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The Interpretation of Dreams/Index

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1218347The Interpretation of Dreams — Literary IndexAbraham Arden BrillSigmund Freud


Abraham, K., 78, 245
Absurd dreams, 59, 327, 334364
Absurdity of dreams, 327
Acceleration of thought in dreams, 397
Accidental stimuli, 185, 186
Adler, Alf., 241
Affects, flagging of, 457
—— in the dream, 364389
—— inversion of, 375
—— restraint of, 372
—— sources of, 382
—— suppression of, 371, 372, 375
—— transformation of, 479
Agoraphobia, 249, 259
Alarm clock dreams, 21, 22, 186
Allegorising interpretation of dreams, 48
—— symbolisms, 81
Altruistic impulses, 212
Ambiguity of dreams, 125
Amnesia, 412, 413
Analyses of dreams, 90102, 116120, 124128, 131, 143146, 155157, 160166, 167183, 193196, 201203, 219221, 227230, 232259, 264283, 308, 309, 312, 317, 318, 320364, 366376, 378389, 397, 398, 460462
—— self, 87
Analysis of dream life, 33
—— of psychological formations, 487
Anamnesis, 281
Anxiety dreams, 27, 28, 74, 114, 136, 137, 199, 200, 226, 231, 245, 247, 413, 436, 458464
Apparent duration of dreams, 53
Arbitrariness in dream interpretation, 190
Aristotle, 2, 27
Arithmetic speeches in dreams, 322334
Artemidoros of Daldis, 82, 481
Artificial dreams, 81
Artigues, 27
Association dreams, 186
Auditory hallucinations, 26
—— pictures, 41
Automatisms, 489

Benedikt, M., 392
Benini, V., 37; quoted, 59
Bernard, Claude, 414
Binz, C., 63; quoted, 14, 47
Bisexuality, 481
Bladder-exciting dreams, 72
Bleuler and Freud, 41, 81, 111
Bodily stimuli, 185, 193
—— —— symbolisation of, 190
Boerner, 28
Brandes, G., 225
Breuer, J., 83, 470
Brill, A. A., 111, 136, 195, 240, 419
Bruecke, 325, 357
Burdach quoted, 4, 5, 4143, 65, 68, 188
Buzareingues, Giron de, 19

Calkins, Miss Whiton, 15, 16, 36, 186
Causality, law of, 42
Causal relations, 292, 293
Censor of resistance, 287
Cerebral anemia, 463, 464
Chabaneix, 36, 53
Characteristics of the sleeping state, 466
Chemistry of the sexual processes, 276
Childish impressions, 323
Children's dreams, 107112, 155, 438
Chronic psychotic persons, 75
Cicero quoted, 6, 46
Cipher method of interpreting dreams, 82, 83, 87, 245
Clark, G. S., 222
Claustrophobia, 267
Coinage of words in dreams, 279
Complications of the human character, 493
Compositions in dreams, 300, 301
Compression, principle of, 471
Compulsion neurosis, 207, 212, 221
Compulsive ideas, 83, 283
Condensation, principle of, 471
—— work of the dream, 261, 283, 288, 316, 358, 430, 472
Condensing activity of the dream, 277
Conflict of psychic forces, 372
—— of the will, 208, 312
Connection between dream content and reality, 7
Conscious day phantasies, 393
—— end–presentations, 421
—— thought activity in dream formations, 445
—— wishes, 438, 439
Consciousness, problems of, 490
Consolation dreams, 232
Content of perception, 453, 454
Convenience dreams, 105
Correspondence between dreams and reality, 157
Counter volition, 312
—— wish dreams, 133, 135
Curative activity of the dream, 69

