The Kobzar of the Ukraine/My Testament
My Testament

WHEN I die, remember, lay me
Lowly in the silent tomb,
Where the prairie stretches free,
Sweet Ukraine, my cherished home.
There, 'mid meadowss' grassy sward,
Dnieper's waters pouring
May be seen and may be heard,
Mighty in their roaring.
When from Ukraine waters bear
Rolling to the sea so far
Foeman's blood, no longer there
Stay I where my ashes are.
Grass and hills I'll leave and fly,
Unto throne of God I'll go,
There in heaven to pray on high,
But, till then, no God I know.
Standing then about my grave,
Make ye haste, your fetters tear!
Sprinkled with the foeman's blood
Then shall rise your freedom fair.
Then shall spring a kinship great,
This a family new and free,
Sometimes in your glorious state,
Gently, kindly, speak of me.