The Isle of Pines (Neville)
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The combined Parts as issued in 1668
The Isle of Pines OR,
[53] A late Difcovery of a fourth ISLAND near Terra Auftralis, Incognita
Henry Cornelius Van Sloetten.
Wherein is contained. A True Relation of certain Englifh perfons, who in Queen Elizabeths time, making a Voyage to the Eaft Indies were caft away, and wracked near to the Coaft of Terra Auftralis, Incognita, and all drowned, except one Man and four Women. And now lately Anno Dom. 1667. a Dutch Ship making a Voyage to the Eaft Indies, driven by foul weather there, by chance have found their Posterity, (fpeaking good Englifh) to amount (as they fuppofe) to ten or twelve thoufand perfons. The whole Relation (written and left by the Man himfelf a little before his death, and delivered to the Dutch by his Grandchild) Is here annexed with the Longitude and Latitude of the Ifland, the fituation and felicity thereof, with other matter obfervable. Licenfed July 27. 1668. London, Printed for Allen Banks and Charles Harper next door to the three Squerrills in Fleet-ftreet, over againft St Dunftans Church, 1668. Two Letters concerning the Ifland of Pines to a Credible perfon in Covent Garden. IT is written by the laft Poft from Rochel, to a Merchant in this City, that there was a French fhip arrived, the Majler and Company of which reports, that about 2 or 300 Leagues Northweft from Cape Finis Terre, they fell in with an Ifland, where they went on fhore, and found about 2000 Englifh people without cloathes, only fome fmall coverings about their middle, and that they related to them, that at their firft coming to this Ifland (which was in Queen Elizabeths time) they were but five in number men and women, being caft on fhore by diftrefs or otherwife, and had there remained everfince, without having any correfpondence with any other people, or any fhip coming to them. This ftory feems very fabulous, yet the Letter is come to a known Merchant, and from a good hand in France, fo that I thought fit to mention it, it may be that there may be fome miftake in the number of the Leagues, as alfo of the exact point of the Compafs, from Cape Finis Terre; I fhall enquire more particularly about it. Some Englifh here fuppofe it may be the Ifland of Brafile which have been fo oft fought for, Southweft from Ireland, if true, we fhall hear further about it; your friend and Brother, Abraham Keek. Amfterdam, July the 6th 1668. IT is faid that the Jhip that difcovered the Ifland, of which I hinted to you in my laft, is departed from Rochel, on her way to Zealand, feveral perfons here have writ thither to enquire for the faid Veffel, to know the truth of this bufinefs. I was promifed a Copy of the Letter [54]Amfterdam, June the 29th 1668.that came from France, advifing the difcovery of the Ifland above-faid, but its not yet come to my hand; when it cometh, or any further news about this Ifland, I fhall acquaint you with it, Your Friend and Brother, A. Keck. page 1 [55]Discovered Near to the Coaft of Terra Auftralis Incognita, by Henry Cornelius Van Sloetten, in a Letter to a friend in London, declaring the truth of his Voyage to the Eaft Indies. SIR, I Received your Letter of this fecond inftant, wherein you defire me to give you a further account concerning the Land of Pines, on which we were driven by diftrefs of Weather the laft Summer, I alfo perufed the Printed Book thereof you fent me, the Copy of which was furreptioufly taken out of my hands, elfe fhould I have given you a more fuller account upon what accafion we came thither, how we were entertained, with fome other circum-page 2ftances of note wherein that relation is defective. To fatisfie therefore your de fires, I fhall briefly yet fully give you a particular account thereof, with a true Copy of the Relation it felf; defiring you to bear with my blunt Phrafes, as being more a Seaman then a Scholler. April the 26th 1667. We fet fail from Amfterdam, intending for the Eaft-Indies; our fhip had to name the place from whence we came, the Amfterdam burthen 350. Tun, and having a fair gale of Wind, on the 27 of May following we had a fight of the high Peak Tenriffe belonging to the Canaries, we have touched at the Ifland Palma, but having endeavoured it twice, and finding the winds contrary, we fteered on our coufe by the Ifles of Cape Ferd, or Infiila Capitis Viridis, where at St. James's we [56]took in frefh water, with fome few Goats, and Hens, wherewith that Ifland doth plentifully abound. June the 14. we had a fight of Madagafcar, or the Ifland of St Laurence, an Ifland of 4000 miles in compafs, and fcituate under the Southern Tropick; thither we fleered our courfe, and trafficked with the inhabitants for Knives, Beads, Glaffes and the like, having in exchange thereof Cloves and Silver. Departing from thence we were incountred with a violent ftorm, and the winds holding contrary, for the fpace of a fortnight, brought us back almoft as far as the Ifle Del Principe; during which time many of our men fell fick, and fome dyed, but at the end of that time it pleafed God the wind favoured us again, and we fteered on our courfe merrily, for the fpace of ten days: when on a fudden we were encountered with fuch a violent ftorm, as if all the four winds together had confpired for our deftruction, fo that the ftouteft fpirit of us all quailed, expecting every hour to be devoured by that mercilefs element of water, fixteen dayes together page 3 did this ftorm continue, though not with fuch violence as at the firft, the Weather being fo dark all the while, and the Sea fo rough, that we knew not in what place we were, at length all on a fudden the Wind ceafed, and the Air cleared, the Clouds were all difperfed, and a very ferene Sky followed, for which we gave hearty thanks to the Almighty, it being beyond our expectation that we fhould have efcaped the violence of that ftorm. At length one of our men mounting the Main-maft efpyed fire, an evident fign of fome Countrey near adjoyning, which prefently after we apparently difcovered, and fteering our courfe [57]more nigher, we faw feveral perfons promifcuoufly running about the shore, as it were wondering and admiring at what they faw: Being now near to the Land, we manned out our long Boat with ten perfons, who