Boscawen, Mr., his purchase of green-stone axe-head, 141.
Boss of Tarkondemos, 127; bilingual inscription on, 129.
Bronze figures, Hittite, 117.
Buckle, origin of Greek, 120.
Bulgar Dagh, silver mines at, 94.
Burckhardt, his discovery at Hamah, 56.
Canaan, sons of, 13.
Carchemish, strength of, 43; pays tribute to Assur-natsir-pal, 46; maneh of, 46; fall of, 50; questions as to site of, 97; identification of, 98; visited by Mr. George Smith, 98; the site bought, 99; remains of, 99; history of, 99; battle of, 100; a holy city, 100; situation of, 100; the deities of, 104; trade of, 138.
Cedar, forests of Amanus, 47.
Chariots, Hittite, 139.
Cheroki Indian, syllabary of, 124.
Cities of Refuge, Hittite, 113; Hebrew, 114.
Cloth, Hittite, 142.
Conder, Major, on the Ark of the prophet Noah, 107.
Country, Hittite hieroglyph representing, 81.
Cromlechs of Libyans, 17.
Cuneiform tablets, from Kaisarlyeh, 126.
Cylinders, Hittite, 118.
Cyprus, syllabary used in, 132.
Dados at Eyuk, 86; at Boghaz Keui, 89; in Taurus, 94.
Damascus, rise of, 44.
David, wars of, with Syria, 44.
Davis, Rev. E. J., on Ibreez sculptures, 61.
Debir or Dapur, an Amorite town, 126.
Deities, Hittite, 104.
Deluge, the, fables concerning, 106.
Derketo, the myth of, 105, 108, 110.
Dove, the symbol of, 110.
Dress, Hittite, 140, 142.
Eagle, double-headed, at Eyuk, 85.
Egypt, testimony of monuments to Hittites and Amorites, 14; annals of, 19; wars with Hittites, 23; confederacy against, 39; civil wars in, 39; invasions of, 39.
Elon the Hittite, daughter of, 13.
Ephesos, worship of the Mother-goddess at, 113; green-stone axe-head from, 141.
Ephron the Hittite, 13.
Esau's Hittite wives, 13.
Exodus, the time of, 25, 38.
Eyuk, Hittite remains at, 85; palace, 85; avenue of lions, 85; sphinx at 85; double-headed eagle at, 85; palace gate at, 86; dado at, 86; sculptures at, 86; date of, 87; height of plateau, 87; climate of, 87.
Furniture, Hittite, 138.
Galli or eunuchs at Mabog, 106.
Gar-emeris, a district, 14.
Gargamis, see Carchemish.
Gaza, garrisoned by Egyptians, 38.
Gems, Hittite, 118.
Ghiaur-kalessi, sculpture at, 56.
Ghurun, Hittite inscriptions at, 94.
Gladstone, Mr., on Keteians of Homer, 120.
Glove, Hittite, 81.
Gods, Hittite, 35, 104.
Great Mother, the, worship of, 108.
Hadad, worship of, 109.
Hadad-ezer, his war with David, 44.
Hamah, discovery of Hittite remains in, 56.
Hamath, once a Hittite city, 44; last ruler of, 45.
Hamathite inscriptions really Hittite, 60.
Hebron, inhabitants of, 14; a Hebrew city of refuge, 114.
Henderson, Mr., buys site of Carchemish, 99.
Herodotos on Karabel sculptures, 54; on Syrians, 82.
Heth, son of Canaan, 13.
Hittites, false criticisms about, 11; Scripture references to, 12; Northern, 12; Southern, 13; testimony of Egyptian monuments, 14; interlocked with Amorites, 14; physical appearance of, 15; descendants of, 15; history of, 17; of Judæa, 19; called Kheta by Egyptians, 19; Great and Little, 20; pay tribute to Thothmes III., 20; worship of solar disk, 21; power of, 23; treaty with Ramses I., 23; war with Seti I., 24; with Ramses II., 24; at Kadesh, 26; make treaty with him, 29; catalogue of gods, 35; supremacy of, 37; peaceful relations with Meneptah, 38; invade Egypt, 39; their empire broken up, 40; decay of, 40; Assyrian references to, 40; conquered by Tiglath-pileser I., 42; pay tribute to Assur-natsir-pal, 46; confederacy against Shalmaneser II., 47; power of, broken, 48; change of meaning of name, 49; doom of empire of, 50; campaign against Menuas, 51; against Argistis I., 52; dominions of, 52; sculptures of, at Karabel, 54; remains of, at Hamah, 56; at Ibreez, 61; at Aleppo, 62; at Sipylos, 69; position of monuments of, 73; peculiarities of, 74; civilising influence of, 75; character of empire of, 77; dress of, 80; boots of, 80; gloves of, 81; etymology of, 81; remains of, at Eyuk, 85; at Boghaz Keui, 87; text at, 93; at Merash, 94; silver mines, 95; extent of their supremacy, 96; ignorance of history of Southern, 97; Syrian conquest of, 100; appearance of, 101; mixture of, with Semites, 102; religion of, 104; description of a temple of, 104; the gods of, 104; holy cities of, 113; cities of refuge, 113; art of, 114; sculpture of, 115; discovery of bronze figures of, 117; gems of, 118; extent of influence of, 120; reasons for our interest in, 121; inscriptions of, 122; a literary people, 125; libraries of, 126; influence of, on Phœnician letters, 132; language of, 134; architecture of, 136; metallurgy of, 136; their means of exchange, 137; trade of, 138; furniture of, 138; music of, 139; horses and chariots of, 139; army of, 140; dress of, 140, 142; weapons of, 141; cloth and linen of, 142; their symbol 'swastika,' 142; knowledge of, confirms the truth of Scripture, 143.
