The House Sparrow/end matter
Selection of Works, from the Stock of William Wesley and Son,
28 Essex Street, Strand, London,
Natural History & Science.
*** The works are in many cases single copies in second-hand condition, but in good order.
This copy contains the finely engraved title-page, and is in exceptionally good condition.
DONOVAN (E.) Natural History of the INSECTS of India, new edition, by J. O. Westwood, with 58 finely-engraved plates, containing upwards of 220 figures of natural size, beautifully coloured, with the Plants on which they feed, 4to, new half morocco, 1842, £3 3s.
DOUGLAS (J. W.) and J. SCOTT, British Hemiptera-Heteroptera, illustrated by 21 plates, thick 8vo, cloth, scarce, 1865 (pub. £1 11s. 6d.), £1 1s.
DRURY (Dru) Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, containing upwards of 650 coloured Figures and Descriptions of FOREIGN INSECTS, a new edition, by J. O. Westwood, 3 vols, of text in one vol., and the 3 vols, of fine COLOURED PLATES in one vol., together 2 vols., 4to, half bound, 1837 (pub. £15 15s.), £4 17s. 6d.
ENTOMOLOGIST'S ANNUALS, edited by H. T. Stainton, complete set, with coloured and plain plates, containing numerous figures, 20 vols, bound in 10 vols., 12mo, new half calf, 1855-74, £2 12s. 6d.
KIRBY W. F., Assistant in Zoological Department, British Museum) Elementary Text-book of Entomology, with 87 plates, containing over 650 figures, 8vo, cloth, 1885, 12s. 6d.
KIRBY (W. F.) British Butterflies, Moths and Beetles, with 132 figures, crown 8vo, cloth, 1s.
LANG (H. C, F.L.S.) Rhopalocera Europæ Descripta et Delineata (The Butterflies of Europe Described and Figured). With 82 plates, containing 800 coloured figures, 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, 1885, £3 5s.
PACKARD (A. S., M.D.) Guide to the Study of INSECTS, being a Popular Introduction to the Study of Entomology, and a Treatise on Injurious and Beneficial Insects, with Descriptions and Accounts of the Habits of Insects, their Transformations, Development, and Classification, 8th edition, with 15 plates and 670 engravings, royal 8vo, cloth, New York, 1883, £1 5s.
RYE (E. C.) British Beetles: an Introduction to the Study of our Indigenous Coleoptera, 16 coloured steel plates of species, and 11 wood engravings, crown 8vo, cloth, 1866, 8s. 6d.
SPRY (W.) and W. E. SHUCKARD, British Coleoptera Delineated, with 94 plates, figures of all the Genera of British Beetles, 8vo, cloth, 1840, scarce, £1 1s.
STAVELEY (E. F.) British Insects: a Familiar Description of the Form, Structure, Habits, and Transformations of Insects, 16 coloured plates and numerous wood engravings, crown 8vo, cloth, 1871, 10s. 6d.
STAVELEY (E. F.) British Spiders: an Introduction to the Study of the Araneidæ found in Great Britain and Ireland, 16 plates, containing coloured figures of nearly 100 species, crown 8vo, cloth, 1866, 8s. 6d.
WESTWOOD (J. O.) Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, founded on the Natural Habits and Corresponding Organization of the different Families, coloured plate and 130 wood engravings, 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, 1839-40, £3 15s.
WOOD (W., F.R.S.) Index Entomologicus, or a Complete Illustrated Catalogue, consisting of 1,944 coloured figures of the Lepidopterous Insects of Great Britain, 1st edition, very scarce, large paper, 8vo, half-calf, 1839, £5 5s.The 1,944 figures are exquisitely coloured, which cannot be said of the subsequent editions of the work.
BLOCH (M. E.) Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, avec des Figures dessinées d'après Nature par Bloch. Par René-Richard Castel, with 152 fine coloured plates, 10 vols, in 5, 12mo, half-calf, Paris, an ix., £1 1s.
