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The Hong Kong Government Gazette/Volume 39/No 50

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The Hong Kong Government Gazette (1893)
Volume 39, Number 50
840125The Hong Kong Government Gazette — Volume 39, Number 501893

The Hongkong
Government Gazette.

Published by Authority.

No. 50
Victoria, SATURDAY, 11th NOVEMBER, 1893.

日四初月十年已癸 日一十月一十年三十九百八千一


His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased to appoint Edward Bowdler, provisionally, to be a Member of the Executive and of the Legislation Council during the absence of Francis Alfred Cooper from the Colony or until further notice.

By Command,

Arathoon Seth,
Clerk of Councils.

Council Chamber, Hongkong, 9th November, 1893.


The Officer Administering the Government in Council has been pleased to appoint John Rowland Crook to be the Water Authority under the Water Works Ordinance, 1890, to whom all communications relating to that Ordinance should be addressed during the absence on leave of Francis Alfred Cooper, or until further notice.

By Command,

Arathoon Seth,
Clerk of Councils.

Council Chamber, Hongkong, 9th November, 1893.


His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased to appoint Francis Henry May to be President of the Sanitary Board vice Francis Alfred Cooper proceeding on leave, and Alexander MacDonald Thomson to be Vice-President of the Sanitary Board vice Francis Henry May appointed President, in each case from the 9th instant, during the absence of J. H. Stewart Lockhart from the Colony.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary Office, Hongkong, 9th November, 1893.


His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased to appoint William Chatham to be Acting Director of Public Works during the absence on leave of Francis Alfred Cooper, or until further notice.

Communications relating to the Praya Reclamation Works should in future be addressed to Edward Bowdler, the Special Engineer in charge of the Works.

Communications relating to the Building Ordinance should be addressed to Hugh Pollock Tooker, Executive Engineer in the Public Works Department.

All other communications should be addressed to the Acting Director of Public Works.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary Office, Hongkong, 9th November, 1893.

page 1132


It is hereby notified that an examination open to all qualified natural-born British subjects, for appointments in the Civil Service of India, will take place in London on 1st August, 1894, and following days, and that copies of the Regulations, Syllabus of subjects of examination and forms of application to be filled up by Candidates may be obtained on application at this Office.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary Office, Hongkong, 6th November, 1893.


The following Minutes are published.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary Office, Hongkong, 11th November, 1893.

No. 22.

Minutes of the proceedings of the Sanitary Board, at a meeting held on Thursday, the 26th day of October, 1893.


The Director of Public Works, (The Honourable Francis Alfred Cooper), President.

The Captain Superintendent of Police, (Francis Henry May, Esquire), Vice-President.

The Acting Registrar General, (The Honourable Alexander MacDonald Thomson).

The Colonial Surgeon, (Dr. Philip Bernard Chenery Ayres, C.M.G.).

Dr. James Cantlie.

The Honourable Dr. Ho Kai.


John David Humphreys, Esquire.

John Joseph Francis, Esquire, Q.C.

Nathaniel Joseph Ede, Esquire.

Lau Wai Chun, Esquire.

Minutes.—The minutes of a meeting held on the 12th day of October, 1893, were read and confirmed.

Mortality Returns.—The returns for the weeks ended the 14th and 21st October, 1893,—which had been circulated to Members—were laid on the table.

Surveyor's Report.—Surveyor's Report for quarter ended 30th September, 1893,—which had been circulated to Members—was laid on the table.

House Drains.—Surveyor's reports—which had been circulated to Members, and the minutes on the circulating covers read—on condition of house drains at 52 to 58 (even Nos.), Hollywood Road; 24. Lyndhurst Terrace; 58 and 60, Stanley Street; 67 to 85 (odd Nos.), Wellington Street; and 54 and 56, D'Aguilar Street, were laid on the table.

The president moved,—

That the Surveyor's reports be adopted, and that the owners of the houses be called upon to redrain in accordance with the requirements of the Public Health Ordinance and Bye-Laws made thereunder.

