The History of England from the Accession of James II
For works with similar titles, see History of England.
PAGE. | |
Introduction | 13 |
Britain under the Romans | 15 |
Britain under the Saxons | 16 |
Conversion of the Saxons to Christianity | 17 |
Danish Invasions; The Normans | 20 |
The Norman Conquest | 23 |
Separation of England and Normandy | 25 |
Amalgamation of Races | 26 |
English Conquests on the Continent | 28 |
Wars of the Roses | 30 |
Extinction of Villenage | 31 |
Beneficial Operation of the Roman Catholic Religion | 32 |
The early English Polity often misrepresented, and why? | 34 |
Nature of the Limited Monarchies of the Middle Ages | 36 |
Prerogatives of the early English Kings | 37 |
Limitations of the Prerogative | 38 |
Resistance an ordinary Check on Tyranny in the Middle Ages | 42 |
Peculiar Character of the English Aristocracy | 45 |
Government of the Tudors | 46 |
Limited Monarchies of the Middle Ages generally turned into Absolute Monarchies | 49 |
The English Monarchy a singular Exception | 50 |
The Reformation and its Effects | 51 |
Origin of the Church of England | 55 |
Her peculiar Character | 57 |
Relation in which she stood to the Crown | 59 |
The Puritans | 63 |
Their Republican Spirit | 65 |
No systematic parliamentary Opposition offered to the Government of Elizabeth | 66 |
Question of the Monopolies | 67 |
Scotland and Ireland become Parts of the same Empire with England | 68 |
Diminution of the Importance of England after the Accession of James I. | 72 |
Doctrine of Divine Right | 73 |
The Separation between the Church and the Puritans becomes wider | 77 |
Accession and Character of Charles I. | 85 |
Tactics of the Opposition in the House of Commons | 86 |
Petition of Right | 87 |
Petition of Right violated; Character and Designs of Wentworth | 88 |
Character of Laud | 89 |
Star Chamber and High Commission | 90 |
Ship-Money | 91 |
Resistance to the Liturgy in Scotland | 94 |
A Parliament called and dissolved | 95 |
The Long Parliament | 97 |
First Appearance of the Two great English Parties | 98 |
The Remonstrance | 105 |
Impeachment of the Five Members | 107 |
Departure of Charles from London | 108 |
Commencement of the Civil War | 111 |
Successes of the Royalists | 112 |
Rise of the Independents | 114 |
Oliver Cromwell | 115 |
Selfdenying Ordinance; Victory of the Parliament | 116 |
Domination and Character of the Army | 117 |
Rising against the Military Government suppressed | 120 |
Proceedings against the King | 121 |
His Execution | 124 |
Subjugation of Ireland and Scotland | 126 |
Expulsion of the Long Parliament | 127 |
The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell | 130 |
Oliver succeeded by Richard | 135 |
Fall of Richard and Revival of the Long Parliament | 137 |
Second Expulsion of the Long Parliament | 138 |
The Army of Scotland marches into England | 139 |
Monk declares for a Free Parliament | 141 |
General Election of 1660 | 142 |
The Restoration | 143 |
Conduct of those who restored the House of Stuart unjustly censured | 145 |
Abolition of Tenures by Knight Service; Disbandment of the Army | 147 |
Disputes between the Roundheads and Cavaliers renewed | 148 |
Religious Dissension | 150 |
Unpopularity of the Puritans | 153 |
Character of Charles II. | 159 |
Character of the Duke of York and Earl of Clarendon | 162 |
General Election of 1661 | 165 |
Violence of the Cavaliers in the new Parliament | 166 |
Persecution of the Puritans | 167 |
Zeal of the Church for Hereditary Monarchy | 168 |
Change in the Morals of the Community | 169 |
Profligacy of Politicians | 171 |
State of Scotland | 173 |
State of Ireland | 176 |
The Government become unpopular in England | 177 |
War with the Dutch | 180 |
Opposition in the House of Commons | 181 |
Fall of Clarendon | 182 |
State of European Politics, and Ascendency of France | 185 |
Character of Lewis XIV. | 187 |
The Triple Alliance | 189 |
The Country Party | 190 |
Connection between Charles II. and France | 191 |
Views of Lewis with respect to England | 194 |
Treaty of Dover | 196 |
Nature of the English Cabinet | 197 |
The Cabal | 198 |
Shutting of the Exchequer | 201 |
War with the United Provinces, and their extreme Danger | 202 |
William, Prince of Orange | 203 |
Meeting of the Parliament; Declaration of Indulgence | 205 |
It is cancelled, and the Test Act passed | 207 |
The Cabal dissolved | 208 |
Peace with the United Provinces; Administration of Danby | 209 |
Embarrassing Situation of the Country Party | 211 |
Dealings of that Party with the French Embassy | 213 |
Peace of Nimeguen | 213 |
Violent Discontents in England | 214 |
Fall of Danby; the Popish Plot | 216 |
Violence of the new House of Commons | 221 |
Temple's Plan of Government | 223 |
Character of Halifax | 225 |
Character of Sunderland | 228 |
Prorogation of the Parliament; Habeas Corpus Act; Second General Election of 1679 | 230 |
Popularity of Monmouth | 231 |
Lawrence Hyde | 235 |
Sidney Godolphin | 236 |
Violence of Factions on the Subject of the Exclusion Bill | 237 |
Names of Whig and Tory | 238 |
Meeting of Parliament; The Exclusion Bill passes the Commons; Exclusion Bill rejected by the Lords | 239 |
Execution of Stafford; General Election of 1681 | 240 |
Parliament held at Oxford, and dissolved | 241 |
Tory Reaction | 242 |
Persecution of the Whigs | 244 |
Charter of the City confiscated; Whig Conspiracies | 245 |
Detection of the Whig Conspiracies | 247 |
Severity of the Government; Seizure of Charters | 248 |
Influence of the Duke of York | 250 |
He is opposed by Halifax | 251 |
Lord Guildford | 252 |
Policy of Lewis | 254 |
State of Factions in the Court of Charles at the time of his Death | 256 |
Great Change in the State of England since 1685 | 257 |
Population of England in 1655 | 259 |
Increase of Population greater in the North than in the South | 261 |
Revenue in 1685 | 264 |
Military System | 266 |
The Navy | 273 |
The Ordnance | 280 |
Noneffective Charge; Charge of Civil Government | 281 |
Great Gains of Ministers and Courtiers | 282 |
State of Agriculture | 285 |
Mineral Wealth of the Country | 289 |
Increase of Rent | 291 |
The Country Gentlemen | 292 |
The Clergy | 296 |
The Yeomanry; Growth of the Towns; Bristol | 306 |
Norwich | 308 |
Other Country Towns | 309 |
Manchester; Leeds; Sheffield | 311 |
Birmingham | 313 |
Liverpool | 314 |
Watering-places; Cheltenham; Brighton; Buxton; Tunbridge Wells | 315 |
Bath | 316 |
London | 318 |
The City | 320 |
Fashionable Part of the Capital | 324 |
Police of London | 329 |
Lighting of London | 330 |
Whitefriars; The Court | 331 |
The Coffee Houses | 334 |
Difficulty of Travelling | 338 |
Badness of the Roads | 339 |
Stage Coaches | 343 |
Highwaymen | 346 |
Inns | 349 |
Post Office | 350 |
Newspapers | 352 |
News-letters | 354 |
The Observator | 356 |