DAY (F.) The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland: a Natural History of such as are known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of the British Isles, their Economic Uses, Modes of Capture, etc., and an introduction upon Fishes generally, 179 plates, 2 vols., imperial 8vo, cloth, 1885 (pub. £5 15s.), £4 18s.
DAY (Francis) FISHES of India, being a Natural History of the Fishes known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burmah, and Ceylon, with Descriptions of the Sub-classes, Orders, Families, Genera, and Species, 198 fine plates and 886 figures, 2 vols., imperial quarto, half morocco, 1876-78 (issued to Subscribers, £12 12s.), £8 17s. 6d.
GOODE (Prof. G. B., United States Commissioner to the Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883) GAME FISHES OF THE UNITED STATES: a series of 20 magnificent paintings of Fishes and Scenery, by S. A. Kilbourne, with text by G. Brown Goode, Curator of the United States National Museum, and of the United States Fishery Commission; 10 parts, size 28 by 22 inches, 1879, £10 10s.In fine condition. The former owner has carefully ruled lines under some important paragraphs.
CLAUS (Dr. C.) Text-book of Zoology, translated and edited by Adam Sedgwick, M.A., and F. G. Heathcote, B.A., with 1,400 engravings, 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, 1884-85, £1 11s. 6d.
GARROD (A. H.) Collected Scientific Papers (on the Anatomy of Mammals and Birds), by W. A. Forbes, portrait and 33 plates, some coloured, 537 pp., royal 8vo, 1881, £2 2s.On the Kangaroo, Halmaturus luctuosus, and its affinities.—Notes on the Manatee.—Anatomy of the Passerine Birds.—Anatomy of the Musk-Deer.— Anatomy of the Chinese Water-Birds.—On the Brain of the Hippopotamus, and many other Monographs.
This is a genuine original copy, has the plates most carefully coloured by hand, and, in this respect, is far superior to any of the recent issues, which exhibit great inferiority in colouring. Comprises Mammalia 13 vols, Ornithology 14 vols, Entomology 7 vols, Ichthyology 6 vols.
STANDARD NATURAL HISTORY, to be completed in six volumes, imperial 8vo, edited by J. S. Kingsley.
Vol. II., CRUSTACEA and INSECTS: Crustacea—Cirripedia, Entomostraca, Podophthalmia, Edriophthalmia; Insects—Malacopoda, Arachnida, Myriapoda, Hexapoda (Thysanura, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, etc.), illustrated by 662 wood engravings and 20 full-page plates, imperial 8vo, extra cloth, Boston, 1884, £1 10s.
Vol. V., MAMMALS: Mammalia—Introduction; Monotremes and Marsupials, by R. Ramsay Wright; Edentates, by Theodore Gill; Rodentia, by Elliot Coues; Insectivora, by T. Gill; Bats, by T. Gill; Whales, by W, N. Lockington; Manatees, by J. S. Kingsley; Elephants, by G. Macloskie; Hyrax, by Kingsley; Toxodontia, by W. B. Scott; Ungulates, by R. Ramsay Wright; Carnivores, by W. N. Lockington; Primates, by R. Ramsay Wright; illustrated by 244 wood engravings and 42 full-page plates, imperial 8vo, extra cloth, Boston, 1884, £1 10s.The volumes are not sold separately.
'An excellent work, full of novelty and interest—might properly be called a Cyclopædia of the Habits of Birds, etc., in Ireland.'—Athenæum.
BULLER (Walter L.) Manual of the BIRDS of New Zealand, with 37 fine plates and engravings, royal 8vo, cloth, New Zealand, 1882, 12s. 6d.
COUES (Dr. Elliott, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.) KEY to NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS: concise account of every Species of Living and Fossil Bird, Second Edition, revised and re-written, with an Outline of the Structure and Classification of Birds. Numerous fine engravings, demy 8vo, cloth, 1884, £1 15s.HEWITSON (W. C.) Coloured Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, with descriptions of their nests and nidifications, 3rd edition, 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, 1856 (pub. £4 14s. 6d.), £4 4s.
