column{ O \override #'(baseline-skip . 10) ·}} } } }\break
s32 s16 s8 s2. s1 \break
s1 s2.\> s4\!
\new Voice
\relative c'
s1 s \break
s s2 \stemDown d!
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " \break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " \break
\markup{\small\italic Valsando.}
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " "\break
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ }
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
thought of him and hastened to his room.
As she crossed the barrack square
She could hear the dreamy air
Of a waltz -- tune softly stealing \markup
{"thro" \char ##x2019
} the gloom.
His door was open wide, with silver moonlight shining through; The place was wet and slippy
where she trod; An
\new Staff = "bass"
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\once\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\voiceOne \relative c
bes'2 \oneVoice r8 ees,4 ees,8
aes\( ees' aes c
\change Staff="vocal"\stemDown
ees8\) aes! c ees \break
\change Staff="bass"\stemDown
s1 s \break
g,,4\( gis a\)
\oneVoice r d,( g,!)
\stemUp\slurUp c,( g'2) r4
<f'b>2 r4 a g r g( g,)
<c c,>2.\( <b b,>4\)
<bes, bes'>2.:16 <bes' bes,>4:16
<a! a,!>2.:16 <a a,>4:16
<aes aes,>2^^(\( <g g,>\))
\new Voice
\voiceTwo \relative c
s1 s \break
s s \break
s1. c,2. cis'4\( d g,) c!2( cis4)
d r g,
\new Voice
\voiceThree \relative c
s1 s \break
line-width = 17\cm
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
"\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
c4 c8 c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 c8 c
c4 c8 c c4 c c2. c8 c
c c c4 c c8 c c c c4 s4 c8 c
c4 c c c8 c c2 s4 c8 c c4 c c c8 c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\new Voice
{\stemUp \slurDown
\once \override Slur #'control-points = #'((2 . -0.9) (3.5 . -2) (6.5 . -2) (8 . -1))
\once \override NoteHead #'X-offset = #1.15
aes4( g)
\once \set doubleSlurs = ##t
<b b,>( <c c,>) \slurUp <d, c>(\< <e c>
<f c> <g c,>\!)\break
<gis fis c gis>2^> <a c, fis a,>4^.^-
<c fis,! c>^.^- <c, d>2( <d b>4) g \break
<des g e des'>2^>_\markup{\italic \small
doloroso. } <c e g c>^>
<bes f' bes>^> <aes f' c aes'>^> \break
<g' d b! g>2^> <f b, f>^> <f c>^> <e c>^>
e^> <d c>^>
\new Voice
{ \stemUp\phrasingSlurUp
\override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((2 . 0.5) (3.5 . 1.8) (6.5 . 1.8) (8 . 0.5))
\once \set doubleSlurs = ##t
<f' b,! f>4^^\((<e! c e,!>)\)
s2 s1 \break s s \break s s \break
\new Voice
{ \stemDown
s2 <g, e?>2 s1\break
s s \break s s \break s s s \break
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
ugly knife lay buried in the heart of
Mad \once \override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0 Ca -- rew. \markup{\concat{\char ##x2019 "Twas"}} the \markup{\concat{\char ##x2018 "Vengeance"}} of the Little Yellow \markup{\concat{"God." \char ##x2019 ""}}
\markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a "one " -- " eyed" yellow idol to the north of
Khatmandu, \markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a little marble cross below
the town, \markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a broken -- hearted woman tends the
\new Staff
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\voiceOne \relative c'
<c,, c,>2^> <e e,>2^>
\stemDown <f f,>2.
<ees ees,>4 \break\stemUp
<d d,>2. <d d,>4 \stemDown\tieDown
<g g,>2~ <g g,>4 f4\rest \break
<c' c,>2^> <bes' g c,> <c, c,>^> <f c>
\break <c c,>^> <c d> \stemDown
<c c,> <c e> <f, f,> f\break
\new Voice
\voiceTwo \relative c
\override Stem #'cross-staff = ##t
\override Stem #'length = #16
s1 <aes' d,>4 <aes e> f g\break
s1 <d f!>2~ <d f>4 g\break
s1 s \break
s <f g>2 <e g> <e f aes> <d aes'!>
\new Voice
s1 s \break s s \break s s \break
s s s \break
short-indent = 0\cm
line-width = 17\cm
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
"\relative c''
\new PianoStaff
\new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm
{ \tag #'lyricrhythm
c8 c c c c4 c8 c c4 c8 c8 c4 c c1
c1 c c c
\new Staff = "vocal"
\new Voice
<g g,>1 f4^.^- e8^.^- c^.^- d2 e1^^^\markup{\italic \small
"Piu mosso." }
<e a c e>2^^\fz <d a' c d>^^
e1^^ <e aes b e>2^>_\markup{\italic \small rit.} <d aes' b d>^>
b'4\rest_\markup{\italic \small Lento.} \stemDown <g c e g>2.\ppp\fermata\bar "|."
\new Voice
\stemDown d2_^ c_^ <c f,> c4( b) a2_^( g_^)\break
\new Voice
{ \stemDown
s1 s8 s8_\markup{\italic \small
"molto riten." } s4 s2 s s4^\> s4\!
\break \slurDown
s1 a2(^\> g)\!\break
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
\markup{ \with-color #white ^ } " " " " " "
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
\lyricsto "nowhere"
grave of Mad
\once \override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0
Ca -- rew, And the Yellow God for ever gazes
\new Staff
\clef "bass"
\new Voice
\voiceOne \relative c'
\stemUp <e,, e,>2 e d <g g,> <c, e'>1
\acciaccatura{b'8}c4 c2 c4
g( c2) c4 \acciaccatura{b8}c4 c2 c4
\stemDown <c, c,>_\ppp <g'' c e>2.\fermata\break
\new Voice
s1 s2 \shiftOn \once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.5 f2
g,4( c2) c4\break
f,1 \shiftOn\once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-1.0 <c e'> f s\break
short-indent = 0\cm
line-width = 17\cm
\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1930.
The longest-living author of this work died in 1953, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 71 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse