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The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 27

From Wikisource


The persecutions which the more reformed of the Calixtines did endure.

I. IN all these times, the condition of the church of the Brothers was most heavy, but neither were the Calixtines free from affliction, especially the purer sort of them, being those who were most zealous against the Papists; for in the year 1408. Mr. Michael Polach, pastor of St. Ades in old Prague, a man of unblemished life, and an excellent preacher, with three other Parsons, Mr. Wenceslaus Slane, Iohn Miczta, and Mr. Wenceslaus Piscene, were apprehended by the command of King Wladislaus, because they affirmed the Pope to be Antichrist. They were carried into the Castle of Calreisteine where the first of them perished by hunger, and the nastinesse of the prison; the other with much adoe were dismissed by the order of the States. At which time, many other who were more reformed in their judgements, were either driven from Prague, as Mr. Mathias Macheeke professor of the University, or willingly departed, as Lucas Pragene, batchelour of Art, an excellent man (who afterwards, as before I have recited was a Bishop amongst the Brothers) there also forsooke the Vniversity of their own accord, Mr. Iohn Snow a Physitian, and others.

2. On the same year, the King forbad the singing of the ballads made against the abominations of the Church of Rome, and because they would not refrain, many of the best rank of the Citizens were apprehended, and a long time detained in prison. One or two of them were flead alive, as Matthew Serling, Martin of the golden wheele, Scheynohin, who was also a Citizen of Prague, through the violence of the torment did break asunder.

3. On this the Monks having taken new courage, began more freely to inveigh against those that tooke the Sacrament in both kinds, and condemned the Hussites, the people variously, but vainly, murmuring at it. The Senators also of Prague, and many Papists and Germanes, abusing the clemency of the King, did grow so intollerably bold, that some noble men, who were adversaries to the Religion, conspired together, and on the 24 of December at night, intended to put to death the chiefest of the Citizens who received the Sacrament under both kinds. But they were deceived of their expectation and hope, God so ordaining it that the evill returned upon the heads of the contrivers of it. For their treachery being betrayed, their was a mighty Tumult in which the places of Justice of the three Cities and all the Monasteries were pulled downe, and many of the Senators and Monks were slain. This was done in the year 1413. at which though Wladislaus was much afflicted, yet inquity being made, and it being found that the Papists gave the cause thereof, he pardoned the inhabitans of Prague. And in the year 1485, he established by Parliament an agreement betwixt the communicants under one and both kinds, howsoever the hatred betwixt them and the reproachfull words did still continue.

4. In the yeare 1491, on the 28 of Ianuary at Leta Curia a chiefe Temple of the Hussites. The Eucharist being administred under both kinds, a German comming behind a Gentlewoman, as she was drinking of the cup, hee strooke her head so violently, that her mouth being cleaved, bloud issued forth abundantly, for which notorious offence hee was apprehended, and thrown into prison, but not long after dismissed.

5. But in the Vacation of the Arch-Bishopprick, the Calixtine Priests could not receive their Ordinations but in Italy, where most of them were bound to renounce the articles under both kinds, and to performe obedience unto the sea of Rome, which was very grievous to the Bohemians, therefore in the yeare 1482. there Sanctuarensis a Bishop came into Bohemia from Italy, for the love as hee said of the pure Religion, whom when Augustinus Lucian and others, had received with much joy and honour, he died i the yeare of our Lord 1493, whom whom after eleven yeares Philip Bishop of Sidon and Mutina did succeed, Hee being resident sometimes at Prague, sometimes at Cuttenburge, did for three yeares space ordaine Calixtine Ministers, which being passed they were againe enforced to flatter the Pope and Bishops of Rome, so miserable was their slavery, that willing to seem to have forsaken Antichrist, yet they did not stick to fight under his standards.

6. But some of the schollers amongst whom was Iohn Bozhink so truly hated the Pope, that having received letters of commendation from the University, they went as farre as Armenia to be ordained Ministers. And because that there the same had arrived of the Heresie of the Bohemians, they were the more strictly examined: and it being found that they agreed with them in the chiefest Articles of Religion, and also in the language, they were ordained Ministers, in the yeare 1499. Two of those did afterwards suffer the flames of Martyrdome by the Romanes, to wit, Martin a Taborite, with his Deacon, who were both burned at Radnice.