approaching the fhore, asked them in our Dutch Tongue What Eyland is dit? to which they returned this Anfwer in Englifh, "that they knew not what we faid." One of our Company named Jeremiah Hanzen who underftood Englifh very well, hearing their words difcourft to them in their own Language; fo that in fine we were very kindly invited on fhore, great numbers of them flocking about us, admiring at our Cloaths which we did wear, as we on the other fide did to find in fuch a ftrange place, fo many that could fpeak Englifh and yet to go naked. Four of our men returning back in the long Boat to our Ships company, could hardly make them believe the truth of what they had feen and heard, but when we had brought our fhip into harbour, you would have bleft your felf to fee how the naked Iflanders flocked unto us, fo wondering at our fhip, as if it had been the greateft miracle of Nature in whole World. page 4 We were very courteoufly entertained by them, prefenting us with fuch food as that Countrey afforded, which indeed was not to be defpifed; we eat of the Flefh both of Beafts, and Fowls, which they had cleanly dreft, though with no great curiofity, as wanting materials, wherewithal to do it; and for bread we had the infide or Kernel of a great Nut as big as an Apple, which was very wholfome, and found for the body, and tafted to the Pallat very delicious. Having refrefhed our felves, they invited us to the Pallace [58]of their Prince or chief Ruler, fome two miles diftant off from the place where we landed; which we found to be about the big-nefs of one of our ordinary village houfes, it was fupported with rough unhewn pieces of Timber, and covered very artificially with boughs, fo that it would keep out the greateft fhowers of Rain, the fides thereof were adorned with feveral forts of Flowers, which the fragrant fields there do yield in great variety. The Prince himfelf (whofe name was William Pine the Grandchild of George Pine that was firft on fhore in this Ifland) came to his Pallace door and faluted us very courteoufly, for though he had nothing of Majefty in him, yet had he a courteous noble and deboneyre fpirit, wherewith your Englifh Nation (efpecially thofe of the Gentry) are very much indued. Scarce had he done faluting us when his Lady or Wife, came likewife forth of their Houfe or Pallace, attended on by two Maid-fervants, the was a woman of an exquifite beauty, and had on her head as it were a Chaplet of Flowers, which being intermixt with feveral variety of colours became her admirably. Her privities were hid with fome pieces of old Garments, the Relicts of thofe Cloaths (I fuppofe) of them which firft came hither, and yet being adorned with Flowers thofe very rags feemeth beautiful; and page 5 indeed modefty fo far prevaileth over all the Female Sex of that Ifland, that with grafs and flowers interwoven and made ftrong by the peelings of young Elms (which grow there in great plenty) they do plant together fo many of them as ferve to cover thofe parts which nature would have hidden. We carried him as a prefent fome few Knives, of which we [59]thought they had great need, an Ax or Hatchet to fell Wood, which was very acceptable unto him, the Old one which was caft on fhore at the firft, and the only one that they ever had, being now fo quite blunt and dulled, that it would not cut at all, fome few other things we alfo gave him, which he very thankfully accepted, inviting us into his Houfe or Pallace, and caufing us to fit down with him, where we refrefhed our felves again, with fome more Countrey viands which were no other then fuch we tafted of before; Prince and peafant here faring alike, nor is there any difference betwixt their drink, being only frefh fweet water, which the rivers yield them in great abundance. After fome little paufe, our Companion (who could fpeak Englifh) by our requeft defired to know of him fomething concerning their Original and how that people fpeaking the Language of fuch a remote Countrey, fhould come to inhabit there, having not, as we could fee, any ships or Boats amongft them the means to bring them thither, and which was more, altogether ignorant and meer ftrangers to fhips, or shipping, the main thing conducible to that means, to which requeft of ours, the courteous Prince thus replyed. Friends (for fo your actions declare you to be, and fhall by ours find no lefs) know that we are inhabitants of this Ifland of no great ftanding, my Grandfather being the firft that ever fet foot on this fhore, whofe native Countrey was page 6 a place called England, far diftant from this our Land, as he let us to underftand; He came from that place upon the Waters, in a thing called a Ship, of which no queftion but you may have heard; feveral other perfons were in his company, not intending to have come [60]hither (as he faid) but to a place called India, when tempeftuous weather brought him and his company upon this Coaft, where falling among the Rocks his fhip fplit all in pieces; the whole company perishing in the Waters, faving only him and four women, which by means of a broken piece of that Ship, by Divine affiftance got on Land. What after paffed (faid he) during my Grandfathers life, I fhall fhow you in a Relation thereof written by his own hand, which he delivered to my Father being his eldeft Son, charging him to have a fpecial care thereof, and afhuring him that time would bring fome people or other thither to whom he would have him to impart it, that the truth of our firft planting here might not be quite loft, which his commands my Father dutifully obeyed; but no one coming, he at his death delivered the fame with the like charge to me, and you being the firft people, which (befides our felves) ever fet footing in this Ifland, I shall therefore in obedience to my Grandfathers and Fathers commands, willingly impart the fame unto you. Then ftepping into a kind of inner room, which as we conceived was his lodging Chamber, he brought forth two sheets of paper fairly written in Englifhy (being the fame Relation which you had Printed with you at London) and very diftinctly read the fame over unto us, which we hearkened unto with great delight and admiration, freely proffering us a Copy of the fame, which we afterward took and brought away along with us; which Copy hereafter followeth.{1}
