The How and Why Library/Foreword
References: In the articles throughout this volume will be found frequent references to related titles for further reading or study. For example, the article on the "Good Luck Family" has this notation: "See Legume, Clover, Shamrock." The articles thus referred to will either be found in the present volume, as indicated in the Table of Contents, or in "The New Student's Reference Work," a descriptive announcement of which appears in the back of this book. These references have been made owing to the wide distribution of the "Student's," the ease with which reliable information can be secured in its pages and the fact that it has a place in the libraries of most of those who own "The How and Why Library."
Acknowledgments: Grateful acknowledgments are made for the right to use valuable illustrations and for suggestions in the preparation of "The How and Why Library" to publishers, educators, public officials and others. Among these we wish to specially mention The Scientific American of New York, the Technical World Magazine of Chicago, the Woman's Magazine of New York, the Cleveland Leader, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Charles K. Reed, publisher of the Bird Guide; J. J. West, Chief Scout Executive, and E. H. Merritt, Secretary of the Editorial Board, Boy Scouts of America; L. O. Howard, Chief of the United States Department of Entomology, Washington, D. C.; A. F. Sherman, Acting Commissioner of Immigration at Ellis Island; the Chicago Art Institute; Professor John M. Coulter, head of the Department of Botany, University of Chicago; and C. H. Speers, General Passenger Agent of the Colorado Midland Railway.