The Husbandman and Housewife/Index
Ants, how destroyed | 5 | |
Apple Jelly | 161 | |
Apples, how preserved | 5 | |
Apples, sirup of | 161 | |
Apple Tree, how propagated | 6 | |
Apple Trees, best mode of setting out | Ib | |
Apoplexy, remedy for | 162 | |
Ascarides, or Pin Worms, remedy for | Ib | |
Asparagus, how to cultivate | Ib | |
Asthma, remedies | 6, 7, 163 | |
Barley, to increase a crop of | 7 | |
Barn-Yard, how constructed | Ib | |
Beans, how cultivated | 8 | |
Bed bugs, how destroyed | Ib | |
Beef, mode of preserving, See Meat. | ||
Beef, |
164 | |
Beer, Spruce | 10 | |
Beer, |
Ib | |
Beer, |
Ib | |
Beer, |
11 | |
Beer, |
Ib | |
Beer, |
Ib | |
Bees, how preserved from worms or butterflies | Ib | |
Bees, |
11 | |
Bees, |
12 | |
Bells, how hung | Ib | |
Beverage, for a weak constitution | 164 | |
Black Ball, how made | Ib | |
Blacking, shining | 165 | |
Black Tongue, or Burnt tongue, remedy for | 13, 166 | |
Botts, remedies for | 13, 14 | |
Bread, improvements in making | 15, 16 | |
Breath, shortness of | 165 | |
Bruise, application for | Ib | |
Bull, when used | Ib | |
Bunns, how made | 166 | |
Burns and Scalds, remedies for | 16, 17, 166 | |
Burnt Clay, how made | 17 | |
Butter, how made | Ib | |
Butter, |
19 | |
Butter, |
Ib | |
Butter, |
20 | |
Butter, |
165 | |
Cabbages, how cultivated | 20 | |
Cabbages, |
Ib | |
Cake, Sponge, how made | 166 | |
Canada Thistes, how destroyed | 21 | |
Cancer, remedies for | 21, 22, 166, 167 | |
Candles, to purify tallow for | 22 | |
Canker, in trees | 23 | |
Caterpillars, remedies for | 23, 24, 167 | |
Cathartic pill, mild | 167 | |
Cattle, hoven or swollen | 25 | |
Change of Seeds | 167 | |
Cheese, method of making | 25 | |
Cheese, |
168 | |
Cheese, |
28 | |
Cheese, |
Ib | |
Cheese, |
29 | |
Chilblains, remedies for | Ib | |
China, how mended | Ib | |
Chintz, mode of washing | 30 | |
Cholera Morbus, remedies for | 30, 31, 169 | |
Cider, how made | 31 | |
Cock-Roaches | 33 | |
Cod fish, how cooked | 33 | |
Cookies, how made | 169 | |
Coffee, art of making | 34 | |
Coffee, |
114 | |
Cold, remedies for | 35, 68 | |
Cholic Bilious | Ib | |
Consumption | 36, 38 | |
Corks of wine bottles, how secured | 36 | |
Corn, musty cure for | Ib | |
Corns, remedies for | 37 | |
Cosmetic, elegant | 170 | |
Cotton, how died with madder | Ib | |
Cough, Whooping, remedies for | 37, 38 | |
Cough, |
38 | |
Cow, marks of a good one, &c. | 170 | |
Cramp, remedy for | 39 | |
Cream, quantity & quality of augmented | 19, 43 | |
Croup, remedies for | 39, 180 | |
Cucumber, how raised | 40 | |
Cucumber, |
Ib | |
Cucumber, |
41 | |
Cud, lost by an ox or cow remedy for | 171 | |
Curculio, how to preserve fruit trees from | 41 | |
Currants, how to cultivate | Ib | |
Currants, |
42 | |
Currants, |
121 | |
Custard, cheap and excellent | 172 | |
Dairy secret | 43 | |
Deafness, cure for | 43 | |
Dentifrice | Ib | |
Die, black | 44 | |
Dropsy, remedies for | 45, 172 | |
Drowned persons, directions for recovering | 46 | |
Dysentery, remedies for | 47, 48, 172 | |
Ear ache, remedy for | 48 | |
Eels, method of roasting | Ib | |
Elder juice kills skippers, &c. | Ib | |
Eggs, how preserved | Ib | |
Eggs, |
49 | |
Elixir, Stoughton's | Ib | |
Epileptic electuary, for the cure of falling sickness | 50 | |
Eyes inflamed, cure for | 50, 51, 173 | |
Eyes |
51 | |
Feathers, bones, &c. how coloured | Ib | |
Fellon, cure for | 51, 52, 173 | |
Fever, yellow remedy for | 52 | |
Fever |