The Colonial Surgeon seconded.

Question—put and agreed to.

Report.—Surveyor's Report on sanitary condition of Nos. 7, 162, 170, 184 and 188, 3rd Street, and 138 and 141, 2nd Street—which had been circulated to Members, and the minutes on the circulating cover read—was laid on the table.

The President moved,—

That the Surveyor's Report be adopted, and that the owners be called upon to put the premises in a sanitary condition in accordance with the Public Health Ordinance and Bye-Laws made thereunder.

The Colonial Surgeon seconded.

Question—put and agreed to.

Water Closets.—An application for permission to erect Water Closets in premises situated on Inland Lot No. 7, Queen's Road Central—which had been circulated to Members, and the minutes on the circulating cover read—was laid on the table.

The President moved,—

That permission be granted subject to the conditions laid down by the Surveyor, and that the applicant be so informed.

The Colonial Surgeon seconded.

Question—put and agreed to.

page 1133

Dresden Sanitary Convention.—A minute from the Honourable the Colonial Secretary forwarding correspondence respecting the Dresden Sanitary Convention—which had been circulated to Members, and the minutes attached thereto read— was laid on the table.

The President moved,—

That the receipt of this document be acknowledged, and that the Colonial Secretary be informed that the Sanitary Board is of opinion that it is unnecessary for this Colony to take a part in the conference.

Dr. Ho Kai seconded.

Motion carried unanimously.

Refuse Tea leaves.—A letter from the Honourable the Colonial Secretary concerning refuse Tea leaves from Chinese Tea Houses—which had been circulated to Members, and the minutes on the circulating cover read—was laid on the table.

The President moved,—

That the receipt of this document be acknowledged, and that the Honourable the Colonial Secretary be informed that the Sanitary Board is of opinion that it has no power to deal with this complaint.

The Colonial Surgeon seconded.

Question—put and agreed to.

Maimed Animals.—A letter from the Colonial Veterinary Surgeon requesting instructions respecting the slaughtering of maimed animals outside of Slaughter Houses—which had been circulated to Members, and the minutes on the circulating cover read—was laid on the table.

A discussion ensued.

The President moved,—

That the Colonial Veterinary Surgeon be called upon to report how many cases had come under his notice within the last 12 months.

Dr. Ho Kai seconded.

Question—put and agreed to.

Pig Sties.—Correspondence respecting the inspection of Pig Sties by the Colonial Veterinary Surgeon—which had been circulated to Members, and the minutes on the circulating cover and attached thereto read—was laid on the table.

A discussion ensued.

It was agreed that the question stand over until the next meeting.

Leave of Absence.—An application from the Colonial Veterinary Surgeon for 14 days leave of absence—which had been circulated to Members, and the minutes on the circulating cover read—was laid on the table.

The President moved,—

That as a letter from the Colonial Veterinary Surgeon had been received, requesting to be allowed to have the date changed to the 25th November, 1893, that these papers be re-circulated to the Members of the Board.

Dr. Ho Kai seconded.

Question—put and agreed to.

Adjournment.—The Board then adjourned till Thursday, the 9th day of November, 1893.

F. H. May,

Read and confirmed this 9th day of November, 1893.

A. H. Rennie,
Acting Secretary.


The following Notice is published.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 9th November, 1893.


All persons intending to apply for Seamen's Boarding House Licences for the year 1893-1894, under Section 17 of Ordinance 26 of 1891, should send in their applications in writing to this Office on or before Thursday, the 23rd November, stating accurately the position of the house.

Before a Licence can be issued, the applicant will be required to produce the consent of a Police Magistrate.

R. Murray Rumsey, Retd. Comdr., R.N.,
Harbour Master, &c.

Harbour Department, Hongkong, 7th November, 1893.

page 1134


The following Return of Stamp Revenue, during the Months of October 1892 and 1893, is published.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 11th November, 1893.

