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The Jewish Manual/Index

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Almondegos soup, 11.
Almond pudding, 117.
rice, 126.
paste, 127.
tea-cakes, 152.
Amnastich, 83.
Apple charlotte, 139, 140.
jelly, 166.
sauce, 23.
Apricot jam, 165.
preserve, 164.
marmalade, 163.
Arrowroot pudding, 136.
Asparagus sauce, 28.
soup, 12.

Barley milk, 178.
jelly, 177.
soup, 14.
Batter pudding, 135.
Beans, French, to stew with oil, 93.
au beurre, 96.
to pickle, 170.
Béchamel, 32.
Beef, rump, to stew, 53.
à la mode, or sour meat, 53, 54.
of, an olio, 52.
Beef, stewed with French beans, 54.
with white dried peas and beans, and celery, 56.
collops, 57.
cold roast, to warm, 57.
steak, with chesnuts, 58.
steak, stewed simply, 58.
hash of, 57.
brisket of, with vegetables, 59, 60.
brisket, with onions and raisins, 59.
tea, 171.
ragout of, 60.
steak pie, 188.
to salt, 61.
to spice, 61.
to smoke, 62.
Blanc, 51.
Blanching, directions for, 57.
Blancmange, 147.
Blanquette of veal, 70, 71.
of chicken, 71.
Boiling, rules for, 49.
Bola d'Amor, 114.
Toliedo, 115, 116.
d'Hispaniola, 116.
Bola, plain, 152.
small do., 152.
Bottling fruit, rules for, 161.
Braising, directions for, 52.
Brandy cherries, 162.
Bread crumbs for frying, 36.
and butter pudding, 130.
fruit-tart, 128.
pudding, 135.
sauce, 22.
Brocali, stewed, 93.
Broiling, directions on, 50.
Broth, chicken, 176
Browned bread crumbs, 30.
flour, for colouring and thickening soups, sauces, and gravies, 30.
Butter cakes, 156.
melted, 25.
oiled, 24.

Cabbage and rice stewed, 94.
red, stewed, 96.
to pickle, 172.
Cakes, observations respecting, 113, 114.
almond tea, 152.
rich plum, 153, 154.
siesta, 151.
sponge, 158.
pound, 156.
soda, 155.
diet bread, 154.
for Passover, 158.
a bola, 152.
a very plain, 155.
a plain lunch, without butter, 156.
breakfast, 159.
drop, 154.
cinnamon, 153.
butter, 156.
short, 156.
Cakes, matso, 157.
icing for, 159.
Calf's head to stew, 64.
feet, stewed with Spanish sauce, 64.
au fritur, 65.
stewed simply, 65, 66.
jelly, 145.
Caper sauce, 27, 19.
Carrots, au beurre, 95.
Carp, stewed, 41, 42.
Cassereet, a, 81.
Casserole au riz, 101.
Caudle, 178.
rice, 178.
Cauliflower, to pickle, 170.
Celery, stewed with mutton, 75
Celery sauce, 19.
Charlotte Russe, 189.
a fruit, 190.
apple, 139.
Chestnuts, stewed with steaks, 58.
to roast, 185.
Cheesecakes, 108.
savoury, 98.
Cherry batter pudding, 131.
preserved whole, 165.
Chejados, 119.
Chicken broth, 176.
pudding, 188.
panado, 175.
Chocolate, to make, 182.
Chorissa, 62.
omelette, 109.
stewed with rice and fowl, 83.
Cinnamon cakes, 153.
Citron pudding, 150.
Clarify to, suet, 52.
sugar, 160.
Cocoa nut pudding, 120.
doce, 120.
Coffee, French method of making, 120.
Collard veal, 67.
Collops, beef, 57.
College pudding, 131.
Colouring for soups and sauces, 2, 3, 30, 31.
Commeen, 55.
Consommé, 1, 2, 3.
Cooling, drink a, in fever, 94.
Creams, directions for making, 143, 189.
Crême brun, 128.
Cressy soup, 7.
Croquettes, 100.
Cucumbers, to pickle, 173.
sauce, 29.
mango, 94.
Cumberland pudding, 131.
Currant jelly, 165, 166.
jam, 165.
Curried veal, 68.
chicken, 68.
Custard pudding, 135.
Custards, 144.
Cutlets, veal, 68.
à la Française, 69.
in white sauce, 69.
in brown sauce, 70.
mutton, 78, 79.
lamb, with cucumbers, 81.