MITCHELL (F. S.) The Birds of Lancashire, 242 pp., with map of the County, 2 coloured plates, 9 plain, and 3 vignettes by J. G. Keulemans, etc., crown 8vo, cloth, 1885, 7s. 6d.The author is member of the British Ornithologist's Union. A work of great labour and research. Favourably reviewed in Nature, July, 1885.
MORRIS (F. O.) Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds, new edition, enlarged, 233 coloured plates, 3 vols., super-royal 8vo, cloth, 1871 (pub. £3 3s.), £2.
RAMON DE LA SAGRA (D.) Historia Fisica Politica y Naturel de la Isla de Cuba, AVES por Mr. Alcides D'Orbigny, with 33 fine coloured plates of Birds and their Eggs, folio, half-bound, with the text in French, 8vo, Paris, 1839, £3 7s. 6d.
SAMUELS (Edward A.) Our Northern and Eastern Birds, containing Descriptions of the Birds of the Northern and Eastern States and British Provinces, together with a History of their Habits, times of Arrival and Departure, their Distribution, Food, Song, Time of Breeding, and a careful and accurate Description of their Nests and Eggs, with a supplement from Holder's 'American Fauna,' with 30 plain and 5 coloured plates, and numerous engravings, royal 8vo, cloth, New York, 1883, £1 5s.
SCLATER (P. L., F.R.S.) A Monograph of the Jacamars and Puff-birds, or Families Galbulidæ and Bucconidæ, 55 very fine coloured plates, with letterpress, the plates drawn by J. G. Keulemans and coloured by hand, royal 4to, in 1 vol., new half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut, 1883, £6.
STEARNS (W. A.) New England Bird Life, being a Manual of New England Ornithology, revised and edited from the manuscripts of W. A. Stearns by Elliot Coues, with numerous engravings, 2 vols. (Vol. I., Oscines; Vol. II., Non-oscine Passeres, Birds of Prey, Game and Water Birds), 8vo, cloth, Boston, 1881-83, £1 5s.
THOMPSON (Wm.) The BIRDS of IRELAND, Vol. I., Raptores and Insessores; Vol. II., Rasores and Grallatores; Vol. III., Natatores; 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, 1849-51, £2 10s.'An excellent work, full of novelty and interest; a Cyclopædia of the Habits of Birds of Ireland.'—Athenæum.
Astronomy, Geology, etc.
CHAMBERS (G. F.) Handbook of Descriptive Astronomy, 3rd edition, with 34 plates, 8vo, cloth, 1877, £1 4s.
DE MORGAN (Augustus, F.R.A.S.) Budget of Paradoxes (reprinted, with the Author's Additions, from the Athenæum), large 8vo, cloth, scarce, 1872, £2 2s.
GILBERT'S DE MAGNETE.—Gvilielmi Gilberti Colcestrencis, Medici Londinensis, De Magnete, magneticisque corporibus, et de magno magnete tellure; Physiologia nova, plurimis et argumentis, et experimentis demonstrata. Londini excudebat Petrus Short, Anno MDC, pp. 14 and 240, numerous engravings of Gilbert's Electrical Experiments, small folio, old calf, very scarce, 1600, £5 5s.
GOULD (B. A.) Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino en Cordoba. Uranometria Argentina; Brightness and Position of every Fixed Star down to the Seventh Magnitude within 100 degrees of the South Pole, text, 4to, 388 pp., and atlas, folio, containing 14 Star Charts (forming Vol. I. of the Resultados), in English and Spanish, Buenos Aires, 1879 £4 4s.
GOULD (B. A.) Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino en Cordoba. Vols. VII., VIII., Zone Catalogue, Mean Positions of the Stars observed in the Zones at the Argentine National Observatory, with Introduction and Precession Tables, 2 vols., 4to, 879 pp., Buenos Aires, 1884, £2 10s.
