The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian/Book XI/Chapter VII
Chapter VII
[edit]- Hiero king of Sicily prepares to besiege Agrigentum; discovers the treason of them of Himera to Theron their prince. Expels the Cataneans and Naxians.
WHEN Phedon was Archon of Athens, the seventy-sixth olympiad was performed, in which Scamander of Mitylene was victor; the consuls of Rome were Cæsio Fabius and Spur. Furius Medullinus. About this time died Leotychides king of Sparta, in the twenty-second year of his reign, to whom succeeded Archilaus, who reigned forty-two years. At the same time died Anaxilaus king of Rhegium and Zanele, after he had governed eighteen years, and Micychus (a faithful trustee) was admitted into the government, upon condition that he should restore all to the children of the deceased king when they came of age.
Hiero king of Syracuse, after the death of Gelon, had a jealous eye towards his brother Polyzelus, because of his great interest and esteem among the people; and therefore contrived how to take him out of the way; to which end, he employs all mercenaries and strangers about him for his guard, judging that to be the surest way for the keeping possession of the kingdom.
And when the Sybarites[1] were besieged by the Crotonites,[2] and desired assistance from him, he raised a great army, and committed the charge of the war to Polyzelus, with the purpose that he might fall in the battle. But Polyzelus suspecting the design, refused the command; at which the king fell into a great rage against his brother, who fled to Theron king of Agrigentum; whereupon Hiero speedily made all preparations to besiege them both.
In the meantime Thrasideus the son of Theron being governor of Himera, by his harsh and severe government quite lost the hearts of the people. But they not daring to complain to his father, (not looking upon him as an impartial judge), sent ambassadors to Hiero, with great accusations against Thrasideus, and offered both to deliver up their city, and to assist him against Theron. But Hiero (judging it better for his purpose to deal with Theron in a calm and peacable manner) secretly betrays the Himerians and their plots against him. All things being made apparent and plain, Theron is not only reconciled to Hiero, but likewise restores Polyzelus to his brother's former love and favour, and puts to death many of the traitors of Himera.
About the same time Hiero expelled the Cataneans and Naxians from their own country, and planted the cities with new colonies of five thousand men out of Peloponnesus, and as many from Syracuse, and called Catana, Ætna; and distributed not only the country of Catana, but many large tracts adjoining, by lot amongst the citizens, which were ten thousand. And this he did both to have succours at hand upon any pressing occasion, and likewise that he might be honoured after his death as the founder of so great a city, wherein were contained ten thousand inhabitants. The Cataneans and Naxians he transplanted into the city of the Leontines, commanding them to abide there in common freedom with the rest of the inhabitants.
Theron in like manner considering how Himera was in a great measure depopulated, planted the Dorians there, and ordered that whosoever would, should be enrolled citizens of that place. These governed the commonwealth with great commendation for the space of fifty-eight years: not long after which time, the Carthaginians razed the city to the ground, which hath continued ruined and in its rubbish to this day.