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The Husbandman and Housewife/Index

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Ants, how destroyed 5
Apple Jelly 161
Apples, how preserved 5
Apples, sirup of 161
Apple Tree, how propagated 6
Apple Trees, best mode of setting out Ib
Apoplexy, remedy for 162
Ascarides, or Pin Worms, remedy for Ib
Asparagus, how to cultivate Ib
Asthma, remedies 6, 7, 163
Barley, to increase a crop of 7
Barn-Yard, how constructed Ib
Beans, how cultivated 8
Bed bugs, how destroyed Ib
Beef, mode of preserving, See Meat.
Beef,— — — receipt for pickling and curing, 164
Beer, Spruce 10
Beer,— — — Molasses Ib
Beer,— — — Household Ib
Beer,— — — Ropy, how cured 11
Beer,— — — to feed and give a fine flavour to Ib
Beer,— — — Pea pods in Ib
Bees, how preserved from worms or butterflies Ib
Bees,— — — method of taking honey from 11
Bees,— — — sting of, how cured 12
Bells, how hung Ib
Beverage, for a weak constitution 164
Black Ball, how made Ib
Blacking, shining 165
Black Tongue, or Burnt tongue, remedy for 13, 166
Botts, remedies for 13, 14
Bread, improvements in making 15, 16
Breath, shortness of 165
Bruise, application for Ib
Bull, when used Ib
Bunns, how made 166
Burns and Scalds, remedies for 16, 17, 166
Burnt Clay, how made 17
Butter, how made Ib
Butter,— — — to take the rancid taste from 19
Butter,— — — made from scalded cream Ib
Butter,— — — receipt for curing 20
Butter,— — — application to a bruise 165
Cabbages, how cultivated 20
Cabbages,— — — method of preserving Ib
Cake, Sponge, how made 166
Canada Thistes, how destroyed 21
Cancer, remedies for 21, 22, 166, 167
Candles, to purify tallow for 22
Canker, in trees 23
Caterpillars, remedies for 23, 24, 167
Cathartic pill, mild 167
Cattle, hoven or swollen 25
Change of Seeds 167
Cheese, method of making 25
Cheese,— — — sage, how made 168
Cheese,— — — Stilton, how made 28
Cheese,— — — skippers in, how destroyed Ib
Cheese,— — — to prevent its having a rancid flavour 29
Chilblains, remedies for Ib
China, how mended Ib
Chintz, mode of washing 30
Cholera Morbus, remedies for 30, 31, 169
Cider, how made 31
Cock-Roaches 33
Cod fish, how cooked 33
Cookies, how made 169
Coffee, art of making 34
Coffee,— — — of Rye, how made 114
Cold, remedies for 35, 68
Cholic Bilious Ib
Consumption 36, 38
Corks of wine bottles, how secured 36
Corn, musty cure for Ib
Corns, remedies for 37
Cosmetic, elegant 170
Cotton, how died with madder Ib
Cough, Whooping, remedies for 37, 38
Cough,— — — in the early stage of consumption 38
Cow, marks of a good one, &c. 170
Cramp, remedy for 39
Cream, quantity & quality of augmented 19, 43
Croup, remedies for 39, 180
Cucumber, how raised 40
Cucumber,— — — and squashes how preserved against bugs and flies Ib
Cucumber,— — — to render wholesome 41
Cud, lost by an ox or cow remedy for 171
Curculio, how to preserve fruit trees from 41
Currants, how to cultivate Ib
Currants,— — — Wine, how made 42
Currants,— — — Shrub how made 121
Custard, cheap and excellent 172
Dairy secret 43
Deafness, cure for 43
Dentifrice Ib
Die, black 44
Dropsy, remedies for 45, 172
Drowned persons, directions for recovering 46
Dysentery, remedies for 47, 48, 172
Ear ache, remedy for 48
Eels, method of roasting Ib
Elder juice kills skippers, &c. Ib
Eggs, how preserved Ib
Eggs,— — — mode of boiling 49
Elixir, Stoughton's Ib
Epileptic electuary, for the cure of falling sickness 50
