The Green Pastures (1929)/Part 1/Scene 4
Scene IV
A roadside.
Cain, a husky young Negro, stands over the body of the dead Abel. Both are dressed as laborers. Cain is looking at the body in awe, a rock in his right hand. God enters.
Cain, look what you done to Abel.
Lawd, I was min’in’ my own business and he come monkeyin’ aroun’ wit’ me. I was wukkin’ in de fiel’ an’ he was sittin’ in de shade of de tree. He say “Me, I’d be skeered to git out in dis hot sun. I be ’fraid my brains git cooked. Co’se you ain’t got no brains so you ain’ in no danger.” An’ so I up and flang de rock. If it miss ’im all right, an’ if it hit ’im, all right. Dat’s de way I feel.
All right, but I’m yere to tell you dat’s called a crime. When de new Judge is done talkin’ to you you’ll be draggin’ a ball and chain de rest of yo’ life.
Well, what’d he want to come monkeyin’ aroun’ me fo’ den? I was jest plowin’, min’in’ my own business, and not payin’ him no min’, and yere he come makin’ me de fool. I’d bust anybody what make me de fool.
Well, I ain’t sayin’ you right an’ I ain’t sayin’ you wrong. But I do say was I you I’d jest git myself down de road ’til I was clean out of de county. An’ you better take an’ git married an’ settle down an’ raise some chillun. Dey ain’t nothin’ to make a man fo’git his troubles like raisin’ a family. Now, you better git.
[Cain walks off.]
[God watches him from the forestage and as the lights begin to dim looks off. The Choir begins “Run, Sinner, Run.”
Adam an’ Eve you better try again. You better have Seth an’ a lot mo’ chillun.
[There is darkness. The Choir continues until the lights go up on the next scene.]