Comparative Statement of the Revenue under Stamp Ordinance, 1886, the Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1889, the Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884, and for Telegraph Forms, Land Office Fees and Fees of the Supreme Court, during the Months of October 1892 and 1893, respectively.

Description. Revenue
Increase. Decrease.
$ c. $ c. $ c. $ c.
1 Adjudication Fee, 1.00 1.00
2 Agreement, 151.50 177.50 26.00
3 Arbitration Award, 1.00
4 Articles of Clerkship,
5 Attested Copy, 4.00 10.00 6.00
6 Bank Cheques, 232.00 288.00 56.00
7 Bank Note Duty, 3,185.66 3,423.90 238.24
8 Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note, 1,425.85 1,983.67 557.82
9 Bill of Lading, 2,009.40 2,143.30 133.90
10 Bottomry or Respondentia Bond, Average Statement, 2.50 2.50
11 Broker's Note, 1.00 1.00
12 Charter Party, 213.10 326.80 113.70
13 Copy Charter, 76.00 88.00 12.00
14 Conveyance or Assignment, 466.20 612.20 146.00
15 Copartnership Deed, 4.00 4.00
16 Declaration of Trust,
17 Deed of Gift, 25.00 25.00
18 Duplicate Deeds, 20.30 14.00 6.30
19 Emigration Fees, 21.00 9.00 12.00
20 Foreign Attachment Bond,
21 Miscellaneous Instruments, 10.00 10.00
22 Lease with Fine or Premium,
23 Lease on Agreement,
24 Lease without Fine or Premium, 35.35 41.65 6.30
25 Letter of Hypothecation, 45.00 42.00 3.00
26 Mortgage, 78.70 80.60 1.90
Mortgage,Do. (ii) Additional Security, 7.50 7.50
Mortgage,Do. (iii) Transfer, 7.00 7.00
Mortgage,Do. (iv) Re-assignment, 3.09 19.93 16.84
Mortgage,Do. (v) on Agreement,
27 Notarial Act, 4.00 8.00 4.00
28 Note of Protest, 2.00 5.00 3.00
29 Police of Insurance, 712.80 804.90 92.10
30 Power of Attorney, 46.00 68.00 22.00
31 Probate, or Letters of Administration, 359.00 926.00 567.00
32 Receipt Stamps, Impressed, 11.92 23.56 11.64
33 Servant's Security Bond 10.20 32.80 22.60
34 Settlement,
35 Settlement on Agreement,
36 Transfer of Shares, 294.90 214.60 80.30
Adhesive Stamps, 2,956.42 2,188.22 768.20
Telegraph Forms, 4.75 4.75
Medical Declarations,
MedicalDo. Certificates,
Bill of Health, 162.00 138.00 24.00
Total, $ 12,550.89 13,722.88 2,076.29 904.30
Deduct Decrease, $ 904.30
Total Increase in October, 1893, $ 1,171.99

N. G. Mitchell-Innes,
Collector of Stamp Revenue.

Stamp Office, Hongkong, 6th November 1893.

page 1135


The following Extract of Meteorological Observations, made at the Hongkong Observatory, during the Month of October, 1893, is published.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 11th November, 1893.

Extract of Meteorological Observations, Made at the Hongkong Observatory, for the Month of October, 1893.
Date. Barometer
Temperature. Humidity. Cloudiness. Sunshine. Rain. Wind.
Max. Mean. Min. Rel. Abs. Dir. Vel.
ins. ° ° ° p. c. ins. p. c. hrs. ins. Points. Miles.
p. h.
1, 29.68 85.1 81.8 77.2 61 0.68 87 0.6 0.500 N 25.5
2, .43 80.5 76.6 74.7 88 .81 100 4.485 E by N 28.0
3, .60 80.0 77.8 75.3 86 .82 99 0.1 6.910 SE by S 37.1
4, .76 82.3 77.9 75.3 88 .84 96 4.1 0.760 SE 17.2
5, .90 80.1 77.2 74.0 83 .77 75 1.5 0.215 E by N 23.3
6, .89 81.9 75.4 70.6 68 .60 33 10.7 0.005 N by W 10.1
7, .75 83.6 75.3 70.1 65 .57 64 6.6 0.040 N by W 17.4
8, .72 78.5 76.2 70.3 86 .78 100 2.625 E by N 42.8
9, .90 82.1 78.5 76.3 84 .82 56 7.2 0.055 E by S 18.8
Mean or Total, 29.97 80.1 75.4 71.4 70 0.63 40 244.6 17.870 ENE 17.2