Eyes inflamed, cure for 50, 51, 173
Eyes— — — weak and weeping 51
Feathers, bones, &c. how coloured Ib
Fellon, cure for 51, 52, 173
Fever, yellow remedy for 52
Fever— — — typhus, remedy for 52, 53
Fever— — — bilious remedy for 54
Film, cure for Ib
Fish sauce Ib
Flax, how to dress to look like silk 173
Fleas, to keep off 55
Flies, to destroy Ib
Founder in Cattle, remedy for Ib
Fowls how fed 57
Fowl, Bombay method of dressing 57
Frost-bitten feet Ib
Frozen limbs, treatment of 58
Fruit trees, how forced to bear 174
Garlic sirup and oxymel for cold and Asthmatic Cough 59
Geese, how fed Ib
Gingerbread 175
Glass seasoning 59
Gluten Ib
Gout, recipes for 60
Grape vines 175
Gravel remedies for 60, 61
Green Dressing 175
Grease spots, to remove 61
Gripes in Horses or Cattle 62
Gun barrels, to give a beautiful brown to Ib
Hæmorrhage remedy for 63
Hams, receipt for curing Ib
Hands numbed or trembling Ib
Harrowing grain in the spring 63
Heart-burn, remedy for 64
Hessian Fly, remedy for 65
Horses, how to shoe Ib
Horses,— — — diseases in 65, 66, 135, 138, 139, 155, 159
Hydrophobia 68
Indian Corn, to raise a great crop of 67
Indian Corn,— — — preparation for planting 68
Indian Corn,— — — seeds of how selected 119
Infected air, how purified, &c. 175
Influenza, Coughs or Colds, cure for 68
Ink, indelible Ib
Ink,— — — a good writing 69, 176
Ink Powder 69
Insects that infest apple trees Ib
Iron Stoves, cracks in, how mended 70
Itch, cure for 176, 177
See likewise, Ointment.
Jaundice, cures for 70, 71, 177
Lambs not, owned by their dams, how fed 72
Lambs— — — shearing of Ib
Leather, how made water proof 72, 73
Leather,— — — German mode of blacking 73
Lice on Apple Trees Ib
Lice— — — on Cattle 74
Lip Salve Ib
Lock Jaw Ib
Lungs, weakness of Ib
Mangoes, how made 75
Manure, on the different kinds, &c. 76
Maple sugar, how made 79
Mead or metheglin, how made 80
Measles in swine, how cured 81
Meat, how preserved, pickled, &c. 81, 82
Meat,— — — when putrid how cured 81
Meat,— — — Russian mode of salting 83
Meat,— — — preserved in snow 129
Meat,— — — cakes, how made 84
Mildew, or rust in wheat 111
Moles, how guarded against 84
Moths, to preserve furs & woolens from 84, 177
Murrain, remedies for 85
Muslin, a composition for washing Ib
Musquetoes, to prevent the bite of 86
Mustard, how mixed Ib
Nail, to extract poison from 87
Nettle, virtues of Ib
Oil essential, how obtained from flowers 88
Oil or Tallow, how extracted from papers, &c. Ib
Oil of balsam of Gilead, how obtained 89
Ointment for Itch 89, 176
Ointment— — — for excoriations 86
Ointment— — — for ulcers, &c. 178
Ointment for weak joints 178
Ointment— — — for the piles 179
Ointment— — — for Scab in sheep 116
Opodeldoc, how made 90
Panada 178
Pancakes, of Rice 90
Pancakes,— — — of a pink colour Ib
Paper, water proof 91
Paper,— — — hangings, to clean Ib
Plaster of Paris Ib
Pease Split 92
Peas, Russian mode of preserving green Ib
Pickle, Pococke's 93
Pickle,— — — Hambro Ib
Pickling, receipt for 94
Piles, cure for 94, 179
Pimpled face cure for 94
Plate, silver, to give lustre to 95
Plum cake, how made 179
Plums peaches, &c. how kept fresh 95
Poisons, remedies 95, 179
Poll evil, in horses 97
Pomatum, how made Ib
Potatoes, late make the best seed Ib
Potatoes,— — — how to obtain new varieties 98
Potatoes,— — — to raise early Ib
Potatoes,— — — a good method of planting Ib
Potatoes,— — — harvesting 99
