The Hesperides & Noble Numbers/Appendix of Epigrams
Chapters (not listed in original)
5. (To His Book.) Another
6. To the Sour Reader
41. The Vine
64. Once Poor, Still Penurious
99. Upon Blanch
109. Upon Cuffe. Epig
110. Upon Fone a Schoolmaster. Epig
126. Upon Scobble. Epig
129. Upon Glasco. Epig
131. The Custard
135. Upon Gryll
148. Upon Strut
163. Upon Jolly's Wife
171. Upon Pagget
183. Upon Prig
184. Upon Batt
188. Upon Much-more. Epig
199. Upon Luggs. Epig
200. Upon Gubbs. Epig
206. Upon Bunce. Epig
221. Great Boast Small Roast
222. Upon a Blear-ey'd Woman
233. No Lock Against Letchery
237. Upon Sudds, a Laundress
239. Upon Guess. Epig
242. Upon a Crooked Maid
261. Upon Groynes. Epig
272. Upon Pink, an Ill-fac'd Painter. Epig
273. Upon Brock. Epig
277. Laugh and Lie Down
292. Upon Shark. Epig
305. Upon Bungy
311. Upon Sneape. Epig
315. Upon Leech
317. To a Maid
326. Upon Greedy. Epig
357. Long and Lazy
358. Upon Ralph. Epig
361. Upon Mease. Epig
363. Upon Paske, a Draper
368. Upon Prigg
369. Upon Moon
372. Upon Shift
373. Upon Cuts
374. Gain and Gettings
379. Upon Doll. Epig
380. Upon Skrew. Epig
381. Upon Linnet. Epig
385. Upon Glass. Epig
398. Upon Eeles. Epig
400. Upon Rasp. Epig
401. Upon Center, a Spectacle-maker With a Flat Nose
410. Upon Skinns. Epig
411. Upon Pievish. Epig
412. Upon Jolly and Jilly. Epig
419. Upon Patrick, a Footman. Epig
420. Upon Bridget. Epig
424. Upon Flimsey. Epig
425. Upon Shewbread. Epig
428. Upon Roots. Epig
429. Upon Craw
430. Observation
433. Putrefaction
434. Passion
435. Jack and Jill
436. Upon Parson Beanes
438. Short and Long Both Likes
440. Upon Rook. Epig
456. Upon Spunge. Epig
464. Upon One Who Said She Was Always Young
465. Upon Huncks. Epig
476. Upon a Cheap Laundress. Epig
482. Upon Skurf
500. Upon Jack and Jill. Epig
503. Upon Parrat
514. Kissing and Bussing
520. Upon Maggot, a Frequenter of Ordinaries
533. On Joan
534. Upon Letcher. Epig
535. Upon Dundrige
553. Way in a Crowd
557. Upon One-ey'd Broomsted. Epig
563. Upon Sibilla
570. Upon Tooly
573. Upon Blanch. Epig
574. Upon Umber
579. Upon Urles
580. Upon Franck
590. Upon a Free Maid, With a Foul Breath
591. Upon Coone. Epig
596. Upon Spalt
597. Of Horne, a Combmaker
600. Upon a Sour-breath Lady. Epig
612. Upon Cock
632. Upon Bran. Epig
633. Upon Snare, an Usurer
634. Upon Grudgings
638. Upon Gander. Epig
639. Upon Lungs. Epig
650. Upon Cob. Epig
652. Upon Skoles. Epig
661. Upon Jone and Jane
668. Upon Zelot
670. Upon Madam Ursly. Epig
705. Upon Trigg. Epig
706. Upon Smeaton
714. Laxare Fibulam
730. Upon Franck
733. Upon Paul. Epig
734. Upon Sibb. Epig
755. Upon Slouch
797. Upon Bice
798. Upon Trencherman
801. Upon Comely, a Good Speaker but an Ill Singer. Epig
802. Any Way for Wealth
803. Upon an Old Woman
804. Upon Pearch. Epig
818. Upon Loach
824. Upon Nodes
831. Upon Tap
834. Upon Punchin. Epig
836. Upon Blinks. Epig
837. Upon Adam Peapes. Epig
844. Hanch, a Schoolmaster. Epig
845. Upon Peason. Epig
880. Kisses Loathsome
881. Upon Reape
882. Upon Teage
884. Upon Truggin
886. Upon Spenke
888. Upon Lulls
897. Surfeits
898. Upon Nis
905. Upon Prickles. Epig
945. Upon Blisse
946. Upon Burr
947. Upon Meg
961. Upon Ralph
966. Upon Vinegar
967. Upon Mudge
971. Upon Lupes
972. Rags
974. Upon Tubbs
984. Upon Spokes
988. Upon Faunus
989. The Quintell
999. Upon Penny
1013. Upon Buggins
1027. Upon Boreman. Epig
1068. Upon Gorgonius
1079. Upon Grubs
1080. Upon Doll
1081. Upon Hog
1087. Upon Gut
1101. Upon Spur
1108. Upon Rump
1109. Upon Shopter
1110. Upon Deb
1112. Upon Croot
1114. Upon Flood or a Thankful Man
1115. Upon Pimp
1116. Upon Lusk
1117. Foolishness
1118. Upon Rush
1124. The Hag
Notes to Appendix
Index of First Lines