1 Here begins the first part of the tract.
[61]A Way to the Eaft India's being lately difcovered by Sea, to the page 7 South of Affrich by certain Portugals, far more fafe and profitable then had been heretofore; certain Englifh Merchants encouraged by the great advantages arifing from the Eaftern Commodities, to fettle a Factory there for the advantage of Trade. And having to that purpofe obtained the Queens Royal Licence Anno Dom. 1569. 11. or 12. Eliz. furnifht out for thofe parts four fhips, my Mafter being fent as Factor to deal and Negotiate for them, and to fettle there, took with him his whole Family, (that is to fay) his Wife, and one Son of about twelve years of age, and one Daughter of about fourteen years, two Maidfervants, one Negro female slave, and my Self, who went under him as his Book-keeper, with this company on Monday the third of April next following, (having all neceffaries for Houfekeeping when we fhould come there), we Embarqued our felves in the good fhip called the India Merchant, of about four hundred and fifty Tuns burthen, and having a good wind, we on the fourteenth day of May had fight of the Canaries, and not long after of the Ifles of Cafe Vert or Verd, where taking in fuch things as were neceffary for our Voyage, and fome frefh Provifions, we ftearing our courfe South, and a point Eaft, about the firft of Auguft came within fight of the Ifland of St Hellen, where we took in fome frefh water, we then fet our faces for the Cape of Good Hope, where by Gods bleffing after fome ficknefs, whereof fome of our company died, though none of our family; and hitherto we had met with none but calm weather, yet fo it pleafed God, when we were almoft in fight of St. Laurence, an Ifland fo called, one of the greateft in the world, as [62]Marriners fay, we were overtaken and difperfed by a great ftorm of Wind, which continued with luch violence page 8 many days, that lofing all hope of fafety, being out of our own knowledge, and whether we fhould fall on Flats or Rocks, uncertain in the nights, not having the leaft benefit of the light, we feared moft, alwayes wifhing for day, and then for Land, but it came too foon for our good; for about the firft of October, our fears having made us forget how the time paffed to a certainty; we about the break of day difcerned Land (but what we knew not) the Land feemed high and Rockey, and the Sea continued ftill very ftormy and tempeftuous, infomuch as there feemed no hope of fafety, but looked fuddenly to perifh. As we grew near Land, perceiving no fafety in the fhip, which we looked would fuddenly be beat in pieces: The Captain, my Mafter, and fome others got into the long Boat, thinking by that means to fave their lives, and prefently after all the Seamen caft themfelves overboard, thinking to fave their lives by fwimming, onely myfelf my Mafters Daughters, the two Maids, and the Negro were left on board, for we could not fwim; but thofe that left us, might as well have tarried with us, for we faw them, or moft of them perifh, our felves now ready after to follow their fortune, but God was pleafed to fpare our lives, as it were by miracle, though to further forrow; for when we came againft the Rocks, our fhip having endured two or three blows againft the Rocks, (being now broken and quite foundred in the Waters), we having with much ado gotten our felves on the Bowfpright, which being broken off, was driven by the Waves into a fmall Creek, wherein fell a little River, which being encompaffed by the Rocks [63]was fheltered from the Wind, fo that we had opportunity to land our felves, (though almoft drowed) in all four perfons, befides the Negro: when we were got upon the Rock, we could perceive the miferable Wrack to our great terrour, I had in my page 9 pocket a little Tinder-box, and Steel, and Flint to ftrike fire at any time upon occafion, which ferved now to good Purpofe, for its being fo clofe, preferved the Tinder dry, with this, and the help of fome old rotten Wood which we got together, we kindled a fire and dryed our felves, which done, I left my female company, and went to fee, if I could find any of our Ships company, that were efcaped, but could hear of none, though I hooted, and made all the noife I could; neither could I perceive the foot-fteps of any living Creature (fave a few Birds, and other Fowls. At length it drawing towards the Evening, I went back to my company, who were very much troubled for want of me. I being now all their ftay in this loft condition, we were at firft afraid that the wild people of the Countrey might find us out, although we faw no footfteps of any, not fo much as a Path; the Woods round about being full of Briers and Brambles, we alfo ftood in fear of wild Beafts, of fuch alfo we faw none, nor fign of any: But above all, and that we had greateft reafon to fear, was to be ftarved to death for want of Food, but God had otherwife provided for us, as you fhall know hereafter; this done, we fpent our time in getting fome broken pieces of Boards, and Planks, and fome of the Sails and Rigging on fhore for fhelter; I fet up two or three Poles, and drew two or three of the Cords and Lines from Tree to Tree, over which throwing fome Sail-cloathes, and having gotten Wood by us, and three [64]or four Sea-gowns, which we had dryed, we took up our Lodging for that night altogether (the Blackmoor being left fenfible then the reft we made our Centry) we flept foundly that night, as having not flept in three or four nights before (our fears of what happened preventing us) neither could our hard lodging, fear, and danger hinder us we were fo over wacht. page 10 On the morrow, being well refrefht with fleep, the winde ceafed, and the weather was very warm; we went down the Rocks on the fands at low water, where we found great part of our lading, either on shore or floating near it. I by the help of my company, dragged moft of it on lhore; what was too heavy for us broke, and we unbound the Casks and Cherts, and, taking out the goods, fecured all; fo that we wanted no clothes, nor any other provifion neceffary for Houfekeeping, to furnifh a better houfe than any we were like to have; but no victuals (the laft water having fpoiled all) only one Cask of bisket, being lighter than the reft was dry; this ferved for bread a while, and we found on Land a fort of fowl about the bignefs of a Swan, very heavie and fat, that by reafon of their weight could not fly, of thefe we found little difficulty to kill, fo that was our prefent food; we carried out of England certain Hens and Cocks to eat by the way, fome of thefe when the fhip was broken, by fome means got to land, & bred exceedingly, fo that in the future they were a great help unto us; we found alfo, by a little River, in the flags, ftore of eggs, of a fort of foul much like our Ducks, which were very good meat, fo that we wanted nothing to keep us alive. On the morrow, which was the third day, as foon as it was morning, feeing nothing to difturb us, I lookt out a convenient [65]place to dwell in, that we might build us a Hut to fhelter us from the weather, and from any other danger of annoyance, from wild beafts (if any fhould finde us out: So cloffe by a large fpring which rofe out of a high hill over-looking the Sea, on the fide of a wood, having a profpect towards the Sea) by the help of an Ax and fome other implements (for we had all neceffaries, the working of the Sea, having caft up moft of our goods) I cut down all the ftraighteft poles I could find, and which were enough page 11 for my purpofe, by the help of my company (neceffity being our Mafter) I digged holes in the earth fetting my poles at an equl diftance, and nailing the broken boards of the Caskes, Cherts, and Cabins, and fuch like to them, making my door to the Seaward, and having covered the top, with fail-clothes ftrain'd and nail'd, I in the fpace of a week had made a large Cabbin big enough to hold all our goods and our felves in it, I alfo placed our Hamocks for lodging, purpofing (if it pleafed God to fend any Ship that way) we might be tranfported home, but it never came to pafs, the place, wherein we were (as I conceived) being much out of the way. We having now lived in this manner full four months, and not fo much as feeing or hearing of any wild people, or of any of our own company, more then our felves (they being found now by experience to be all drowned) and the place, as we after found, being a large Ifland, and difjoyned, and out of fight of any other Land, was wholly uninhabited by