Holy cities, Hittite, 113.
Horses, Hittite, 139.
Humann, Dr., his discovery of a cuneiform inscription, 126.
Ibreez, sculptures at, 61.
Inscriptions, Hittite, purpose of, 123; characteristics of, 123; originality of, 124; use of, 124; writing material, 125; at Tel el-Amarna, 126; cuneiform and hieroglyphic, 126; from Kaisarîyeh, 126; from Sinjirli, 126; on boss of Tarkondemos, 127.
Istar, the goddess, 109.
Jebusites, origin of, 14.
Jerablûs, true site of Carchemish, 98.
Jerusalem, founders of, 14.
Jessup, Mr., his discovery at Hamah, 57.
Johnson, Mr., his discovery at Hamah, 57.
Joshua, his entrance into Palestine, 25.
Jovanoff, M. Alexander, his purchase of a boss, 127.
Judith, Esau's Hittite wife, 13.
Kabyles, descendants of Libyans, 16.
Kadesh, people of, 14; taken by Seti I., 24; bravery of Ramses II. before, 25; Hittite occupation of, 100.
Perrot, Professor, on Karabel sculptures, 56; on inscription at Boghaz Keui, 65; his discovery of Hittite bronze figures, 117.
Pessinus, worship of Ma at, 113.
Pethor made into an Assyrian colony, 48.
Petrie, Mr., on appearance of Amorites, 15.
Phœnician alphabet, Hittite influence on, 132.
Pisiris, last king of Carchemish, 50.
Priam, treasure of, 137.
Priests of Mabog, description of, 106.
Qalb Luzeh, or Luz, 12.
Ramses I., his treaty with Hittites, 23.
Ramses II., his wars with Hittites, 24; the Pharaoh of the Exodus, 25; epic on his bravery at Kadesh, 25; makes a treaty with Hittites, 29; marries daughter of Hittite king, 37.
Ramses III., victories of, 39.
Religion of the Hittites, 104.
Renouard, his discovery of Karabel sculpture, 55.
Rhea, the goddess, 108.
Rimmon or Tammuz, worship of, 109.
Rings found at Mykenæ, 119.
Sadi-anteru, submission of, 42.
Sandan, the god, 111.
Sangara, league formed by, 47; daughter of, given to Shalmaneser II., 48.
Saplel, a Hittite king, his treaty with Ramses I., 23.
Sardes, date of capture of, 78.
Sargon, wars of, 50.
Schliemann, Dr., discoveries of, at Mykenæ, 110, 119.
Sculpture, Hittite, 115.
Seals, Hittite, 118.
Semiramis, the goddess, 110.
Semitic mixture with Hittites, 102.
Sesostris, memorials of, at Karabel, 54.
Seti I., wars of, 24.
Shalmaneser II., warlike policy of, 47; sacrifices to Hadad, 48, 50; his victory at Karkar, 48; appoints a new king of Patinians, 49; inscription of, 49.
Shechem, a Hebrew city of refuge, 114.
Shishak, Amorite captives of, 16.
Sidon, son of Canaan, 13.
Silver, Hittite liking for, 94; treaty-tablets, 95.
Simi, the goddess, fable of, 106.
Sinjirli, inscription at, 126.
Sipylos, sculpture at, 69.
Sisythes, the hero of the deluge, 107.
Skene, Mr., his discovery of site of Carchemish, 98.
Smith, Mr. George, his visit to site of Carchemish, 98.
Solar disk, worship of, 21.
Sphinx at Eyuk, 85.
Strabo on White Syrians, 82.
Stratonikê, myth of, 110.
Subhi Pasha at Hamah, 58.
Sun-god, the, 109.
Sutekh, the supreme Hittite god, 105, 112.
Swastika, a Hittite symbol, 142.
Syllabary used in Cyprus, 132.
Tahtim-hodshi, explanation of, 12.
Tammuz, worship of, 109; myth of death of, 109.
Tannur, the spring, 107.
Tar or Tarku, the god, 111.
Tarkondêmos, silver boss of, 127; bilingual inscription on, 129.
Tarqu-dimme, name of, on silver boss, 129.
Tel el-Amarna, discovery at, 22; inscriptions at, 126.