52, 53 | |
Fever |
54 | |
Film, cure for | Ib | |
Fish sauce | Ib | |
Flax, how to dress to look like silk | 173 | |
Fleas, to keep off | 55 | |
Flies, to destroy | Ib | |
Founder in Cattle, remedy for | Ib | |
Fowls how fed | 57 | |
Fowl, Bombay method of dressing | 57 | |
Frost-bitten feet | Ib | |
Frozen limbs, treatment of | 58 | |
Fruit trees, how forced to bear | 174 | |
Garlic sirup and oxymel for cold and Asthmatic Cough | 59 | |
Geese, how fed | Ib | |
Gingerbread | 175 | |
Glass seasoning | 59 | |
Gluten | Ib | |
Gout, recipes for | 60 | |
Grape vines | 175 | |
Gravel remedies for | 60, 61 | |
Green Dressing | 175 | |
Grease spots, to remove | 61 | |
Gripes in Horses or Cattle | 62 | |
Gun barrels, to give a beautiful brown to | Ib | |
Hæmorrhage remedy for | 63 | |
Hams, receipt for curing | Ib | |
Hands numbed or trembling | Ib | |
Harrowing grain in the spring | 63 | |
Heart-burn, remedy for | 64 | |
Hessian Fly, remedy for | 65 | |
Horses, how to shoe | Ib | |
Horses, |
65, 66, 135, 138, 139, 155, 159 | |
Hydrophobia | 68 | |
Indian Corn, to raise a great crop of | 67 | |
Indian Corn, |
68 | |
Indian Corn, |
119 | |
Infected air, how purified, &c. | 175 | |
Influenza, Coughs or Colds, cure for | 68 | |
Ink, indelible | Ib | |
Ink, |
69, 176 | |
Ink Powder | 69 | |
Insects that infest apple trees | Ib | |
Iron Stoves, cracks in, how mended | 70 | |
Itch, cure for | 176, 177 | |
See likewise, Ointment. | ||
Jaundice, cures for | 70, 71, 177 | |
Lambs not, owned by their dams, how fed | 72 | |
Lambs |
Ib | |
Leather, how made water proof | 72, 73 | |
Leather, |
73 | |
Lice on Apple Trees | Ib | |
Lice |
74 | |
Lip Salve | Ib | |
Lock Jaw | Ib | |
Lungs, weakness of | Ib | |
Mangoes, how made | 75 | |
Manure, on the different kinds, &c. | 76 | |
Maple sugar, how made | 79 | |
Mead or metheglin, how made | 80 | |
Measles in swine, how cured | 81 | |
Meat, how preserved, pickled, &c. | 81, 82 | |
Meat, |
81 | |
Meat, |
83 | |
Meat, |
129 | |
Meat, |
84 | |
Mildew, or rust in wheat | 111 | |
Moles, how guarded against | 84 | |
Moths, to preserve furs & woolens from | 84, 177 | |
Murrain, remedies for | 85 | |
Muslin, a composition for washing | Ib | |
Musquetoes, to prevent the bite of | 86 | |
Mustard, how mixed | Ib | |
Nail, to extract poison from | 87 | |
Nettle, virtues of | Ib | |
Oil essential, how obtained from flowers | 88 | |
Oil or Tallow, how extracted from papers, &c. | Ib | |
Oil of balsam of Gilead, how obtained | 89 | |
Ointment for Itch | 89, 176 | |
Ointment |
86 | |
Ointment |
178 | |
Ointment for weak joints | 178 | |
Ointment |
179 | |
Ointment |
116 | |
Opodeldoc, how made | 90 | |
Panada | 178 | |
Pancakes, of Rice | 90 | |
Pancakes, |
Ib | |
Paper, water proof | 91 | |
Paper, |
Ib | |
Plaster of Paris | Ib | |
Pease Split | 92 | |
Peas, Russian mode of preserving green | Ib | |
Pickle, Pococke's | 93 | |
Pickle, |
Ib | |
Pickling, receipt for | 94 | |
Piles, cure for | 94, 179 | |
Pimpled face cure for | 94 | |
Plate, silver, to give lustre to | 95 | |
Plum cake, how made | 179 | |
Plums peaches, &c. how kept fresh | 95 | |
Poisons, remedies | 95, 179 | |
Poll evil, in horses | 97 | |
Pomatum, how made | Ib | |
Potatoes, late make the best seed | Ib | |
Potatoes, |
98 | |
Potatoes, |
Ib | |
Potatoes, |
Ib | |
Potatoes, |
99 | |
Potatoes, |
Ib | |
Potatoe Pudding | 99 | |
Potatoe |
100 | |
Poultry, on feeding | Ib | |
Pruning fruit trees | Ib | |