any people, neither was there any hurtful beaft to annoy us: But on the contrary the countrey fo very pleafant, being always clothed with green, and full of pleafant fruits, and variety of birds, ever warm, and never [66]colder then in England in September: So that this place (had it the culture, that skilful people might beftow on it) would prove a Paradife. The Woods afforded us a fort of Nuts, as big as a large Apple, whofe kernel being pleafant and dry, we made ufc of inftead of bread, that fowl before mentioned, and a fort of water-fowl like Ducks, and their eggs, and a beaft about the fize of a Goat, and almoft fuch a like creature, which brought two young ones at a time, and that twice a year, of which the Low Lands and Woods were very full, being a very harmlefs creature and tame, fo that we could eafily page 12 take and kill them: Fifh, alfo, efpecially Shell-fifh (which we could beft come by) we had great ftore of, fo that in effect as to Food we wanted nothing; and thus, and by fuch like helps, we continued fix moneths without any difturbance or want. Idlenefs and Fulnefs of every thing begot in me a defire of enjoying the women, beginning now to grow more familiar, I had perfwaded the two Maids to let me lie with them, which I did at firft in private, but after, cuftome taking away fhame (there being none but us) we did it more openly, as our Lufts gave us liberty; afterwards my Mafters Daughter was content alfo to do as we did; the truth is, they were all handfome Women, when they had Cloathes, and well fhaped, feeding well. For we wanted no Food, and living idlely, and feeing us at Liberty to do our wills, without hope of ever returning home made us thus bold: One of the firft of my Conforts with whom I firft accopanined (the talleft and handfomeft) proved prefently with child, the fecond was my Mafters Daughter, and the other alfo not long [67]after fell into the fame condition: none now remaining but my Negro, who feeing what we did, longed alfo for her fhare; one Night, I being afleep, my Negro, (with the consent of the others) got cloffe to me, thinking it being dark, to beguile me, but I awaking and feeling her, and perceiving who it was, yet willing to try the difference, fatisfied my felf with her, as well as with one of the reft: that night, although the firft time, she proved alfo with child, fo that in the year of our being here, all my women were with child by me, and they all coming at different feafons, were a great help to one another. The firft brought me a brave Boy, my Mafters Daughter was the youngeft, fhe brought me a Girl, fo did the other page 13 Maid, who being fomething fat fped worfe at her labour: the Negro had no pain at all, brought me a fine white Girl, fo I had one Boy and three Girls, the Women were foon well again, and the two firft with child again before the two laft were brought to bed, my cuftome being not to lie with any of them after they were with child, till others were fo likewife, and not with the black at all after fhe was with child, which commonly was at the firft time I lay with her, which was in the night and not elfe, my ftomach would not ferve me, although fhe was one of the handfomeft Blacks I had feen, and her children as comly as any of the reft; we had no clothes for them, and therefore when they had fuckt, we laid them in Moffe to fleep, and took no further care of them, for we knew, when they were gone more would come, the Women never failing once a year at leaft, and none of the Children (for all the hardfhip we put them to) were ever fick; fo that wanting now nothing but Cloathes, nor them much neither, other [68]than for decency, the warmth of the Countrey and Cuftome fupplying that Defect, we were now well fatisfied with our condition, our Family beginning to grow large, there being nothing to hurt us, we many times lay abroad on Moffey Banks, under the fhelter of fome Trees, or fuch like (for having nothing elfe to do) I had made me feveral Arbors to fleep in with my Women in the heat of the day, in thefe I and my women paffed the time away, they being never willing to be out of my company. And having now no thought of ever returning home, as having refolved and fworn each to other, never to part or leave one another, or the place; having by my feveral wives, forty feven Children, Boys and Girls, but moft Girls, and growing up apace, we were all of us very flefhly, the Country fo well agreeing with us, that we never ailed any thing; page 14 my Negro having had twelve, was the firft that left bearing, fo I never medled with her more: My Mafters Daughter (by whom I had moft children, being the youngeft and handfomeft) was moft fond of me, and I of her. Thus we lived for fixteen years, till perceiving my eldeft Boy to mind the ordinary work of Nature, by feeing what we did, I gave him a Mate, and fo I did to all the reft, as faft as they grew up, and were capable: My Wives having left bearing, my children began to breed apace, fo we were like to be a multitude; My firft Wife brought me thirteen children, my fecond feven, my Mafters Daughter fifteen, and the Negro twelve, in all forty feven. After we had lived there twenty two years, my Negro died fuddenly, but I could not perceive any thing that ailed her; moft [69]of my children being grown, as faft as we married them, I fent them and placed them over the River by themfelves feverally, becaufe we would not pefter one another; and now they being all grown up, and gone, and married after our manner (except fome two or three of the youngeft) for (growing my felf into years) I liked not the wanton annoyance of young company. Thus having lived to the fiftieth year of my age, and the fortieth of my coming thither, at which time I fent for all of them to bring their children, and there were in number defcended from me by thefe four Women, of my Children, Grand-children, and great Grand-children, five hundred fixty five of both forts, I took off the Males of one Family, and married them to the Females of another, not letting any to marry their fifters, as we did formerly out of neceffity, fo bleffing God for his Providence and goodnefs, I difmift them, I having taught fome of my children to read formerly, for I had left ftill the Bible, I charged it fhould be read once a moneth at page 15 a general meeting: At laft one of my Wives died being fixty eight years of age, which I buried in a place, fet out on purpofe, and within a year after another, fo I had none now left but my Mafters Daughter, and we lived together twelve years longer, at length fhe died alfo, fo I buried her alfo next the place where I purpofed to be buried my felf, and the tall Maid my firft Wife next me on the other fide, the Negro next without her, and the other Maid next my Mafters Daughter. I had now nothing to mind, but the place whether I was to go, being very old, almoft eighty years, I gave my Cabin and Furniture that was left to my eideft fon after my deceafe, who had married my eideft Daughter by my beloved [70]Wife, whom I made King and Governour of all the reft: I informed them of the Manners of Europe, and charged them to remember the Chriftian Religion, after the manner of them that fpake the fame Language, and to admit no other; if hereafter any should come and find them out. And now once for all, I fummoned them to come to me, that I might number them, which I did, and found the eftimate to contain in or about the eightieth year of my age, and the fifty ninth of my coming there; in all, of all forts, one thoufand feven hundred eighty and nine. Thus praying God to multiply them, and lend them the true light of the Gofpel, I laft of all difmift them: For, being now very old, and my fight decayed, I could not expect to live long. I gave this Narration (written with my own hand) to my eldeft Son, who now lived with me, commanding him to keep it, and if any ftrangers fhould come hither by chance, to let them fee it, and take a Copy of it if they would, that our name be not loft from off the earth. I gave this people (defcended from me) the name of the ENGLISH PINES, George Pine being my page 16 name, and my Mafters Daughters name Sarah Englifh, my two other Wives were Mary Sparkes, and Elizabeth Trevor, fo their feverall Defendants are called the ENGLISH, the SPARKS, and the TREVORS, and the PHILLS, from the Chriftian Name of the Negro, which was Philippa, fhe having no furname: And the general name of the whole the ENGLISH PINES; vvhom God blefs vvith the dew of Heaven, and the fat of the Earth, AMEN.{1}