HERSCHEL (Sir J. F. W.) Results of ASTRONOMICAL Observations made during the years 1834-38 at the Cape of Good Hope, being the completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, with frontispiece and 8 plates, royal 4to, cloth, scarce, 1847, £2 2s.
LA TOUCHE (J. D.) Geology of Shropshire, with 823 engravings, 4to, cloth, 1884, 15s.
NASMYTH (James, C.E.) and James CARPENTER, F.R.A.S., The Moon: considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite, with 24 photographic plates of Lunar Objects, Phenomena, and Scenery, numerous woodcuts, 4to, cloth, 1874, very scarce, £4 4s.
PETERS (Dr. C. H. F.) Celestial Charts for the Equinox, 1860, made at the Litchfield Observatory, Hamilton College, New York (last comparison with the sky in 1882), 1st series, 20 maps, folio (22 inches by 16 inches), £3 3s.
PRICE (Bartholomew, F.R.S.) Treatise on Infinitesimal Calculus: Vol. I., Differential Calculus; Vol. II., Integral Calculus, Calculus of Variation, and Differential Equations; Vol. III., Statics and Dynamics of Material Particles, with 10 plates, 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, last edition, Oxford, 1857, 1865, and 1868, £1 17s. 6d.
SCHMIDT (Dr. J. F. Julius) Charte der Gebirge des Mondes nach einigen beobachtungen in den Jahren 1840-74, 25 sections of the Moon, each royal folio, in portfolio, with text, over 300 pp., 4to, boards, 1878, £2 12s.This is the original and best edition. The reprint (1881) contains the Bedford Catalogue; that is one volume only of the Cycle.
SUSSEX.—The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of Sussex, by the late FREDERICK DIXON, Esq., F.G.S.; new edition, revised and augmented by T. RUPERT JONES, F.R.S., F.G.S., aided by PROFESSOR OWEN, C.B., Sir P. de M. Grey-Egerton, Bart., M.P., Prof. T. Bell, F.R.S., W. Carruthers, F.R.S., T. Davidson, F.R.S., R. Etheridge, F.R.S., J. Evans, F.R.S., Prof. J. Morris, F.G.S., E. T. Newton, F.G.S., W. J. Sollas, F.G.S., Henry Woodward, F.R.S., T. Wright, F.R.S., and others, pp. 24 and 462, with Geological Map and Section of Borings, also 64 sheets of fine plates of Fossils, including a selection from those published in 'Mantell's Fossils of the South Downs,' new edition, royal 4to, cloth, Brighton, 1878, £2 15s.
WADSWORTH (M. E.) Lithological Studies—A Description and Classification of the Rocks of the Cordilleras, with 8 plates, containing 48 coloured sections, 4to, Cambridge, U.S., 1884, £1 10s.The plates are beautiful microscopical enlargements of thin sections of the rocks.
Fifteenth Year of Publication.
NATURAL HISTORY AND SCIENTIFIC BOOK CIRCULARS recently published, each post free on receipt of the price.
No. 62.—THE OCEAN; FISHES, MOLLUSCA, SHELLS, CRUStacea, Foraminifera. Seals, Whales, Reptiles. Zoology: Entomology, Mammalia, Ornithology. General Natural History, Voyage, and Travel. Botany. 32 pp. Price 2d.
No. 63.—GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY. MINING, AND PALÆONtology. Also Works on Botany, Conchology Entomology, Fishes, Birds, Mammalia. 32 pp. Out of print.
No. 64.—ASTRONOMY, MATHEMATIICS, ELECTRICITY, GRAvitation, Acoustics, Aëronautics. Heat. Light, Optics. Meteorology, Chemistry, Microscopy. 48 pp. Price 2d.
No. 65.—BOTANY, CONCHOLOGY, ENTOMOLOGY, FISHES, Mammalia, Ornithology, Astronomy, Chemistry, Electricity, Geology, Mathematics, Optics, Meteorology. 48 pp. Price 2d.
No. 66.—ENTOMOLOGY, MISCELLANEA ENTOMOLOGICA, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Neuroptera. Price 2d.