Dattner, B., 254
Daudet, A., 268, 392
David, J. J., 280
Day phantasies, 393, 394
Death-wish towards parents, 218
Debacker, 114, 463
De Biran, Maine, 75
Defence-neuropsychoses, 195
Degeneration, 212
D'Hervey, Marquis, 20, 51
Delage, Yves, 152, 467; quoted, 67, 68
Delbœuf, J., 8, 9, 16, 42, 48, 152; quoted, 15, 43, 88
—— theory of, 62, 63
Deliriums of hunger, 447
Delusions, 75, 452
Demonomania, 464
Demonomaniacal hallucinations, 464
Dental irritation, dreams of, 230, 234, 235
—— stimulus, 191
De Sanctis, Sante, 74, 79
"Desired" ideas, 85
Digestive disturbances and dreams, 28, 185
Disagreeable dreams, 112, 135
Disfigurement of dreams, 115, 184, 305, 365
Disfiguring activity of dreams, 327
Displacement in dream formation, 314
Displacement of psychic intensities, 402
Distortion in dreams, 113137, 415
Disturbing stimuli, 62
Divinatory power of the dream, 53
Dream activity, 329, 401
—— affects in the, 364389
—— censor, 198, 387, 407, 409
—— condensation, 261, 283, 286, 288, 315, 358, 430, 472
—— curative activity of the, 69
—— digestive disturbances and the, 28, 185
—— disfigurement, 115, 184, 304, 365
—— displacement, 150, 286288
—— divinatory power of the dream, 53
—— enigma of the, 365
—— ethical feelings in the, 54
—— etiology of the, 53
—— fear, 136
—— formation, 185, 198200, 262, 263, 273, 276, 277, 285, 287, 322, 389, 390, 400, 429, 450, 465, 481
—— —— displacement in, 314
—— —— laws of the, 23
—— —— mechanism of, 297
—— —— origin of the, 416
—— —— psychic activity in, 401
—— formation, requirements of, 322
—— functions of the, 6173, 458
—— hallucinations, 42
—— hypermnesia, 10, 465
—— images, variegated, 189
—— interpretation, cipher method of, 82, 83, 87, 245
—— —— method of, 80102
—— —— problem of, 80
—— —— symbolic, 81
—— illusions, 24
—— influence of sexual excitement on the, 28
—— keystone of the, 415
—— life, theory of, 46, 78
—— material of the, 716
—— means of representation in the, 288
—— memory in the, 716, 14, 48, 184
—— of nerve stimulus, 186
—— obscurity of the, 1
—— origin of the, 407
—— paramnesia in the, 352
—— peculiarity of the, 45
—— phantasy, 7072
—— phenomena of the, 487
—— pre-scientific conception of the, 2
—— problem, present status of the, 1
Dream, problems of the, 3
—— processes, primary, 464474
—— —— psychology of the, 464
—— —— secondary, 474479
—— prophetic power of the, 27
—— psychic activity in the, 46, 68
—— —— capacities in the, 48
—— —— resources of the, 399
—— psychological character of the, 52, 423, 431
—— psychology of the, 416
—— psychotherapy of the, 75
—— reactions, 155
—— regression of the, 431
—— relation of the, to the waking state, 47
—— riddles of the, 444
—— scientific theories of the, 80
—— sources, 1635
—— stimuli, 1635, 139, 155
—— strangeness of the, 1
—— sway of the, 11
—— symbolism, 249
—— the guardian of sleep, 197
—— theories, 6173
—— thoughts, elements of the, 284, 285
—— —— emotions of the, 375
—— —— logical relations among the, 291
—— —— revealed upon analysis, 159
—— —— structure of, 431
—— verbal compositions of the, 283
—— waking caused by the, 452458
—— wishes, 429, 437, 438
—— —— transferred, 455
—— wish–fulfilment of the, 76
—— within the dream, 313
—— work, the, 260402
Dreams about fire, 239
—— absurd, 59, 327, 334364
—— acceleration of thought in, 397
—— alarm clock, 21, 22, 186
—— ambiguity of, 125
—— analyses of, 90102, 116120, 124128, 131, 143146, 155157, 160166, 167183, 193196, 201203, 219221, 227230, 232259, 264283, 308, 309, 312, 317, 318, 320364, 366376, 378389, 397, 398, 460462
—— and mental diseases, 7379
—— —— disturbance, 77
—— anxiety, 27, 28, 74, 114, 136, 137, 199, 200, 226, 231, 245, 247, 413, 436, 458464
Dreams, apparent duration of, 53
—— arithmetic speeches in, 322334
—— artificial, 81
—— as picture puzzles, 261
—— as psychic products, 51
—— association, 186
—— bladder-exciting, 72
—— children's dreams, 107112, 155, 438
—— composition in, 300, 301
—— consolation, 232
—— counter-wish, 133, 135
—— digestive organs and, 185
—— disagreeable, 122, 135
—— disfigurement of, 115, 135
—— disfiguring activity of, 327
—— distortion in, 113137, 415
—— egotism in, 229
—— etiology of, 24, 33, 64
—— examination, 230, 231, 378
—— exhibition, 207, 267, 311
—— experimentally produced, 23
—— forgetting in, 262, 405421
—— formation of, 185, 198200, 262, 263, 273, 277, 285, 287
—— "fractionary" interpretation of, 414
—— hallucinatory, 430
—— harmless, 155, 157
—— headache, 71, 189
—— healing properties of, 66
—— historical significance of, 487
—— hunger, 113, 241
—— hypermnesia, 9, 11
—— hypocritical, 122, 376
—— illusory formations in, 191
—— immoral, 59
—— impression, 232
—— language of, 104
—— mantic power of, 3
—— material of, 138259
—— memory of, 38
—— nerve-exciting, 34
—— of convenience, 105, 241, 451
—— of death, 216, 218
—— of dental irritation, 230, 234, 235
—— of falling, 239
—— of fear, 114, 226
—— of flying, 239
—— of intestinal excitement, 72
—— of inversion, 303
—— of nakedness, 207
—— of neurotics, 87
—— of swimming, 239
—— of the dead, 338 Dreams of thirst, 105, 241
—— of visual stimulation, 191
—— partition of, 293
—— parturition, 243245
—— perennial, 159
—— pollution, 310
—— prophetic power of, 3
—— psychic source of, 33
—— psychological investigation in, 405
—— —— peculiarity of, 39, 40
—— punitive, 378
—— scientific literature on, 179
—— self-correction in, 411
—— sexual, 240
—— —— organs and, 185
—— somatic origin of, 64
—— sources of, 138259
—— supernatural origin of, 3
—— symbolic interpretation of, 316
—— symbolism in, 249259
—— the fulfilment of wishes, 103112, 123, 128, 134, 393
—— theoretical value of the study of, 492
—— theory of the origin of, 29, 127
—— the result of egotistical motives, 346
—— toothache, 189, 190
—— tooth exciting, 72
—— transforming activity of, 327
—— typical, 131137, 203259
—— unburdening properties of, 66
—— urinary organs and, 185
—— why forgotten after awakening, 35
—— wish, 113, 123, 128, 219
—— wish-fulfilment in, 104
—— word coinage in, 279281
Dreaming, psychology of, 154
Dugas, 454; quoted, 46, 50
Duration of dreams, 53
Dyspnœa, 267