Scarcity of Books in Country Places; Female Education | 357 |
Literary Attainments of Gentlemen | 359 |
Influence of French Literature | 360 |
Immorality of the Polite Literature of England | 361 |
State of Science in England | 368 |
State of the Fine Arts | 373 |
State of the Common People; Agricultural Wages | 376 |
Wages of Manufacturers | 378 |
Labour of Children in Factories | 379 |
Wages of different Classes of Artisans | 380 |
Number of Paupers | 381 |
Benefits derived by the Common People from the Progress of Civilisation | 382 |
Delusion which leads Men to overrate the Happiness of preceding Generations | 385 |
Death of Charles II. | 387 |
Suspicions of Poison | 398 |
Speech of James II. to the Privy Council | 400 |
James proclaimed | 401 |
State of the Administration | 402 |
New Arrangements | 404 |
Sir George Jeffreys | 406 |
The Revenue collected without an Act of Parliament | 410 |
A Parliament called | 411 |
Transactions between James and the French King | 412 |
Churchill sent Ambassador to France; His History | 415 |
Feelings of the Continental Governments towards England | 418 |
Policy of the Court of Rome | 420 |
Struggle in the Mind of James; Fluctuations in his Policy | 423 |
Public Celebration of the Roman Catholic Rites in the Palace | 425 |
His Coronation | 427 |
Enthusiasm of the Tories; Addresses | 430 |
The Elections | 431 |
Proceedings against Oates | 435 |
Proceedings against Dangerfield | 440 |
Proceedings against Baxter | 442 |
Meeting of the Parliament of Scotland | 446 |
Feeling of James towards the Puritans | 447 |
Cruel Treatment of the Scotch Covenanters | 449 |
Feeling of James towards the Quakers | 453 |
William Penn | 455 |
Peculiar Favour shown to Roman Catholics and Quakers | 458 |
Meeting of the English Parliament; Trevor chosen Speaker; Character of Seymour | 461 |
The King's Speech to the Parliament | 463 |
Debate in the Commons; Speech of Seymour | 464 |
The Revenue voted; Proceedings of the Commons concerning Religion | 465 |
Additional Taxes voted; Sir Dudley North | 467 |
Proceedings of the Lords | 469 |
Bill for reversing the Attainder of Stafford | 470 |
Whig Refugees on the Continent | 472 |
Their Correspondents in England | 473 |
Characters of the leading Refugees; Ayloffe; Wade | 474 |
Goodenough; Rumbold | 475 |
Lord Grey | 476 |
Monmouth | 477 |
Ferguson | 478 |
Scotch Refugees; Earl of Argyle | 483 |
Sir Patrick Hume; Sir John Cochrane; Fletcher of Saltoun | 486 |
Unreasonable Conduct of the Scotch Refugees | 487 |
Arrangement for an Attempt on England and Scotland | 488 |
John Locke | 490 |
Preparations made by Government for the Defence of Scotland | 491 |
Conversation of James with the Dutch Ambassadors; Ineffectual Attempts to prevent Argyle from sailing | 492 |
Departure of Argyle from Holland; He lands in Scotland | 495 |
His Disputes with his Followers | 496 |
Temper of the Scotch Nation | 498 |
Argyle's Forces dispersed | 501 |
Argyle a Prisoner | 502 |
His Execution | 507 |
Execution of Rumbold | 508 |
Death of Ayloffe | 510 |
Devastation of Argyleshire | 511 |
Ineffectual Attempts to prevent Monmouth from leaving Holland | 512 |
His Arrival at Lyme | 514 |
His Declaration | 515 |
His Popularity in the West of England | 516 |
Encounter of the Rebels with the Militia at Bridport | 518 |
Encounter of the Rebels with the Militia at Axminster; News of the Rebellion carried to London; Loyalty of the Parliament | 520 |
Reception of Monmouth at Taunton | 524 |
He takes the Title of King | 527 |
His Reception at Bridgewater | 531 |
Preparations of the Government to oppose him | 532 |
His Design on Bristol | 535 |
He relinquishes that Design | 536 |
Skirmish at Philip's Norton; Despondence of Monmouth | 538 |
He returns to Bridgewater; The Royal Army encamps at Sedgemoor | 540 |
Battle of Sedgemoor | 544 |
Pursuit of the Rebels | 550 |
Military Executions; Flight of Monmouth | 551 |
His Capture | 553 |
His Letter to the King; He is carried to London | 555 |
His Interview with the King | 556 |
His Execution | 560 |
His Memory cherished by the Common People | 563 |
Cruelties of the Soldiers in the West; Kirke | 566 |
Jeffreys sets out on the Western Circuit | 571 |
Trial of Alice Lisle | 572 |
The Bloody Assizes | 576 |
Abraham Holmes | 579 |
Christopher Battiscombe; The Hewlings | 580 |
Punishment of Tutchin | 581 |
Rebels Transported | 582 |
Confiscation and Extortion | 583 |
Rapacity of the Queen and her Ladies | 585 |
Grey; Cochrane; Storey | 591 |
Wade, Goodenough, and Ferguson | 591 |
Jeffreys made Lord Chancellor | 593 |
Trial and Execution of Cornish | 594 |
Trials and Executions of Fernley and Elizabeth Gaunt | 596 |
Trial and Execution of Bateman | 598 |
Persecution of the Protestant Dissenters | 599 |
PAGE. | |
The Power of James at the height | 13 |
His Foreign Policy | 14 |
His Plans of Domestic Government; The Habeas Corpus Act; The Standing Army | 15 |
Designs in favour of the Roman Catholic Religion | 17 |
Violation of the Test Act; Disgrace of Halifax | 22 |
General Discontent | 23 |
Persecution of the French Huguenots | 24 |
Effect of that Persecution in England | 27 |
Meeting of Parliament; Speech of the King | 27 |
An Opposition formed in the House of Commons | 28 |
Sentiments of Foreign Governments | 30 |
Committee of the Commons on the King's Speech | 31 |
Defeat of the Government | 35 |
Second Defeat of the Government; The King reprimands the Commons; Coke committed by the Commons for Disrespect to the King | 37 |
Opposition to the Government in the Lords; The Earl of Devonshire | 39 |
The Bishop of London; Viscount Mordaunt | 40 |
Prorogation; Trials of Lord Gerard and of Hampden | 43 |
Trial of Delamere | 45 |
Effect of his Acquittal | 47 |
Parties in the Court; Feeling of the Protestant Tories | 48 |
Publication of Papers found in the Strong Box of Charles II. | 50 |
Feeling of the respectable Roman Catholics | 51 |
Cabal of violent Roman Catholics; Castelmaine; Jermyn; White; Tyrconnel | 53 |
Feeling of the Ministers of Foreign Governments | 56 |
The Pope and the Order of Jesus opposed to each other; The Order of Jesus | 58 |
Father Petre; The King's Temper and Opinions | 65 |
The King encouraged in bis errors by Sunderland | 67 |
Perfidy of Jeffreys; Godolphin; The Queen | 70 |
Amours of the King; Catherine Sedley | 71 |
Intrigues of Rochester in favour of Catherine Sedley | 73 |
Decline of Rochester's Influence | 76 |
Castelmaine sent to Rome; The Huguenots ill-treated by James | 79 |
The Dispensing Power | 82 |
Dismission of refractory Judges | 83 |
Case of Sir Edward Hales | 85 |
Roman Catholics authorised to hold Ecclesiastical Benefices; Sclater | 86 |
Walker | 87 |
The Deanery of Christchurch given to a Roman Catholic; Disposal of Bishoprics | 88 |
Resolution of James to use his Ecclesiastical Supremacy against the Church | 89 |
His Difficulties | 90 |
