The Hungarian Revolution/End Matter
400 Old Ford Road, LONDON, E.3.
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The Truth about Russia, by Arthur Ransome | 4½d. |
Questions and Answers about Russia by A. Rhys Williams | 4½d. |
Red Russia, Book I. (from the Liberator) by John Reed | 6½d. |
Red Russia, Book II. | 4½d. |
The Red Funeral at Vladivostock, by A. Rhys Williams | 2½d. |
Hands off Russia, by Israel Zangwill | 2½d. |
Democracy and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, by N. Lenin | 2½d. |
The Chief Task of our Times, by N. Lenin | 3½d. |
Soviets or Parliament, by Bukharin | 1½d. |
The Social General Strike, by Jack Tanner (based on the work of Arnold Roller) | 2½d. |
Life in Russia To-day, by Wilfrid R. Humphreys | 1½d. |
Facts about Communist Hungary, by Alice Riggs Hunt | 4½d. |
The Finnish Revolution, by O. V. Kuusinen | 3½d. |
Capitalism and the Counter Revolution, by J. T. Walton Newbold, M. A. | 3½d. |
Independent Working Class Education, by Cedar and Eden Paul | 3½d. |
The Schooling of the Future, by E. Sylvia Pankhurst | 1½d. |
Self Education of the Workers, by A. Lunacharsky | 2½d. |
Housing and the Workers' Revolution, by E. Sylvia Pankhurst | 3½d. |
The Birth Rate, by E. Sylvia Pankhurst | 1½d. |
Mothers' Pensions, as administered in U.S.A | 2½d. |
The Execution of an East London Boy | 1d. |
Rebel Ireland, by E. Sylvia Pankhurst, Patricia Lynch and May O'Callaghan | 3½d. |
Bankers, Bondholders and Bolsheviks, by J. T. Walton Newbold, M.A. | 2½d. |
Industrial Democracy for Miners | 4½d. |
Red Paper on the Executions and Atrocities Committed in Russia by the Counter-Revolutionaries | 3½d. |
The Origin and Growth of the Russian Soviets, by M. Philips Price | 3½d. |
The Russian Soviet Constitution | 3½d. |
The Bolshevik Revolution, by M. Litvinoff | 8d. |
The Aims of the Bolsheviki, by B. Schumiatzki | 2½d. |
An Eyewitness from Russia, by Dr. Rickman | 3½d. |
Allied Agents in Soviet Russia | 1½d. |
A Year in Soviet Russia | 2d. |
An Open Letter to Lenin from the Finnish Communist Party | 1½d. |
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