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The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 2

From Wikisource

The Martyr Ludomilla.

1.WHilest Drahomira did thus rage against the Christians, Wenceslaus, who hitherto excused himself from undertaking the Government in respect of his age and studies by the advice of his Grandmother Ludomilla and the Christian nobility; took the Government into his own hands, and that he might establish tranquillity by the consent of his nobles, he doth assign the city of Boleslavia with the adjacent grounds to bee inhabited by his brother Bolislaus and his Mother Drahomira.

2. Drahomira therefore laid aside her Government, but not her hatred and bloody imaginations against the Christians which did first break out against that holy Matron Ludomilla for when she perceived that Wenceslaus did favour Ludomilla more then her selfe, who was his mother, and by that meanes the Christian religion was much promoted, she did seek, til at last she found fitting instruments to accomplish her cruelty, which were Juhuman, & Cuman, who were men of the highest nobility and of impudent audacity, who being sent forth by Drahomira in the night, they found out the holy widdow intent at her praiers, in her Oratory; they break in, and break down, and robbing the vail from her head, they strangled her, her jawes being open; there were some who did inflame Wenceslaus (who was exceedingly disturbed for the death of his Grandmother) to revenge that cruelty, or if hee would be wanting, they desired Commission for to do it themselves: but he gravely tebuked all of them, in regard they did perswade him to do that which is contrary to that duty which is owed to any mother, and contrary to the modesty and patience of a Christian, not remembring what the Lord sayeth, vengeance is mine, and I will retribute it.