He creates a new Court of High Commission | 93 |
Proceedings against the Bishop of London | 96 |
Discontent excited by the Public Display of Roman Catholic Rites and Vestments | 97 |
Riots | 99 |
A Camp formed at Hounslow | 101 |
Samuel Johnson | 102 |
Hugh Speke | 103 |
Proceedings against Johnson | 104 |
Zeal of the Anglican Church against Popery | 106 |
The Roman Catholic Divines overmatched | 107 |
State of Scotland | 109 |
Queensberry; Perth and Melfort | 110 |
Favour shown to the Roman Catholic Religion in Scotland; Riots at Edinburgh | 112 |
Anger of the King | 113 |
His Plans concerning Scotland; Deputation of Scotch Privy Councillors sent to London | 114 |
Their Negotiations with the King | 115 |
Meeting of the Scotch Estates; They prove refractory | 116 |
They are adjourned; Arbitrary System of Government in Scotland | 120 |
Ireland; State of the Law on the subject of Religion | 122 |
Hostility of Races | 123 |
Aboriginal Peasantry; Aboriginal Aristocracy | 124 |
State of the English Colony | 126 |
Course which James ought to have followed | 128 |
His Errors | 130 |
Clarendon arrives in Ireland as Lord Lieutenant | 132 |
His Mortifications; Panic among the Colonists | 133 |
Arrival of Tyrconnel at Dublin as General | 136 |
His Partiality and Violence | 137 |
He is bent on the Repeal of the Act of Settlement; He returns to England | 138 |
The King displeased with Clarendon | 139 |
Rochester attacked by the Jesuitical Cabal | 140 |
Attempts of James to convert Rochester . | 142 |
Dismission of Rochester | 146 |
Dismission of Clarendon; Tyrconnel Lord Deputy | 148 |
Dismay of the English Colonists in Ireland | 150 |
Effect of the Fall of the Hydes | 151 |
William, Prince of Orange; His Appearance | 152 |
His early Life and Education | 153 |
His theological Opinions | 154 |
His military Qualifications | 156 |
His Love of Danger: his bad Health | 158 |
Coldness of his Manners and Strength of his Emotions; His Friendship for Bentinck | 158 |
Mary, Princess of Orange | 162 |
Gilbert Burnet | 163 |
He brings about a good Understanding between the Prince and Princess | 167 |
Relations between William and English Parties | 169 |
His Feelings towards England; His Feelings towards Holland and France | 169 |
His Policy consistent throughout | 174 |
Treaty of Augsburg | 177 |
William becomes the Head of the English Opposition | 178 |
Mordaunt proposes to William a Descent on England | 179 |
William rejects the Advice | 180 |
Discontent in England after the Fall of the Hydes; Conversions to Popery; Peterborough; Salisbury | 181 |
Wycherley; Tindal; Haines | 182 |
Dryden | 183 |
The Hind and Panther | 186 |
Change in the Policy of the Court towards the Puritans | 187 |
Partial Toleration granted in Scotland | 192 |
Closeting; It is unsuccessful | 193 |
Admiral Herbert | 194 |
Declaration of Indulgence | 195 |
Feeling of the Protestant Dissenters | 197 |
Feelings of die Church of England | 198 |
The Court and the Church | 199 |
Letter to a Dissenter; Conduct of the Dissenters | 202 |
Some of the Dissenters side with the Court; Care; Alsop; Rosewell; Lobb | 205 |
Penn; The Majority of the Puritans are against the Court; Baxter | 206 |
Howe; Bunyan | 207 |
Kiffin | 210 |
The Prince and Princess of Orange hostile to the Declaration of Indulgence | 215 |
Their Views respecting the English Roman Catholics vindicated | 217 |
Enmity of James to Burnet | 223 |
Mission of Dykvelt to England; Negotiations of Dykvelt with English Statesmen | 225 |
Dauby; Nottingham | 226 |
Halifax; Devonshire | 228 |
Edward Russell; Compton; Herbert | 232 |
Churchill | 233 |
Lady Churchill and the Princess Anne | 234 |
Dykvelt returns to the Hague; with Letters from many eminent Englishmen | 237 |
Zulestein's Mission | 238 |
Growing Enmity between James and William | 239 |
Influence of the Dutch Press; Correspondence of Stewart and Fagel | 241 |
Castelmaine's Embassy to Rome | 242 |
Consecration of the Nuncio at St. James's Palace; His public Reception; The Duke of Somerset | 247 |
Dissolution of the Parliament; Military Offences illegally punished | 249 |
Proceedings of the High Commission; The Universities | 252 |
Proceedings against the University of Cambridge | 254 |
The Earl of Mulgrave | 255 |
State of Oxford | 258 |
Magdalene College, Oxford | 260 |
Anthony Farmer recommended by the King for President | 263 |
Election of the President | 264 |
The Fellows of Magdalene cited before the High Commission | 265 |
Parker recommended as President; The Charterhouse | 266 |
The Royal Progress | 267 |
The King at Oxford; He reprimands the Fellows of Magdalene | 270 |
Penn attempts to mediate | 271 |
Special Ecclesiastical Commissioners sent to Oxford | 274 |
Protest of Hough; Parker | 275 |
Ejection of the Fellows | 277 |
Magdalene College turned into a Popish Seminary | 278 |
Resentment of the Clergy | 279 |
Schemes of the Jesuitical Cabal respecting the Succession | 280 |
Scheme of James and Tyrconnel for preventing the Princess of Orange from succeeding to the Kingdom of Ireland | 282 |
The Queen pregnant; General Incredulity | 283 |
Feeling of the Constituent Bodies, and of the Peers | 286 |
James determines to pack a Parliament | 288 |
The Board of Regulators | 289 |
Many Lords Lieutenants dismissed; The Earl of Oxford | 290 |
The Earl of Shrewsbury | 291 |
The Earl of Dorset | 293 |
Questions put to the Magistrates; Their Answers; Failure of the King's Plans | 297 |
List of Sheriffs; Character of the Roman Catholic Country Gentlemen | 301 |
Feeling of the Dissenters | 304 |
Regulation of Corporations | 305 |
Inquisition in all the Public Departments | 308 |
Dismission of Sawyer | 310 |
Williams Solicitor General | 311 |
Second Declaration of Indulgence; The Clergy ordered to read it | 312 |
They hesitate; Patriotism of the Protestant Nonconformists of London | 314 |
Consultation of the London Clergy | 315 |
Consultation at Lambeth Palace | 317 |
Petition of the Seven Bishops presented to the King | 318 |
The London Clergy disobey the Royal Order | 321 |
Hesitation of the Government | 322 |
It is determined to prosecute the Bishops for a Libel | 324 |
They are examined by the Privy Council | 325 |
They are committed to the Tower | 326 |
Birth of the Pretender; He is generally believed to be supposititious | 328 |
The Bishops brought before the King's Bench and bailed | 332 |
Agitation of the Public Mind | 335 |
Uneasiness of Sunderland | 336 |
He professes himself a Roman Catholic | 337 |
Trial of the Bishops | 338 |
The Verdict; Joy of the People | 348 |
Peculiar State of Public Feeling at this time | 353 |
Change in the Opinion of the Tories concerning the Lawfulness of Resistance | 357 |
Russell proposes to the Prince of Orange a descent on England; Henry Sidney | 365 |
Devonshire | 366 |
Shrewsbury; Halifax; Danby | 367 |
Bishop Compton | 368 |
