The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Shone, Lt.-General Sir William Terence
Shone, Lt.-General Sir William Terence, K.C.B. (1906), D.S.O. (1891); b. 1850; entered the Royal Engineers, 1871; became Lt.-General, 1903; served in the Afghan War, 1878-80; Mahsud Waziri Expedition, 1881; Burma Expedition, 1885-87; C.O., of Royal Engineers, Chitral Relief Force, 1895; Colonel on the Staff of R.E. China Expedition, 1900-01; Director-General of Military Works, India, 1901-03; Lt.General, 1900; Inspector-General of Fortifications at Head Quarters, 1903-04; retired, 1907; m. Janet, d. of Right Hon’ble General Fitzbibbon, Lord Justice of Appeal in Ireland, 1893. Address: Ridgemount Bassett, Southampton. Club: Junior United Service.