Puddings, various kinds | 101, 179, 180 | |
Pumpkin seeds, oil from | 102 | |
Radishes, | Ib | |
Rattles, or Croup, | 39, 180 | |
Rats, modes of destroying | 102 | |
Rattle snake, cure for the bite of | 103 | |
Rennet how made | Ib | |
Rheum, Salt, remedies for | 115 | |
Rheumatism, remedies for | 105,180 | |
Rice Jelly | 106 | |
Ring worm, cure for | 106, 180 | |
Rocks, blasting of | 107 | |
Rollers, use of | Ib | |
Rolls, how made | 180 | |
Roofs of houses, materials for | 109 | |
Rotation of crops | Ib | |
Rowell in horses | 110 | |
Rust in wheat | 111 | |
Rye mode of sowing | 113 | |
Rye |
Ib | |
Rye Coffee | 114 | |
Salt for manure | Ib | |
Salt Rheum, remedies for | 115 | |
Sand, uses of | Ib | |
Sausages, Bologna, how made | 116 | |
Scab in sheep, ointment for | 116, 119 | |
Sciatica, remedy for | 117 | |
Scouring in Horses | 66 | |
Scratches in Horses | 66, 117, 118 | |
Scurvy, sirup for | 122 | |
Sealing wax, how made | 118 | |
Seeds, how preserved | Ib | |
Seeds, |
119 | |
Shad, how fried without butter or lard | 181 | |
Sheep, scab in | 115, 119 | |
Sheep, |
181 | |
Sheep, |
119 | |
Sheep, |
120 | |
Sheep, |
Ib | |
Shoe blacking | 121, 164, 165 | |
Shoeing horses | 65 | |
Shrub, with brandy or rum | 121 | |
Shrub, |
Ib | |
Sick head ache, pills for | 122 | |
Sirup for coughs | Ib | |
Sirup |
Ib | |
Sirup |
Ib | |
Size and form of stock | 123 | |
Slaughtering of cattle | 128 | |
Smut in grain | 152 | |
Snow, to preserve meat in | 129 | |
Snuff, Cephalic, how made | 129 | |
Snuff, |
130 | |
Soap, receipt for making | Ib | |
Soap, |
181 | |
Soap, |
131 | |
Soda, in washing | Ib | |
Soiling | Ib | |
Soot, its uses in Agriculture | 133 | |
Sowing, directions concerning | 134 | |
Spavins in Horses | 135 | |
Spectacles, directions relating to | 181 | |
Spitting of blood from the lungs | 136 | |
Spots of oil removed from books, &c. | Ib | |
Spots |
136, 137 | |
Spots |
137 | |
Spots |
Ib | |
Sprains, cure for | 138 | |
Staggers in horses | Ib | |
Stains, ink, how taken from mahogany | 139 | |
Starch, how made | Ib | |
Steel, mode of polishing | 140 | |
Stifle in a horse | 139 | |
St. Anthony's fire, cure for | 139, 140 | |
Stock, rules for managing | 182 | |
Stone, cures for | 140, 141 | |
Strain, in an ox by overdrawing, cure for | 141 | |
Straw, mode of whitening | Ib | |
Stubble, burning of | 142 | |
Swine, fatting of | 143 | |
Tanning leather | 144 | |
Tea, economy in | Ib | |
Tea kettles, to remove lime from | Ib | |
Teeth, to cleanse | 145 | |
Teeth, |
Ib | |
Throat, sore | 35, 183 | |
Tincture of Peruvian bark | Ib | |
Tincture |
184 | |
Tools, how tempered | 145 | |
Tooth ache, remedies for | 146 | |
Top dressing | 147 | |
Trees, new method of inoculating | 148 | |
Turkies, how raised | Ib | |
Turnips, how preserved from insects | 149 | |
Varnish for boots and shoes | 184 | |
Vinegar of roses | 149 | |
Vinegar of orange flowers | 150 | |
Warts or Corns remedies for | 150, 151 | |
Weeds, how destroyed | Ib | |
Wen, Indian mode of curing | Ib | |
Wen, |
184 | |
Wen, |
Ib | |
Wheat, disorders in | 152 | |
Wheezing in horses | 155 | |
Whooping Cough | 37 | |
Windgalls, remedies for | 155 | |
Wine, white currant | 156 | |
Wood, new mode of preserving | 157 | |
Worms in agriculture | Ib | |
Worms |
158, 184 | |
Worms |
159 | |
Wounds, a remedy for and preventative of lock jaw | Ib | |
Yellows in horses | Ib | |
Yellow, patent | 160 | |
Yest, how made in Persia | Ib |