Nottingham; Lumley | 369 |
Invitation to William despatched | 370 |
Conduct of Mary | 371 |
Difficulties of William's Enterprise | 372 |
Conduct of James after the Trial of the Bishops | 376 |
Dismissions and Promotions | 378 |
Proceedings of the High Commission. Sprat resigns his Seat | 379 |
Discontent of the Clergy; Transactions at Oxford | 380 |
Discontent of the Gentry; Discontent of the Army | 382 |
Irish Troops brought over; Public Indignation | 384 |
Lillibullero | 389 |
Politics of the United Provinces; Errors of the French King | 390 |
His Quarrel with the Pope concerning Franchises | 393 |
The Archbishopric of Cologne | 394 |
Skilful Management of William | 395 |
His Military and Naval Preparations | 396 |
He receives numerous Assurances of Support from England | 398 |
Sunderland | 399 |
Anxiety of William; Warnings conveyed to James | 403 |
Exertions of Lewis to save James | 405 |
James frustrates them | 406 |
The French Armies invade Germany | 408 |
William obtains the Sanction of the States General to his Expedition | 410 |
Schomberg; British Adventurers at the Hague | 411 |
William's Declaration | 413 |
James roused to a Sense of his Danger | 415 |
His Naval Means | 416 |
His Military Means: He attempts to conciliate his subjects | 417 |
He gives Audience to the Bishops | 419 |
His Concessions ill received | 420 |
Proofs of the Birth of the Prince of Wales submitted to the Privy Council | 423 |
Disgrace of Sunderland | 425 |
William takes leave of the States of Holland | 426 |
He embarks and sails; He is driven back by a Storm | 427 |
His Declaration arrives in England; James questions the Lords | 428 |
William sets sail a second time | 430 |
He passes the Straits | 432 |
He lands at Torbay | 433 |
He enters Exeter | 437 |
Conversation of the King with the Bishops | 442 |
Disturbances in London | 415 |
Men of Rank begin to repair to the Prince; Lovelace | 416 |
Colchester; Abingdon | 448 |
Desertion of Cornbury | 419 |
Petition of the Lords for a Parliament | 453 |
The King goes to Salisbury | 455 |
Seymour; Court of William at Exeter | 456 |
Northern Insurrection | 457 |
Skirmish at Wincanton | 460 |
Desertion of Churchill and Grafton | 462 |
Retreat of the Royal Army from Salisbury | 463 |
Desertion of Prince George and Ormond | 464 |
Flight of the Princess Anne | 465 |
Council of Lords held by James | 467 |
He appoints Commissioners to treat with William | 471 |
The Negotiation a Feint | 472 |
Dartmouth refuses to send the Prince of Wales into France | 474 |
Agitation of London | 475 |
Forged Proclamation | 476 |
Risings in various Parts of the Country | 477 |
Clarendon joins the Prince at Salisbury; Dissension in the Prince's Camp | 479 |
The Prince reaches Hungerford; Skirmish at Reading | 482 |
The King's Commissioners arrive at Hungerford; Negotiation | 483 |
The Queen and the Prince of Wales sent to France; Lauzun | 489 |
The King's Preparations for Flight | 492 |
His Flight | 493 |
The Flight of James known; Great Agitation | 495 |
The Lords meet at Guildhall | 496 |
Riots in London | 499 |
The Spanish Ambassador's House sacked | 501 |
Arrest of Jeffreys | 502 |
The Irish Night | 504 |
The King detained near Sheerness | 508 |
The Lords order him to be set at liberty | 513 |
William's Embarrassment | 514 |
Arrest of Feversham; Arrival of James in London | 515 |
Consultation at Windsor | 517 |
The Dutch Troops occupy Whitehall; Message from the Prince delivered to James | 521 |
James sets out for Rochester; Arrival of William at St. James's | 522 |
He is advised to assume the Crown by Right of Conquest | 521 |
He calls together the Lords and the Members of the Parliaments of Charles II. | 526 |
Flight of James from Rochester | 529 |
Debates and Resolutions of the Lords | 530 |
Debates and Resolutions of the Commoners summoned by the Prince; A Convention called; Exertions of the Prince to restore Order | 532 |
His tolerant Policy | 533 |
Satisfaction of Roman Catholic Powers; State of Feeling in France | 535 |
Reception of the Queen of England in France | 537 |
Arrival of James at Saint Germains | 538 |
State of Feeling in the United Provinces | 540 |
Election of Members to serve in the Convention | 541 |
Affairs of Scotland | 542 |
State of Parties in England | 545 |
Sherlock's Plan | 547 |
Sancroft's Plan | 549 |
Danby's Plan | 551 |
The Whig Plan | 553 |
Meeting of the Convention; Leading Members of the House of Commons | 554 |
Choice of a Speaker | 550 |
Debate on the State of the Nation | 558 |
Resolution declaring the Throne vacant | 500 |
It is sent up to the Lords; Debate in the Lords on the Plan of Regency | 562 |
Schism between the Whigs and the Followers of Danby | 569 |
Meeting at the Earl of Devonshire's | 571 |
Debate in the Lords on the Question whether the Throne was vacant; Majority for the Negative; Agitation in London | 573 |
Letter of James to the Convention | 574 |
Debates; Negotiations; Letter of the Princess of Orange to Danby; The Princess Anne acquiesces in the Whig Plan | 575 |
William explains his Views | 577 |
The Conference between the Houses | 579 |
The Lords yield; New Laws proposed for the Security of Liberty | 581 |
Disputes and Compromise | 583 |
The Declaration of Right | 584 |
Arrival of Mary | 586 |
Tender and Acceptance of the Crown | 587 |
William and Mary proclaimed; Peculiar Character of the English Revolution | 588 |
PAGE. | |
William and Mary proclaimed in London | 13 |
Rejoicings throughout England; Rejoicings in Holland | 14 |
Discontent of the Clergy and of the Army | 15 |
Reaction of Public Feeling | 17 |
Temper of the Tories | 18 |
Temper of the Whigs | 21 |
Ministerial Arrangements | 23 |
William his own Minister for Foreign Affairs | 24 |
Danby | 25 |
Halifax | 26 |
Nottingham | 27 |
Shrewsbury; The Board of Admiralty | 29 |
The Board of Treasury; The Great Seal | 30 |
The Judges | 31 |
The Household | 32 |
Subordinate Appointments | 34 |
The Convention turned into a Parliament | 35 |
The Members of the Two Houses required to take the Oaths | 39 |
Questions relating to the Revenue | 41 |
Abolition of the Hearth Money | 43 |
Repayment of the Expenses of the United Provinces; Mutiny at Ipswich | 45 |
The first Mutiny Bill | 49 |
Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act | 53 |
Unpopularity of William | 54 |
Popularity of Mary | 57 |
The Court removed from Whitehall to Hampton Court | 60 |
The Court at Kensington | 62 |
William's foreign Favourites | 63 |
General Maladministration | 65 |
Dissensions among Men in Office | 67 |
Department of Foreign Affairs | 71 |
Religious Disputes | 72 |
The High Church Party | 74 |
The Low Church Party | 75 |
William's Views concerning Ecclesiastical Polity; Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury | 77 |
Nottingham's Views concerning Ecclesiastical Polity | 81 |
