The Hero in History/Index
- Abraham, R., 14
- Accident, Chap. VIII. passim
- Adams, J. C., 30
- Æschylus, 27
- Ajax, 68
- Alexander, 49, 50, 59, 62, 107
- Alexander, Czar, 56
- Alexandra Feodorovna, 80
- Alternatives in history, 13, 82
- Anarchisis Cloots, 115
- Anti-Semitism, 55
- Antonines, 113, 114
- Antony, Mark, 123
- Aquinas, 2
- Aristides, 49
- Aristotle, 29, 107
- Arnold, Benedict, 94
- Assumptions of determinism, 51 ff.
- Ataturk, 41
- Augustine, 40, 61, 101
- Aurelius, Marcus, 113
- Babbitt, Irving, 135
- Bach, J. S., 28, 33
- Bacon, F., 107
- Baldwin, S., 11
- Balzac, H. de, 27, 33
- Basle Congress, 20
- Bauer, Otto, 155
- Beccaria, 127
- Beethoven, 28, 31
- Belisarius, 115
- Belloc, H., 86, 89
- Bentley, A., 166, 170
- Berkeley, G., 29
- Berkman, Alexander, 155
- Berlioz, 28
- Bernstein, Martin, 28
- Berthier, 73
- Bismarck, 38, 93, 154
- Blum, Léon, 117
- Bolshevik Party, doctrines of, Chap. X. passim
- Booth, 79
- Bossuet, 61
- Breasted, J., 91
- Bruening, 117
- Buckle, H. T., 48, 52
- Buddha, 32
- Bukharin, 58
- Burckhardt, Jacob, 78
- Buturlin, 64, 68, 69
- Cæsar, 12, 49, 50, 59, 60, 61, 107, 123, 170
- Caligula, 114
- Calvin, 17, 32
- Cantor, 31
- Carlyle, T., 18, 36, 46, 48, 75, 76
- Catherine II., 123 ff.
- Cattell, J. McKeen, 107
- Cézanne, 28
- Chamberlain, H. S., 55
- Chamberlain, Neville, 119
- Chamberlain, W. H., 146
- Chance in history, Chap. VIII. passim
- Charles I., 44, 45, 80
- Charles IX., 66
- Chernov, 105, 139
- Chesterton, G. K., 86
- Christ, 32
- Christianity, 109 ff.
- Churchill, W., 86, 91 ff.
- Class interests and heroes, 116 ff.
- Clemenceau, 95
- Cleopatra, 123 ff.
- Clerk-Maxwell, 31
- Cochrane, C. N., 110
- Cohen, M. R., 84, 100
- Columbus, C., 77, 78
- Committee of Public Safety, 114
- Commodus, 113, 114
- Communist International, Chap. X. passim
- co-operation with Fascists, 133
- purpose, 130
- zigzag line, 132 ff.
- Confucius, 32
- Constantine, 109 ff.
- Contingency, Chap. VIII. passim
- Coolidge, C., 114
- Copernicus, 31
- Corregio, 28
- Correlations between monarchs and conditions, Chap. III. passim
- Council of Nicea, 116
- Cournot, 69, 100
- Crébillon, 67
- Cromwell, O., 12, 59, 60, 61, 119, 154
- Cunning of reason, 48 ff.
- Daladier, 120
- Dante, 27
- Danton, 115
- Darwin, 18, 30
- David, 28
- Debussy, 28
- Demetrius, 39
- Democracy
- heroes in, 159
- criticism of, 164
- theory of, 157
- Denikin, 146, 153
- Descartes, 29
- Determinism, social, Chaps. IV., V.