Egger, V., 21, 53, 397; quoted, 38
Egotism in dreams, 229
—— of the infantile mind, 226
Elements of dream thoughts, 284, 285
Elimination theory, 458
Ellis, Havelock, quoted, 14, 50, 467
Emotions of the dream thoughts, 375
—— of the psychic life, 197
—— theory of the, 371
Endogenous psychic affections, 419
Endopsychic censor, 416
Endoptic phenomena, 414
End-presentations, 419, 421, 470
Enigma of the dream, 365
Enuresis nocturna of children, 240
Ephialtes, 2
Essence of consciousness, 121
Ethical feelings in the dream, 54
Etiology of dreams, 24, 33, 53, 64, 132
—— of neuroses, 281
Examination dreams, 230, 231, 578
Examination-phobia, 230
Excitation of want, 446
Excitations, unconscious, 440, 448, 460
Exhibitional cravings, 206
Exhibition dreams, 207, 267, 311
External nerve stimuli, 186
—— (objective) sensory stimuli, 1727, 193

Fading of memories, 457
Falling in dreams, 239
Fancies while asleep, 307
Fechner, G. Th., quoted, 39, 40, 46, 424
Federn, Dr. Paul, 239
Fensterln, 170
Féré, 75
Ferenczi, S., 82, 207
Festschrift, 264
Figaro quoted, 175
Fischer, R. P., 55
Flagging of affects, 457
Fliess, W., 140
Fliesse, W., 79
Flying in dreams, 239
Forbidden wishes, 209
Foreconscious wishes, 456
Forgetting in dreams, 3537, 262, 405421
Formation of dreams, 185, 198200, 262, 263, 273, 276, 277, 285, 287, 322, 389, 390, 400, 429, 450, 465, 481
—— of hysterical symptoms, 481, 482
—— of illusions, 187
"Fractionary" interpretation of dreams, 414
France, Anatole, quoted, 78
Freud, Dr., 236, 237, 256, 279
Functions of the dream, 61, 458
Furuncles, 194
Furunculosis, 185