The Toleration Bill | 83 |
The Comprehension Bill | 90 |
The Bill for settling the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy | 99 |
The Bill for settling the Coronation Oath | 113 |
The Coronation | 115 |
Promotions | 118 |
The Coalition against France; The Devastation of the Palatinate | 119 |
War declared against France | 123 |
State of Ireland at the Time of the Revolution; The Civil Power in the hands of the Roman Catholics | 125 |
The Military Power in the hands of the Roman Catholics | 128 |
Mutual Enmity between the Englishry and the Irishry | 128 |
Panic among the Englishry | 129 |
History of the Town of Kenmare | 130 |
Enniskillen | 134 |
Londonderry | 135 |
Closing of the Gates of Londonderry | 137 |
Mountjoy sent to pacify Ulster | 140 |
William opens a Negotiation with Tyrconnel | 142 |
The Temples consulted | 143 |
Richard Hamilton sent to Ireland on his Parole | 144 |
Tyrconnel sends Mountjoy and Rice to France; Tyrconnel calls the Irish People to arms | 146 |
Devastation of the Country | 147 |
The Protestants in the South unable to resist | 152 |
Enniskillen and Londonderry hold out; Richard Hamilton marches into Ulster with an Army | 153 |
James determines to go to Ireland | 155 |
Assistance furnished by Lewis to James | 156 |
Choice of a French Ambassador to accompany James; The Count of Avaux | 158 |
James lands at Kinsale; James enters Cork | 160 |
Journey of James from Cork to Dublin | 162 |
Discontent in England | 165 |
Factions at Dublin Castle | 166 |
James determines to go to Ulster; Journey of James to Ulster | 172 |
The Fall of Londonderry expected | 176 |
Succours arrive from England; Treachery of Lundy; The Inhabitants of Londonderry resolve to defend themselves | 177 |
Their Character | 179 |
Londonderry besieged | 184 |
The Siege turned into a Blockade | 185 |
Naval Skirmish in Bantry Bay | 187 |
A Parliament summoned by James sits at Dublin | 188 |
A Toleration Act passed | 193 |
Acts passed for the Confiscation of the Property of Protestants | 194 |
Issue of Base Money | 198 |
The Great Act of Attainder | 200 |
James prorogues his Parliament | 203 |
Persecution of the Protestants in Ireland | 204 |
Effect produced in England by the News from Ireland | 206 |
Actions of the Enniskilleners | 209 |
Distress of Londonderry | 210 |
Expedition under Kirke arrives in Lough Foyle; Cruelty of Rosen | 211 |
The Famine in Londonderry extreme | 214 |
Attack on the Boom | 217 |
The Siege of Londonderry raised | 219 |
Operations against the Enniskilleners | 222 |
Battle of Newton Butler | 224 |
Consternation of the Irish | 225 |
The Revolution more violent in Scotland than in England | 227 |
Election for the Convention; Rabbling of the Episcopal Clergy | 229 |
State of Edinburgh | 232 |
The Question of an Union between England and Scotland raised | 233 |
Wish of the English Low Churchmen to preserve Episcopacy in Scotland | 237 |
Opinions of William about Church Government in Scotland | 238 |
Comparative Strength of Religious Parties in Scotland | 240 |
Letter from William to the Scotch Convention; William's Instructions to his Agents in Scotland | 241 |
The Dalrymples | 242 |
Melville | 245 |
James's Agents in Scotland: Dundee; Balcarras | 246 |
Meeting of the Convention | 249 |
Hamilton elected President | 250 |
Committee of Elections; Edinburgh Castle summoned | 251 |
Dundee threatened by the Covenanters | 252 |
Letter from James to the Convention | 254 |
Effect of James's Letter | 255 |
Flight of Dundee | 256 |
Tumultuous Sitting of the Convention | 257 |
A Committee appointed to frame a Plan of Government | 259 |
Resolutions proposed by the Committee | 261 |
William and Mary proclaimed; The Claim of Right; Abolition of Episcopacy | 262 |
Torture | 264 |
William and Mary accept the Crown of Scotland | 266 |
Discontent of the Covenanters | 267 |
Ministerial Arrangements in Scotland; Hamilton; Crawford | 269 |
The Dalrymples; Lockhart; Montgomery; Melville | 270 |
Carstairs; The Club formed; Annandale; Ross | 271 |
Hume; Fletcher of Saltoun | 272 |
War breaks out in the Highlands; State of the Highlands | 274 |
Peculiar Nature of Jacobitism in the Highlands | 285 |
Jealousy of the Ascendency of the Campbells | 288 |
The Stewarts and Macnaghtens; The Macleans | 290 |
The Camerons; Lochiel | 291 |
The Macdonalds | 294 |
Feud between the Macdonalds and Mackintoshes; Inverness | 294 |
Inverness threatened by Macdonald of Keppoch | 296 |
Dundee appears in Keppoch's Camp | 297 |
Insurrection of the Clans hostile to the Campbells | 300 |
Tarbet's Advice to the Government | 302 |
Indecisive Campaign in the Highlands | 303 |
Military Character of the Highlanders | 304 |
Quarrels in the Highland Army | 309 |
Dundee applies to James for assistance; The War in the Highlands suspended | 311 |
Scruples of the Covenanters about taking Arms for King William | 312 |
The Cameronian Regiment raised | 313 |
Edinburgh Castle surrenders | 314 |
Session of Parliament at Edinburgh; Ascendency of the Club | 315 |
Troubles in Athol | 319 |
The war breaks out again in the Highlands | 321 |
Death of Dundee | 328 |
Retreat of Mackay | 329 |
Effect of the battle of Killiecraukie; The Scottish Parliament adjourned | 331 |
The Highland Army reinforced | 334 |
Skirmish at Saint Johnston's | 338 |
Disorders in the Highland Army | 337 |
Mackay's Advice disregarded by the Scotch Ministers; The Cameronians stationed at Dunkeld | 338 |
The Highlanders attack the Cameronians and are repulsed | 339 |
Dissolution of the Highland Army | 341 |
Intrigues of the Club; State of the Lowlands | 342 |
Disputes in the English Parliament; The Attainder of Russell reversed | 343 |
Other Attainders reversed; Case of Samuel Johnson | 346 |
Case of Devonshire; Case of Gates | 347 |
Bill of Rights | 355 |
Disputes about a Bill of Indemnity | 358 |
Last Days of Jeffreys | 360 |
The Whigs dissatisfied with the King | 364 |
Intemperance of Howe; Attack on Caermarthen | 366 |
Attack on Halifax | 367 |
Preparations for a Campaign in Ireland | 371 |
Schomberg | 372 |
Recess of the Parliament; State of Ireland; Advice of Avaux | 374 |
Dismission of Melfort; Schomberg lands in Ulster | 378 |
Carrickf ergus taken; Schomberg advances into Leinster | 379 |
The English and Irish Armies encamp near each other; Schomberg declines a Battle | 381 |
Frauds of the English Commissariat | 382 |
Conspiracy among the French Troops in the English Service | 383 |
Pestilence in the English Army | 384 |
The English and Irish Armies go into Winter Quarters | 387 |
Various Opinions about Schomberg's Conduct | 388 |
Maritime Affairs | 389 |
Maladministration of Torrington | 390 |
Continental Affairs | 391 |
Skirmish at Walcourt; Imputations thrown on Marlborough | 393 |
Pope Innocent XI. succeeded by Alexander VIII. | 395 |
The High Church Clergy divided on the Subject of the Oaths | 396 |
