The Jolly Pinder of Wakefield (1689)/The Jolly Pinder of Wakefield
Jolly Pinder of Wakefield,
Robin Hood, Scarlet and John.

IN Wakefield there lives a jolly Pinder,
in Wakefield all on a Green,
in Wakefield all on a Green;
There is neither Knight, nor Squire, said the Pinder
nor Baron that is so bold,
nor Baron that is so bold;
Dare make a trespass to the town of Wakefield
but his Pledge goes to the Pinfold, &c.
All this beheard three witty young men,
'twas Robin Hood, Scarlet, and John, &c.
With that they espy'd the jolly Pinder,
as he sat under a thorn, &c.
Now turn again, turn again, said the Pinder,
for a wrong way have you gone, &c.
For you have forsaken the King's High way
and made a path over the Corn, &c.
O that were great shame, said jolly Robin,
we being three, and thou but one, &c.
The Pinder leapt back then thirty good foot,
'twas thirty good foot and one, &c.
He leaned his back fast unto a thorn,
and his foot against a stone, &c.
And there they fought a long Summers day
a Summers day so long, &c.
Till that their swords on their broad bucklers
were broke fast unto their hands, &c.
Hold thy hand, hold thy hand, said Robin Hood,
and my merry men every one, &c.
For this is one of the best Pinders
that ever I try'd with Sword, &c.
And wilt thou forsake thy Pinders Craft,
and live in Green-wood with me, &c.
At Michaelmas next my Cov'nant comes out,
when every man gathers his fee, &c.
I'le take my blew blade all in my hand,
and plod to the green-wood with thee, &c.
Hast thou either meat or drink? said Robin Hood
for my merry men and me, &c.
I have both bread and beef, said the Pinder,
and good Ale of the best, &c.
And that is Meat good enough, said Robin Hood
for such unbidden Guest, &c.
O wilt thou forsake the Pinder his Craft,
and go to the Green-wood with me? &c.
Thou shalt have a Livery twice in the year,
the one green, the other brown, &c.
If Michaelmas day was come and gone,
and my Master had paid me my fee,
and my Master had paid me my fee;
Then would I set as little by him,
as my Master doth by me,
as my Master doth by me.