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The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 107

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Chap. CVII.

Concerning the remainder of the faithfull in Bohemia after all this persecution.

I. SO soone as the Popes sword began to prevail, there were found some learned Doctors of the Church who did publickly and privately, by their Sermons and writings, admonish and strengthen the hearts of the people, against those tempests of persecution which they apprehended comming, but because God scarce at any time makes his way through the stormes and whirle-winds Nah 1. 3.) but at the sight of his wrath, the very mountaines are covered and the rockes are dashed in pieces (1. King 19. 11.) so likewise it happened here, that some of the Pillars of the Bohemians were overthrown, to wit the greatest part of the Nobility and some part of the Ministery with the Generall ruine of all the people whereupon they rejoyced and were glad, who spoiled the inheritance of the Lord, because ye were glad because ye rejoiced O ye destroyers of mine inheritance, because ye are growne fat as the Heifer at grasse, and bellow as bulls. But how the Glory of God and mans salvation was promoted by this is not knowne, nor can sufficiently bee lamented.

2. For because in so great a number of Apostates from the Gospell, there were scarce any who were perswaded within themselves that way which they were commanded to follow, was the true way of salvation, but meerely out of the fear of men, or else to please men, or some other blind and brutish inclination, most of them followes the example of the rest, and offered violence to their consciences, and so forsooke the truth; what can wee determine otherwise concerning the whole root then to say with the Prophet (Isaiah 1. 4.) a sinfull nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evill doers, children that are corrupters, they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the holy one of Israel unto anger, they are gone backward.

3. Truly you have done very praise worthy, and you deserve very large trophies, you soul deceivers, you have made a company of Epicurians, who love their flesh pots, and who would return again into the bondage, of Egypt for their cucumbers, and onions, and Garlick, yea, and you have imprinted the seeds of Athism in tbe hearts of men, most men now believe in nothing at all, and least any thing should bite their consciences, stupefied by your opinion, they desire that all worship of God might be taken away. But to speak more mildly, what gain is it that you should force men thus to lie. Do you believe that all these whom you have compelled to professe your Catholick Religion, are really yours? Pray take away from one part, your gold and your temptations, from the other your swords, your racks, and other instruments of cruelty, and restore liberty of conscience, and you shall presently see, how seriouſly they have imbraced your religion, if therefore he be a false friend who loves another mans estate, and not his person, why are you so foolish as to please your selves in the thoughts of those men, who either out of flattery, or else through force, seem to comply with your present prosperous estate? The Babylonian pride induces you, that men should be either inticed or forced by any means, to worship this your golden Image of the people, and that all nations and tongues should fall down before the sound of your pipe, your harp, and of your violl, and of all other musicall instruments. Whilest you intoxicated with the wind of fornication, may securely and jocondly dance amongst the great number of spectators and beholders. But our comfort is we know the time is comming, wherein the Lord will make the sound of the harp, and of musick to cease in thee O Babylon. Rev. 18. 22.

24. Yet there was something good in these mens madnesse, as it was ordered by the wisdome of him, in whose hands all Tyrants are but as a Fanne, to cleanse the graine of his Church; for by this meanes the chaffe was separated from the wheat, and the drosse from the gold, that now it might appear who loved Christ, and all hypocrites might be discovered. We certainly have seen, as in a glasse, something which doth presage that which the Lord foretold should come to pass when he comes, That there should be two in one bed, one should be taken, the other should be left: two in one Mill, the one taken, the other left. Here it was apparent what was the strength of them that truly love God, and what was the weakness of them that dissemble godliness. For I will not reckon up what friends were separated from their friends, what kinsfolk from their kinsfolk, parents from their children, children from their parents, brother and sister one from another: yea, some wives, their husbands not enduring the tryal of the Cross, was separated and disjoyned: some husbands are banished, whose wives could not be perswaded to forsake all for Christ: there are some women, who that they wight profess their faith in Christ, have forsaken their husbands for their Apostacy. Thy judgements (O Lord) are very deep. Psam, 36.

5. But what shall we do with those that they had seduced, whom the fear of this burning Babylonian furnace, had forced to fall down, and worship this Antichristian Idol? We must do as Paul did, who was much in sorrow, and was grieved at the heart for the Brethren, who carried themselves so, as to become forsakers of God; and we may hope, that Gods mercy will not be wanting to his Elect, in bringing them into the wayes of repentance. But because God is a just Judge, and hath assigned a portion to the fearfull and liars in a lake of fire and brimstone. [Rev. 21. 8.] Now what will become of those hypocrites, who deny that with their mouths, that which they believe in their hearts; but fearfull, and lies in the sight of God. God hath denounced the cup of his eternall wrath to all those who have taken the mark of the Beast, either upon their fore-head or on their hands, that is, have joyned themselves to the Beast, either by their profession, or by their works, Rev. 14 9. It is most certain, that these are in a more dangerous state than many will beleeve, Since it is scarce possible, that those who have been once enlightened, and tasted of the heavenly gift, and have been made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have savoured of the good word of God, and the power of the world to come, if they fall away, to be restored to repentance: Heb. 6. 4. 6. Be not deceived, God will not be mocked: Gal. 6. 7.

