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The Green Pastures (1929)/Part 2/Scene 6

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4745160The Green PasturesPart II, Scene 61929Marc Connelly

Scene VI

God is writing at his desk. Outside, past the door, goes Hosea, a dignified old man, with wings like Jacob’s. God, sensing his presence, looks up from the paper he is examining, and follows him out of the corner of his eye. Angrily he resumes his work as soon as Hosea is out of sight. There is a knock on the door.


Who is it?

[Gabriel enters.]


It’s de delegation, Lawd.


[Wearily.] Tell ’em to come in.

[Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses enter.]

Good mo’nin’, gen’lemen.

The Visitors

Good mo’nin’, Lawd.


What kin I do for you?


You know, Lawd. Go back to our people.


[Shaking his head.] Ev’ry day fo hund’ed’s of years you boys have come in to ask dat same thing. De answer is still de same. I repented of de people I made. I said I would deliver dem no more. Good mo’nin’, gen’lemen. [The four visitors rise and exeunt. Gabriel remains.] Gabe, why do dey do it?


I ’spect dey think you gonter change yo’ mind.


[Sadly.] Dey don’ know me. [Hosea again passes the door. His shadow shows on wall. Gabriel is perplexed, as he watches. God again looks surreptitiously over His shoulder at the passing figure.] I don’ like dat, either.


What, Lawd?


Dat man.


He’s jest a prophet, Lawd. Dat’s jest old Hosea. He jest come up the other day.


I know. He’s one of de few dat’s come up yere since I was on de earth last time.


Ain’ been annoyin’ you, has he?


I don’ like him walkin’ past de door.


All you got to do is tell him to stop, Lawd.


Yes, I know. I don’ want to tell him. He’s got a right up yere or he wouldn’ be yere.


You needn’ be bothered by him hangin’ aroun’ de office all de time. I’ll tell im. Who’s he think he—


No, Gabe. I find it ain’t in me to stop him. I sometimes jest wonder why he don’ come in and say hello.


You want him to do dat?

[He moves as if to go to the door.]


He never has spoke to me, and if he don’ wanta come in, I ain’t gonter make him. But dat ain’t de worst of it, Gabriel.


What is, Lawd?


Ev’y time he goes past de door I hears a voice.


One of de angels?


[Shaking his head.] It’s from de earth. It’s a man.


You mean he’s prayin’?


No, he ain’t exactly prayin’. He’s jest talkin’ in such a way dat I got to lissen. His name is Hezdrel.


Is he on de books?


No, not yet. But ev’y time dat Hosea goes past I hear dat voice.


Den tell it to stop.


I find I don’ want to do that, either. Dey’s gettin’ ready to take Jerusalem down dere. Dat was my big fine city. Dis Hezdrel, he’s jest one of de defenders. [Suddenly and passionately, almost wildly.] I ain’t comin’ down. You hear me? I ain’t comin’ down. [He looks at Gabriel.] Go ahead, Gabriel. ’Tend to yo’ chores. I’m gonter keep wukkin’ yere.


I hates to see you feelin’ like dis, Lawd.


Dat’s all right. Even bein’ Gawd ain’t a bed of roses. [Gabriel exits. Hosea’s shadow is on the wall. For a second Hosea hesitates. God looks at the wall. Goes to window.] I hear you. I know yo’ fightin’ bravely, but I ain’t comin’ down. Oh, why don’ you leave me alone? You know you ain’t talkin’ to me. Is you talkin’ to me? I cain’t stand yo’ talkin’ dat way. I kin only hear part of what you’ sayin’, and it puzzles me. Don’ you know you cain’t puzzle God? [A pause. Then tenderly.] Do you want me to come down dere ve’y much? You know I said I wouldn’t come down? [Fiercely.] Why don’ he answer me a little? [With clenched fists, looks down through the window.] Listen! I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I ain’t goin’ to promise you anythin’, and I ain’t goin’ to do nothin’ to help you. I’m jest feelin’ a little low, an’ I’m only comin’ down to make myself feel a little better, dat’s all.

[The stage is darkened. Choir begins “A Blind Man Stood In De Middle of De Road,” and continues until the lights go up on the next scene.]