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The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 67

From Wikisource

Chap. LXVII.

Henry Otto de Losse Lord of Komarove.

A Man of a quick wit and great judgement. Therefore in the time of Rodolphus hee was in the number of the Defendors of Religion, and afterwards chosen one among the Governours of the Kingdome. By King Frederick hee was made assistant to the Chamber of Justice, and Burgrave of Carleistene with the Count of Thurne.

2. He having received his sentence of condemnation, said: Mysar, do you indeed establish your Throne by our blood. But you shall try in the day of judgement what account you shall make to God, I have seen barbarous nations, but I never saw or heard of the like cruelty: that a man sheuld be cut in pieces, their heads sent one way, their hands another way, and the other parts of the bodie to other places, what crueltie is this! Let them send one part of me to Rome, another to Spain, another to Turky, the rest beyond the seas where they please: I do beleeve that my Saviour wil gather them together again and will cloath them with my skin, that I may see him with these eies, hear him with these eares, praise him with this mouth, rejoice with this heart for ever.

3. When the Minister Rosacius returned into the Court from the execution of the L. Dworzeski, (others in the mean time bearing the Lord de Bile company) the Lord Otto like one in anextasie arose hastily out of his seat, and spoke these words to him: Oh how do I rejoyce at thy comming, O man of God, that I may with joy relate unto you, what now hath hapned to me. I satein this seat troubled within my self because it had not been my fortune to have a Minister of my acquaintance, who might administer absolution and the Eucharist unto me, I began to grieve, and indeed I do grieve, that I was not present at your holy mysteries. Amongst these thoughts I fell asleep, and behold my Saviour appeared unto me, who said: My grace is sufficient for thee: for I purifie thee with my bloud. And then infused a drop of his bloud into my heart, at the feeling of this, I awaked and leaped for joy. And now beleeve that I feel a wonderfull refreshing in my heart. And then he added with his hands lifted up: I give thee thankes most mercifull Saviour, who hath beene pleased to fill mee with so much comfort, and to assure me so much of thy grace! Now I understand what that is, Beleeve and thou hast eaten. Oh now I feare death no longer! I will die with joy.

4. Being presently called out by the Sheriffe, hee desires Rosacius to accompany him: who granting it said; just now the Lord Jesus appeared unto you in your sleepe, now hee will appeare in a beautifull vision as hee is in his glory. I am sure (answered hee) that hee will meet my soule with his Angels, that hee may bring it to an everlasting marriage, where I shall drink of a new cup, a cup of joy for ever. Ah this death I know shall not separate mee from him.

5. Hee went forward being intent on his prayers to the Scaffold; where lifting up his eyes hee cried out: Behold I see the heavens open, And stretching out his hand hee pointed to a place about the top of heaven, where others also did observe a certain kind of brightnesse dazeling their sight. Being come to the place of execution hee fell on his face and prayed silently: then putting off his doublet, and kneeling down, cried; into thy hands O Lord God I commend my spirit, have pitty on mee through Jesus Christ and receive me that I may see his glory. At this word hee received the stroke of the sword.