Arguments for taking the Oaths | 397 |
Arguments against taking the Oaths | 400 |
A great Majority of the Clergy take the Oaths | 405 |
The Non jurors: Ken | 407 |
Leslie; Sherlock | 409 |
Hickes | 411 |
Collier | 412 |
Dodwell | 414 |
Kettlewell; Fitzwilliam; General Character of the Nonjuring Clergy | 416 |
The Plan of Comprehension; Tillotson | 420 |
An Ecclesiastical Commission issued | 421 |
Proceedings of the Commission | 423 |
The Convocation of the Province of Canterbury summoned; Temper of the Clergy | 427 |
The Clergy ill-affected towards the King | 428 |
The Clergy exasperated against the Dissenters by the Proceedings of the Scotch Presbyterians | 431 |
Constitution of the Convocation | 433 |
Election of Members of Convocation | 434 |
Ecclesiastical Preferments bestowed | 435 |
Compton discontented | 437 |
The Convocation meets | 438 |
The High Churchmen a Majority of the Lower House of Convocation | 439 |
Difference between the Two Houses of Convocation | 441 |
The Lower House of Convocation proves unmanageable | 442 |
The Convocation prorogued | 443 |
The Parliament meets; Retirement of Halifax | 445 |
Supplies voted; the Bill of Rights passed | 446 |
Enquiry into Naval Abuses | 448 |
Enquiry into the Conduct of the Irish War | 449 |
Reception of Walker in England | 451 |
Edmund Ludlow | 453 |
Violence of the Whigs | 456 |
Impeachments | 457 |
Committee of Murder | 458 |
Malevolence of John Hampden | 459 |
1690. The Corporation Bill | 462 |
Debates on the Indemnity Bill | 468 |
Case of Sir Robert Sawyer | 469 |
The King purposes to retire to Holland | 473 |
He is induced to change his intention; the Whigs oppose his going to Ireland; He prorogues the Parliament | 474 |
Joy of the Tories | 476 |
Dissolution and General Election | 478 |
Changes in the Executive Departments | 480 |
Caermarthen then Chief Minister | 481 |
Sir John Lowther | 483 |
Rise and Progress of Parliamentary Corruption in England | 484 |
Sir John Trevor | 489 |
Godolphin retires | 490 |
Changes at the Admiralty | 491 |
Changes in the Commissions of Lieutenancy | 492 |
Temper of the Whigs; Dealings of some Whigs with Saint Germains; Shrewsbury; Ferguson | 494 |
Hopes of the Jacobites | 496 |
Meeting of the New Parliament; Settlement of the Revenue | 497 |
Provision for the Princess of Denmark | 500 |
Bill declaring the Acts of the preceding Parliament valid | 507 |
Debate on the Changes in the Lieutenancy of London | 508 |
Abjuration Bill | 509 |
Act of Grace | 514 |
The Parliament prorogued; Preparations for the First War | 517 |
Administration of James at Dublin | 518 |
An Auxiliary Force sent from France to Ireland | 520 |
Plan of the English Jacobites: Clarendon, Ailesbury, Dartmouth | 523 |
Penn | 524 |
Preston | 525 |
The Jacobites betrayed by Fuller | 526 |
Crone arrested | 527 |
Difficulties of William | 529 |
Conduct of Shrewsbury | 530 |
The Council of Nine | 533 |
Conduct of Clarendon; Penn held to bail | 534 |
Interview between William and Burnet; William sets out for Ireland | 535 |
Trial of Crone | 536 |
Danger of Invasion and Insurrection; Tourville's Fleet in the Channel | 538 |
Arrests of suspected Persons | 539 |
Torrington ordered to give Battle to Tourville | 540 |
Battle of Beachy Head | 542 |
Alarm in London; Battle of Fleurus; Spirit of the Nation | 543 |
Conduct of Shrewsbury | 546 |
PAGE. | |
William lands at Carrickfergus and proceeds to Belfast | 13 |
State of Dublin; William's Military Arrangements | 15 |
William marches southward | 17 |
The Irish Army retreats | 18 |
The Irish make a stand at the Boyne | 19 |
The Army of James | 20 |
The Army of William | 21 |
Walker, now Bishop of Derry, accompanies the Army | 22 |
William reconnoitres the Irish Position | 23 |
William is wounded | 24 |
Battle of the Boyne | 25 |
Flight of James | 31 |
Loss of the Two Armies | 32 |
Fall of Drogheda; State of Dublin | 33 |
James flies to France; Dublin evacuated by the French and Irish Troops | 35 |
Entry of William into Dublin | 36 |
Effect produced in France by the News from Ireland | 37 |
Effect produced at Rome by the News from Ireland | 38 |
Effect produced in London by the News from Ireland | 39 |
James arrives in France ; His Reception there | 41 |
Tourville attempts a Descent on England | 43 |
Teignmouth destroyed | 45 |
Excitement of the English Nation against the French | 47 |
The Jacobite Press | 49 |
The Jacobite Form of Prayer and Humiliation | 50 |
Clamour against the Nonjuring Bishops | 51 |
Military Operations in Ireland; Waterford taken | 53 |
The Irish Army collected at Limerick; Lauzun pronounces that the Place cannot be defended | 55 |
The Irish insist on defending Limerick | 56 |
Tyrconnel is against defending Limerick | 58 |
Limerick defended by the Irish alone | 59 |
Sarsfield surprises the English Artillery | 60 |
Arrival of Baldearg O'Donnel at Limerick | 62 |
The Besiegers suffer from the Rains; Unsuccessful Assault on Limerick; The Siege raised | 64 |
Tyrconnel and Lauzun go to France; William returns to England | 66 |
Reception of William in England | 67 |
Expedition to the South of Ireland | 67 |
Marlborough takes Cork; Marlborough takes Kinsale | 69 |
Affairs of Scotland | 71 |
Intrigues of Montgomery with the Jacobites | 72 |
War in the Highlands | 73 |
Fort William built; Meeting of the Scottish Parliament | 74 |
Melville Lord High Commissioner; the Government obtains a Majority | 75 |
Ecclesiastical Legislation | 77 |
The Coalition between the Club and the Jacobites dissolved 83 | 83 |
The Chiefs of the Club betray each othe | 84 |
General Acquiescence in the new Ecclesiastical Polity; Complaints of the Episcopalian | 87 |
The Presbyterian Nonjuror | 90 |
William dissatisfied with the Ecclesiastical Arrangements in Scotlan | 93 |
Meeting of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotlan | 94 |
State of Affairs on the Continent; the Duke of Savoy joins the Coalitio | 95 |
Supplies voted; Ways and Mean | 97 |
Proceedings against Torrington | 100 |
Torrington's Trial and Acquittal | 101 |
Animosity of the Whigs against Caermarthen | 102 |
A Jacobite Plot | 105 |
Meeting of the Leading Conspirators | 106 |
The Conspirators determine to send Preston to Saint Germains | 107 |
Papers entrusted to Preston | 108 |
Information of the Plot given to Caernaarthen | 110 |
Arrest of Preston and his Companions | 111 |
William's Voyage to Holland | 113 |
William's Entrance into the Hague | 115 |
Congress at the Hague | 117 |
William his own Minister for Foreign Affairs | 119 |
William obtains a Toleration for the Waldenses | 122 |
Vices inherent in the nature of Coalitions | 123 |
Siege and Fall of Mons | 124 |
William returns to England; Trials of Preston and Ashton | 125 |
Execution of Ashton; Preston's Irresolution and Confessions | 128 |
Lenity shown to the Conspirators; Dartmouth | 130 |