Damson marmalade, 163.
Descaides, 89.
Devilled biscuits, 98.
Diet bread cake, 154.
for Passover, 158.
Doce, cocoa nut, 120.
Drink for a cough, 180.
an emollient, 181.
a cooling, in fever, 181.
a refreshing, 181.
Drop cakes, 154.
Duck stewed with peas, 85.
seasoning for, 27.
Dutch, stew of fish, 40.
Dutch toast, 87.

Edgings of Potatoes, 91.
of rice, 91.
Egg paste, 105.
wine, 183.
balls, 36.
marmalade, 121.
sauce, 18.
English, do., 28.
Eggs, scallopped, 98.
savoury, 98.
See omelette.
Escobeche, 34.

Farcie, see forcemeat.
Fish, directions for boiling and broiling, 37.
fried in oil, 38.
in butter, 39.
a soup, 15.
sauce without butter, 21.
sauce to bottle, 22.
stewed white, 39,
brown, 41.
stewed in Dutch fashion, 40.
salad, 44, 40.
fritters, 47.
omelette, 47.
scallopped, 58.
baked haddocks, 43.
herrings, 43, 44.
mackarel, 44.
escobeche, 34.
stewed carp, 41, 42.
of, fillets, 42.
water souchy, 41.
impanado, 55.
white bait, 45, 46.
Fish, fricandelle, 46.
Fondeaux, 102.
Fondu, 102.
Forcemeat, directions for making, 33.
for risoles, fritters, balls, &c., 33, 34.
of fish for croquettes, &c., 35.
for dressing fish fillets, 35.
for dressing cutlets, 35, 36.
Fowls, a savoury way of roasting, 82.
forced and boned, 82.
boiled, 83.
blanquette of , 85.
curried, 84.
stewed with rice, 83.
a nice way of dressing with sweetbread, 84.
broiled with mushrooms, 86.
Fricandelle, Dutch, 46.
Fricandelles, 72.
Fricandeaux, a, white, 62.
brown, 63.
a, superior receipt, 67.
Fricassee of veal, 63.
of sweetbreads, 74.
Fritters of rice, 125.
of French roll, 123.
Fruit pies, 106.
Frying, directions for, 50.

Gateau de tours, 138.
de pomme, 139.
Geese, seasoning for, 27.
German puffs, 117.
Gherkins, to pickle, 170.
Giblet soup, 14.
stewed, 86.
Giblet pie, 108.
Glazing, directions for, 51.
Gloucester jelly, 177.
Gooseberry jam, 165.
Gravy soup, 3.
Gravy, a rich brown, 17.
for roast fowls, 18.
another for ditto, 18.
ditto, when there is no meat to make it with, 20.
to draw strong, 24.
Green, colouring for soups, &c, 31.
Grimstich, 122.
Grosvenor pudding, 149.
Haddocks, to roast or bake, 33.
Haman's fritters, 123.
Harricot, a, 76.
Hartshorn jelly, 176.
Hash a, to make, 57.
Herbs, savoury, for seasoning soups, &c., 27.
Herrings smoked, a nice way of dressing, 43.

Iced pudding, 190.
Iceing for cakes, 159.
Impanado, 45.
Irish stew, 77.
moss, 180.
Italian salad, 191.
Italian cream, 143.

Jams, to make, 165.
Jaumange, 138.
Jerusalem artichokes, 96.
Jelly, savoury, 20.
Jellies, calf s-feet, 145.
orange, 146.
lemon, 146.
hartshorn, 176.
Jellies, Gloucester, 177.
punch, 146.
bread, 177.
noyeau, 146.
apple, 166.
barley, 177.
currant, 165.
Juditha, a, 148.
Julienne, soup à la, 5.