1 Here ended the first part.
[71]After the reading and delivering unto us a Coppy of this Relation, then proceeded he on in his difcourfe. My Grandfather when he wrote this, was as you hear eighty yeares of age, there proceeding from his Loyns one thoufand feven hundred eighty nine children, which he had by them four women aforefaid: My Father was his eldeft fon, and was named Henry, begotten of his wife Mary Sparkes, whom he apointed chief Governour and Ruler over the reft; and having given him a charge not to exercife tyranny over them, feeing they were his fellow brethren by Fathers fide (of which there could be no doubt made of double dealing therein) exhorting him to ufe juftice and fincerity amongft them, and not to let Religion die with him, but to obferve and keep thofe Precepts which he had taught them, he quietly furrendred up his foul, and was buried with great lamentation of all his children. My father coming to rule, and the people growing more populous, made them to range further in the difcovery of the Countrey, which they found anfwerable to their defires, full both of Fowls and Beafts, and thofe too not hurtful to mankinde, as if this Country (on which we were by providence caft without arms or other weapons to defend our felves, or offend others,) fhould by the fame providence be fo inhabited as not to have any need of fuch like weapons of deftruction wherewith to preferve our lives. page 17 But as it is impoffible, but that in multitudes diforders will grow, the ftronger feeking to opprefs the weaker; no tye of Religion being ftrong enough to chain up the depraved nature of mankinde, even fo amongft them mifchiefs began to rife, and they [72]foon fell from thofe good orders prefcribed them by my Grandfather. The fource from whence thofe mifchiefs fpring, was at firft, I conceive, the neglect of hearing the Bible read, which according to my Grandfathers profcription, was once a moneth at a general meeting, but now many of them wandring fer up into the Country, they quite neglected the coming to it, with all other means of Chriftian inftruction, whereby the fence of fin being quite loft in them, they fell to whoredoms, incefts, and adulteries; fo that what my Grandfather was forced to do for neceffity, they did for wantonnefs; nay not confining themfelves within the bound of any modefty, but brother and filter lay openly together; thofe who would not yield to their lewd embraces, were by force ravished, yea many times endangered of their lives. To redrefs thofe enormities, my father affembled all the Company near unto him, to whom he declared the wickednefs of thofe their brethren; who all with one confent agreed that they fhould be feverely punifhed; and fo arming themfelves with boughs, ftones, and fuch like weapons, they marched againft them, who having notice of their coming, and fearing their deferved punifhment, fome of them fled into woods, others paffed over a great River, which runneth through the heart of our Countrey, hazarding drowning to efcape punifhment; But the grandeft offender of them all was taken, whole name was John Phill, the fecond fon of the Negro-woman that came with my Grandfather into this Ifland. He being proved guilty of divers ravifhings & tyrannies committed by him, page 18 was adjudged guilty of death, and accordingly was thrown down from a high Rock into the Sea, where he perifhed [73]in the waters. Execution being done upon him, the reft were pardoned for what was paft, which being notified abroad, they returned from thofe Defait and Obfcure places, wherein they were hidden. Now as Seed being caft into ftinking Dung produceth good and wholefome Corn for the Indentation of mans life, fo bad manners produceth good and wholefome Laws for the prefervation of Humane Society. Soon after my Father with the advice of fome few others of his Counfel, ordained and fet forth thefe Laws to be obferved by them. 1. That whofoever fhould blafpheme or talk irreverently of the name of God fhould be put to death. 2. That who fhould be abfent from the monethly affembly to hear the Bible read, without fufficient caufe fhown to the contrary, fhould for the firft default be kept without any victuals or drink, for the fpace of four days, and if he offend therein again, then to fuffer death. 3. That who should force or ravifh any Maid or Woman should be burnt to death, the party fo ravifhed putting fire to the wood that should burn him. 4. Whofoever shall commit adultery, for the firft crime the Male shall lofe his Privities, and the Woman have her right eye bored out, if after that she was again taken in the act, she should die without mercy. 5. That who fo injured his Neighbour, by laming of his page 19 Limbs, or taking any thing away which he poffeffeth, fhall fuffer in the fame kind himfelf by lofs of Limb; and for defrauding [74]his Neighbour, to become fervant to him, whilft he had made him double fatisfaftion. 6. That, who should defame or fpeak evil of the Governour, or refufe to come before him upon Summons, fhould receive a punifhment by whipping with Rods, and afterwards be exploded from the fociety of the reft of the inhabitants. Having fet forth thefe Laws, he chofe four feveral perfons under him to fee them put in Execution, whereof one was of the Englifhes, the Off-fpring of Sarah Englifh; another of his own Tribe, the Sparks; a third of the Trevors, and the fourth of the Phills, appointing them every year at a certain time to appear before him, and give an account of what they had done in the profecution of thofe Laws. The Countrey being thus fettled, my father lived quiet and peaceable till he attained to the age of ninety and four years, when dying, I fucceeded in his place, in which I have continued peaceably and quietly till this very prefent time. He having ended his Speech, we gave him very heartily thanks for our information, affuring him we should not be wanting to him in any thing which lay in our powers, wherewith we could pleafure him in what he fhould defire, and thereupon preferred to depart, but before our going away, he would needs engage us to fee him, the next day, when was to be their great afsembly or monethly meeting for the celebration of their Religious Exercifes. Accordingly the next day we came thither again, and were courteoufly entertained as before, In a fhort fpace there was gathered fuch a multitude of people together as made us to page 20 admire; [75]and firft there were feveral Weddings celebrated, the manner whereof was thus. The Bridegroom and Bride appeared before him who was their Prieft or Reader of the Bible, together with the Parents of each party, or if any of their Parents were dead, then the next relation unto them, without whofe confent as well as the parties to be married, the Prieft will not joyn them together; but