Potatoes,— — — feeding stock with Ib
Potatoe Pudding 99
Potatoe— — — Starch 100
Poultry, on feeding Ib
Pruning fruit trees Ib
Puddings, various kinds 101, 179, 180
Pumpkin seeds, oil from 102
Radishes, Ib
Rattles, or Croup, 39, 180
Rats, modes of destroying 102
Rattle snake, cure for the bite of 103
Rennet how made Ib
Rheum, Salt, remedies for 115
Rheumatism, remedies for 105,180
Rice Jelly 106
Ring worm, cure for 106, 180
Rocks, blasting of 107
Rollers, use of Ib
Rolls, how made 180
Roofs of houses, materials for 109
Rotation of crops Ib
Rowell in horses 110
Rust in wheat 111
Rye mode of sowing 113
Rye— — — spring, how to prevent its blasting Ib
Rye Coffee 114
Salt for manure Ib
Salt Rheum, remedies for 115
Sand, uses of Ib
Sausages, Bologna, how made 116
Scab in sheep, ointment for 116, 119
Sciatica, remedy for 117
Scouring in Horses 66
Scratches in Horses 66, 117, 118
Scurvy, sirup for 122
Sealing wax, how made 118
Seeds, how preserved Ib
Seeds,— — — of Indian corn how selected 119
Shad, how fried without butter or lard 181
Sheep, scab in 115, 119
Sheep,— — — foot rot in, cure for 181
Sheep,— — — fish, food for 119
Sheep,— — — Ticks, remedies for 120
Sheep,— — — smearing of Ib
Shoe blacking 121, 164, 165
Shoeing horses 65
Shrub, with brandy or rum 121
Shrub,— — — Currant Ib
Sick head ache, pills for 122
Sirup for coughs Ib
Sirup— — — of sugar Ib
Sirup— — — for scurvy Ib
Size and form of stock 123
Slaughtering of cattle 128
Smut in grain 152
Snow, to preserve meat in 129
Snuff, Cephalic, how made 129
Snuff,— — — Collins' Cephalic how made 130
Soap, receipt for making Ib
Soap,— — — hard, how made 181
Soap,— — — saving of 131
Soda, in washing Ib
Soiling Ib
Soot, its uses in Agriculture 133
Sowing, directions concerning 134
Spavins in Horses 135
Spectacles, directions relating to 181
Spitting of blood from the lungs 136
Spots of oil removed from books, &c. Ib
Spots— — — how removed from woollen cloths &c. 136, 137
Spots— — — of Ink, how removed 137
Spots— — — iron mould, how removed Ib
Sprains, cure for 138
Staggers in horses Ib
Stains, ink, how taken from mahogany 139
Starch, how made Ib
Steel, mode of polishing 140
Stifle in a horse 139
St. Anthony's fire, cure for 139, 140
Stock, rules for managing 182
Stone, cures for 140, 141
Strain, in an ox by overdrawing, cure for 141
Straw, mode of whitening Ib
Stubble, burning of 142
Swine, fatting of 143
Tanning leather 144
Tea, economy in Ib
Tea kettles, to remove lime from Ib
Teeth, to cleanse 145
Teeth,— — — to preserve Ib
Throat, sore 35, 183
Tincture of Peruvian bark Ib
Tincture— — — of rhubarb 184
Tools, how tempered 145
Tooth ache, remedies for 146
Top dressing 147
Trees, new method of inoculating 148
Turkies, how raised Ib
Turnips, how preserved from insects 149
Varnish for boots and shoes 184
Vinegar of roses 149
Vinegar of orange flowers 150
Warts or Corns remedies for 150, 151
Weeds, how destroyed Ib
Wen, Indian mode of curing Ib
Wen,— — — another remedy for 184
Wen,— — — in cattle, remedy for Ib
Wheat, disorders in 152
Wheezing in horses 155
Whooping Cough 37
Windgalls, remedies for 155
Wine, white currant 156
Wood, new mode of preserving 157
Worms in agriculture Ib
Worms— — — in the human species 158, 184
Worms— — — in the head of sheep 159
Wounds, a remedy for and preventative of lock jaw Ib
Yellows in horses Ib
Yellow, patent 160
Yest, how made in Persia Ib