Kimmel meat, 54.
Kugel and commeen, 55.

Lamb, stewed with sprew, 79.
with peas, 80.
cutlets and cucumbers, 80, 81.
shoulder of, a nice receipt for, 81.
Lamplich, 124.
Larding, 51.
Lemon tarts, 126.
jelly, 146.
Luction, 118.

Maccaroni with cheese, 99.
pudding, 136.
Mackarel, baked, 44.
Macrotes, 121.
Malagatany soup, 4.
English do. 5.
Maigre soup, 12.
Maintenont cutlets, 76.
Marmalades, 163.
Melon mango, 171.
Milk, barley, 179.
porridge, 178.
restorative, 179.
Mince meat, 121.
pies, 110.
Minced veal, 71.
Miroton, a, 71, 72.
Mint sauce, 23.
Mock turtle soup, 3.
Melina pie, 109.
Matso cakes, 157.
fried, 157.
diet bread, 158.
Mushrooms au naturel, 96.
large flap, 97.
to pickle, 172.
sauce, 25.
Mutton, a French receipt for roasting, 75.
stewed with celery, 75.
a simple way of dressing, 76.
cutlets maintenant, 76.
a haricot, 76.
Irish stew, 77.
a I'Hispaniola, 77.
collops, 77, 78.
cutlets, 78, 79.
smoked, 79.

Nouilles paste, 105.
Noyeau cream, 143.
jelly, 146.

Oil twist, 153.
Olio, 52.
Omelet sweet, 142.
souflé, 142.
savoury, 99.
chorissa, 109.
Onion sauce, 23.
to pickle, 172.
Orange jelly, 146.
Orgeat, 180.
Ox-tail soup, 16.

Palestine soup, 8.
salad, 99.
Pancakes, 129.
for children, 129.
Parsley crisped, 30.
Parsley fried, 31.
Partridges, 185.
Passover pudding, 133.
ditto, 133.
ditto, 133.
fritters, 134.
a superior kind, 134.
ditto with currants, 134.
balls for soup, 9, 10.
diet bread, 158.
cakes, 157.
Pastry, directions for making, 103.
plain puff paste, 104.
rich, ditto, 105.
short crust, 105.
nouilles or egg paste, 105.
beef dripping paste, 106.
glaize for, 106.
Patty meats, 110.
Peas-soup, summer, 13, 14.
winter, 13.
stewed with oil, 93.
Pears to stew, 150.
to bake, 161.
syrup of, 160.
Pepper pot, 6.
Pheasants, to roast, 185.
Piccalili, 171.
Pickling, rules for, 169.
Pie a fruit, 106.
giblet, 108.
a savoury, 107
a ditto for persons of delicate digestion, 88.
a beef steak, 188.
a French plum, 185.
salmon, 187.
Pigeons, 86.
Pippins, stewed, 151.
Piqué, see larding.
Plum cake, 153.
jam, 167.
pudding, 132.
Pœlée, 51.
Pommes frites, 13.
Porridge, 179.
Potatoes, to mash, 91.
balls, 91.
wall, 91, 92.
shavings, 92.
soup of, 7.
Poultry cold, to warm, 85.
Pound cake, 156.
Prenesas, 118.
Preparation for cutlets, 36.
Preserving, observations on, 161.
Puddings, directions for, 112.
plum, 132.
millet, arrowroot, ground rice, tapioca, sago, 136.
Passover for, 133.
iced, 190.
almond, 117.
cocoa nut, 120.
citron, 150.
Grosvenor, 149.
Yorkshire, 136.
suet, 137.
bread, 135.
rice, 130.
custard, 135.
batter, 135.
cherry batter, 131.
ratafia, 132.
college, 131.
Cumberland, 131.
rich bread and butter, 130.
Punch, 183.
jelly, 144.
whiskey, 184.
Punch milk, 184.
Purée of vegetables, 96.

