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The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian/Book XI/Chapter X

From Wikisource

Chapter X

The war between the Tarrentines and the Japygians.

MENON being the archon of Athens, and L. Æmilius Mamercus and C. Cornelius Lentulus consuls of Rome, a war broke out between the Tarrentines and the Japyges, concerning the limits of their lands. At the first there were but little skirmishes, and taking booties one from another: but the enmity increasing by degrees, and in the mean time slaughters being committed far and near on both sides, at length it broke out into open war. The Japyges (of their citizens and confederates) bring into the field about twenty thousand men. The Tarrentines understanding the great preparation made against them, both with their own citizens and confederates of Rhegium, likewise take the field. A bloody battle was fought, and after many killed on both sides, the Japyges became absolute victors; and in the pursuit, the Tarrentines were scattered, and broken into two parties, whereof one fled back to Tarrentum, the other was furiously driven towards Rhegium. The Japyges likewise divided themselves into two parties, one of which pursued close upon the back of the Tarrentines; and in regard the distance of the place was but very small, there was a very great slaughter made. The other party so hotly pursued them of Rhegium, that they fell in pell-mell with them into the city, and so took it and possessed it.