6. But since this is the condition of our countrey in general, we may cry out with the Prophet, Unlesse the Lord had left us a very small remnant, wee should have been as Sodome, and we should have been like unto Gomorra, Isa. 1. 9. by whom the field of Gods Church in Bohemia being planted again, might yeeld an acceptable harvest to God: for there were many went away, who had rather cleave to Gods Worship, than to flatter Ieroboam, and by their hlthy Idols break their Covenant with God, and of these there are above twelve thousand.

7. Among the Nobility, and Knights, in the year 1630. according to compute calculated as exactly as could be, there were found in banishment, 185 families, which had gone out out of Bohemia, and each family 1. 2. 3. 10. 20. yea, there were found unto 50. male persons, as in the families of Caplirzor, Gerstoref, and Kebler.

8. And by Gods mercy, there was a good part of the Ministery found (but I doe not know how to give you a just account of them) among all the brethren, I am certaine, that about 200, who were alive in the year 1620, in Bohemia, and in Moravia, there were alive about 96, the rest in the space of 10 years, either by sword or pestilence, or diseases contracted by frights, and cold, or famin, or prison had destroyed.

9. The towns-men and trades-men of Cities and towns, went away, in some places more, in some places fewer, yea, among the very Country-men, and Husband-men there were not a few, who followed the rest, and forsook the Country.

10. The greatest part placed the seat of their abode in their absence from their Country, in the Duke of Saxonies Dominions in Misnia, in Lusatia, in Voitland, and there was not a small number, that betook themselves to the protection of the Duke of Calumbac, and the Marquis of Berruteis; some betooke themselves in Marquis Brandenburgs Country, yea, even into Holland it self.

11. They that went into Poland, found for their friend, the most Illustrious Count Belzensis, the Lord Ralph Count de Lossnia, who in their Dominions of Lossnia, Wlodavia and Baronavia, friendly entertained above 1000, and protected them from the cruelty of their Enemies. The towns Ostrorog, Roki, (under the government of the most Illustrious, the Counties of Ostrorog, and the most Potent Lord Nicolas Ray of Naglowitz’s) as also Kobillium, under the Lord Abraham Szenintaw; and last of all, Thorunium, an Empire City of Borussia, was a receptacle to very many, to whom the most Illustrious Prince, Christopher Rodzivillius, behaved himself very bountifully, in relieving the misery of their banishment, as also other pious people. whose hearts the Lord stirred up.

12. In Hungaria the Lord stirred up the heart of the most illustrous George Rakozius now Prince of Transilvania, to make his Dominions of Puchovia and Ladneseus as a sanctuary to the banished, whether also some went from it self, as also to the Dominions of Count Trurion, Count Eleshazius, the Lord Revius and others.

13. In Silesia under the Government of the Emperor God strengthened the heart of Iohn Christian Duke of Briggs, that he durst rather obey God than men, who entertained in his Duchy many of the banished Bohemians and Moravians, to whom, as also to the rest under the heat of the day: Isajah 16. 3. 4. 5. Take counsell, execute judgment, make thy shadow as the night, in the midst of the noon day, hide not the outcasts, bewray not him that wandereth, let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab be thou a covert to them from the spoiler, &c.

14. Besides those before named, who shunned Apostacy by their banishment, In very Bohemia it self, and Moravia, the midst of these abomisations, God reserved to himself more than 7000, who did not bow their knees to Baal, nor kist him with their mouth. I do not mean Infants, who cannot distinguish between their right hand and their left: but men of growth, who in many places, under moderate Governours, did not undergo such a bitter persecution as the other, but kept constantly in the faith: as for example, many in the Dukedome of Fridland, in the County of Westineus, of which we spake before, under the Barons of Zerotin and Waldstein, and some others, who suffered not their Subjects to be so tormented. But let no godly man envy this their happinesse: for all things are done by his disposing, who said, Jesus said unto him, If I will that he carry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.

15. Finally, we know many of those who Apostatised do with Peter, bitterly bewaile their fall, and do testifie it by their letters to their ejected Ministers, yea and some of them that have the benefit of Ministers, and a Ministery, have re-united themselves, unto the Church; others with great desire and anxiety of heart, do wait for the time of their freedome, ready upon the least occasion to be reconciled to God and the Church; and therefore more fervently then the rest they do implore Gods mercy, and they do importune heaven with their teares and sighs mitigating their losses with a resolute hope, and expecting the Lord to come with succour to them.

16. Thou therefore our God looke upon us miserable creatures, whom thou hast so humbled by afflictions, that the shadow of death covers us, who for thy sake are put to death every day, and are carried as sheep to the slaughter. awake O Lord why sleepeſt thou? do not cast us off for ever? why doest thou turn away thy face, and forget our affliction and oppressions? for our life is brought down to the dust, and our belly cleaves to the ground. Arise O Lord, help us and deliver us for thy name sake. Psal. 44. 21. &c. Israel is a scattered sheep, the Lions have driven him away. First the King of Assyria, hath devoured him. Return O Lord, and be reconciled unto thy servants, satisfy us right early with thy goodnesse, and we will be glad and rejoice all our dayes; comfort us according to the dayes where in thou hast afflicted us, and for the yeares wherein we have seene evill. Let thy work appear unto thy servants and thy glory unto their children (Psal. 90. 14.) Amen, Amen, Amen.