Turner | 132 |
Penn; Death of George Fox: his Character | 132 |
Interview between Penn and Sidney | 138 |
Preston pardoned | 139 |
Joy of the Jacobites at the Fall of Mons | 140 |
The vacant Sees filled | 141 |
Tillotson Archbishop of Canterbury | 142 |
Conduct of Sancroft | 145 |
Difference between Sancroft and Ken | 146 |
Hatred of Sancroft to the Established Church. He provides for the Episcopal Succession among the Nonjurors | 147 |
The New Bishops | 149 |
Sherlock, Dean of Saint Paul's | 150 |
Treachery of some of William's Servants | 157 |
Russell | 159 |
Godolphin | 160 |
Marlborough | 162 |
William returns to the Continent | 166 |
The Campaign of 1691 in Flanders | 168 |
The War in Ireland; State of the English Part of Ireland | 169 |
State of the part of Ireland which was subject to James | 173 |
Dissensions among the Irish at Limerick 176 | 176 |
Return of Tyrconnel to Ireland | 178 |
Arrival of a French fleet at Limerick; Saint Ruth | 179 |
The English take the Field; Fall of Ballymore; Siege and fall of Athlone | 181 |
Retreat of the Irish Army | 187 |
Saint Ruth determines to fight | 189 |
Battle of Aghrim | 191 |
Fall of Galway | 194 |
Death of Tyrconnel; Second Siege of Limerick | 196 |
The Irish desirous to capitulate | 199 |
Negotiations between the Irish Chiefs and the Besiegers | 200 |
The Capitulation of Limerick | 202 |
The Irish troops required to make the Election between their country and France | 205 |
Most of the Irish Troops volunteer for France | 206 |
Many of the Irish who had volunteered for France desert | 207 |
The last Division of the Irish Army sails from Cork to France | 209 |
State of Ireland after the War | 210 |
Opening of the Parliament | 215 |
Debates on the Salaries and Fees of Official Men | 216 |
Act excluding Papists from Public Trust in Ireland | 218 |
Debates on the East India Trade | 221 |
Debates on the Bill for regulating Trials in Cases of High Treason | 240 |
Plot formed by Marlboro against the Government of William | 219 |
Marlborough's plot disclosed by the Jacobites | 254 |
1092. Disgrace of Marlborough; various reports touching the Cause of Marlborough's Disgrace | 255 |
Rupture between Mary and Anne | 257 |
Fuller's Plot | 260 |
Close of the Session; Bill for ascertaining the Salaries of the Judges rejected | 268 |
Ministerial changes in England | 271 |
Ministerial Changes in Scotland | 273 |
State of the Highlands | 274 |
Breadalbane employed to negotiate with the Rebel clans | 275 |
Glencoe | 277 |
William goes to the Continent; Death of Louvois | 300 |
The French Government determines to send an Expedition against England; James believes that the English fleet is friendly to him | 303 |
Conduct of Russell | 304 |
A Daughter born to James; Preparations made in England to Repel Invasion | 307 |
James goes down to his Army at La Hogue | 308 |
James's Declaration | 309 |
Effect produced by James's Declaration | 311 |
The English and Dutch fleets join; Temper of the English Fleet | 315 |
Battle of La Hogue | 317 |
Rejoicings in England | 321 |
Young's Plot | 321 |
Foreign Policy of William | 335 |
The Northern powers | 336 |
The Pope; Conduct of the Allies | 307 |
The Emperor; Spain | 340 |
William succeeds in preventing the Dissolution of the Coalition | 341 |
New Arrangements for the Government of the Spanish Netherlands | 344 |
Lewis takes the field | 345 |
Siege of Namur | 346 |
Lewis returns to Versailles; Luxemburg | 351 |
Battle of Steinkirk | 354 |
Conspiracy of Grandval | 360 |
Return of William to England | 363 |
Naval Maladministration | 364 |
Earthquake at Port Royal; Distress in England | 367 |
Increase of Crime | 368 |
Meeting of Parliament; State of Parties; The King's Speech | 371 |
Question of Privilege raised by the Lords; Debates on the State of the Nation | 373 |
Bill for the Regulation of Trials in Cases of Treason | 380 |
Case of Lord Mohun | 381 |
Debates on the India Trade; Supply | 384 |
Ways and Means; Land Tax | 385 |
Origin of the National Debt | 390 |
Parliamentary Reform | 401 |
The Place Bill | 407 |
The Triennial Bill; 1693 | 411 |
The first Parliamentary Discussion on the Libeity of the Press | 415 |
State of Ireland | 428 |
The King refuses to pass the Triennial Bill | 433 |
Ministerial Arrangements | 436 |
The King goes to Holland; A Session of Parliament in Scotland | 439 |
State of the Court of Saint Germains | 444 |
Feeling of the Jacobites. Compounders and Non-Compounders | 448 |
Change of Ministry at Saint Germains: Middleton | 451 |
New Declaration put forth by James | 454 |
Effect of the New Declaration | 456 |
French preparations for the Campaign; Institution of the Order of Saint Lewis; Middleton's Account of Versailles | 458 |
William's Preparations for the Campaign | 461 |
Lewis takes the Field | 462 |
Lewis returns to Versailles | 463 |
Manoeuvres of Luxemburg | 465 |
Battle of Landen | 466 |
Miscarriage of the Smyrna Fleet | 473 |
Excitement in London | 476 |
Jacobite Libels: William Anderton | 477 |
Writings and Artifices of the Jacobites | 480 |
Conduct of Caermarthen | 483 |
New Charter granted to the East India Company | 484 |
Return of William to England: military Successes of France | 486 |
Distress of France | 487 |
A Ministry necessary to Parliamentary Government | 492 |
The First Ministry gradually formed | 494 |
Sunderland | 495 |
Sunderland advises the King to give the preference to the Whigs; Reasons for preferring the Whigs | 500 |
Chiefs of the Whig Party; Russell | 502 |
Somers | 503 |
Montague | 506 |
Wharton | 510 |
Chiefs of the Tory Party; Harley | 514 |
Foley; Howe | 519 |
Meeting of Parliament; Debates about the Naval Miscarriages | 521 |
Russell First Lord of the Admiralty; Retirement of Nottingham | 523 |
Shrewsbury refuses Office | 524 |
Debates about the Trade with India | 525 |
Bill for the Regulation of Trials in Cases of Treason; Triennial Bill | 528 |
Place Bill | 531 |
Bill for the Naturalization of Foreign Protestants 535 | 535 |
Supply | 537 |
Ways and Means: Lottery Loan | 538 |
1694; the Bank of England | 540 |
Prorogation of Parliament: Ministerial Arrangements; Shrewsbury Secretary of State | 552 |
New Titles bestowed | 554 |
French Plan of War; English Plan of War | 555 |
Expedition against Brest | 557 |
Naval Operations in the Mediterranean | 561 |
War by Land | 563 |
Complaints of Trenchard's Administration | 564 |
The Lancashire Prosecutions | 565 |
Meeting of the Parliament; Death of Tillotson | 570 |
Tenison Archbishop of Canterbury; Debates on the Lancashire Prosecutions | 571 |
Place Bill; Bill for the Regulation of Trials in Cases of Treason; The Triennial Bill passed | 574 |
Death of Mary | 575 |
Funeral of Mary | 579 |
Greenwich Hospital founded | 580 |
PAGE. | |
Effect of Mary's Death on the Continent | 13 |
Death of Luxemburg | 14 |