Quince marmalade, 163.

Rachael, a, 118.
Ragout of beef, 60.
Ramakins, 100.
Raspberries preserved
whole, 165.
jam, 166.
jelly, 166.
Ratafia pudding, 132.
Restorative milk, 176.
jelly, 179.
Rice fritters, 125.
pudding for children, 130.
fruit tart, 127.
souflé, 143.
custard, 128.
caudle, 178.
wall 91.
Risoles, 33, 34, 100.
Roasting, rules for, 50.
Rump of beef stewed, 53.
Russe, a charlotte, 139.

Salmon cutlets, 42.
pie, 187.
Sauces, piquante, 17.
egg, 18.
English, do., 28.
celery, 19.
tomato, 19.
for steaks, 21.
without butter for fish, 21.
for fish to keep, 22.
to serve with ducks, 22.
oiled butter, 24.
bread, 22.
apple, 23.
onions, 23.
Sauces, melted butter, 25.
truffle, 24.
mushroom, 25.
white, to throw over vegetables, 26.
for puddings without butter, 26.
Robert, 26.
caper, 27, 19.
à la Tartare, 28.
for roast mutton, 28.
asparagus, 28.
cucumber, white, 29.
brown, 29.
velouté, 31.
béchamel, 32.
Sauer krout, 56.
Savoury jelly, 20.
herb powder, 27.
Seasoning for poultry, 27.
Siesta, a, 151.
Soda cake, 155.
Sopa d'ora, 119.
Souflé, 140, 141.
omelette, 142.
rice, 143.
Soups, almondegos, a superior white soup, 11.
asparagus, 12.
cressy, 7.
malagatany, 4.
English do., 5.
gravy, 3.
barley, 14.
carrot, 8.
giblet, 14.
Julienne, 5.
mock turtle, 3.
matso, 9.
Palestine, 8.
de poisson, or fish, 15.
ox tail, 16.
peas, summer, 13.
winter, 14.
Soups, potatoe, 7.
à la turque, 6.
vermicelli, 9.
white, a, 9.
tomato, 10.
vegetable, or French, 11.
Spanish beans and peas, 29.
Spinach à la Française, 92.
Sponge cakes, 158.
Spring dish, a, 95.
Staffin, 125.
Steak stewed with chestnuts, 58.
stewed simply, 58.
Stewing, rules for, 50.
Stock—see consomme.
Strawberries preserved whole, 164.
jam, 165.
jelly, 166.
Suet to clarify, 52.
Sugar to clarify, 160.
Sweetbreads roasted, 73.
stewed white. 73.
brown, 74.
fricasseed, 73.

Tart de moy, 122.
Tartlets, 107.
Tendons of veal, 66.
Thickening for soups and sauces, 2.
Timbale of maccaroni, 87.
Tomato soup, 10.
sauce, 17.
dry soup, a, 97.
Tourte à la creme, 149.
Trifle, an easy one, 137.
a still more simple and quickly made, 147.
Truffle sauce, 24.
Turke soup, à la, 6.
Turkey boned and forced, 82.

Veal, a white fricandeaux of, 62.
brown, do. 63.
tendons of, 66.
fricandeaux, 67.
collard, 67.
curried, 68.
cutlets, 68, 69, 70.
blanquette of, 70.
minced, 71.
stuffing, 34.
miroton of, 71, 72.
smoked, 73.
Vegetable or French soup, 11.
observations on, 90.
Velouté, 31.
Venison to roast, 186.
a pasty, 186.
Vermicelli pudding, 136.
soup, 9.
Vol-au-vent, 109.
de fruit, 110.
petits, 110.

Waflers, 126.
Walnuts, to pickle, 173.
Water souchy, 41.
Whey wine, 179.
tamarind, 179.
plain, 180.
White bait, 45, 46.
White soup, 9.
superior, do., 11.
Wine, mulled, 183.
egg, 183.

Yorkshire pudding, 138.

Meldola, Cahn, and Co., Printers, 18, St. Mary Axe, City.