being fatisfied in thofe particulars, after fome fhort Oraizons, and joyning of hands together, he pronounces them to be man and wife: and with exhortations to them to live lovingly towards each other, and quietly towards their neighbors, he concludes with fome prayers, and fo difmiffes them. The Weddings being finifhed, all the people took their places to hear the Word read, the new married perfons having the honour to be next unto the Prieft that day, after he had read three or four Chapters he fell to expounding the moft difficult places therein, the people being very attentive all that while, this exercife continued for two or three hours, which being done, with fome few prayers he concluded, but all the reft of that day was by the people kept very ftrictly, abftaining from all manner of playing or paftimes, with which on other dayes they ufe to pafs their time away, as having need of nothing but victuals, and that they have in fuch plenty as almoft provided to their hands. Their exercifes of Religion being over, we returned again to our Ship, and the next day, taking with us two or three Fowling-pieces leaving half our Company to guard the Ship, the reft of us refolved to go up higher into the Country for a further difcovery: All the way as we paffed the firft morning, we faw abundance of little Cabbins or Huts of thefe inhabitants, made under [76]Trees, and fafhioned up with boughs, grafs, page 21 and fuch like ftuffe to defend them from the Sun and Rain; and as we went along, they came out of them much wondering at our Attire, and ftanding aloof off from us as if they were afraid, but our companion that fpake English, calling to them in their own Tongue, and giving them good words, they drew nigher, fome of them freely proffering to go along with us, which we willingly accepted; but having paffed fome few miles, one of our company efpying a Beaft like unto a Goat come gazing on him, he difcharged his Peece, fending a brace of Bullets into his belly, which brought him dead upon the ground; these poor naked unarmed people hearing the noife of the Peece, and feeing the Beaft lie tumbling in his gore, without fpeaking any words betook them to their heels, running back again as fad as they could drive, nor could the perfwafions of our Company, affuring them they fhould have no hurt, prevail anything at all with them, fo that we were forced to pafs along without their company: all the way that we went we heard the delightful harmony of finging Birds, the ground very fertile in Trees, Grafs, and fuch flowers, as grow by the production of Nature, without the help of Art; many and feveral forts of Beads we faw, who were not fo much wild as in other Countries; whether it were as having enough to fatiate themfelves without ravening upon others, or that they never before faw the fight of man, nor heard the report of murdering Guns, I leave it to others to determine. Some Trees bearing wild Fruits we alfo faw, and of thofe fome whereof we tailed, which were neither unwholfome nor diftafteful to the Pallate, and no queftion had but Nature here the benefit of Art added unto [77]it, it would equal, if not exceed many of our European Countries; the Vallyes were every where intermixt with running ftreams, and no queftion but the earth page 22 hath in it rich veins of Minerals, enough to fatisfie the defires of the moft covetous. It was very ftrange to us, to fee that in fuch a fertile Countrey which was as yet never inhabited, there fhould be notwithftanding fuch a free and clear paffage to us, without the hinderance of Bufhes, Thorns, and fuch like fluff, wherewith moft Iflands of the like nature are peftered: the length of the Grafs (which yet was very much intermixt with flowers) being the only impediment that we found. Six dayes together did we thus travel, fetting feveral marks in our way as we went for our better return, not knowing whether we fhould have the benefit of the Stars for our guidance in our going back, which we made ufe of in our paffage: at laft we came to the vaft Ocean on the other fide of the Ifland, and by our coafting it, conceive it to be of an oval form, only here and there fhooting forth with fome Promontories. I conceive it hath but few good Harbours belonging to it, the Rocks in moft places making it inacceffible. The length of it may be about two hundred, and the breadth one hundred miles, the whole in circumference about five hundred miles. It lyeth about feventy fix degrees of Longitude, and twenty of Latitude, being fcituate under the third Climate, the longeft day being about thirteen hours and fourty five minutes. The weather, as in all Southern Countries, is far more hot than with us in Europe; but what is by the Sun parched in the day, the night again refrefhes with cool pearly dews. The Air is found to [78]be very healthful by the long lives page 23 of the prefent inhabitants, few dying there till fuch time as they come to good years of maturity, many of them arriving to the extremity of old age. And now fpeaking concerning the length of their Lives, I think it will not be amiffe in this place to fpeak fomething of their Burials, which they ufed to do thus. When the party was dead, they ftuck his Carkafs all over with flowers, and after carried him to the place appointed for Burial, where fetting him down, (the Prieft having given fome godly Exhortations concerning the frailty of life) then do they take ftones (a heap being provided there for that purpofe) and the neareft of the kin begins to lay the firft ftone upon him, afterwards the reft follows, they never leaving till they have covered the body deep in ftones, fo that no Beaft can poffibly come to him, and this fhift were they forced to make, having no Spades or Shovels wherewith to dig them Graves; which want of theirs we efpying, beftowed a Pick-ax and two Shovels upon them. Here might I add their way of Chriftening Children, but that being little different from yours in ENGLAND, and taught them by GEORGE PINES at firft which they have fince continued, I fhall therefore forbear to fpeak thereof. After our return back from the difcovery of the Countrey, the Wind not being fit for our purpofe, and our men alfo willing thereto, we got all our cutting Inftruments on Land, and page 24 fell to hewing down of Trees, with which, in a little time,(many hands making light work) we built up a Pallace for this William Pines the Lord of that Countrey; which, though much inferiour to the houfes of your Gentry in England. Yet to them which [79]never had feen better, it appeared a very Lordly Place. This deed of ours was beyond expreffion acceptable unto him, load-ing us with thanks for fo great a benefit, of which he faid he fhould never be able to make a requital. And now acquainting him, that upon the firft opportunity