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The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 75

From Wikisource

Chap. 75.

Christopher Khober a Citizen of little Prague.

BEing endued with an Heroicke mind, and elder then the other Citizens, he discoursed piously of many things which were helps to constancy. Among other things he exhorted them, to consider how glorions is the memory of the Prophets, Apostles and Martyrs, also of Hus and Ierome; and for no other reason, but because they laid down their lives willingly for the Testimony of Iesus Christ. Why therefore should they envy themselves, when God would have them be in the number of this most holy company. He cited the words of Ignatius: I am the Corne of God, and I shall be ground with the teeth of beasts. We also, saith he, are the Corne of God, sown in the field of the Church, and that we may be for our Mr. We are now to be torne by beasts; but be of good cheare, the Church is founded in bloods and hath encreased by blood, God is able to raise up at housand worshippers of himself, out of every drop of our blood; for although truth does now suffer violence, yet notwithstanding Christ reigns, and shall reign, and no man shal throw him from his throne, &c.

2. Being called to execution he said, I come in the name of my God, neither am I ashamed to suffer these things for his glory, for I know whom I have believed. I have fought a fight , and finished my course, &c. He went couragiously to the place designed for his execution, as though he would wrestle with death; to which when he came, he stood up and said, Must I dye here? Well, I shall not dye, but live and declare the workes of the Lord in the land of the living. Then pulling off his cloaths & praying, into thy hands Lord I commend my spirit, he received the Crown of Martyrdom.