Garnier, 20
Gastric sensations, 30
General and specific sensations, 30
Goblot quoted, 454
Goethe, 486
Gregory, 19
Griesinger, 76, 113
Gruppe, O., quoted, 2
Gschnas, 183
Guislain, 75

Hagen, 75
Hallam, Miss Florence, 13, 113
Hallucinations, 4, 43, 44, 49, 74, 76, 187, 424, 446
—— auditory, 26
—— hypnogogic, 25, 40
—— ideas transformed into, 41
—— of hysteria, 432
—— of paranoia, 432, 433
Hallucinatory dreams, 430
—— paranoia, 77
—— psychoses, 447
—— regression, 448
Harmless dreams, 155, 157
Hartman, Edward von, 113
Hauffbauer, 18
Headache dreams, 71, 189
Healing properties of dreams, 66
Helmholtz, 486
Herbart quoted, 63
Hildebrandt, F. W., 53, 55, 59, 60, 138; quoted, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 20, 21, 47, 51, 57, 58
Hilferding, Mrs. M., 376
Historical significance of dreams, 487
Hohnbaum, 74
Homer, 208
Homosexuality, 233, 248, 304
Human character, complication of, 493
Hunger dreams, 113
Hypermnesia of the dream, 465
Hypermnesic dreams, 9, 11
Hypnogogic hallucinations, 25, 40
—— sensory images, 185
Hypocritical dreams, 122, 376
Hysteria, 283, 418
—— hallucinations of, 432
—— study of, 456
—— theory of, 473
Hysterical counter-reaction, 220
—— identification, 126, 127
—— imitation, 126
—— paralysis, theory for, 444
—— phantasy, 127
—— phobias, 83, 220, 486
Hysterical symptoms, theory of, 449
—— —— formation of, 481, 482, 487
—— vomiting, 449

"Ideal" masochists, 134
Ideas, concatenation of, 295
—— "desired" 85
—— transformation of, 424
—— transformed into hallucinations, 41
—— "undesired," 85
Ideation, unconscious, 459
Illusions, 24, 49, 76
—— formation of, 23, 187
Illusory formations in dreams, 191
Imaginations, 43
Immoral dreams, 59
Impression dreams, 139, 232
Incest, 248
Incomprehensible neologisms, 247
Independent psychic activity in the dream, 68
Individual dream images, 306
—— psychology, 13
Infantile psychology, 211, 221
—— etiology of the neuroses, 373
—— experiences as the source of dreams, 157184
—— phantasies, 407
—— reminiscences, 12, 13
Influence of sexual excitement on the dream, 28
Inner nerve stimuli, 66, 198
—— sensory stimuli, 66
Insomnia, 2
Intensive objective stimulation, 193
Intermediary presentations, 472
—— thoughts, 417
Internal bodily stimulation, 185
—— (subjective) sensory stimuli, 24
Interpretation of pathological ideas, 85
Intestinal excitement dreams, 72
Inversion of affects, 375
Irma's dream, 8890
—— —— analysis of, 90102

Jensen, W., 81
Jessen quoted, 5, 9, 18, 38, 54, 60
Jodl, 48
Jones, Dr., 229
Josephus quoted, 309
Jung, C. G., 78, 234, 309, 419, 421

Kant, 58 ; quoted, 75
Keller, G., quoted, 208 Keys to voluntary mobility, 429
Keystone of the dream, 415
Kleinpaul, 246
Koenigstein, Dr., 264
Koerner, 85
Kontuszówka, 10
Krauss, A., 30, 77; quoted, 75

Ladd, T., 26, 27, 466
Language of dreams, 104
Lasalle, 280
Lasker, 280
Latent dream content, 114, 138, 157, 167, 171, 173, 206, 228, 240, 260, 352
Law of causality, 42
Laws of Association, 49
—— of the dream formation, 23
Legend of King Œdipus, 222224
—— of Nausikaa, 208, 209
Le Lorrain, 21, 53, 397, 447
Lelut, 75
Lemoine, 46
Leuret, theory of, 419
Liébault, A., 450
Lipps, Th., 485, 486; quoted, 188
Literature on dreams, 197
Logical relations among the dream thoughts, 291
Lucretius quoted, 5
Lynkus, 79

