The Hymns of the Rigveda/Book 10/Hymn 139
1. SAVITAR, golden-haired, hath lifted eastward, bright With the sunbeams, his eternal lustre; He in whose energy wise Pusan marches, surveying all existence like a herdsman. 2. Beholding men he sits amid the heaven filling the two world-halves and air's wide region. He looks upon the rich far-spreading pastures between the eastern and the western limit. 3. He, root of wealth, the gatherer-up of treasures, looks with his might on every form and figure. Savitar, like a God whose Law is constant, stands in the battle for the spoil like Indra. 4. Waters from sacrifice came to the Gandharva Visvavasu, O Soma, when they saw him. Indra, approaching quickly, marked their going, and looked around upon the Sun's enclosures. 5. This song Visvavasu shall sing us, meter of air's mid-realm celestial Gandharva, That we may know aright both truth and falsehood: may he inspire our thoughts and help our praises. 6. In the floods' track he found the booty seeker: the rocky cow-pen's doors he threw wide open. These, the Gandharva told him, Rowed with Amrta. Indra knew well the puissance of the dragons.