Distress of William; Parliamentary Proceedings: Emancipation of the press | 15 |
Death of Halifax | 18 |
Parliamentary Enquiries into the Corruption of the Public Offices | 20 |
Vote of Censure on the Speaker | 24 |
Foley elected Speaker, Enquiry into the Accounts of the East India Company | 25 |
Suspicious Dealings of Seymour | 26 |
Bill against Sir Thomas Cook | 27 |
Enquiry by a joint Committee of Lords and Commons | 28 |
Impeachment of Leeds | 30 |
Disgrace of Leeds | 34 |
Lords Justices appointed; Reconciliation between William and the Princess Anne | 35 |
Jacobite Plots against William's Person | 38 |
Charnock | 40 |
Porter; Goodman; Parkyns | 41 |
Fenwick | 42 |
Session of the Scottish Parliament; Inquiry into the Slaughter of Glencoe | 42 |
War in the Netherlands: Marshal Villeroy | 51 |
The Duke of Maine | 52 |
Jacobite Plots against the Government during William's Absence | 54 |
Siege of Namur | 55 |
Surrender of the Town of Namur | 59 |
Surrender of the Castle of Namur | 64 |
Arrest of Boultiers | 65 |
Effect of the Emancipation of the English Press | 69 |
Return of William to England: Dissolution of the Parliament | 74 |
William makes a Progress through the Country | 76 |
The Elections | 80 |
Alarming State of the Currency | 85 |
Meeting of the Parliament: Loyalty of the House of Commons | 100 |
Controversy touching the Currency | 102 |
Parliamentary Proceedings touching the Currency | 103 |
Passing of the Act regulating Trials in Cases of High Treason | 106 |
Parliamentary Proceedings touching the Grant of Crown Lands in Wales to Portland | 108 |
Two Jacobite Plots formed | 110 |
Berwick's Plot; the Assassination Plot. Sir George Barclay. | 111 |
Failure of Berwick's Plot | 118 |
Detection of the Assassination Plot | 120 |
Parliamentary Proceedings touching the Assassination Plot | 126 |
State of Public Feeling | 127 |
Trial of Charnock, King, and Keyes | 129 |
Execution of Charnock, King, and Keyes | 133 |
Trial of Friend | 134 |
Trial of Parkyns | 135 |
Execution of Friend and Parkyns | 137 |
Trials of Rookwood, Cranburne, and Lowick; The Association | 139 |
Bill for the Regulation ot Elections | 144 |
Act establishing a Land Bank | 147 |
Military Operations in the Netherlands; Commercial Crisis in England | 150 |
Financial Crisis | 154 |
Efforts to restore the Currency | 158 |
Distress of the People: their Temper and Conduct | 160 |
Negotiations with France; The Duke of Savoy dessrts the Coalition | 163 |
Search for Jacobite Conspirators in England: Sir John Fenwick | 165 |
Capture of Fenwick | 167 |
Fenwick's Confession | 169 |
Return of William to England | 176 |
Meeting of Parliament: State of the Country; Speech of William at the commencement of the Session | 177 |
Resolutions of the House of Commons | 178 |
Return of Prosperity | 180 |
Effect of the Proceedings of the House of Commons on Foreign Governments | 181 |
Restoration of the Finances | 182 |
Effects of Fenwick's Confession | 163 |
Resignation of Godolphin; Feeling of the Whigs about Fenwick | 185 |
William examines Fenwick | 186 |
Disappearance of Goodman | 187 |
Parliamentary Proceedings touching Fenwick's Confession | 188 |
Bill for attainting Fenwick | 190 |
Debates of the Commons on the Bill of Attainder | 191 |
The Bill of Attainder carried up to the Lords | 201 |
Artifices of Monmouth | 202 |
Debates of the Lords on the Bill of Attainder | 204 |
Proceedings against Monmouth | 209 |
Position and Feelings of Shrewsbury | 212 |
The Bill of Attainder passed | 213 |
Attempts to save Fenwick | 214 |
Fenwick's Execution; Bill for regulating Elections | 215 |
Bill for the Regulation of the Press | 218 |
Bill abolishing the Privileges of Whitefriars and the Savoy | 219 |
Close of the Session: Promotions and Appointments | 221 |
State of Ireland | 224 |
State of Scotland; A Session of Parliament at Edinburgh; Act for the Settling of Schools | 225 |
Case of Thomas Aikenhead | 226 |
Military Operations in the Netherlands | 229 |
Terms of Peace offered by France; Conduct of Spain | 230 |
Conduct of the Emperor; Congress of Ryswick | 232 |
William opens a distinct Negotiation | 235 |
Meeting of Portland and Boufflers | 237 |
Terms of Peace between France and England settled | 239 |
Difficulties caused by Spain and the Emperor | 241 |
Attempts of James to prevent a general Pacification; The Treaty of Ryswick signed | 243 |
Anxiety in England; News of the Peace arrives in England | 244 |
Dismay of the Jacobites | 245 |
General Rejoicing; The King's Entry into London | 246 |
The Thanksgiving Day | 248 |
Standing Armies | 253 |
Sunderland; Lord Spencer | 255 |
Controversy touching Standing Armies | 258 |
Meeting of Parliament; The King's Speech well received; Debate on a Peace Establishment | 266 |
Sunderland attacked | 267 |
The Nation averse to a Standing Army | 271 |
Mutiny Act; The Navy | 273 |
Acts concerning High Treason | 274 |
Earl of Clancarty | 276 |
Ways and Means | 278 |
Rights of the Sovereign in reference to Crown Lands | 279 |
Proceedings in Parliament on Grants of Crown Lands | 281 |
Montague accused of Peculation | 282 |
Bill of Pains and Penalties against Duncombe | 286 |
Dissension between the Houses | 293 |
Commercial Questions | 294 |
Irish Manufactures | 297 |
East India Companies | 302 |
Fire at Whitehall | 308 |
Visit of the Czar | 310 |
Portland's Embassy to France | 318 |
The Spanish Succession | 329 |
The Count of Tallard's Embassy | 343 |
Newmarket Meeting: the insecure State of the Roads | 345 |
Further Negotiations relating to the Spanish Succession | 346 |
The King goes to Holland | 349 |
Portland returns from his Embassy | 350 |
William is reconciled to Marlborough | 351 |
Altered Position of the Ministry | 354 |
The Elections | 357 |
First Partition Treaty | 361 |
Domestic Discontent | 372 |
Littleton chosen Speaker | 373 |
King's Speech | 374 |
Proceedings relating to the Amount of the Land Force | 375 |
Unpopularity of Montague | 381 |
Bill for disbanding the Army | 392 |
The King's Speech | 393 |
Death of the Electoral Prince of Bavaria | 394 |
Renewed Discussion of the Army Question | 396 |
Naval Administration | 401 |
Commission on Irish Forfeitures | 403 |
Prorogation of Parliament; Changes in the Ministry and Household | 404 |
Spanish Succession | 409 |
Trial of Spencer Cowper | 447 |
Duels | 451 |
Discontent of the Nation | 453 |
Captain Kidd | 456 |
Meeting of Parliament | 461 |
Attacks on Burnet | 464 |
Renewed Attack on Somers | 465 |
Question of the Irish Forfeitures; Dispute between the Houses | 468 |
Somers again attacked | 487 |
Prorogation of Parliament | 489 |
Death of James the Second | 490 |
The Pretender recognised as King | 497 |
Return of the King | 500 |
General Election | 502 |
Death of William | 505 |
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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