Macnish quoted, 19
Maeder, A., 246
Manifestations of pain, 453
Manifest dream content, 114, 138, 159, 166, 173, 181, 240, 243
Manifold determination of the dream content, 285
Mantic power of dreams, 3
Masochistic wish-dreams, 135
Material of the dream, 716, 138259
Maury, A., 1921, 25, 28, 49, 53, 64, 74, 75, 158, 396, 397, 420, 454; quoted, 5, 9, 12, 46, 51, 60, 61
Means of representation in the dream, 288
Mechanism of dream formation, 297
—— of psychoneuroses, 172
Medical theory of dream life, 77
Meier, 18
Memory, fading, 457
—— in the dream, 716, 38, 48
—— traces, 426, 430, 446
Mental diseases, relations between dreams and, 7379
Mental disturbance and dreams, 77
—— stimuli, 34
Method of dream interpretation, 80102, 203
Meyer, C. F., 374
Meynert, 187, 212
Misunderstanding of the dream content, 205
Moral nature of man, 55
Moreau, J., 75
Motor impulses, 220
—— paralysis in sleep, 311, 312
—— stimuli, 189
Müller, J., 25
Muscular sensations, 30
Muthmann, 78
Myers, 9

Näcke, 240
Names and syllables, play on, 280, 281
Nelson, J., 13
Nerve-exciting dreams, 34
Nerve stimuli, 185, 186, 196
Nervous excitements, 306
Neuron excitement, 428
Neuropathology, 481
Neuropsychology, 489
Neuroses, 315
—— etiology of, 281
—— infantile etiology of the, 373
—— psychoanalysis of the, 438
—— psychological explanation of the, 385
—— —— investigation of the, 439
—— psychology of the, 443, 460
—— psychotherapy of the, 439
—— study of the, 456
Neuroses, theory of the, 374
Neurotic fear, 136
Neurotics, psychoanalysis of, 420
Nightmare, 2
Night terrors, 462, 463
Nocturnal excitations, 440
—— sensations, 155
Nordenskjold, O., 111
Novalis quoted, 69

Objective external excitements, 197
Objective sensory stimuli, 1724, 185, 186, 451, 465
Obscurity of the dream, 1
Obsessions, 315, 452
Obsessive impulses, 75
Oppenheim, Prof. E., 493
Organic sensory stimuli, 71
Origin of the dream, 407, 416 Origin of dreams, theory of the, 29
—— of hysterical symptoms, 449
—— of the psychoses, 29
Outer nerve stimuli, 180, 198
—— sensory stimuli, 66

Painful stimuli, 189, 194, 453
Paramnesia in the dream, 352
Paranoia, 63, 206, 207, 418
—— hallucinatory, 77, 432, 433
Partition of dreams, 293
Parturition dreams, 243245
Pathological cases of regression, 435
Pavor nocturnus, 462, 463
Peculiarities of the dream, 45
Penetration into consciousness, 484
Perception content, 453
—— identity, 477
—— stimuli, 426
Peripheral sensations, 30
Perennial dreams, 159
Perversion, 248
Peterson, F., 419
Pfaff, E. R., quoted, 55
Pfister, O., 245
Phantasies, infantile, 407
Phantastic ganglia cells, 73
—— illusions, 187
—— visual manifestations, 25
Phantasy combinations, 43
—— of being arrested, 395
—— of marriage, 395
Phenomena of the dream, 487
Phobias, 315
Physical sensations, 30
—— stimuli, 71, 77, 187
Pilcz, 15
Plasticity of the psychic material, 246
Plato, 493
Pleasure stimulus, 453
Pneumatic sensations, 30
Pollution dreams, 310
Pre–scientific conception of the dream, 2
Presentation content, 210, 365, 367, 389, 424
Present status of the dream problem, 1
Pressure stimulus, 188
Primary psychic process, 152
Prince, Morton, 12
Problems of consciousness, 490
—— of dream interpretation, 80
—— of repression, 479
—— of sleep, 4
Problems of the dream, 3, 260
Prophetic power of dreams, 3, 27
Psi–systems, 425, 428, 431, 453, 475
Psychic activity in the dream, 46, 62, 401
—— apparatus, 426428, 430, 431, 437, 445, 482, 483; diagrams of, 426, 427, 429
—— capacity of the dream, 48, 52, 53
—— censor, 422
—— complexes, 365
—— condition of dream formation, 263
—— dream stimuli, 33
—— emotions, 445
—— exciting sources, 3335
—— function in dream formation, 391
—— impulses, 221
—— infection, 126
—— intensity, 285
—— repression, 476
—— resources of the, 399
—— sensory organs, 490
—— source of dreams, 33
—— state of sleep, 468
—— stimuli, 34
—— symptomatology, 187
Psychoanalysis, 84, 209, 235, 236, 366, 469, 413
—— of adult neurotics, 219
—— of neurotics, 87, 154, 420
—— of the neuroses, 438
Psychoanalytic investigations, 9
—— method of treatment, 78, 491
Psychological character of the dream, 52, 423, 431
—— explanation of the neuroses, 385
—— formations, 471
—— —— analysis of, 487
—— investigation in dreams, 405, 422
—— —— of the neuroses, 439
—— peculiarity of dreams, 39, 40
Psychology of children, 107
—— of dream activities, 403493
—— of dreaming, 154
—— of the dream, 416, 464
—— of the neuroses, 87, 433, 460
—— of the psychoneuroses, 433
—— of the sleeping state, 184
—— of the unconscious, 385
Psychoneuroses, 87, 127, 199, 283, 318, 365, 393, 480, 492
—— mechanism of the, 172
—— psychology of the, 433
—— sexual etiology for, 347
Psychoneurotic symptom formations, 481 Psychoneurotic symptoms, 473
Psychoneurotics, 221, 223
Psychopathology, 4, 121
—— of the dream, 75
Psychoses, origin of the, 29
Psychosexual excitements, 200
Psychotherapy, 457
—— of the neuroses, 439
Punitive dreams, 378
Purkinje quoted, 69
Purpose served by condensation, 277
Purposeful nature of dream-forgetting, 410