we were refolved to leave the Ifland, as alfo how that we were near Neighbours to the Countrey of England, from whence his Anceftors came; he feemed upon the news to be much difcontented that we would leave him, defiring, if it might ftand with our commodity to continue ftill with him, but feeing he could not prevail, he invited us to dine with him the next day, which we promifed to do, againft which time he provided, very fumptuoufly (according to his eftate) for us, and now was he attended after a more Royal manner than ever we faw him before, both for number of Servants, and multiplicity of Meat, on which we fed very heartily; but he having no other Beverage for us to drink, then water, we fetched from our Ship a Cafe of Brandy, prefenting fome of it to him to drink, but when he had tafted of it, he would by no means be perfwaded to touch thereof again, preferring (as he faid) his own Countrey Water before all fuch Liquors whatfoever. After we had Dined, we were invited out into the Fields to behold their Country Dauncing, which they did with great agility of body; and though they had no other then only page 25 Vocal Mufick (feveral of them finging all that while) yet did they trip it very neatly, giving fufficient fatisfaction to all that beheld them. The next day we invited the Prince William Pines aboard our [80]Ship, where was nothing wanting in what we could to entertain him, he had about a dozen of Servants to attend on him he much admired at the Tacklings of our Ship, but when we came to difcharge a piece or two of Ordnance, it struck him into a wonder and amazement to behold the ftrange effects of Powder; he was very fparing in his Diet, neither could he, or any of his followers be induced to drink any thing but Water: We there prefented him with feveral things, as much as we could fpare, which we thought would any wayes conduce to their benefit, all which he very gratefully received, affuring us of his real love and good will, whenfoever we fhould come thither again. And now we intended the next day to take our leaves, the Wind ftanding fair, blowing with a gentle Gale South and by Eaft, but as we were hoifting of our Sails, and weighing Anchor, we were fuddenly Allarm'd with a noife from the fhore, the Prince, W. Pines imploring our affiftance in an Infurection which had happened amongft them, of which this was the caufe. Henry Phil, the chief Ruler of the Tribe or Family of the Phils, being the Offpring of George Pines which he had by the Negro-woman; this man had ravifhed the Wife of one of the principal of the Family of the Trevors, which act being made known, the Trevors affembled themfelves all together to bring the offender unto Juftice: But he knowing his crime to be fo great, as extended to the lofs of life: fought to defend that page 26 by force, which he had as unlawfully committed, whereupon the whole Ifland was in a great hurly burly, they being too great Potent Factions, the bandying of which againft each other, threatned a general ruin to the whole State. [81]The Governour William Pines had interpofed in the matter, but found his Authority too weak to reprefs fuch Diforders; for where the Hedge of Government is once broken down, the moft vile bear the greateft rule, whereupon he defired our affiftance, to which we readily condefcended, and arming out twelve of us went on Shore, rather as to a furprize then fight, for what could nakednefs do to encounter with Arms. Being conducted by him to the force of our Enemy, we firft entered into parley, feeking to gain them rather by fair means then force, but that not prevailing, we were necefitated to ufe violence, for this Henry Phill being of an undaunted refolution, and having armed his fellows with Clubs and Stones, they fent fuch a Peal amongft us, as made us at the firft to give back, which encouraged them to follow us on with great violence, but we difcharging off three or four Guns, when they faw fome of themfelves wounded, and heard the terrible reports which they gave, they ran away with greater fpeed then they came. The Band of the Trevors who were joyned with us, hotly purfued them, and having taken their Captain, returned with great triumph to their Governour, who fitting in Judgment upon him, he was adjudged to death, and thrown off a fteep Rock into the Sea, the only way they have of punifhing any by death, except burning. And now at laft we took our folemn leaves of the Governour, and departed from thence, having been there in all, the fpace of three weeks and two dayes, we took with us good ftore of the flefh of a Beaft which they call there Reval, being page 27 in taft different either from Beef or Swines-flefh, yet very delightful to the Pallate, and exceeding nutrimental. We took alfo with us alive, [82]divers Fowls which they call Marde, about the bignefs of a Pullet, and not different in tafte, they are very fwift of flight, and yet fo fearlefs of danger, that they will ftand ftill till fuch time as you catch them: We had alfo fent us in by the Governour about two bufhels of eggs, which as I conjecture were the Mards eggs, very lufious in tafte, and ftrenthening to the body. June 8. We had a fight of Cambaia, a part of the Eaft Indies, but; under the Government of the great Cham of Tartary here our Veffel fpringing a leak, we were forced to put to Chore, receiving much dammage in fome of our Commodities; we were forced to ply the Pump for eighteen hours together, which, had that mifcarried, we had inevitably have perifhed; here we ftai'd five dayes mending our Ship, and drying fome of our Goodss and then hoifting Sail, in four days time more we came to Calecute. This Calecute is the chief Mart Town and Staple of all the Indian Traffique, it is very populous, and frequented by Merchants of all Nations. Here we unladed a great part of our Goods, and taking in others, which caufed us to ftay there a full Moneth, during which fpace, at leifure times I went abroad to take a furvey of the City, which I found to be large and populous, lying for three miles together upon the Sea-shore. Here is a great many of thofe perfons whom thy call Brackmans, being their Priefts or Teachers whom they much reverence. It is a cuftome here for the King to give to fome of thofe Brachmain, the handelling of his Nuptial Bed; for which caufe, not the Kings, but the Kings fisters fons fucceed in the Kingdom, as being more certainly known to be of the true Royal blood: And thefe filters of his choofe what Gentleman they page 28 pleafe [83]on whom to beftow their Virginities; and if they prove not in a certain time to be with child, they betake themfelves to thefe Brachman Stalions, who never fail of doing their work. The people are indifferently civil and ingenious, both men and women imitate a Majefty in their Train and Apparel, which