- Dewey, John, 76, 162, 170
- Dickens, 27
- Diderot, 67
- Diehl, C., 125
- Diocletian, 103
- Disraeli, 43
- Dollfuss, 134
- Domitian, 113
- Dostoevski, 27
- Drouet’s cart, 88
- Edison, 34
- Edward VIII., 16, 77
- Einstein, 26, 31
- Elizabeth, Empress, 64
- Engels, 17, 58, 59, 60 ff., 154
- Ethelbert, 116
- Euripides, 27
- van Eyck, 28
- Faraday, 31
- Fascism, 33, 122
- February Russian Revolution, Chap. X. passim
- Ferrero, 124
- Feuerbach, 23
- Fisher, H. A. L., 86, 91, Chap. VIII. passim
- Ford, 34
- Fourier, 31
- Frankenstein monster, 54
- Frederick II., 16, 52, 64, 69, 126
- French Terror, 115
- Freud, 69
- Fulton, Robert, 89
- Galileo, 31
- Gametic interpretation of history, Chap. III. passim
- Garner, J. N., 88
- George III., 43
- Gettysburg, 91
- Gibbon, E., 45, 109 ff'.
- Gibbs, 31
- Giotto, 28
- Gladstone, 43
- Gluck, 28
- Goethe, 23, 27, 107
- Goldman, Emma, 155
- Gould, 15
- Greer, D., 115
- Guedella, P., 86
- Guizot, 63
- Haer, C., 108
- Haggin, B. H., 28
- Harding, W., 114
- Hausset, Madame de, 67
- Haydn, 28
- Hegel, 29, 40, Chap. IV. passim, 58, 61, 101
- Heroes
- in a democracy, Chap. XI.
- of art, 28
- of history, passim
- of literature, 27
- of music, 28
- of philosophy, 29
- of science, 31
- Hertz, H., 31
- Hindemith, 28
- Hindenburg, 83, 108, 136
- Hitler, 12, 19, 23, 34, 41, 55, 56, 136 ff.
- Holmes, O. W., 162
- Hoover, H., 11, 88, 117
- Hotzsch, O., 127
- Hugenberg, A., 136
- Hume, D., 29
- Huntington, 69
- Huygens, 31
- Ideals, regulative, 163
- If question, Chap. VII. passim
- Inevitability, alleged, 17, Chap. X. passim
- Ingersoll, Robert, 34
- James, William, 18, 19, 54, 55, 62
- Jefferson, Thomas, 111 ff., 162, 175
- Joan of Arc, 68
- John, King, 39
- Johnson, Andrew, 79
- Joseph II., 39
- Joyce, J., 27
- Julian, Emperor, 110
- July Days in Russia, 142
- Justinian, 115 ff., 125
- Kamenev, L., 143, 144
- Kant, 29, 33
- Kautsky, K., 58, 63, 154
- Kepler, 31
- Kerensky, 82, 105, 117, 140 ff.
- Kolchak, 146, 153
- Kornilov, 146, 148
- Lagrange, 31
- Lamont, T. W., 135
- Lamprecht, 63
- Laplace, 31
- Laws in history, Chap. XII. passim
- Leadership, indispensability of, 11
- Lee, R. H., 86, 91
- Leibnitz, 29, 30
- Lenin, Nicolai, 17, 19, 41, 58, 63, Chap. X. passim
- Leverrier, 30
- Liebknecht, Karl, 144
- Limitations of heroic action, Chap. VIII. passim
- Lincoln, 79, 111
- Liszt, 28
- Literacy as a weapon, 15
- Lloyd George, 133
- Locke, 29
- Long, Huey, 88
- Louis XIII., 38
- Louis XIV., 43
- Louis XV., 43, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70
- Louis XVI., 43, 80, 81, 89, 114
- Louis XVIII., 68, 73
- Louisiana Purchase, 112
- Lucretius, 29
- Ludendorff, 141
- Lueger, 55
- Lunacharsky, 155
- Luther, 17, 32, 107
- Luxemburg, Rosa, 144
- Magellan, 78
- Mani, 32
- Marathon, Battle of, 90
- consequence of, 91
- Maria Theresa, 64
- Marie Antoinette, 80
- Marx, Karl, 17, Chap. V. passim, 66, 126
- Marxism, Chap. V. passim
- Masacclo, 28
- McDougall, 69
- Metaxas, 41
- Meyer, E., 90, 91
- Michelangelo, 28
- Michelet, 45
- Michels, R., 164
- Mignet, 63
- Miliukov, 140
- Milton, 27
- Mirabeau, 64
- Mohammed, 32, 107
- Mommsen, 45
- Monarchs, influence of, Chap. III.