Radestock, P., 20, 28, 37, 38, 48, 74, 113; quoted, 5, 46, 54, 59, 76, 77
Rank, O., 78, 85, 242, 379; quoted, 136
Regard for presentability, 313322
Regression, 422435
—— of the dream, 431
Relation between dream content and dream stimuli, 187
—— between dreams and mental diseases, 7379
—— between dreams and the psychoses, 74
—— of sexuality to cruelty, 284
—— of the dream to the waking state, 47, 138
Repressed wishes, 199
Repression, 478, 479, 484
Requirements of dream formation, 322
Restraint of affects, 372
Riddles of the dream, 33, 34, 444
Riklin, 78
Robert, W., 13, 138, 139, 467; quoted, 65, 66
—— elimination theory of, 458
Robitsek, Dr. R., 81, 82
Rosegger quoted, 376, 377, 378

Scaliger's dream, 9
Schemer, R. A., 30, 31, 33, 6971, 80, 189191, 310, 434, 467, 486
Scherner's method of dream interpretation, 319
Schelling, school of, 3
Schiller, Fr., quoted, 85, 86, 361
Schleiermacher, Fr., 40, 59, 85
Scholz, Fr., 48, 112; quoted, 15, 55
Schopenhauer, 29, 54, 75
Scientific literature on dreams, 179
—— theories of the dream, 80
Secondary elaboration, 355, 389402, 454, 461
Self-analyses, 87, 380
Self-correction in dreams, 411
Sensational intensity, 285
Sensations, gastric, 30
—— muscular, 30
—— nocturnal, 155
—— of falling, 466
—— of flying, 466
—— of impeded movement, 311
—— peripheral, 30
—— physical, 30
—— pneumatic, 30
—— sexual, 30
Senseful psychological structures, 1
Sensory images, 186
—— —— hypnogogic, 185
—— intensity, 306
—— organs, psychic, 491
—— stimuli, 1727, 187, 189, 454
—— —— (objective), 185
—— —— (organic), 71
—— —— (outer and inner), 66
—— —— (subjective), 185
Sexual anamnesis, 281
—— dreams, 240
—— etiology, 281
—— —— for psychoneuroses, 347
—— organs and dreams, 185
—— sensations, 30
—— symbolism, 319
—— symbols, 246, 248
—— wish feelings, 480
Shakespeare quoted, 333
Siebeck, A., quoted, 48
Silberer, H., 41
Simon, B. M., 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, 112
Sleep, problems of, 4
—— psychic state of, 468
Sources of affects, 382
—— of dreams, 138259
Somatic dream stimuli, 33
—— exciting sources, 53
—— origin of dreams, 64
—— sources of dreams, 184
—— theory of stimulation, 185
Spitta, W., 28, 41, 47, 50, 55, 75, 406; quoted, 39, 46, 48, 58
Stekel, W., 78, 232, 241, 248, 251, 298, 313
—— accidental stimuli, 185, 186
Stimuli of dreams, 1635
—— of perception, 426
—— pain, 453
—— physical, 71, 77 Stimuli, pleasure, 453
—— psychic, 34
Strangeness of the dream, 1
Stricker, 364; quoted, 48, 61
Structure of dream thoughts, 431
Strumpell, L., 16, 31, 36, 42, 47, 138, 154, 186, 188, 191; quoted, 4, 5, 11, 14, 23, 27, 37, 45, 49
Study of the neuroses, 456
Stumpf, E. J. G., 81
Subjective sensory stimuli, 2427, 185
Supernatural dream content, 466
—— origin of dreams, 3
Suppressed wishes, 199, 209
Suppression of the affects, 371, 372, 375
Sway of the dream, 11
Swimming in dreams, 239
Swoboda, H., 79, 140142
Symbolic concealment, 310
—— dream formations, 310
—— —— interpretation, 81, 316
—— methods of interpreting dreams, 83
Symbolisation of bodily stimuli, 190
—— of the body, 319
Symbolism in dreams, application of, 249259
—— sexual, 319
Symbols in the dream content, 246
—— sexual, 246, 248
Synthesis of syllables, 278