On the 30th September at 9.13 a. the following notice was issued: "there is another typhoon approaching Bolinao quickly from E," and at 10.20 a., the Red South Cone was hoisted. At noon, the centre was in about 14°, 123°. On the 1st October at 10.18 a. the Black South Cone was hoisted: "terrific typhoon passed over Bolinao early this morning, and it is now moving NWward in the China Sea," at 10.40 a.: "barometer falling. Strong N wind increasing. Rough sea. Weather becoming bad," at 10.50 a.: "vessels leaving the port except for the Wward run great risk." At noon the centre was in about 17°, 118°. At 4 p. the Gun was fired one round. On the 2nd at 6 a. the Gun was fired two rounds. At 6.15 a.: "typhoon expected from NE to SE in Hongkong." At noon the centre was in about 20°, 114°. On the 3rd at 8.30 a. the Black Ball was hoisted. At 10.45 a.: "barometer rising. Strong SE wind decreasing with squally showery weather." At noon the centre was in about 23°, 109°. On the 4th at 7.20 a. Red Ball hoisted, and taken down at 11.10 a. On the 5th at 10.45 a.: "there is a depression in the China Sea with strong NE winds and high sea to the N of it. Barometer rising. Weather fair to showery and squally." On the 6th at 10.45 a.: "there appears to be a typhoon in the Pacific E of N Luzon," at 12.30 p.: "the centre of the typhoon has approached N Formosa," at 3.30 p. Red Drum hoisted, and at 9 p.: "at 3 p. on the 6th typhoon in S Formosa." On the 7th at 10.10 a.: "typhoon appears to be approaching the SE coast of China," at 10.27 a.: "barometer falling. Fresh N winds and fair weather," at 2.5 p. Black Drum hoisted, and at midnight two lanterns hoisted vertically. On the 8th at 4.45 a. the Gun was fired one round, page 1136 at 6.45 a.: "NE to SE gale expected in Hongkong," at 7.55 a. Black South Cone hoisted, at 10.50 a.: "typhoon S of Hongkong moving WNWward," at 2.35 p. Black Ball hoisted. On the 9th at 10 a. Black ball taken down. On the 11th at 10.50 a.: "there appears to be a typhoon to the SE of Bolinao," and at 4.15 p.: "depression E of Bashee Channel." On the 12th at 8.25p.: "on the 12th at 3 p. centre of typhoon near S Formosa," and Red Drum hoisted. On 13th at 10.25 a.: "typhoon appears to have recurved E of Formosa," and at 4.15 p. Red Drum taken down. On the 14th at 1 p. "typhoon in SW Japan."

W. Doberck,

Hongkong Observatory, 10th November, 1893.


Tenders will be received at this Office until Noon of Monday, the 11th December, 1893, for the sole privilege of slaughtering animals for the food of man within the Colony, for the year 1894.

For specification, period of Contract and full particulars apply at the Office of the Secretary to the Sanitary Board.

No tender will be received unless the person tendering produces a receipt to the effect that he has deposited in the Colonial Treasury the sum of $250 as a pledge of the bona fides of his tender, which sum shall be forfeited to the Crown if such person refuses to enter into the usual bond, should the tender be accepted.

For form of tender apply at this Office.

The Government does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 9th November, 1893.