- Monet, 28
- Monod, 63
- Montaigne, 12
- Montesquieu, 67, 127
- Moral responsibility, 105
- Morgan, J. P., 15
- Morrow, Glenn, 166
- Mosca, G., 164 ff.
- Moussourgsky, 28
- Mozart, 28
- Munich Pact, 119
- Muranov, 143
- Murat, 73
- Mussolini, 12, 19, 41, 105, 132, 161
- Napoleon 12, 26, 34, 41, 45, 47, 49, 50, 52, 56, 59, 64, 72, 73, 74, 76, 98, 107, 114, 154
- Necessity in history, Chap. XII. passim
- Nelson, 19
- Nero, 114
- New Deal, 88
- Newton, 30, 31, 33, 76
- Nicholas II., 80, 81, 148
- Nicholson, H., 86
- Nomad, Max, 166
- Octavia, 123
- Octavian, 123
- October Russian Revolution, Chap. X. passim
- Ogburn, W. F., 52
- Oman, C., 90
- Papacy, 172
- von Papen, 117
- Pascal, 123
- Pareto, V., 164 ff.
- Paul, 95
- Perspective in history, 98
- Peter the Great, 16, 59
- Picasso, P., 28
- Planck, 31
- Plato, 24, 29, 107
- Plechanov, Chap. V. passim
- Plotinus, 29
- Plutarch, 123
- Poincaré, Henri, 156
- Pompadour, Madame de, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 123
- Pompey, 123
- Possibility in history, Chap. IX. passim
- Poussin, N., 28
- Proust, M., 27
- Provisional Russian government, Chap. IX. passim
- Quesnay, 67
- Raphael, 28, 31, 33, 96
- Reason in history, 48 ff.
- Reichenbach, H., 104
- Renouvier, C., 95
- Richelieu, 38
- Robespierre, 64, 114, 115
- Robinson, J. H., 14
- Rockefeller, 15
- Romulus, 14
- Roosevelt, F. D., 85, 88, 104
- Rubens, 28
- Saint-Beuve, 13, 63
- St. Just, 114
- Santayana, 22, 95
- Schapiro, Meyer, 28
- Schleicher, 117
- Schoenberg, 28
- Schuschnigg, 134
- Shakespeare, 26, 27, 33, 62, 107
- Siéyès, Abbé, 65
- Slogans, 153
- Smith, Alfred, 88
- Social Revolutionary Party, 139
- Socialism in one country, 130 ff.
- Socialist theory, Chap. X. passim
- Socrates, 29, 49
- Sophocles, 27
- Sorokin, P., 168
- Soubise, 64, 65
- Soviet–Nazi Pact, 137
- Spencer, H., Chap. IV. passim, 58, 61, 150
- Spengler, O., 48, 49, 90, 168
- Spinoza, 29
- Squire, J. C., 86
- Stalin, J., 12, 17, Chap. X. passim
- confession of, 168
- Stocker, 55
- Strauss, 28
- Sulla, 103
- Suvorov, 64, 68, 69
- Taine, 45, 48
- Talleyrand, 67
- Tarde, 69
- Theodora, 116, 124 ff.
- Thierry, 63
- Thyssen, 136
- Titian, 28
- Tolstoy, A., 23, 27, 101, 174
- Tourtoulon, 84
- Toynbee, A., 99, 168
- Tree of history, 96
- Trotsky, 17, 41, 58, 59, 80 ff., Chap. X. passim
- Uneventful periods, 113
- Van Gogh, 28
- Van Loon, H., 86
- Velasquez, 28
- Vespucci, 77, 78
- Vico, G., 99
- Victoria, Queen, 43
- Virgil, 27
- Voltaire, 67, 107
- Wagner, 28
- Wallace, 30
- Watteau, 28
- Weber, Max, 90
- Wells, H. G., 34
- Whitman, W., 162
- William III., 41
- Willkie, W., 85
- Wilhelm I., 38
- Wilson, W., 79
- Women in history, 122 ff.
- Wood, F. A., Chap. III. passim, 41
- World War, 20, 33
- Zinoviev, G., 144
- Zoroaster, 32