Tabetic paralysis, 282
Tactile stimulus, 188
"Tannhauser," quotation from, 272
Taylor, B., 269
Temporal relations of life, 346
Theoretical value of the study of dreams, 492
Theories of the dream, 6173
Theory of dream life, 46
—— of dreams, 127
—— of hysteria, 473
—— of hysterical paralysis, 444
—— of Leuret, 419
—— of organic stimulation, 310
—— of partial waking, 24
—— of psychoneurotic symptoms, 449
—— of somatic stimuli, 188
—— of the psychoneuroses, 480
—— of wish-fulfilment, 374, 376, 435, 458
—— of the emotions, 371
Theory of the neuroses, 374
Thirst dreams, 105
Thomayer, 74
Thought identity, 477
Tissié, Ph., 28, 29, 38, 74, 113; quoted, 27, 34
Toothache dreams, 189, 190
Tooth-exciting dreams, 72
Trains of thought revealed by analysis, 263
Transferred dream-wishes, 455
Transformation of affects, 479
—— of ideas, 424
Transforming activity of dreams, 327
—— ideas into plastic images, 435
Transvaluation of psychic values, 306, 402, 409
Trenck, Baron, 1, 3
Typical dreams, 31, 131, 203259

Unburdening properties of dreams, 66
Unconscious end-presentations, 418
—— excitations, 440, 448, 460
—— ideation, 459
—— phantasies, 486
—— psychic life, 220
—— —— process, 485
—— wishes, 438, 443, 457, 479493
"Undesired" ideas, 85
Undesirable presentations, 59, 60, 414
Unmoral period of childhood, 212
Unwished-for presentations, 418
Urinary organs and dreams, 185

Variegated dream images, 189
Verbal compositions of the dream, 283
Visceral sensations, 191
Visions, 4, 424
Visual excitation, 434
—— pictures, 41
Vold, J. Mourly, 32
Volition, 312
Volkelt, J., 30, 71, 113, 189, 191, 319; quoted, 11, 20, 34, 49, 54, 59, 69, 70, 72, 190

Waking caused by the dream, 452458
"Weaver's Masterpiece," quotation from, 265
Weed, Sarah, 113
Weed-Hallam, 138 Weygandt, W., 5, 20, 28, 34, 49; quoted, 105
Why dreams are forgotten, 35
Winckler, Hugo, 82
Wish-dreams, 113, 123, 128, 219
—— —— masochistic, 135
Wishes, forbidden, 209
—— foreconscious, 456
—— repressed, 199
—— suppressed, 199, 209
—— unconscious, 438, 443, 457, 479, 493
Wish-fulfilment of the dream, 76, 104, 205, 229, 233, 389, 423, 435452
—— —— theory of, 374, 376, 458
Word-play and dream activity, 315
Work of displacement, 283288
Wundt, 23, 34, 48, 49, 71, 187, 188; quoted, 75
—— theory of, 198

Zalzstangeln, 183
Zola, E., 182