they fweeten, with Oyles and Perfumes: adorning themfelves with Jewels and other Ornaments befitting each Rank and Quality of them. They have many odd Cuftoms amongft them which they observe very ftrictly; as firft, not knowing their Wives after they have born them two children: Secondly, not accompanying them, if after five years cohabition they can raife no iffue by them, but taking others in their rooms: Thirdly, never being rewarded for any Military exploit, unlefs they bring with them an enemies Head in their Hand, but that which is ftrangeft, and indeed moft barbarous, is that when any of their friends falls fick, they will rather chufe to kill him, then that he fhould be withered by ficknefs. Thus you fee there is little employment there for Doctors, when to be fick, is the next wan for to be flain, or perhaps the people may be of the mind rather to kill themfelves, then to let the Doctors do it. Having difpatched our bufinefs, and fraighted again our Ship, we left Calecute, and put forth to Sea, and coafted along several of the Iflands belonging to India, at Camboia I met with our old friend Mr. David Prire, who was overjoyed to fee me, to whom I related our Difcovery of the Ifland of Pines, in the fame manner as I have related it to you; he was then but newly recovered [84]of a Feaver, the Air of that place not being agreeable to him; here we took in good ftore of Aloes, and fome other Commodities, and victualled our Ship for our return home. page 29 After four dayes failing we met with two Portugal Ships which came from Lisbon, one whereof had in a ftorm loft its Top-maft, and was forced in part to be towed by the other. We had no bad weather in eleven dayes fpace, but then a fudden ftorm of Wind did us much harm in our Tacklings, and fwept away one of our Sailors off from the Fore Caftle. November the fixth had like to have been a fatal day unto us, our Ship ftriking twice upon a Rock, and at night was in danger of being fired by the negligence of a Boy, leaving a Candle carelefly in the Gun-room; the next day we were chafed by a Pyrate Argiere, but by the fwiftnefs of our Sails we out ran him. December the firft we came again to Madagafcar, where we put in for a frefh recruit of Victuals and Water. During our abode here, there hapned a very great Earthquake, which tumbled down many Houfes; The people of themfelves are very Unhofpitable and Treacherous, hardly to to be drawn to Traffique with any people; and now, this calamitie happening upon them, fo enraged them againft the Chriftians, imputing all luch calamities to the caufe of them, that they fell upon fome Portugais and wounded them, and we feeing their mifchievous Actions, with all the fpeed we could put forth to Sea again, and failed to the Island of St. Hellens. Here we ftayed all the Chrifmas Holy-dayes, which was vere much celebrated by the Governour there under the King of Spain. Here we furnifhed ourfelves with all neceffaries which [85]we wanted; but upon our departure, our old acquaintance Mr. Petrus Ramazina, coming in a Skiff out of the Ifle del Principe, or the Princes Ifland, retarded our going for the fpace of two dayes, for both my felf and our Purfer had Emergent bufinefs with him, he being concerned in thofe Affairs of which I wrote to you in April laft: Indeed we cannot but page 30 acknowledge his Courtefies unto us, of which you know he is never fparing. January the firft, we again hoifted Sail, having a fair and profperous gail of Wind, we touched at the Canaries, but made no tarriance, defirous now to fee our Native Countrey; but the Winds was very crofs unto us for the fpace of a week, at laft we were favoured with a gentle Gale, which brought us on merrily; though we were on a fudden ftricken again into a dump; a Sailor from the main Maft difcovering five Ships, which put us all in a great fear, we being Richly Laden, and not very well provided for Defence; but they bearing up to us, we found them to be Zealanders and our Friends; after many other paffages concerning us, not fo much worthy of Note, we at laft fafele arrived at home, May 26. 1668. Thus Sir, have I given you a brief, but true Relation of our Voyage, Which I was the more willing to do, to prevent falfe Copies which might be fpread of this nature: As for the Ifland of Pines it felf, which caufed me to Write this Relation, I fuppofe it is a thing fo ftrange as will hardly be credited by fome, although perhaps knowing perfons, efpecially confidering our laft age being fo full of Discoveries, that this Place fhould lie Dormant for fo long a fpace of time; Others I know, fuch. Nullifidians as will believe nothing but what they fee, applying that [86]Proverb unto us, That travelers may lye by authority. But Sir, in writing to you, I queftion not but to give Credence, you knowing my difpofition fo hateful to divulge Falfities; I fhall requeft you to impart this my Relation to Mr. W. W. and Mr. P. L. remembring me very kindly unto them, not forgetting my old acquaintance, Mr. J. P. and Mr. J. B. no more at prefent, but only my beft respects to you and your fecond felf I reft, Yours in the beft of friendfhip, Henry Cornelius Fan Sloetten. July 22. 31
ONE thing concerning the Ifle of Pines, I had almoft quite forgot, we had with us an Irifh man named Dermot Conelly who had formerly been in England, and had learned there to play on the Bag-pipes, which he carried to Sea with him; yet fo un-Englifhed he was, that he had quite forgotten your Language, but ftill retained his Art of Bagpipe-playing, in which he took extraordinary delight; being one day on Land in the Ifle of Pines, he played on them, but to fee the admiration of thofe naked people concerning them, would have ftriken you into admiration; long time it was before we could perfwade them that it was not a living creature, although they were permitted to touch and feel it, and yet are the people very intelligible, retaining a great part of the Ingenuity and Gallantry of the Englifh Nation, though they have not that happy means to exprefs themfelves; in this refpect we may account them fortunate, in that poffeffing little, they enjoy all things, as being contented with what they have, wanting thofe alurements to mifchief, which our European Countries are enriched with. I fhall not dilate any further, no queftion but time will make this Ifland known better to the world; all that I fhall ever fay of it is, that it is a place enriched with Natures abundance, deficient in nothing conducible to the fuftentation of mans life, which were it Manured by Agriculture and Gardening, as other of our European Countries are, no queftion but it would equal, if not exceed many which now pafs for praifeworthy.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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