The Hymns of the Rigveda/Book 7/Hymn 25
1. WHEN with thy mighty help, O potent Indra, the armies rush together in their fury. When from the strong man's arm the lightning flieth, let not the mind go forth to side with others. 2. O Indra, where the ground is hard to traverse, smite down our foes, the mortals who assail us, Keep far from us the curse of the reviler: bring us accumulated store of treasures. 3. God of the fair helm, give Sudas a hundred succours, a thousand blessings, and thy bounty. Strike down the weapon of our mortal foeman: bestow upon us splendid fame and riches. 4. I wait the power of one like thee, O Indra, gifts of a Helper such as thou art, Hero. Strong, Mighty God, dwell with me now and ever: Lord of Bay Horses, do not thou desert us. 5. Here are the Kutsas supplicating Indra for might, the Lord of Bays for God-sent conquest. Make our foes ever easy to be vanquished: may we, victorious, win the spoil, O Hero. 6. With precious things, O Indra, thus content us: may we attain to thine exalted favour. Send our chiefs plenteous food with hero children. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.