The Hong Kong Government Gazette/Volume 40/No 68 Extraordinary
Published by Authority.
Government Notification.—No. 494.
The following is published.
By Command,
J. H. Stewart Lockhart,
Acting Colonial Secretary
Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, 24th December, 1894.
Made by the Governor in Council under Section 2 of "The Holidays Ordinance, 1875" (No. 6 of 1875,) this 24th day of December, 1894.
The Police Magistrates' Department shall be, and the same is hereby, excluded from the operation of the above recited Ordinance on the day following Christmas day, viz., the 26th of December instant.
J. G. T. Buckle,
Acting Clerk of Councils.
Council Chamber, Hongkong, 24th December, 1894.
Printer and Published by Noronha & Co., Printers to the Hongkong Government, Nos. 5, 7 and 9, Zetland Street.
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