Tenders will be received at this Office until Noon of Monday, the 11th December, 1893, for the renting of the Cattle Depôt at Kennedytown, for the year 1894.

For specification, period of Contract and full particulars apply at the Office of the Secretary to the Sanitary Board.

No tender will be received unless the person tendering produces a receipt to the effect that he has deposited in the Colonial Treasury the sum of $75 as a pledge of the bona fides of his tender, which sum shall be forfeited to the Crown if such person refuses to enter into the usual bond, should the tender be accepted.

For form of tender apply at this Office.

The Government does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 9th November, 1893.


Tenders will be received at this Office until Noon of Saturday, the 9th December, 1893, for the purchase of Waste Food from Victoria Gaol for the ensuing year, commencing 1st January, 1894, to 31st December, 1894, inclusive.

This consists of the Kitchen refuse and Waste of Rice, Congee, Vegetables, Fish, &c. averaging 100 ℔s. daily.

For form of tender apply at this Office.

For particulars apply at the office of the Superintendent, Victoria Gaol.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 11th November, 1893.

page 1137


Tenders will be received at this Office until Noon of Saturday, the 9th December, 1893, for the supply of dry earth for sanitary purposes to Victoria Gaol for the space of one year from the 1st January next.

The earth to be procured from a sport to be pointed out by the Honourable the Director of Public Works in the vicinity of the McDonnell Road.

For further information apply at the Superintendent's Office, Victoria Gaol.

The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 11th November, 1893.


The following is published.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 11th November, 1893.

Government of Japan.

Notification No. 238 of Department of Communications.

Notice to Mariners.

Shiwokubi-Misaki Lighthouse,

Tsugaru Straits.

Notice is hereby given that a lighthouse has been erected on Shiwokubi-Misaki (Cape Blunt), Tengaru Straits, the Light of which will be exhibited on the night of the 20th November, 1893, and every night thereafter from Sunset until Sunrise.

According to the Japanese Admiralty Chart No. 10, the position of the Lighthouse is in Latitude 41° 43′ North and in Longitude 140° 58′ East of Greenwich.

The Lighthouse is built of Iron, Circular in shape, printed white, and is 22 feet and 8 inches high from the base of the centre of the Lantern.

The Light will be a 3rd Order Fixed White Light, and will illuminate 179 degrees 42 minutes between the bearings of S. 81° 25′ E. and N. 81° 43′ W. The bearings are true and as observed from the Lighthouse.

The elevation of the Light above the sea will be 150 feet, and in clear weather the Light will be seen from a distance of 17 Nautical Miles.

Count Kuroda Kiyotaka,
Minister of State for Communications.


The following Returns of Deaths are published.

By Command,

G. T. M. O'Brien,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 11th November, 1893.

page 1138

A Summary of Deaths and their Causes shews in the attached return as having been registered during the Month ended 31st October, 1893.
Disease. European and Foreign Community. Chinese Community.

Estimated Population.

Estimated Strength.

Estimated Strength.
Victoria District.—Division.
Sokonpo. Bowrington. Wantsai. Hawan. Sheungwan. Chungwan. Háip‘ingshan. Saiyingpun. Shektongtsui Kennedytown Harbour
Estimated Population.
7,082 Estimated Population, 158,600
Infantile Convulsive Diseases, Convulsions, 2 3 1 10 15
Trismus Nascentium, 44 29 3
Throat Affections, Acute,
Chest Affections, Acute, 1 3 12
Chronic, 2 3 1 6 21
Bowel Complaints, Cholera,
Cholera Nostras,
Cholera Infantum,
Diarrhœa, 1 9 1 9
Dysentery, 1 1 1 11
Fevers, Malarial, Remittent, 1
Intermittent, 1 17
Simple Continued, 12 1 1 12
Exanthematous, Typhoid, 1
Marasmus, 16
Other Causes, 11 2 2 13 40
Total, 16 2 1 2 74 4 81 140

Sanitary Board Room,
Hongkong, 9th November, 1893.